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File metadata and controls

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What is it like to work with sound in Common Lisp?

The purpose of this exercise is to learn more about ways to do audio processing in common lisp. Please take into account that I have absolutely no idea about what I'm doing, so this document basically documents my findings.

First of all, the task. My aim is to be able to process the sound from microphone to recognize some pattern there. I've attached a file as an example.

Before jumping in more technical stuff I decided to figure out what actually reading and playing the sound looks like. From what I understand the sound is basically a wave that is split to a particular number of samples (according to sampling rate). So the result of the read is a long array of numbers (can be different ones - ints, floats from -1.0 to 1.0 etc). Multiple channels just mean multiple arrays and that's it.

For reading/writing sound from the devices cl-portaudio looks like the best choice. It's already set as a dependency to this system, so we can just load it and switch to the wave-research package.

(ql:quickload :wave-research)
(in-package wave-research)

Now we should be able to run a test example from cl-portaudio:


At this point it's already clear that portaudio works and we can move on. Next step is to read the audio file and to output it. That won't be necessary for the analysis, but at least we'll know that we can do that, right? For that I've found nothing except cl-wav library.

I defined a function read-test-files that will read the contents of test file! Resulting structure consists of three elements. First two are metadata, and the last one is an actual enourmous array of bytes.

(getf (caddr (read-test-file)) :chunk-data-size)
;; 3956072

(take 20 (getf (caddr (read-test-file)) :chunk-data))
;; #(252 255 253 255 251 255 249 255 0 0 2 0 250 255 247 255 253 255 0 0)

Now that we now what kind of data we get we can try to feed it into port audio. All functions are defined in wave-research.lisp


Hurray! It works. The tricky part was to join cl-wav and cl-portaudio formats together. cl-portaudio supports only floats, cl-wav can do both floats and integers, however with integers library produces the array twice the size. From the source code of cl-wav I understood that every frame is encoded with two bytes, so when converting to floats we get one values instead of two. ehm, ok.

Now, since we got a proper sound stream we can try to do some analysis on top of it.

And now the questions rises - how to analyze this data? I'd really like to have a look on it at first. After some searching I decided to try my luck with eazy-guplot package. Fiddling with images is not cool, so we'd better get qt terminal:

$ brew install gnuplot --with-qt

Stackoverflow provided with a working snippet for wave visualization. This snippet expected a huge dat file with data which I don't want to attach, however it can be easily generated with sox:

$ brew install sox
$ sox jumps.wav jumps.dat
$ gnuplot test.plot

Nice, let's get the same graph from common lisp.

First of all we'll need a time series base on audio data:

(audio-series (take 10 (read-test-autio-data)))
;; ((0.0 -1.000001) (2.2675736961451248d-5 -1.0000007)
;;  (4.5351473922902495d-5 -1.0000012) (6.802721088435374d-5 -1.0000017)
;;  (9.070294784580499d-5 -1.0) (1.1337868480725624d-4 -0.9999995)
;;  (1.3605442176870748d-4 -1.0000014) (1.5873015873015873d-4 -1.0000021)
;;  (1.8140589569160998d-4 -1.0000007) (2.0408163265306123d-4 -1.0))

Time step is defined by a sampling rate

Here is a plotting step:

(plot-audio-data (read-test-audio-data))

It starts to be somewhat messy there. First of all, common lisp functions are not polymorphic and whatever works for arrays breaks for lists, so I had to modify take-every function to handle two separate cases. Why was this function needed in the first place? Because with simple printing all the values from the stream sbcl chokes and we don't want that.

So, now we see with clarity that beat represents very sharp spikes of amplitude. My guess is that they should be even sharper if we take a derivative.

After extensive search I stumbled upon the excellent talk by Anna Wszeborowska where she did much more then I needed, and one of the comments had a link to the repo. Basically she implemented threshold based detection using FFT which I remember nothing about except the name. I was worried that the example is in python and depends on numpy which has no comparable library in common lisp land, but fortunately not that much was needed - FFT by itself and hann window function, both were provided by bordeaux-fft library.

After porting the code I got it working reasonably well, both from audio file and from microphone. Microphone appeared to be a bit more tricky because I had to implement an infinite loop to continuously read the data from the mic. Makes a lot of sense if I think about it now. I had to increase thresholds drastically to make the analyzer less prone to false positives.

Now, since everything is in place now, we need to get visualization working. Initially I decided to try out trivial-gamekit which has a very nice tutorial

I bet it works awesome for some people, however, sbcl really does not want to play well there without some tricks. In addition to the most of sdl-based graphic libraries caused very high cpu usage for me (with notable exception of trivial-gamekit to be fair), plus using those libraries implied that I'll do window handling, image loading and lots of other boilerplate on my own which I did not want to do at all. In the worst case I would have to draw graphs by myself and the scale of this task started making me really sad.

After a couple of days filled with banging my head against the wall there I suddenly came to a revelation, that I don't need to go that way at all, since I already have all-mighty emacs at hand. Quick search proved that my guess was right and simple change to emacs config enabled the desired feature for me.

Another option and potentially cooler one could be to employ integration with junyper notebooks. Well, it would be cooler if we had well-baked ready made libraries in common lisp world and we don't. Just have a look on all the goodness that is already there in python.

By hooking into print-object for pathname we can also remove a need in explicit call of plot-png function.

Actually, after reading Allen Downey [book][18] I came to revelation how shockingly nonconvenient were array operations in lisp by default and I started thinking if there are any common lisp libraries that ease the pain.