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Packaging Instructions

Publish with a GitHub Release

An action is set up to automatically publish a release on PyPI each type a version tag is created.

Version Tag Structure

A version tag should have the form vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH[EXTRAS] where [EXTRAS] are optional extras as allowed by PEP 440.

Versioning numbers should follow Semantic Versioning. To summarize, while in development mode: v0.MINOR.PATCH, PATCH should be incremented for backwards-compatible bug fixes and MINOR for everything else (breaking changes and new features).


Create a new release on GitHub with an appropriate version tag and title. For example: tag v0.2.1 and title Version 0.2.1.

Publish the release. Check the actions tab to see whether the publish to PyPI succeeded.

Publish Manually


Make sure that:

  • All changes are commited to master and the working directory has no changes or new files.
  • The code passes all tests by running tests/

Tag a Version

The code version is created based on the lasted git tag on each run of pip install/build. The version is stored in pycid/ or can be seen by running pip show pycid on the local install. Note that the package version does not automatically update in an editable install so pip install must be re-run to update the version.

Versioning numbers should follow Semantic Versioning. To summarize, while in development mode: 0.MINOR.PATCH, PATCH should be incremented for backwards-compatible bug fixes and MINOR for everything else (breaking changes and new features).

Once the API has been stabilized, the version can be updated to 1.0.0.

Instructions for tagging version 0.2.1:

git checkout master
git fetch --all --tags                  # Fetch any recent tags from origin
git tag                                 # List the existing tags to see what the next should be
git tag -a "v0.2.1" -m "Version 0.2.1"  # Create an annotated tag.
                                        # Optionally omit -m "..." to write a more detailed message
git push --tags                         # Pust tags to origin

At this point the GitHub action will take over and publish to PyPI if all tests pass. The following steps are not necessary and are included for reference only.

Test Version

Make sure the versioning worked by re-installing the package (pip install --editable .) and make sure that pip show pycid shows the new version number without any extra suffixes.

Build and Upload to PyPI

This has been replaced by a GitHub action and should not be done manually. It is for reference only.

Detailed instructions are here.

Get the build and twine packages:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade build twine

Build the project:

python3 -m build

Create a PyPI account and contact the pycid owner to get added as a maintainer. Create an API token (instructions).

Upload the project:

twine upload dist/*

For the username use __token__ and enter the API token as the password.

Afterwards, delete the dist directory because it can interfere with editable installs:

rm -r dist/