Various functional style helpers. Each can be used individually. For particular helper please check the tests.
Let's say you need to quickly compile a report in case something bad happens. This will be needed zero or many times - hence it is only needed to be called if at least once needed.
$errors = new ErrorCollector();
$errorReporter = Funcitonal::memoize(function () use ($errors) {
// Do some time consuming calculation with `$errors`.
return $report;
// Do something.
if ($isErrorA) {
// Do another something.
if ($isErrorB) {
// etc.
Any (or all) verifies if there is at least one (or all) element that has a certain feature.
Say, you wonder there is an unpublished node in a result list:
$hasUnpublished = Functional::any($nodes, function ($node) { return !$node->published; });
Lets say you have a custom form where you have a select field with last 10 node titles.
$titles = array_map(Functional::selfCallFn('getTitle'), $nodeControllerList);
Let's say you have an html wrapper function that wraps input into html tags:
function wrap($tag, $text) {
return "<$tag>$text</$tag>";
And you would like to wrap a list of node titles into H2 tags with array map:
$htmlTitles = array_map(Functional::curry('wrap', 'h2'), $titles);
Let's say you have a function that accepts a formatter callback that sanitize strings, and the formatter needs to contain multiple string formatters:
function format_text($formatter, $text) {
return $formatter($text);
$sanitized = formmat_text(Functional::dot('trim', 'check_plain', 'remove_forbidden_words'), $text);