A custom vision model
A project is a custom vision model. It's used to label images with the appropriate tag (or category), and perform the training. Let's start by creating a project.
- Navigate to Custom Vision and sign in
- Select New Project
- Enter Dog Classification for the project name
- Next to Resource, select the key you created earlier, which will use the name you created during the setup.
- For Project Types select Classification
- For Classification Types select Multiclass, as our dogs will only have one breed
- For Domains select General [A2]
- Select Create project
Once the project is created it's time to upload images. These images are used to train the model.
Tip: As a general rule, the more images you can use to train a model the better. You want to include as much variety in the images as possible, including different lighting, angles, and settings.
- Select Add images
- Navigate to training-images
- Select all the images marked as american-staffordshire-terrier in the folder, and select Open
- Enter american-staffordshire-terrier for the tag and select Upload 8 files
- Select Done
- Repeat the above steps for the remaining breeds:
- australian-shepherd
- buggle
- german-wirehaired-pointer
- shorkie
- Select Train to open the training dialog
- Leave Quick Training selected and select Train to begin the training process
Note: Training the model will take a couple of minutes.
Congratulations! You have trained up a custom vision model which can detect dog types. Next you'll test and use the model.