This folder contains an example of how to train and test the lGNN model.
will pull the supplied trajectory files in the gpaw folder and perform graph feature construction to form train, validation and test sets from the relaxed slabs with adsorbates. Adsorbtion energies,
The graph includes the adsorbate and the nearest neighboring atoms to the adsorbing atom(s) (ensemble) as well as the next nearest neighbors in the third surface layer.
The graph node features are onehot encoded to denote element. In addition, the layer tag and an AtomOfInterest feature tracking important atomic positions with favourable long-ranged interactions are included. As no positional information is included in the nodes and because the edges only denote connectivity, the resulting graphs retains equivariant properties.
The graphs are PyTorch Geometric data-objects from which following information can be accessed: 'x': Node features 'y': Adsorbtion energy 'edge_index': Edge pairs 'onehot_labels': Element list used for onehot encoding (does not include tag or AoI feature) 'ads': Adsorbate 'gIds': "graph Ids" used for translating a 5x5x3 sized surface to a graph (used in conjunction with templates and the surrogate surface. See the surface_simulation folder for further info)
The lGNN model is trained by running where you will also find a few adjustable parameters regarding the GNN architecture and training. The architecture will be saved in the .state-file. Therefore, after training, the model can be loaded with
with open(f'{filename}.state', 'rb') as input:
model_state = pickle.load(input)
model = lGNN(trained_state=model_state)
The lGNN class supports two methods: model.predict(graphlist)
will return the predicted adsorbtion energies from a list of graphs. model.test(data_loader,batch_size)
will return additional information
pred, true, ads = model.test(data_loader, batch_size)
with pred and true being the predicted and true energies, respectively, and ads denoting the adsorbate for easy categorization.
will create a .results file. Use it as argument to
to obtain a parity plot of the test results.