A TypeScript utility library offering a comprehensive collection of functions for validating and manipulating strings. This library includes functions to check for alphanumeric content, numeric values, special characters, prefixes, suffixes, and more. Designed for developers who need reliable and descriptive utilities to handle various string operations in their TypeScript projects.
npx jsr add @checker/string
pnpm dlx jsr add @checker/string
deno add @checker/string
yarn dlx jsr add @checker/string
bunx jsr add @checker/string
Checks if a given string is alphanumeric.
check_is_alphanumeric("abc123"); // true, The string contains only letters and numbers
check_is_alphanumeric("abc123!"); // false, The string contains a special character '!'
Checks if a given string is not alphanumeric.
check_is_not_alphanumeric("abc123!"); // true, The string contains a special character '!'
check_is_not_alphanumeric("abc123"); // false
Checks if a given string is numeric.
check_is_any_numeric("123"); // true
check_is_any_numeric("3.14"); // true
check_is_any_numeric("Infinity"); // true
check_is_any_numeric(""); // true
check_is_any_numeric("abc"); // false
Checks if a given string is not numeric.
check_is_not_any_numeric("abc"); // true
check_is_not_any_numeric("123"); // false
check_is_not_any_numeric("3.14"); // false
check_is_not_any_numeric("Infinity"); // false
check_is_not_any_numeric(""); // false
Checks if a given string represents a binary number.
check_is_binary("0b1010"); // true
check_is_binary("hello"); // false
check_is_binary("1010"); // false
Checks if a given string is in email format.
check_is_email_format("[email protected]"); // true
check_is_email_format("invalid-email"); // false
check_is_email_format("[email protected]"); // false
Checks if a given string is not in email format.
check_is_not_email_format("invalid-email"); // true
check_is_not_email_format("[email protected]"); // true
check_is_not_email_format("[email protected]"); // false
Checks if a given string is empty.
check_is_empty_string(""); // true
check_is_empty_string("hello"); // false
Checks if a given string is not empty.
check_is_not_empty_string("hello"); // true
check_is_not_empty_string(""); // false
Checks if a given string represents the "Enter" key.
This was created to check if the event.key of a DOM event is Enter.
check_is_enter_key("Enter"); // true
check_is_enter_key("enter"); // false
check_is_enter_key("invalid-key"); // false
inputElement.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
if (check_is_enter_key(event.key)) {
// When the Enter key is pressed
Checks if a given string does not represent the "Enter" key.
check_is_not_enter_key("enter"); // true
check_is_not_enter_key("invalid-key"); // true
check_is_not_enter_key("Enter"); // false
Checks if a given string is in exponential notation format.
check_is_exponential_notation("1e5"); // true
check_is_exponential_notation("3.14E-10"); // true
check_is_exponential_notation("123"); // false
Checks if a given string is not in exponential notation format.
check_is_not_exponential_notation("123"); // true
check_is_not_exponential_notation("1e5"); // false
check_is_not_exponential_notation("3.14E-10"); // false
Checks if a given string has a specific substring.
check_has_substring("hello world", "world"); // true
check_has_substring("hello world", "planet"); // false
Checks if a given string does not have a specific substring.
check_does_not_have_substring("hello world", "planet"); // true
check_does_not_have_substring("hello world", "world"); // false
Checks if a given string includes a specific substring.
const words = "hello world";
const index = words.indexOf("world");
check_is_index_found(index); // true
const anotherIndex = words.indexOf("planet");
check_is_index_found(anotherIndex); // false
Checks if a given index is not found.
const words = "hello world";
const index = words.indexOf("planet");
check_is_not_index_found(index); // true
const anotherIndex = words.indexOf("world");
check_is_index_found(anotherIndex); // false
Checks if a given string represents infinity.
check_is_infinity_string("Infinity"); // true
check_is_infinity_string("-Infinity"); // true
check_is_infinity_string("infinity"); // false, the string is not exactly "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
check_is_infinity_string("123"); // false
Checks if a given string does not represent infinity.
check_is_not_infinity_string("infinity"); // true
check_is_not_infinity_string("123"); // true
check_is_not_infinity_string("Infinity"); // false
check_is_not_infinity_string("-Infinity"); // false
Checks if a given string is a numeric value.
The function checks if the string represents a valid numeric value, including optional negative signs and decimal points. The string can represent an integer or a floating-point number.
check_is_integer_or_decimal_string("123"); // true
check_is_integer_or_decimal_string("1.1"); // true
check_is_integer_or_decimal_string("123abc"); // false
check_is_integer_or_decimal_string("hello"); // false
Checks if a given string is not a numeric value.
check_is_not_integer_or_decimal_string("123abc"); // true
check_is_not_integer_or_decimal_string("hello"); // true
check_is_not_integer_or_decimal_string("123"); // false
check_is_not_integer_or_decimal_string("1.1"); // false
Checks if a given string is in ISO 8601 format.
check_is_ISO8601_format("2023-08-30T10:30:00Z"); // true
check_is_ISO8601_format("2023-08-30T10:30:00+02:00"); // true
check_is_ISO8601_format("invalid-date"); // false
check_is_ISO8601_format("08/30/2023"); // false
Checks if a given string is not in ISO 8601 format.
check_is_not_ISO8601_format("2023-08-30T10:30:00Z"); // true
check_is_not_ISO8601_format("2023-08-30T10:30:00+02:00"); // true
check_is_not_ISO8601_format("invalid-date"); // false
check_is_Inot_SO8601_format("08/30/2023"); // false
Checks if a given string has a specific prefix.
check_has_prefix("hello world", "hello"); // true
check_has_prefix("hello world", "world"); // false
Checks if a given string does not have a specific prefix.
check_does_not_have_prefix("hello world", "world"); // true
check_does_not_have_prefix("hello world", "hello"); // false
Checks if a given string contains any special characters.
check_has_special_character("hello@world"); // true
check_has_special_character("password123!"); // true
check_has_special_character("hello world"); // false
check_has_special_character("123456"); // false
Checks if a given string does not contain any special characters.
check_does_not_have_special_character("hello world"); // true
check_does_not_have_special_character("123456"); // true
check_does_not_have_special_character("hello@world"); // false
check_does_not_have_special_character("password123!"); // false
Checks if a given string is a special numeric value.
check_is_special_numeric("1e5"); // true
check_is_special_numeric("0b1010"); // true
check_is_special_numeric("Infinity"); // true
check_is_special_numeric("123"); // false
check_is_special_numeric("hello"); // false
Checks if a given string is not a special numeric value.
check_is_not_special_numeric("123"); // true
check_is_not_special_numeric("hello"); // true
check_is_not_special_numeric("1e5"); // false
check_is_not_special_numeric("0b1010"); // false
check_is_not_special_numeric("Infinity"); // false
Checks if a given value is a string.
check_is_string("hello world"); // true
check_is_string(123); // false
check_is_string(true); // false
Checks if a given value is not a string.
check_is_not_string(123); // true
check_is_not_string(true); // true
check_is_not_string("hello world"); // false
Checks if a given string ends with a specific suffix.
check_has_suffix("hello world", "world"); // true
check_has_suffix("hello world", "hello"); // false
Checks if a given string does not end with a specific suffix.
check_does_not_have_suffix("hello world", "hello"); // true
check_does_not_have_suffix("hello world", "world"); // false
Checks if a given string is in URL format.
check_is_URL_format("http://example.com"); // true
check_is_URL_format("https://example.com"); // true
check_is_URL_format("ftp://example.com"); // true
check_is_URL_format("invalid-url"); // false
check_is_URL_format("http://"); // false
Checks if a given string is not in URL format.
check_is_not_URL_format("invalid-url"); // true
check_is_not_URL_format("http://"); // true
check_is_not_URL_format("http://example.com"); // false
check_is_not_URL_format("https://example.com"); // false
check_is_not_URL_format("ftp://example.com"); // false
Checks if a given string is in UUID format.
check_is_UUID_format("123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"); // true
check_is_UUID_format("invalid-uuid"); // false
check_is_UUID_format("123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614"); // false, this string is short.
Checks if a given string is not in UUID format.
check_is_not_UUID_format("invalid-uuid"); // true
check_is_not_UUID_format("123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-42661417400"); // true
check_is_not_UUID_format("123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"); // false