All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.32.5 (2022-03-28)
fix: fix how getting the version to show for -v
0.32.4 (2022-03-23)
- fix: template path (frouriojs#339)
0.32.3 (2022-03-23)
- upgrade frourio and others (frouriojs#339)
- chore: replace builder with esbuild and output libs (frouriojs#341)
0.32.2 (2022-03-07)
- fix: add await FastifyInject (frouriojs#333)
0.32.1 (2022-02-28)
- upgrade frourio and others (frouriojs#324)
- upgrade typescript (frouriojs#323)
0.32.0 (2022-02-22)
- Add pathpida to nextjs template (frouriojs#296)
0.31.0 (2022-02-15)
- feat: update aws-serverless-experss to @vendia/serverless-express and switching lambda support from fastify to express (frouriojs#306)
0.30.0 (2022-02-09)
- add
options and improve CLI experience frouriojs#285 - upgrade template dependencies
- TypeScript v4.5 for other than nuxt
- SWR v1.0
- stylelint v14 for nuxt
- eslint-plugin-nuxt v3
0.29.0 (2022-02-07)
0.28.2 (2021-07-24)
0.28.1 (2021-07-12)
0.28.0 (2021-04-23)
0.27.2 (2021-03-17)
- get random port for server from 10000-59999 (#215) (b16ab8c)
- template/nuxt: add ts-loader to dev-dep and remove @nuxt/typescript-runtime (#223) (b6d472a)
0.27.1 (2021-03-03)
0.27.0 (2021-02-28)
- template: configure @rollup/plugin-json for sapper to build client successfully (#200) (9b27524)
- test is run under root repository, but node_modules/ on root will be used accidentally. (#195) (daa84c4)
- template: refactor next pages test (#194) (e5ae8d0)
0.26.4 (2021-02-24)
0.26.3 (2021-02-24)
- template: switching to use API_UPLOAD_DIR, /upload/ as endopoint, and use ./server/upload as default .env (#186) (963f19e)
0.26.2 (2021-02-22)
- move real-executable-path to dependencies (98ad6d5)
0.26.1 (2021-02-22)
- require fastify-nextjs only development mode (115e496)
0.26.0 (2021-02-22)
- create only when target directory does not exist or empty (#174) (53a7385)
- open automatically dev client url after initialized (#172) (395d64c)
- react: show error line only after the input was touched (#168) (b90ca17)
- templates: add fields to ormconfig (#171) (472dae1)
- add context interface to nuxt aspida plugin (7d94e21)
- template-typeorm: put together typeorm scripts. (bfb1e20)
- add options to deployments and refactoring (ebe4f95)
- example.env and new env TEST_CFA_FIX_CLIENT (fae57b4)
- more flip (24bd349)
- package-json generating from single source (f043e54)
- split package.json dependencies out (8218928)
- use mysql2 instead of mysql. mysql does not support mysql8 fully (601a173)
- .env value (6df5bdf)
- .env.example for typeorm (f12f1d5)
- button a11y (8efd683)
- canCreate validation (1dd2ced)
- check whether the input is empty or not, and refactor (#169) (2ba0ae4)
- env and gitignore (835818b)
- fastify, fastify-cors in dev-dep only when express (e71cf8e)
- fix tsconfig (502ebb6)
- flip animation fix and websocket for production (a9c28e5)
- improve windows support using real-executable-path (b37cbb1)
- nextjs typecheck (665b946)
- node.js 10 (2152065)
- pretense package.json and lock (9d8dc12)
- prsima should be installed in server dev dep (8ea8c92)
- remove dbModules remained (f4a2818)
- remove unnecessary import (c5e334b)
- revert loading prev answer (484a9c0)
- run tests some times and fix them all (579ff49)
- template (f93d2f2)
- typecheck (skipLibChecks) (228f17b)
- use
is already deprecated. (#167) (016d62b) - template: not use prisma cli in client side package.json (e015a6e)
- test: run migrations (417062a)
- test: use cwd change instead of npm --prefix (6d90632)
- windows: .bin/typeorm is not js file on windows (8eb4395)
- revert test snapshots (b14e993)
- run some more tests and fix them around typeorm (246f946)
- support node.js using rimraf for recursive removing (b353904)
- template (4300c5c)
- test (230a067)
- test (edf9650)
- test (435980a)
- tests; swapped typeorm deps, fastify and express rejects another reponse (4f35949)
- typeorm db deps (b1280f0)
- typeorm env settings (74651a8)
- typeorm typing, move test ot generate all (7190e1b)
- typings (f6d24d1)
- use rmdir recursive instead (64e508d)
- stability on Windows (c34626f)
- support on windows (a26e7b6)
- support on windows (6ebb389)
- TEST_CFA_RANDOM_NUM default to 1 (a62c460)
- win (ae54bb8)
- dev db info input message (df7d91f)
- test: skip if failing test clean up (226c06c)
- console.error appearance (82e9c2a)
- lint (f64637c)
- test (d525724)
0.25.0 (2021-02-07)
- add dbHost due to a bug in prisma (d21f78a)
- template: update [email protected] (8160ad9)
0.24.1 (2021-01-18)
- update modules (ac75aa3)
- add typeorm migration file of postgres (8cf9abf)
0.24.0 (2021-01-08)
- add reactHooks as a choice (170191c)
0.23.0 (2020-12-30)
- add type only imports (f393d30)
- jest error with fetch client (b053737)
0.22.1 (2020-12-19)
- add env to nodejs.yml when nextjs (63d4969)
0.22.0 (2020-12-19)
- add @testing-library/react to nextjs (d6942fd)
- update sapper modules (c3fc541)
- update test of nuxtjs (2183fbf)
0.21.5 (2020-12-16)
0.21.4 (2020-12-15)
- change default db of prisma to splite (a7ce2b2)
- typo (dammy => dummy) (bafadcb)
- typo (lavel => label) (10d898d)
- typo (separete => separate) (8f39d29)
0.21.3 (2020-12-15)
- sapper: err of importing @aspida/axios (e98f8ae)
0.21.2 (2020-12-15)
- check db connection with all answers (76fe211)
0.21.1 (2020-12-14)
0.21.0 (2020-12-14)
- add vue components test (f7698d2)
- check db connection before creating (bb1cd16)
- update [email protected] and [email protected] (9cd10a8)
- sapper: change webpack to rollup (ac490e2)
- add createDBFileIfNotExists (1c95abb)
- generate prisma on client (3600bfc)
- lint of tasks.ts (286eff9)
- sapper: add node-fetch (8be19c0)
0.20.0 (2020-12-09)
- update [email protected] (a16f810)
0.19.1 (2020-12-05)
- remove jest type (ebde448)
0.19.0 (2020-12-05)
- add sapper (8abe347)
0.18.0 (2020-11-29)
- add ci configs (ddaf221)
- change fastify-auth to fastify-jwt (4499502)
- change passport to express-jwt (e5055ee)
- optimize snapshot (db72a41)
- update [email protected] (e2249eb)
0.17.0 (2020-11-08)
- rename front to client
- rename front to client (5ae117f)
0.16.5 (2020-11-07)
- add node-fetch for nuxt SSR (81ae4ee)
0.16.4 (2020-11-07)
- update frourio for node v10 (8127c5f)
0.16.3 (2020-11-06)
- handle error when json is empty (dfe396d)
0.16.2 (2020-11-04)
- add args to getTasks (98356a7)
0.16.1 (2020-10-28)
- update [email protected] (fc897be)
0.16.0 (2020-10-25)
- add cli only mode (17c14ce)
0.15.6 (2020-10-24)
- update [email protected] (caa856f)
0.15.5 (2020-10-21)
- remove error log (d6fb6c2)
0.15.4 (2020-10-21)
- catch err of open (11306dc)
0.15.3 (2020-10-19)
- remove postinstall (e3be35d)
0.15.2 (2020-10-19)
- change to cross-spawn for windows (18dba74)
0.15.1 (2020-10-19)
- add .env of templates (65c9bce)
0.15.0 (2020-10-19)
- stable design (55cea74)
- update [email protected] (6a98b3f)
- add desktop image (409cf9c)
0.14.3 (2020-10-17)
- gui: add bin/index.js (93976c3)
- add saofiles (32fe9ca)
- gui: add api (907b1e0)
- gui: add prompts (ac684e7)
- add gui directory (3824bad)
- update [email protected] (569d3cd)
- add dummy env to npm command for windows (4cbf1de)
0.14.2 (2020-10-16)
- typecheck and lint (2cc94eb)
0.14.1 (2020-10-11)
- update [email protected] (ec9f744)
0.14.0 (2020-10-09)
- add testing (52043ac)
0.13.1 (2020-10-09)
- update [email protected] (f9baf11)
0.13.0 (2020-10-07)
0.12.2 (2020-10-03)
- update [email protected] (a4c8218)
0.12.1 (2020-10-02)
- sqlite config (ea3ff79)
0.12.0 (2020-10-02)
- add choices of orm (74a5d8f)
- add dbHost (d9bb2c8)
- add prisma files (e77722b)
- improve ts and webpack config (bafb7e0)
0.11.5 (2020-10-01)
- update [email protected] (1a8aa4a)
0.11.4 (2020-09-30)
- fill db type (6ba7cd2)
0.11.3 (2020-09-21)
- update [email protected] (cf0dc20)
0.11.2 (2020-09-19)
- use mutate instead of useState (26dd992)
0.11.1 (2020-09-19)
- Next.js: rename _app.js to _app.tsx (11e962c)
0.11.0 (2020-09-19)
- Next.js: support static HTML export (856745e)
0.10.2 (2020-09-18)
- add build:server command (ceb2c65)
0.10.1 (2020-09-15)
- nuxt-fetch plugin (f63aa28)
0.10.0 (2020-09-15)
- update [email protected] (37ba53b)
- update README (6ff51f5)
0.9.10 (2020-07-24)
- typecheck command (b059fc6)
0.9.9 (2020-07-22)
- update [email protected] (5295b61)
0.9.8 (2020-07-18)
- prettier config (f5276af)
0.9.7 (2020-07-17)
- update server modules (1b2dfba)
0.9.6 (2020-07-14)
- add .eslintignore (a68ea3a)
0.9.5 (2020-07-09)
- typeorm settings (06ba7e2)
0.9.4 (2020-07-08)
- add @types/node to next.js (c95d62f)
0.9.3 (2020-07-08)
- setup front building (17615da)
0.9.2 (2020-07-07)
- for deploying on docker (b28fd2c)
0.9.1 (2020-07-04)
- disable Nuxt telemetry (923a6c5)
- bump chalk from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (93e6e2a)
0.9.0 (2020-06-29)
- next: separate package.json (26466d1)
- none: separate package.json (2e688e2)
- nuxt: separate package.json (99863fb)
- nuxt: update 2.13.0 (834e3c4)
- update [email protected] (cbb049a)
0.8.0 (2020-06-18)
- choose HTTP client (4f6f73e)
0.7.2 (2020-06-16)
- default of frontend (0f70c7d)
0.7.1 (2020-06-16)
- lint and fw name (e53f0df)
0.7.0 (2020-06-16)
- update [email protected] (f3b4160)
0.6.0 (2020-06-15)
- update [email protected] (33cde4e)
0.5.0 (2020-06-14)
- update [email protected] (385a4f5)
0.4.2 (2020-06-14)
- import File type from frourio (cea9094)
0.4.1 (2020-06-13)
0.4.0 (2020-06-13)
- add login form (10e21a0)
0.3.2 (2020-06-12)
- nuxt: update [email protected] (082eb30)
0.3.1 (2020-06-12)
- update @nuxt/typescript-build (412db39)
0.3.0 (2020-06-12)
- support database (b45d879)
- update [email protected] (c22d939)
0.2.0 (2020-06-10)
0.1.2 (2020-06-08)
- templateDir of saofile (dd09e0b)
0.1.1 (2020-06-08)
- add templates to files (7b1ff0f)
- update snapshot (675bbb4)