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Transition Release Workflow

After you have met the software and access requirements, the transition release workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. updating styles and creating an archive
  2. alerting the maintainers of the impending release and restricting access
  3. creating the release (see the details of the release process)
  4. add invalid hash to
  5. committing artifacts and tagging the release
  6. reinstate permissions


Before you enter this workflow, for Carpentries Lessons, it's important to do the following steps:

  1. update the repository with [carpentries/styles] using the update styles script and create a pull request
    git clone ${REPO} ${REPO} && cd ${REPO}
    git switch -c update-styles-2023-04
    curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin
    git commit -m 'update styles 2023-04'
    git push --set-upstream origin update-styles-2023-04
  2. After styles is merged, Create a lesson release using the {chisel} package (NOTE: this is only for Core Team use). Create a Pull Request
  3. Use the {gitcellar} package to create an archive of the repository and store it in an archive like AWS Glacier (note: this will take some time)
    get_repo <- function(slug) {
      repo <- strsplit(slug, "/")[[1]]
        download_organization_repos(repo[[1]], keep = repo[[2]])
    today <- lapply(c("carpentries/instructor-training", "swcarpentry/python-novice-inflammation"),
  4. as an extra precaution, clone a bare mirror of the repository using git clone --mirror ${REPO}

Once these steps are done, we can then proceed with the transition.


To get this running, you need the requirements for this repo:

  • git
  • python version >= 3
  • R version >= 4.1
  • (optional) valut >= v1.12.2

GitHub PAT

The release workflow REQUIRES a GitHub personal access token to be avaialble via the environment variable RELEASE_PAT. This token can have one of two forms

Fine-Grained PAT (preferred)

As of 2023-04-07, I have updated the workflow to work with fine-grained Personal Access Tokens. The benefit of these is that we can restrict the tokens to specific repositories so that when we are doing the transition, we do not run into a situation where repositories we already transitioned (or have yet to transition) are not accidentally clobbered.

To create a new token, head over to and then set the resources this way:

parameter value notes
Resource owner The GitHub organisation if you use your personal account, you may not have access
Repository access Only select repositories leave this blank until we are ready to work with it
Repository permissions Read and Write on actions, administration, contents, pages, pull requests, workflows
Organization permissions none

The good thing about these tokens is that their permissions can be modified on the fly and they can be regenerated with one click. This means that it will be possible to create one token, store it in your environment, and then update it as you work through the release process.

Token (classic)

I have created a tutorial if you do not have one.

Your token should have the following scopes: repo,user,workflow.

You must also have admin access to whatever organisation you wish to deploy to.

Release Details

The release workflow differs from the transition workflow slightly in a few ways:

  1. the commit messages are not masked in the release workflow. It was necessary to mask references to users and issues in the commit messages for the transition workflow to ensure that users were not accidentally notified during testing.
  2. the workbenh-beta.yaml workflow to deploy the lesson to AWS is removed.
  3. the outputs of git-filter-repo are written to *.hash files in the same folder as the released repository release/[ORG]/

The transition steps are completed in the majority of final-transition.R. Once they complete successfully you have a fully-transitioned lesson that is ready to be pushed to GitHub. If the workflow errors after this point, then you can manually send it to GitHub.

At this point, the transition script will check the RELEASE_PAT environmental variable for a github token that will enable you to update your repository and then call the setup_github() function from functions.R, which will do the following steps:

  1. modify the config.yaml file to include the date the repository was created
  2. rename existing GitHub branches (see diagram)
  3. force push main and enable github workflows to run
  4. force push an orphan gh-pages with the [close-pr.yaml] workflow that will prevent any pull requests acidentally being opened
  5. protect the main branch

The branch renaming can be confusing, but this is what it looks like for lessons that use R Markdown (which have both a main and gh-pages branch):

flowchart TD
    subgraph GitHub

    gh-pages --> legacy/gh-pages
    ngh      ~~~ legacy/gh-pages
    main     --> legacy/main
    nmn      ~~~ legacy/main
    lgh["local@gh-pages"]  --> ngh
    lmn["local@main"]      --> nmn


One of the challenges here is that GitHub's API is ever changing, so what worked yesterday may not work today. If you run into errors in any of the above steps, the first thing to do is to keep calm and remember that none of the steps here is necessarily destructive because we are renaming the previous branches. This is the full workflow for sending the repository to GitHub if you do not have access to the API:

  1. (in local) move to your lesson with cd release/[org]/[repo] (replace [org]/[repo]) with the name of your lesson.
  2. (in local) ensure that created: is set to the correct date in config.yaml
  3. (on GITHUB) rename gh-pages to legacy/gh-pages (if main is your default, then also rename that to legacy/main)
  4. (on GITHUB) enable github actions to run
  5. (in local) run git fetch --prune origin
  6. (in local) ensure your remote origin is the correct URL
  7. (in local) create an orphan gh-pages branch that contains a workflow that will close all PRs to that branch and force-push it up (run below script from the transitioned repo):
    # checkout and clean gh-pages orphan branch --------------
    git checkout --orphan gh-pages
    git rm -rf .
    # create github workflow for rejecting pull requests -----
    mkdir -p .github/workflows/
    curl -o .github/workflows/close-pr.yaml
    git add .github/workflows/close-pr.yaml
    # commit and push ----------------------------------------
    git commit --allow-empty -m "Initializing gh-pages branch"
    git push --force origin HEAD:gh-pages
    # switch back to main ------------------------------------
    git switch main
  8. (in local) run git switch main && git push --force --set-upstream origin main
  9. (on GITHUB) set the main branch to be the default
  10. (on GITHUB) (optional) add branch protection to the main branch (to prevent people from accidentally force-pushing)
  11. (on GITHUB) lock all branches that start with legacy/

Once that happens, you can move on to the manual next steps on GitHub.

Alerting the maintainers and restricting access

The create-collab-notice.R script takes a repository name as its argument and gives you markdown text for you to paste into a comment:

$ Rscript create-collab-notice.R carpentries/maintainer-onboarding
ℹ Gathering collaborators for carpentries/maintainer-onboarding with at least push access

── displaying to screen ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
This lesson will be converted to use [The Carpentries Workbench][workbench]
To prevent accidental reversion of the changes, we are temporarily revoking
write access for all collaborators on this lesson:

 - [ ] @chendaniely (push)
 - [ ] @katrinleinweber (push)
 - [ ] @vinisalazar (push)

If you no longer wish to have write access to this repository, you do not
need to do anything further.

1. What you can expect from the transition 📹:
2. How to update your local clone 💻:
3. How to update (delete) your fork (if you have one) 📹:

If you wish to regain write access, please re-clone the repository on your machine and
then comment here with `I am ready for write access :rocket:` and the
admin maintainer of this repository will restore your permissions.

If you have any questions, please reply here and tag @zkamvar


── MANUAL STEP ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
ℹ Visit <> and set everyone's access to `read`

── DONE ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

You also have a link to the access settings where you can set everyone's access to "read". Note that you should leave one maintainer as admin to grant the others access (example comment to admin).

Adding Tokens to your environment

One important thing: if you do not want your tokens exposed in your bash history, then add a blank space before your commands. This makes fixing mistakes annoying, but means that you don't have a bunch of tokens floating in your history to exploit.

If you have installed vault

I like to use vault to store my tokens because it's an extra layer that allows me to store them without having to export them as variables. I'm pretty sure there is a better way, but I don't know about it.

I've modified instructions from their tutorial

Start by opening two new bash shells.

In one shell, start by running vault server -dev. This will display something like

WARNING! dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault runs entirely in-memory
and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. The root token is already
authenticated to the CLI, so you can immediately begin using Vault.

You may need to set the following environment variables:

    $ export VAULT_ADDR=''

Leave that shell open because that is what's running your vault server. Copy and paste the export statement into your original window and the second window.

Now it is time to place your secrets into the key-value (kv) store. Each store is labelled by a path, which can store multiple key-value pairs:

# note the space at the beginning
 vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=tr kv 

Now it's time to place your token(s) in the store. I like to create the tokens on their own lines, so note the slash at the end.

# note the space at the beginning
 vault kv put -mount=tr auth \
release=<PASTE TOKEN HERE> \

From there, I can use ./ release to extract the release token to pass into a new variable.

Updating the token

As you go through the release process, you will want to update the token based on the lesson program you are using. To do that you can use the patch method:

# note the space at the beginning
 vault kv patch -mount=tr auth \

If you do not have vault installed

If you do not have vault installed, you can still store your tokens as local variables,

# note the space at the beginning

Creating the Release

To create the release, you will use the following command (note the spaces at the beginning of the command to hide it from the shell history).

# if you are using vault
 RELEASE_PAT=$(./ release) make release/[org]/[repo].json
# otherwise
 RELEASE_PAT=github_XXX make release/[org]/[repo].json

where [org] is the organisattion and [repo] is the lesson name. For example, this created the release for the bioc intro lesson for carpentries incubator:

 RELEASE_PAT=$(./ release) make release/carpentries-incubator/bioc-intro.json

The release process will take a few minutes depending on the speed of your processor and the speed of your connection. When it is finished, you will have a set of files with a *.hash extension. These are the outputs from the commit process.

If everything worked well without errors, see the manual next steps on GitHub, otherwise, read below.

Recovering from failure

Because this involves networking, there are different modes of failure that can lead to a borked transfer. I will be adding situations as they come up

Invalid token

if you see an error that looks something like this, then it's likely that your PAT (hopefully a fine-grained PAT) does not have the right permissions.

renaming default branch (gh-pages) to legacy/gh-pages
POST /repos/fishtree-attempt/znk-transition-test/branches/gh-pages/rename
Error in `gh::gh()`:
! GitHub API error (403): Resource not accessible by personal access tokenRead more at <>
Backtrace:1. └─global setup_github(...)
 2.   └─gh::gh(RENAME, new_name = glue::glue("legacy/{default}"), .token = .token)
 3.     └─gh:::gh_make_request(req)
 4.       └─gh:::gh_error(resp, error_call = error_call)
 5.         └─cli::cli_abort(...)
 6.           └─rlang::abort(...)
Execution halted

The solution is to set the correct permissions for your token (listed above).

Note 2023-08-23 GitHub API is now throwing permissions errors for the branch rename endpoint. See issue #93 for more details.

Full error message
preparing to run `setup_github(path = 'release/fishtree-attempt/znk-transition-test', owner = 'fishtree-attempt', repo = 'znk-transition-test')` in5...4...3...2...1...

── Credentials ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  "name": "Zhian N. Kamvar",
  "login": "zkamvar",
  "html_url": "",
  "token": "gith...xNYl"

── Setting up repository ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
ℹ Writing to /home/zhian/Documents/Carpentries/Git/carpentries/lesson-transition/release/fishtree-attempt/znk-transition-test/config.yamlcreated:  -> created: '2023-05-02'
Running git add config.yaml
Running git commit --amend --no-edit
[main dba8b15] [automation] final workbench updates
 Date: Tue May 2 07:52:10 2023 -0700
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/workbench-beta-phase.ymlrenaming default branch (gh-pages) to legacy/gh-pages
POST /repos/fishtree-attempt/znk-transition-test/branches/gh-pages/rename
Error in `gh::gh()`:
! GitHub API error (403): Resource not accessible by personal access tokenRead more at <>
Backtrace:1. └─global setup_github(...)
 2.   └─gh::gh(RENAME, new_name = glue::glue("legacy/{default}"), .token = .token)
 3.     └─gh:::gh_make_request(req)
 4.       └─gh:::gh_error(resp, error_call = error_call)
 5.         └─cli::cli_abort(...)
 6.           └─rlang::abort(...)
Execution halted
make: *** [Makefile:106: release/fishtree-attempt/znk-transition-test.json] Error 1

On GitHub

When the transition is finished, you must comment on the original issue. Here is a template:

The deed is done. The infrastructure takes a few minutes to bootstrap and cache the packages for the lesson build. Once the build is done, I will switch github pages to deploy from the `gh-pages` branch and you will have your workbench lesson. 

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and your patience!

The last step is to ensure that GitHub pages deploys The Workbench version of the site. During the transition, the original gh-pages branch was renamed to legacy/gh-pages and GitHub knew that it needed to deploy from that branch. This allows us to do the transition on the source without disrupting the web traffic.

To switch the site to use The Workbench, wait for the "01 Build and Deploy" GitHub workflow to finish running (you can find it under the "Actions" tab on GitHub) and then head to Settings > pages and then set the branch that deploys GitHub pages to gh-pages from the root. Once you do that your transitioned lesson will deploy in about 30 seconds.

Add invalid hash

The transition process will remove and/or overwrite commits. This allows us to detect if someone is attempting to create a pull request from an old fork.

For each lesson, a file called release/{org}/{lesson}-invalid.hash is created. This contains a single hash representing a has that was present in the repository just before the transition that was no longer present. These hashes are stored in JSON format in

To add to this, update the file in

lessons built with carpentries/styles

Lessons that were originally built with carpentries/styles will all have a common ancestor commit that can be safely ignored: e83e2c9bd

However, the commit that appears in release/{org}/{lesson}-invalid.hash may not be that one.

lesson built with remote theme

For lessons that were built with the remote theme, such as, they will all have different invalid hashes and there will be fewer empty hashes (in the case of this lesson, there is only one empty hash. One thing to watch out for, however, are lessons that started with remote theme and accidentally merged with styles at some point in time. If release/{org}/{lesson}-invalid.hash contains e83e2c9bd, then there is a chance that this commit may not capture all the potential forks. To solve this issue, find the first commit of the repository and reference the commit map to find the invalid commit.

Commit and create tag

You should commit these release hash files:

git add release/
git commit -m 'release [org]/[lesson]'

Once you do that, you can tag it. If you use gpg on your machine, I would highly recommend that you sign your tag:

git tag -s release_[abbrev]/[lesson] -m '[your message here]'

Here are the naming conventions for [abbrev]:

tag organisation
cp carpentries
dc datacarpentry
swc swcarpentry
lc librarycarpentry
lab carpentries-lab
incubator carpentries-incubator

Once you do that, then you can push the commit and tag up with:

git push
git push --tags

If you have a set of releases that you want to do, I would recommend to not push until you are finished. This way, when the submodules update on the remote, you don't have to worry about conflicts due to the changed histories of the lessons that you just converted.

After pushing commits and tags

After the commits and tags are pushed, comment on the issue with the link to the live lesson AND the link to the commit map.

You can use the create-success-comment to create this comment

Rscript create-success-comment.R [abbrev]/[lesson]

For example, this is how to do it for the the lc-git release:

Rscript create-success-comment.R lc/lc-git
The Workbench version is now live: https://{org}{repo}/

In addition, here is [map of commits that were changed during the transition]({tag}/release/{org}/{repo}-commit-map.hash)

The {tag} will be the [abbrev]/[lesson] part of the signed tag you created earlier.

Reinstating Permissions

During the transition, access to everyone but the Core Team Curriculum and Infrastructure is restricted to read-only. This prevents people from accidentally force-pushing the lesson. The message created by create-collab-notice.R lists anyone who has write access. Below is a table with the teams and what access they should have after the transition and after confirmation:

Team slug pattern access post-transition access post-confirmation
Maintainers @{organization}/{lesson}-maintainers Triage Maintain
Curriculum Advisors @{organization}/curriculum-advisors{?-{curricula}} Triage Triage
Core Team Curriculum @{organization}/core-team-curriculum Admin Admin
Core Team Infrastructure varies Admin Admin
Outside Collaborators NA Read determine based on maintainer list

Before the transition, Zhian created new temporary teams for all repositories called @{organization}/{lesson}-maintainers-workbench. This team makes it possible for us to give access to the maintainers who have requested it, while still giving time for the other maintainers to complete the tasks. The team should be removed once all maintainers have requested access.

When a maintainer responds to the issue with I am ready for write access :rocket:, then you should head to{organization}/{lesson}/settings/access and do the following:

If all the maintainers have requested access

This means that all maintainers are onboarded and do not have risk of borking the lesson with an accidentaly force-push.

Switch the -maintainers team to have the "Maintain" role and remove the -maintainers-workbench team, as that team no longer serves a purpose.

Comment on the issue that all maintainers now have access and close the issue.

If not all the maintainers have requested access yet

This means that some maintainers are still at risk for borking the repository from an old local clone.

  1. Check that they are actually a maintainer
  2. Click on the -maintainers-workbench team and then click "Add a member" to add the member to the team via their github user name.
  3. Tag the member in the issue comment and let them know their access has been granted.

Note: for some LibraryCarpentry repositories, maintainers were not properly added to the team and they may remain as outside collaborators. In this case, you should notify them that they need to check their email and follow the instructions from there to regain access.

If a curriculum advisor requests access

If a curriculum advisor requests access, let them know that they should not have access

(from Toby's comment on organization-genomics):

Hey @{NAME} thanks for following up. To shore up the security of the lesson repositories, the Curriculum Team would like to use this opportunity to tidy up the access levels we are providing to community members across the various repos. According to our records, you're not a Maintainer on this lesson, but I think you had previously been granted write access to the repository in your capacity as a {CURRICULUM} Curriculum Advisor. 

For now, we are going to provide write access only to Maintainers - though that decision will be open to review, so please let us know (@ me or {ORGANIZATION}/core-team-curriculum) if this interferes with the CAC's ability to perform their duties.