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Installation guide

The purpose of this document is to explain how to install the Runtime.


the purpose of this document is to explain how to install and execute the runtime. The target audience are the administrators.

The runtime is available in multiple forms.

  • A GitHub project (this project). The repository can produce the different artefact or can be run directly

  • A Docker image. The docker image is accessible via the Docker repository or can be built from the project.

The docker image is used in the docker-compose, and the Kubernetes installation.

The runtime accept new connectors / workers. They come from a JAR file.

The runtime accepts multiple way to upload them:

  • Start the runtime. Access the Administration page, section content, and upload the JAR file. The Cherry runtime saved the JAR in a database, and it will be started if you stop / restart the runtime.

  • Start the runtime. Access the Administration page, section Store. Upload the JAR file. It is saved in the local database, and wil be started if you stop / restart the runtime

  • share (mount) a PVC with the runtime. Place in this PVC all connectors / worker JAR. At the beginning, the Cherry Runtime check the PVC, and any JAR or new version is uploaded in the database. This does not require any manual intervention Check the section "Load connectors and workers at startup from a PVC"

  • in the configuration, update the variable ConnectorsAtStartup. The MarketPlace is contacted, and connectors are downloaded. This does not require any manual intervention. Visit the section "Load Connectors from MarketPlace"

From a docker-compose

Visit Docker Compose Installation. This folder contains a H2 and a Postgres execution.

Kubernetes Cluster

Locally in a development environment

The runtime is available in multiple forms.

  • A GitHub project (this project). The repository can produce the different artefact or can be run directly

  • A Docker image. The docker image is accessible via the Docker repository or can be built from the project.

Start from the project

Clone the project on your machine, or download it as a ZIP. When the project is on your machine, start it via:

mvn spring-boot:run

This command recompile the project, and start it.

To start it faster:

  1. Recompile the project (only one time)
mvn install
  1. Start it
java -jar .\target\zeebe-cherry-runtime-<version>-exec.jar

Note: you need to replace the version by the correct value. Check the current value by listing the contents of the directory

Create your docker image

Note: you may want to specify the Zeebe connection before starting. Check the next item.

You can create the Docker Image by this command

mvn install
docker build -t zeebe-cherryruntime:<Version> .

You can pull the image available in the Docker Repository

docker pull zeebe-cherryruntime:<Version> .

Run it with

docker run -p 8888:9081 zeebe-cherryruntime:<Version> .

In the directory docker-cherry, check different docker-compose example file.

Access the project Zeebe-cherry-framework-helm to access some Helm chart to deploy the runtime.

Specify the connection to Zeebe

When you start the runtime, it will require a Zeebe Connection.

You can set up this Zeebe Connection:

  • from the UI, in the section parameters. This information is stored in the local database and have to be provided only one time
  • Before the execution, in the src/main/resources/application.yaml
# use a OnPremise Zeebe engine
  security.plaintext: true

# use a cloud Zeebe engine
  • For the docker image, via some environment variable
    image: "zeebe-cherryruntime:3.0.0"
    container_name: "Cherry-runtime"
      - "9081:9081"
      - ZEEBE_CLIENT_BROKER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS=host.docker.internal:26500

Doing this way, if you delete the container and restart it from scratch, you don't need to access again the parameter.

Use a Camunda Saas Cloud

  1. Follow the Getting Started Guid to create an account, a cluster and client credentials

  2. Use the client credentials to fill the following environment variables:

    • ZEEBE_ADDRESS: Address where your cluster can be reached.
    • ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID and ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET: Credentials to request a new access token.
    • ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL: A new token can be requested at this address, using the credentials.
  3. fulfill the information in the application.yaml, or via the Docker environment variable

# use a cloud Zeebe engine

Use a onPremise Zeebe

Use this information in the, and provide the IP address to the Zeebe engine

# use a onPremise Zeebe engine

Load connectors and workers at startup from a PVC

The Cherry runtime monitor a path. This path is part of the configuration

  uploadpath: ./localstorage/upload
  classloaderpath: ./localstorage/classloader
  forcerefresh: false

Each JAR file in the uploadpath is loaded in the runtime. The second path, classloaderpath, is used internally to save all JAR files. A connector/worker can be uploaded directly or can be downloaded from a store. To be loaded by the Java machine, it must be saved on the disk. The last parameter, forcerefresh, is used to force the runtime to reload all JAR files on the upload path systematically. Else, the runtime checks at the startup if the JAR is already loaded and ignores it if this is the case.

Doing this way, it is possible to start a complete runtime, with all the connectors and workers, in a completely automatic way.

TODO: describe an example

Load Connectors from MarketPlace



The runtime use a database to save statistics, state (active/inactive) on connector / worker. By default, a H2 database is used, for each runtime.

To save the information in a long term database, and create a farm of runtime, collecting in a single place all the information, a SQL database can be connected.

This is possible by updating the variable with different values

  url: "jdbc:h2:file:./cherry.db"
  driver-class-name: "org.h2.Driver"
  username: "sa"
  password: "password"
spring.jpa.database-platform: "org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect"
org.hibernate.dialect: "H2Dialect"

A JDBC Driver is required to access the database. By default, the runtime onboards two drivers: H2 and POSTGRESQL. For any new driver, the pom.xml must be upgraded, and the application must be rebuilt.

Check the docker-cherry/docker-compose-postgres.yml example to see a different access.