A full stack application to show information about the Coronavirus areas affected near you.
- Setup client
- Create a React application
- install setup linter
- Grab sample data from a json file
- Add a map
- Let user use own location
- Display fullscreen
- Add map controls for zoom in and out
- Show a pin on locations affected
- Add popup with more information in case pin is clicked
- Split app in components
- Create a dashboard view
- Update README.md
- Setup server
- Create a Node.js application
- Install dependencies
- install setup linter
- Setup express application
- Setup middlewares for error handling
- Add route to scrape the data
- Update user-agent on each request
- Add latitude and logitude to the data scraped
- Split application in files controllers, service, utils
- Update README.md
- Create a Node.js application
- Update README.md to add gif of application working
- Create Docker config
- Host it
- Clean up README.md
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Get a TOKEN for the map here
- Place your TOKEN on
configuration file. See below.
To get a copy and run this application, you'll need at least Node.js (and npm) installed on your computer. Git is optional as you can download a zip and have it extracted.
If you want to follow the git clone route:
# Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/carlan/corona-virus-map
# Go into the cloned repository directory
$ cd corona-virus-map
With Node.js installed. Let's install the dependencies of client
and run the application:
$ cd client
# Add the map TOKEN on the enviroment configuration file
$ cp .env.sample .env
# Edit the file (.env) in your prefered editor and place your TOKEN on REACT_APP_MapboxAccessToken=<HERE>
$ npm install <OR> yarn install
$ npm start <OR> yarn start
Now, install the dependencies of server
and run the application:
$ cd server
$ npm install <OR> yarn install
$ npm start <OR> yarn start
Opening the application on http://localhost:3000 you should be able to see a map with the affected locations of Coronavirus along with some case information for each region/country and map view options.
- Carlan Calazans - Initial work - carlan
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- favicon and logo image from OpenClipart
- virus data from ECDC