- Build the UI
- Monitoring page: First graph, same as Operate, number of active worker / number of stopped worker? Second graph, in the last 24 hours, number of correct execution, number of errors? List of workers, for each worker, status (actif/not actif), number of threads, number of execution in the last 24 hours, average time execution, longuest execution List of errors : display errors in the last 24 hours
- Dashboard page for each worker, start/stop it
- documentation page for each worker, page which display the description, input, output, BMPN ControllerPage, examples?
Add a function to build a ZeebeBpmnError, instead to let each workers built its own object
add functions to support the administration page
- added basic index.mustache page with bulma, jquery, and font-awesome
- first version with sample workers