- Probabilistic Spiking Neural Networks
- Expectation Maximization for PSSNs
- Variational Bayes Algorithm 4
- Variational Auto-Encoders Useful for understanding Partially Observed training methods
This repo contains code and results I obtained as part of an internship researching SNNs
- PSSN/ Julia PSSN implementation
- Norse-Pytorch/ Norse demo for comparison
- TestData.xlsx Training results and parameters. Useful for comparing alternative implementations
- PSSN_Presentation.pptx A presentations with some visuals describing obtained results and findings
- Run the PSSN/DataEncoding.jl file to generate the encoded data
- Run Norse-Pytorch/norse-3layer.ipynb to train the norse demo, you can select Iris or MNIST dataset
- Run PSSN/Main.jl to train the julia model. PSSN/PSSN.jl contains the various funtions and structs to define and train a network
- Test PSSN implementation on more diverse training problems
- Fully and Partially Observed models can potentially be combined into a single function using EM
- Port to FluxML or Pytorch for potential performance gain and possibility to utilize back-propagation with the reparameterization trick