diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c5c345c4..edd4b23f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,5 +6,9 @@ dist/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/facade_charm/README.md b/facade_charm/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e509fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Facade charm
+The facade charm is somewhat similar to the any-charm, but is less generic and has a sharper focus on relation data.
+`juju deploy facade`
+`juju integrate facade:provide-your-interface <your charm>`
+## update databags with jhack eval
+`jhack eval facade/0 "self.set('provide-your-interface', app_data={'hello': 'world'}, unit_data={'lets foo': 'those bars'})"`
+## update databags with actions
+# in params.yaml
+endpoint: provide-tempo_cluster
+app_data: '{"foo":"bar"}'
+unit_data: '{"foo":"baz"}'
+`juju run facade/0 update --params params.yaml`
+## update databags from mock files
+`cd facade-charm`
+`jhack sync -S facade/0 --include-files=".*\.yaml" --source mocks`
+`cd facade-charm/mocks/provide`
+edit `provide-your-interface.yaml`
+`juju run facade update`
+# using custom interfaces
+Your interface isn't in `charm-relation-interfaces` or on charmhub (yet)? No problem.
+Add it to `custom_interfaces.yaml`, and it shall be picked up when you `tox -e pack`.
+## interface conflicts
+The operator framework translates `"-"` to `"_"` when generating event names.
+So if you have an endpoint called `foo-bar`, you'll listen to relation events like: `self.on.foo_bar_relation_changed`.
+So if you have two endpoints, one called `foo-bar` and another called `foo_bar`, the operator framework will complain that the event is already defined.
+It turns out, there are some conflicts of this kind. 
+In this case, instead of generating `provides-foo-bar` and `provides-foo_bar`, our approach is to map `foo-bar` to `foo__bar`.
+So the facade charm will have:
+  provides-foo__bar:
+    interface: foo-bar
+  provides-foo_bar:
+    interface: foo_bar
+And same for `requires`.
+The list of such conflicts, and how they've been resolved, at the time of writing, is:
+- `vault-kv & vault_kv` --> **vault__kv**
+- `nginx-route & nginx_route` --> **nginx__route**
+- `grafana-dashboard & grafana_dashboard` --> **grafana__dashboard**
+- `tls-certificates & tls_certificates` --> **tls__certificates**
diff --git a/facade_charm/charmhub_interfaces.yaml b/facade_charm/charmhub_interfaces.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e970c30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/charmhub_interfaces.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+- ephemeral-backend
+- nova-vgpu
+- secrets
+- glance
+- pgbouncer-extra-config
+- ceph-mds
+- elasticsearch-datastore
+- gnocchi
+- ubuntu
+- lxd-bgp
+- local-monitors
+- keystone-domain-backend
+- ceph-admin
+- ldap
+- docker-registry
+- aar
+- jenkins-slave
+- rest
+- lldp
+- kapacitor
+- script-provider
+- tokens
+- grafana_auth
+- quantum
+- user-group
+- temporal
+- swift
+- oauth
+- pod-defaults
+- jenkins-extension
+- hydra_endpoints
+- elastic-beats
+- block-storage
+- tls-certificates
+- ceph-osd
+- prometheus
+- db
+- squid-auth-helper
+- ovsdb-subordinate
+- dockerhost
+- keystone-middleware
+- grafana-source
+- radosgw-user
+- kubeflow_dashboard_links
+- nova-ceilometer
+- swift-gw
+- karma_dashboard
+- shards
+- fluentbit
+- object-storage
+- websso-fid-service-provider
+- ovsdb-manager
+- glance-simplestreams-sync
+- anbox-stream-gateway
+- openstack-loadbalancer
+- ingress_per_unit
+- monitors
+- logs
+- kafka
+- pgsql
+- telegraf-exec
+- neutron-load-balancer
+- smtp
+- redis
+- slurmdbd
+- statistics
+- lxd
+- prometheus_scrape
+- grafana_datasource
+- cinder
+- keystone-fid-service-provider
+- loadbalancer
+- service-mesh
+- certificate_transfer
+- manila-plugin
+- magma-orchestrator
+- gcp-integration
+- elasticsearch
+- lxd-https
+- httpd
+- grafana_cloud_config
+- cos_agent
+- ceph-radosgw
+- mount
+- prometheus_remote_write
+- keystone-admin
+- external_cloud_provider
+- apache-vhost-config
+- rabbitmq
+- giraph
+- mysql-root
+- vsd-rest-api
+- mongodb
+- mongodb_client
+- ceph-iscsi-admin-access
+- keystone-notifications
+- swift-global-cluster
+- vsphere-integration
+- s3
+- ntp
+- monitor
+- kratos_info
+- neutron-api
+- zuul
+- http
+- mysql-monitor
+- kratos_endpoints
+- external_provider
+- baremetal
+- juju-info
+- ovsdb-cms
+- barbican-hsm
+- xlc-compiler
+- containers
+- prolog-epilog
+- mysql-router
+- postgresql_client
+- slurmrestd
+- istio-gateway-info
+- service-control
+- register-application
+- glauth_auxiliary
+- odl-controller-api
+- cinder-backend
+- keystone-credentials
+- sdn-plugin
+- alertmanager_remote_configuration
+- lxd-metrics
+- prometheus-manual
+- nova-cell
+- oidc-client
+- placement
+- event-service
+- radosgw-multisite
+- prometheus-rules
+- ceph-bootstrap
+- slurmd
+- ranger_client
+- openstack-integration
+- bind-rndc
+- arangodb
+- thruk-agent
+- etcd
+- glance-backend
+- nova
+- mysql-async-replication
+- mysql_client
+- landscape-hosted
+- bgp
+- websso-trusted-dashboard
+- mysql-shared
+- untrusted-container-runtime
+- ftn-compiler
+- ovsdb-cluster
+- vault-kv
+- kubernetes-cni
+- login_ui_endpoints
+- cinder-gw
+- infoblox
+- neutron-plugin
+- loki_push_api
+- swift-proxy
+- ceph-client
+- mysql
+- keystone
+- neutron-plugin-api-subordinate
+- jenkins_agent_v0
+- stun-server
+- autoscaling
+- dashboard-plugin
+- openfga
+- zookeeper
+- barbican-secrets
+- sentry-metrics
+- nats
+- aws-iam
+- ingress-auth
+- syslog
+- nova-vmware
+- azure-integration
+- grafana_dashboard
+- hacluster
+- agent-auth
+- memcache
+- cassandra
+- pacemaker-remote
+- apache-website
+- guacd
+- nginx-route
+- config-server
+- ingress
+- nova-compute
+- ceph-dashboard
+- grafana-dashboard
+- ssl-termination
+- juju-dashboard
+- lxd-dns
+- kube-dns
+- oathkeeper_info
+- udldap-userdata
+- kafka_client
+- cinder-backup
+- aws-integration
+- heat-plugin-subordinate
+- etcd-proxy
+- nrpe
+- ceph-rbd-mirror
+- saml
+- postfix-metrics
+- db2
+- munin-node
+- cinder-nedge
+- kube-control
+- lte-core
+- grpc
+- forward_auth
+- auth_proxy
+- catalogue
+- nrpe-external-master
+- dashboard
+- neutron-plugin-api
+- web-publish
+- logstash-client
+- midonet
+- traefik_route
+- container-runtime
+- public-address
+- ceilometer
+- influxdb-api
+- generic-ip-port-user-pass
+- java
+- nedge
+- ovsdb
+- k8s-service
+- cinder-ceph-key
+- designate
+- tracing
+- alertmanager_dispatch
diff --git a/facade_charm/custom_interfaces.yaml b/facade_charm/custom_interfaces.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9de1c16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/custom_interfaces.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  - your-interface-here
+  - tempo_cluster
diff --git a/facade_charm/fetch_interfaces_from_charmhub.py b/facade_charm/fetch_interfaces_from_charmhub.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2eae09f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/fetch_interfaces_from_charmhub.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+"""Scrape charmhub to grab all interfaces for all registered charms.
+import asyncio
+import json
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+import aiohttp
+import requests
+import tenacity
+import yaml
+logger = logging.getLogger("update-endpoints")
+FACADE_CHARM_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent
+CH_INTERFACES_PATH = FACADE_CHARM_ROOT / 'charmhub_interfaces.yaml'
+def _get_all_registered_charms():
+    print('fetching store...')
+    resp = requests.get("https://charmhub.io/packages.json")
+    return resp.json()['packages']
+@tenacity.retry(stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(10), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(1))
+async def get_endpoints(charm_name, session: aiohttp.ClientSession):
+    url = f"https://charmhub.io/{charm_name}/integrations.json"
+    async with session.get(url=url, timeout=4) as response:
+        raw = await response.read()
+        return json.loads(raw)['grouped_relations']
+async def get_all_integrations(charms_pkg_info):
+    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+        ret = await asyncio.gather(*(get_endpoints(charm['name'], session) for charm in charms_pkg_info))
+    return ret
+def _gather_interfaces(charms_pkg_info):
+    logger.info(f"gathering interfaces from {len(charms_pkg_info)} charms...")
+    all_integrations = asyncio.run(get_all_integrations(charms_pkg_info))
+    interfaces = set()
+    # discard any failed ones
+    for integrations in filter(None, all_integrations):
+        provides = integrations.get('provides', [])
+        requires = integrations.get('requires', [])
+        interfaces.update(endpoint['interface'] for endpoint in provides + requires)
+    logger.info(f"gathered {len(interfaces)} interfaces")
+    return interfaces
+def main():
+    charms_pkg_info = _get_all_registered_charms()
+    interfaces = _gather_interfaces(charms_pkg_info)
+    CH_INTERFACES_PATH.write_text(yaml.safe_dump({"interfaces": list(interfaces)}))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/facade_charm/mocks/__DO_NOT_TOUCH.md b/facade_charm/mocks/__DO_NOT_TOUCH.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49cef1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/mocks/__DO_NOT_TOUCH.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+the contents of this directory may be overridden by the update_endpoints script. 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/facade_charm/requirements.txt b/facade_charm/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..618ba75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ops ~= 2.5
diff --git a/facade_charm/src/charm.py b/facade_charm/src/charm.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..70548bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/src/charm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2024 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+import json
+import logging
+from itertools import chain
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, Optional
+import ops
+import yaml
+from ops import ActiveStatus
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+MOCKS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'mocks'
+class FacadeCharm(ops.CharmBase):
+    """Charming facade."""
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        super().__init__(*args)
+        self.framework.observe(self.on.collect_unit_status, self._on_collect_unit_status)
+        self.framework.observe(self.on.update_action, self._on_update_action)
+        for relation in self.meta.relations:
+            on_relation = self.on[relation]
+            for evt in ['changed', 'created', 'joined']:
+                self.framework.observe(getattr(on_relation, "relation_" + evt), self._on_update_relation)
+    def _on_update_action(self, e: ops.ActionEvent):
+        updated = []
+        if endpoint := e.params.get("endpoint"):
+            app_data = json.loads(e.params.get("app_data") or "null")
+            unit_data = json.loads(e.params.get("unit_data") or "null")
+            if app_data or unit_data:
+                e.log(f"updating mock data for {endpoint}")
+                self._write_mock(
+                    endpoint,
+                    app_data,
+                    unit_data
+                )
+            e.log(f"updating endpoint {endpoint}")
+            if relations := self.model.relations.get(endpoint):
+                updated = self._update(*relations)
+            else:
+                e.log(f"no bindings on {endpoint}")
+        else:
+            e.log("updating all endpoints")
+            updated = self._update()
+        e.set_results({"updated": updated})
+    def _on_clear_action(self, e: ops.ActionEvent):
+        updated = []
+        if endpoint := e.params.get("endpoint"):
+            e.log(f"clearing endpoint {endpoint}")
+            if relations := self.model.relations[endpoint]:
+                updated = self._update(*relations, clear=True)
+            else:
+                e.log(f"no bindings on {endpoint}")
+        else:
+            e.log("clearing all endpoints")
+            updated = self._update(clear=True)
+        e.set_results({"cleared": updated})
+    def _on_update_relation(self, e: ops.RelationEvent):
+        self._update(e.relation)
+    def _update(self, *relation: ops.Relation,
+                clear=False):
+        to_update = list(relation) if relation else list(chain(*self.model.relations.values()))
+        updated = []
+        for relation in to_update:
+            if self._update_relation(relation, clear=clear):
+                updated.append(relation.name)
+        return updated
+    def _update_relation(self, relation: ops.Relation,
+                         clear=False, replace=False):
+        changed = False
+        app_databag = relation.data[self.app]
+        unit_databag = relation.data[self.unit]
+        if replace or clear:
+            if app_databag.keys():
+                app_databag.clear()
+                changed = True
+            if unit_databag.keys():
+                unit_databag.clear()
+                changed = True
+        if not clear:
+            app_data, unit_data = self._load_mock(relation.name)
+            if app_data and dict(app_databag) != app_data:
+                app_databag.update(app_data)
+                changed = True
+            if unit_data and dict(unit_databag) != unit_data:
+                unit_databag.update(unit_data)
+                changed = True
+        return changed
+    def _get_mock_file(self, endpoint: str):
+        if endpoint.startswith("provide"):
+            pth = MOCKS_ROOT / "provide" / (endpoint + ".yaml")
+        else:
+            pth = MOCKS_ROOT / "require" / (endpoint + ".yaml")
+        if not pth.exists():
+            logger.info(f"mock not found for {endpoint} ({pth}): creating file...")
+            pth.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            pth.touch()
+            self._write_mock(endpoint, {}, {})
+        return pth
+    def _load_mock(self, endpoint: str):
+        pth = self._get_mock_file(endpoint)
+        yml = yaml.safe_load(pth.read_text()) or {}
+        app_data = yml.get("app_data", {})
+        unit_data = yml.get("unit_data", {})
+        return app_data, unit_data
+    def _write_mock(self, endpoint: str,
+                    app_data: Optional[dict] = None,
+                    unit_data: Optional[dict] = None):
+        pth = self._get_mock_file(endpoint)
+        yml = yaml.safe_load(pth.read_text()) or {}
+        if app_data == {}:
+            _app_data = {}
+        else:
+            _app_data = yml.get("app_data") or {}
+            if app_data:
+                _app_data.update(app_data)
+        if unit_data == {}:
+            _unit_data = {}
+        else:
+            _unit_data = yml.get("unit_data") or {}
+            if unit_data:
+                _unit_data.update(unit_data)
+        logger.info(f"updating mock with {_app_data}, {_unit_data}")
+        pth.write_text(
+            yaml.safe_dump(
+                {
+                    "endpoint": endpoint,
+                    "app_data": _app_data,
+                    "unit_data": _unit_data}
+            )
+        )
+    def _on_collect_unit_status(self, e: ops.CollectStatusEvent):
+        e.add_status(ActiveStatus("facade ready"))
+    # target for jhack eval
+    def set(self,
+            endpoint: str,
+            relation_id: Optional[int] = None,
+            app_data: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
+            unit_data: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
+            ):
+        """Target for jhack eval.
+        Writes app and unit databags for one or multiple relations.
+        """
+        # keep mocks in sync
+        self._write_mock(endpoint, app_data, unit_data)
+        rel = self.model.get_relation(endpoint, relation_id)
+        if app_data:
+            rel.data[self.app].update(app_data)
+        elif app_data is not None:  # user passed {}
+            rel.data[self.app].clear()
+        if unit_data:
+            rel.data[self.unit].update(unit_data)
+        elif unit_data is not None:  # user passed {}
+            rel.data[self.unit].clear()
+if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: nocover
+    ops.main(FacadeCharm)  # type: ignore
diff --git a/facade_charm/tests/unit/test_charm.py b/facade_charm/tests/unit/test_charm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69fe3322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/tests/unit/test_charm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright 2024 pietro
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+# Learn more about testing at: https://juju.is/docs/sdk/testing
+import scenario
+from facade_charm.src.charm import FacadeCharm
+def test_smoke():
+    scenario.Context(FacadeCharm).run(
+        "update-status",
+        scenario.State()
+    )
diff --git a/facade_charm/tox.ini b/facade_charm/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dfe7604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright 2024 canonical
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+no_package = True
+skip_missing_interpreters = True
+env_list = pack, release
+min_version = 4.0.0
+src_path = {tox_root}/src
+tests_path = {tox_root}/tests
+all_path = {[vars]src_path} {[vars]tests_path}
+set_env =
+    PYTHONPATH = {tox_root}/lib:{[vars]src_path}
+    PYTHONBREAKPOINT=pdb.set_trace
+    PY_COLORS=1
+pass_env =
+description = Pack the facade charm.
+deps =
+    -r {tox_root}/requirements.txt
+    # required by fetch_interfaces_from_charmhub
+    aiohttp
+    requests
+    tenacity
+allowlist_externals =
+    charmcraft
+    rm
+commands =
+    python ./fetch_interfaces_from_charmhub.py
+    python ./update_endpoints.py
+    charmcraft pack
+    rm charmcraft.yaml
+    rm -rf ./mocks/require
+    rm -rf ./mocks/provide
+description = Format.
+deps =
+    -r {tox_root}/requirements.txt
+    black
+    ruff
+    isort
+commands =
+    ruff check --fix .
+    isort --profile black .
+description = Release a new revision of the facade charm.
+allowlist_externals =
+    charmcraft
+commands =
+    charmcraft upload ./facade_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm --format json
+    # TODO grab revision from ^^
+    charmcraft release facade -r 5 --channel edge
diff --git a/facade_charm/update_endpoints.py b/facade_charm/update_endpoints.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfd342c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facade_charm/update_endpoints.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright 2024 canonical
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import rmtree
+import yaml
+logger = logging.getLogger("update-endpoints")
+FACADE_CHARM_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent
+INTERFACES_ROOT = CRI_ROOT / 'interfaces'
+CH_INTERFACES_PATH = FACADE_CHARM_ROOT / 'charmhub_interfaces.yaml'
+type: charm
+title: Facade charm
+summary: Charm meant for manual and integration testing of charm interfaces.
+description: |
+  A programmable charm that allows you to mock relation data.
+  - build-on:
+    - name: ubuntu
+      channel: "22.04"
+    run-on:
+    - name: ubuntu
+      channel: "22.04"
+    update:
+        description: updates all databags or the specified one
+        params:
+            endpoint:
+                type: string
+                default: ""
+                description: name of the endpoint
+            relation_id:
+                type: number
+                default: -1
+                description: |
+                    Relation ID. If not given, 
+                    all relations over this endpoint will be updated.
+            app_data:
+                type: string
+                default: ""
+                description: |
+                    Json-encoded application databag. 
+                    If ``{}``, the databag will be cleared.            
+            unit_data:
+                type: string
+                default: ""
+                description: |
+                    Json-encoded unit databag. 
+                    If ``{}``, the databag will be cleared.            
+    clear:
+        description: clears all databags or the specified one
+        params:
+            endpoint:
+                type: string
+                default: ""
+                description: name of the endpoint
+    # set:
+    #     params:
+    #         app:
+    #             type: boolean
+    #             description: target the application databag
+    #         endpoint:
+    #             type: string
+    #             description: name of the endpoint
+    #         relation_id:
+    #             type: number
+    #             default: -1
+    #             description: relation id    
+    #         contents:
+    #             type: string
+    #             description: comma-separated, key=value mapping. Example: foo=bar,baz=qux
+    #     description: writes to a databag
+# requires and provides is populated by tox -e update-endpoints
+# databag template for {interface} {role}:
+# this data will be put in the application/unit databag of any relation bound on {endpoint}
+# must be str:str
+    # foo: bar
+# must be str:str
+    # baz: qux
+reserved_interfaces = {
+    "juju-info",
+    "juju-dashboard"
+def _load_custom_interfaces() -> list:
+    return yaml.safe_load((FACADE_CHARM_ROOT / 'custom_interfaces.yaml').read_text())['interfaces']
+def main():
+    logger.info("loading custom interfaces...")
+    interfaces = _load_custom_interfaces()
+    logger.info("collecting built-in interfaces...")
+    for interface_path in INTERFACES_ROOT.glob("*"):
+        interface = interface_path.name
+        if interface.startswith("__"):
+            logger.info(f"skipping {interface}")
+            continue
+        interfaces.append(interface)
+    # add interfaces from charmhub if file is found
+    if CH_INTERFACES_PATH.exists():
+        logger.info(f"loading from {CH_INTERFACES_PATH}...")
+        interfaces.extend(yaml.safe_load(CH_INTERFACES_PATH.read_text())['interfaces'])
+    def _underscore(s: str):
+        return s.replace("-", "_")
+    def _dunderscore(s: str):
+        return s.replace("-", "__")
+    deduped = set()
+    for intf in interfaces:
+        if '-' in intf and _underscore(intf) in interfaces:
+            # of will replace - with _ on event register, so we replace - with __
+            # instead to avoid endpoint name conflicts at runtime,
+            logger.warning(
+                f"{intf!r} conflicts with {_underscore(intf)!r}: "
+                f"endpoint will be named {_dunderscore(intf)!r} instead"
+            )
+            deduped.add(_dunderscore(intf))
+        else:
+            deduped.add(intf)
+    # remove reserved interfaces, and sort them all
+    sorted_interfaces = sorted(deduped.difference(reserved_interfaces))
+    endpoints = {
+        "provides": {f"provide-{intf}": {"interface": intf} for intf in sorted_interfaces},
+        "requires": {f"require-{intf}": {"interface": intf} for intf in sorted_interfaces}
+    }
+    logger.info("writing charmcraft.yaml...")
+    charmcraft_yaml = FACADE_CHARM_ROOT / 'charmcraft.yaml'
+    post = yaml.safe_dump(endpoints)
+    charmcraft_yaml.write_text(CHARMCRAFT_YAML_TEMPLATE + post)
+    logger.info("cleaning up old mocks...")
+    for mock in MOCKS_ROOT.glob("*"):
+        if mock.name.startswith("__"):
+            logger.debug(f"skipping {mock}")
+            continue
+        rmtree(mock)
+    logger.info("generating mocks...")
+    mocks_root_provide = MOCKS_ROOT / "provide"
+    mocks_root_require = MOCKS_ROOT / "require"
+    mocks_root_provide.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+    mocks_root_require.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+    for intf in interfaces:
+        for prefix, prefixed_path in (
+                ("provide", mocks_root_provide), ("require", mocks_root_require)
+        ):
+            endpoint = f"{prefix}-{intf}"
+            mock_path = prefixed_path / (endpoint + ".yaml")
+            mock_path.write_text(DATABAG_TEMPLATE.format(
+                role=prefix + "r",
+                interface=intf,
+                endpoint=endpoint)
+            )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()