numformat.js is a tiny JavaScript library for number, decimal, integer, money and currency formatting/unformatting.
The library allows two way format and unformat function with custom symbols and patterns.
The unformat functions use the original format options to parse formatted values.
The library is lightweight and works great client-side or server-side.
npm install numformat.js
bower install numformat.js
var nf = require('numformat.js');
###format Functions
- value integer/float value to format
- options override default language options [see available options]
//value = 1234.123
var formattedString = nf.formatCurrency(value [, options]); //1,234.12$
//value = 1234.567
var formattedString = nf.formatNumber(value [, options]); //1,234.12
//value = 1234.123
var formattedString = nf.formatInteger(value [, options]); //1,234
###unformat Functions
- value integer/float value to format
- options override default language options [see available options]
- toFixed
- false [default] unformat functions do not apply a fixed number of decimal places to the unformatted value
- true use decimalPlaces option to apply a fixed number of decimal places to the unformatted value
var floatValue = nf.unformatNumber(value [, options] [, toFixed=false]); //1234.123
var floatValue = nf.unformatNumber(value [, options] [, toFixed=false]); //1234.123
var intValue = nf.unformatInteger(value [, options] [, toFixed=false]); //1234
###available options
- decimalPlaces - decimal places
- decimalSeparator - decimal separator symbol
- thousandSeparator - thousand separator symbol
- currencySymbol - currency symbol
- negativeSymbol - negative symbol
- pattern - pattern used to replace placeholders with number and symbol parts
- %n - negative symbol placeholder
- %i - integer part placeholder
- %s - decimal separator placeholder
- %d - decimal part placeholder
- %c - currency symbol placeholder
- emptyValue - value to return when the value is empty
- toFixed - [only format functions]
- true [default] format functions apply fixed number of decimalPlaces
- false format functions ignore decimalPlaces option
A few locale files are available in /i18n folder.
Locale can be dinamically customized by adding and completely/partially overriding existing ones, using the loadLanguage method:
nf.loadLanguage('en', {
integer: {
decimalPlaces: 0,
decimalSeparator: '.',
thousandSeparator: ',',
currencySymbol: '',
negativeSymbol: '-',
pattern: '%n%i%s%d%c',
emptyValue: '',
toFixed: true
number: {
decimalPlaces: 2,
decimalSeparator: '.',
thousandSeparator: ',',
currencySymbol: '',
negativeSymbol: '-',
pattern: '%n%i%s%d%c',
emptyValue: '',
toFixed: true
currency: {
decimalPlaces: 2,
decimalSeparator: '.',
thousandSeparator: ',',
currencySymbol: '$',
negativeSymbol: '-',
pattern: '%n%i%s%d%c',
emptyValue: '',
toFixed: true
loadLanguage immediately sets the current language to the loaded language key.
To manually set the current language use:
nf.language = 'en';