diff --git a/MMM-Todoist.css b/MMM-Todoist.css
index 313155e..6fd3159 100644
--- a/MMM-Todoist.css
+++ b/MMM-Todoist.css
@@ -1,96 +1,101 @@
-.priority {
- width: 3px;
- border-right: 3px;
+.task-table {
+ width: 100%;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
-.priority1 {
- background-color: #D1453B;
+.task-table thead th {
+ text-align: center;
-.priority2 {
- background-color: #EB8909;
+.col-content {
+ text-align: left;
-.priority3 {
- background-color: #246FE0;
+.task-table td {
+ padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px;
-.alignLeft {
- text-align: left;
+.header-icon-countdown::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f254";
-.spacerCell {
- width: 3px;
+.header-icon-content::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f04b";
-.overdue {
- text-decoration: underline #ac0000;
+.header-icon-duedate::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f274";
-.today {
- text-decoration: underline #03a05c;
+.header-icon-priority::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f06a";
-.tomorrow {
- text-decoration: underline #166cec;
+.header-icon-assignee::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f007";
+.header-icon-avatar::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f007";
+.header-icon-labels::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f02b";
-.projectcolor {
- padding: 0 !important;
- margin-right: 4px !important;
- display: inline-block;
- width: 12px;
- height: 12px;
- border-radius: 12px;
- vertical-align: top;
- margin-top: 3px;
+.header-icon-project::before {
+ font: var(--fa-font-solid);
+ content: "\f03a";
+.nowrapping {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
-/* .dueDate {
- min-width: 100px;
-} */
+.task-label-bubble {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); /* 80% transparent */
+ border-radius: 15px;
+ padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
+.task-project-bubble {
+ text-align: center;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ padding: 0 6px 0 6px;
-.todoAvatarImg {
- border-radius: 50%;
- /* filter: grayscale(100%); */
- height: 27px;
- display: block;
- margin-left: 10px;
- margin-right: auto;
+.overdue {
+ color: firebrick;
+ font-size: smaller;
+.today {
+ color: chartreuse;
+.tomorrow {
+ color: green;
+ font-size: smaller;
+.soon {
+ color: forestgreen;
+.later {
+ color: gray;
- display: table;
- width: 100%;
-.divTableRow {
- display: table-row;
-.divTableHeading {
- background-color: #EEE;
- display: table-header-group;
-.divTableCell, .divTableHead {
- /* border: 1px solid #999999; */
- display: table-cell;
- /* padding: 3px 10px; */
- vertical-align: middle;
-.divTableHeading {
- background-color: #EEE;
- display: table-header-group;
- font-weight: bold;
-.divTableFoot {
- background-color: #EEE;
- display: table-footer-group;
- font-weight: bold;
-.divTableBody {
- display: table-row-group;
-.todoTextCell {
- width: 400px;
- overflow: hidden;
+/*font awesome requires this to make icons render reliably */
+.icon::before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ text-rendering: auto;
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
diff --git a/MMM-Todoist.js b/MMM-Todoist.js
index e193b75..fe348cd 100644
--- a/MMM-Todoist.js
+++ b/MMM-Todoist.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
* Update by mabahj 24/11/2019
* - Added support for labels in addtion to projects
* Update by AgP42 the 18/07/2018
@@ -31,634 +32,578 @@
var UserPresence = true; //true by default, so no impact for user without a PIR sensor
Module.register("MMM-Todoist", {
- defaults: {
- maximumEntries: 10,
- projects: [],
- blacklistProjects: false,
- labels: [""],
- updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000, // every 10 minutes,
- fade: true,
- fadePoint: 0.25,
- fadeMinimumOpacity: 0.25,
- sortType: "todoist",
- //New config from AgP42
- displayLastUpdate: false, //add or not a line after the tasks with the last server update time
- displayLastUpdateFormat: "dd - HH:mm:ss", //format to display the last update. See Moment.js documentation for all display possibilities
- maxTitleLength: 25, //10 to 50. Value to cut the line if wrapEvents: true
- wrapEvents: false, // wrap events to multiple lines breaking at maxTitleLength
- displayTasksWithoutDue: true, // Set to false to not print tasks without a due date
- displayTasksWithinDays: -1, // If >= 0, do not print tasks with a due date more than this number of days into the future (e.g., 0 prints today and overdue)
- // 2019-12-31 by thyed
- displaySubtasks: true, // set to false to exclude subtasks
- displayAvatar: false,
- showProject: true,
- // projectColors: ["#95ef63", "#ff8581", "#ffc471", "#f9ec75", "#a8c8e4", "#d2b8a3", "#e2a8e4", "#cccccc", "#fb886e",
- // "#ffcc00", "#74e8d3", "#3bd5fb", "#dc4fad", "#ac193d", "#d24726", "#82ba00", "#03b3b2", "#008299",
- // "#5db2ff", "#0072c6", "#000000", "#777777"
- // ], //These colors come from Todoist and their order matters if you want the colors to match your Todoist project colors.
- //TODOIST Change how they are doing Project Colors, so now I'm changing it.
- projectColors: {
- 30:'#b8256f',
- 31:'#db4035',
- 32:'#ff9933',
- 33:'#fad000',
- 34:'#afb83b',
- 35:'#7ecc49',
- 36:'#299438',
- 37:'#6accbc',
- 38:'#158fad',
- 39:'#14aaf5',
- 40:'#96c3eb',
- 41:'#4073ff',
- 42:'#884dff',
- 43:'#af38eb',
- 44:'#eb96eb',
- 45:'#e05194',
- 46:'#ff8d85',
- 47:'#808080',
- 48:'#b8b8b8',
- 49:'#ccac93'
- },
- //This has been designed to use the Todoist Sync API.
- apiVersion: "v9",
- apiBase: "https://todoist.com/API",
- todoistEndpoint: "sync",
- todoistResourceType: "[\"items\", \"projects\", \"collaborators\", \"user\", \"labels\"]",
- debug: false
- },
- // Define required scripts.
- getStyles: function () {
- return ["MMM-Todoist.css"];
- },
- getTranslations: function () {
- return {
- en: "translations/en.json",
- de: "translations/de.json",
- nb: "translations/nb.json"
- };
- },
- start: function () {
- var self = this;
- Log.info("Starting module: " + this.name);
- this.updateIntervalID = 0; // Definition of the IntervalID to be able to stop and start it again
- this.ModuleToDoIstHidden = false; // by default it is considered displayed. Note : core function "this.hidden" has strange behaviour, so not used here
- //to display "Loading..." at start-up
- this.title = "Loading...";
- this.loaded = false;
- if (this.config.accessToken === "") {
- Log.error("MMM-Todoist: AccessToken not set!");
- return;
- }
- //Support legacy properties
- if (this.config.lists !== undefined) {
- if (this.config.lists.length > 0) {
- this.config.projects = this.config.lists;
- }
- }
- // keep track of user's projects list (used to build the "whitelist")
- this.userList = typeof this.config.projects !== "undefined" ?
- JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.config.projects)) : [];
- this.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", this.config);
- //add ID to the setInterval function to be able to stop it later on
- this.updateIntervalID = setInterval(function () {
- self.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", self.config);
- }, this.config.updateInterval);
- },
- suspend: function () { //called by core system when the module is not displayed anymore on the screen
- this.ModuleToDoIstHidden = true;
- //Log.log("Fct suspend - ModuleHidden = " + ModuleHidden);
- this.GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst();
- },
- resume: function () { //called by core system when the module is displayed on the screen
- this.ModuleToDoIstHidden = false;
- //Log.log("Fct resume - ModuleHidden = " + ModuleHidden);
- this.GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst();
- },
- notificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
- if (notification === "USER_PRESENCE") { // notification sended by module MMM-PIR-Sensor. See its doc
- //Log.log("Fct notificationReceived USER_PRESENCE - payload = " + payload);
- UserPresence = payload;
- this.GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst();
- }
- },
- GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst: function () {
- if (UserPresence === true && this.ModuleToDoIstHidden === false) {
- var self = this;
- // update now
- this.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", this.config);
- //if no IntervalID defined, we set one again. This is to avoid several setInterval simultaneously
- if (this.updateIntervalID === 0) {
- this.updateIntervalID = setInterval(function () {
- self.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", self.config);
- }, this.config.updateInterval);
- }
- } else { //if (UserPresence = false OR ModuleHidden = true)
- Log.log("Personne regarde : on stop l'update " + this.name + " projet : " + this.config.projects);
- clearInterval(this.updateIntervalID); // stop the update interval of this module
- this.updateIntervalID = 0; //reset the flag to be able to start another one at resume
- }
- },
- // Code from MichMich from default module Calendar : to manage task displayed on several lines
- /**
- * Shortens a string if it's longer than maxLength and add a ellipsis to the end
- *
- * @param {string} string Text string to shorten
- * @param {number} maxLength The max length of the string
- * @param {boolean} wrapEvents Wrap the text after the line has reached maxLength
- * @returns {string} The shortened string
- */
- shorten: function (string, maxLength, wrapEvents) {
- if (typeof string !== "string") {
- return "";
- }
- if (wrapEvents === true) {
- var temp = "";
- var currentLine = "";
- var words = string.split(" ");
- for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
- var word = words[i];
- if (currentLine.length + word.length < (typeof maxLength === "number" ? maxLength : 25) - 1) { // max - 1 to account for a space
- currentLine += (word + " ");
- } else {
- if (currentLine.length > 0) {
- temp += (currentLine + "
" + word + " ");
- } else {
- temp += (word + "
- }
- currentLine = "";
- }
- }
- return (temp + currentLine).trim();
- } else {
- if (maxLength && typeof maxLength === "number" && string.length > maxLength) {
- return string.trim().slice(0, maxLength) + "…";
- } else {
- return string.trim();
- }
- }
- },
- //end modif AgP
- // Override socket notification handler.
- // ******** Data sent from the Backend helper. This is the data from the Todoist API ************
- socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
- if (notification === "TASKS") {
- this.filterTodoistData(payload);
- if (this.config.displayLastUpdate) {
- this.lastUpdate = Date.now() / 1000; //save the timestamp of the last update to be able to display it
- Log.log("ToDoIst update OK, project : " + this.config.projects + " at : " + moment.unix(this.lastUpdate).format(this.config.displayLastUpdateFormat)); //AgP
- }
- this.loaded = true;
- this.updateDom(1000);
- } else if (notification === "FETCH_ERROR") {
- Log.error("Todoist Error. Could not fetch todos: " + payload.error);
- }
- },
- filterTodoistData: function (tasks) {
- var self = this;
- var items = [];
- var labelIds = [];
- if (tasks == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- if (tasks.accessToken != self.config.accessToken) {
- return;
- }
- if (tasks.items == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.config.blacklistProjects) {
- // take all projects in payload, and remove the ones specified by user
- // i.e., convert user's "whitelist" into a "blacklist"
- this.config.projects = [];
- tasks.projects.forEach(project => {
- if(this.userList.includes(project.id)) {
- return; // blacklisted
- }
- this.config.projects.push(project.id);
- });
- if(self.config.debug) {
- console.log("MMM-Todoist: original list of projects was blacklisted.\n" +
- "Only considering the following projects:");
- console.log(this.config.projects);
- }
- }
- // Loop through labels fetched from API and find corresponding label IDs for task filtering
- // Could be re-used for project names -> project IDs.
- if (self.config.labels.length>0 && tasks.labels != undefined) {
- for (let apiLabel of tasks.labels) {
- for (let configLabelName of self.config.labels) {
- if (apiLabel.name == configLabelName) {
- labelIds.push(apiLabel.id);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (self.config.displayTasksWithinDays > -1 || !self.config.displayTasksWithoutDue) {
- tasks.items = tasks.items.filter(function (item) {
- if (item.due === null) {
- return self.config.displayTasksWithoutDue;
- }
- var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
- var dueDateTime = self.parseDueDate(item.due.date);
- var dueDate = new Date(dueDateTime.getFullYear(), dueDateTime.getMonth(), dueDateTime.getDate());
- var now = new Date();
- var today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
- var diffDays = Math.floor((dueDate - today) / (oneDay));
- return diffDays <= self.config.displayTasksWithinDays;
- });
- }
- //Filter the Todos by the criteria specified in the Config
- tasks.items.forEach(function (item) {
- // Ignore sub-tasks
- if (item.parent_id!=null && !self.config.displaySubtasks) { return; }
- // Filter using label if a label is configured
- if (labelIds.length>0 && item.labels.length > 0) {
- // Check all the labels assigned to the task. Add to items if match with configured label
- for (let label of item.labels) {
- for (let labelNumber of labelIds) {
- if (label == labelNumber) {
- items.push(item);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Filter using projets if projects are configured
- if (self.config.projects.length>0){
- self.config.projects.forEach(function (project) {
- if (item.project_id == project) {
- items.push(item);
- return;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- if (self.config.debug) {
- console.log("%c *** PROJECT -- ID ***", "background: #222; color: #bada55");
- tasks.projects.forEach(project => {
- console.log("%c" + project.name + " -- " + project.id, "background: #222; color: #bada55");
- });
- };
- //****** */
- //Used for ordering by date
- items.forEach(function (item) {
- if (item.due === null) {
- item.due = {};
- item.due["date"] = "2100-12-31";
- item.all_day = true;
- }
- // Used to sort by date.
- item.date = self.parseDueDate(item.due.date);
- // as v8 API does not have 'all_day' field anymore then check due.date for presence of time
- // if due.date has a time then set item.all_day to false else all_day is true
- if (item.due.date.length > 10) {
- item.all_day = false;
- } else {
- item.all_day = true;
- }
- });
- //***** Sorting code if you want to add new methods. */
- switch (self.config.sortType) {
- case "todoist":
- sorteditems = self.sortByTodoist(items);
- break;
- case 'priority':
- sorteditems = self.sortByPriority(items);
- break;
- case "dueDateAsc":
- sorteditems = self.sortByDueDateAsc(items);
- break;
- case "dueDateDesc":
- sorteditems = self.sortByDueDateDesc(items);
- break;
- case "dueDateDescPriority":
- sorteditems = self.sortByDueDateDescPriority(items);
- break;
- default:
- sorteditems = self.sortByTodoist(items);
- break;
- }
- //Slice by max Entries
- items = items.slice(0, this.config.maximumEntries);
- this.tasks = {
- "items": items,
- "projects": tasks.projects,
- "collaborators": tasks.collaborators
- };
- },
- /*
- * The Todoist API returns task due dates as strings in these two formats: YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
- * This depends on whether a task only has a due day or a due day and time. You cannot pass this date string into
- * "new Date()" - it is inconsistent. In one format, the date string is considered to be in UTC, the other in the
- * local timezone. Additionally, if the task's due date has a timezone set, it is given in UTC (zulu format),
- * otherwise it is local time. The parseDueDate function keeps Dates consistent by interpreting them all relative
- * to the same timezone.
- */
- parseDueDate: function (date) {
- let [year, month, day, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0] = date.split(/\D/).map(Number);
- // If the task's due date has a timezone set (as opposed to the default floating timezone), it's given in UTC time.
- if (date[date.length -1] === "Z") {
- return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second));
- }
- return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second);
- },
- sortByTodoist: function (itemstoSort) {
- itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
- // 2019-12-31 bugfix by thyed, property is child_order, not item_order
- var itemA = a.child_order,
- itemB = b.child_order;
- return itemA - itemB;
- });
- return itemstoSort;
- },
- sortByDueDateAsc: function (itemstoSort) {
- itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.date - b.date;
- });
- return itemstoSort;
- },
- sortByDueDateDesc: function (itemstoSort) {
- itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
- return b.date - a.date;
- });
- return itemstoSort;
- },
- sortByPriority: function (itemstoSort) {
- itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
- return b.priority - a.priority;
- });
- return itemstoSort;
- },
- sortByDueDateDescPriority: function (itemstoSort) {
- itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
- if (a.date > b.date) return 1;
- if (a.date < b.date) return -1;
- if (a.priority < b.priority) return 1;
- if (a.priority > b.priority) return -1;
- });
- return itemstoSort;
- },
- createCell: function(className, innerHTML) {
- var cell = document.createElement("div");
- cell.className = "divTableCell " + className;
- cell.innerHTML = innerHTML;
- return cell;
- },
- addPriorityIndicatorCell: function(item) {
- var className = "priority ";
- switch (item.priority) {
- case 4:
- className += "priority1";
- break;
- case 3:
- className += "priority2";
- break;
- case 2:
- className += "priority3";
- break;
- default:
- className = "";
- break;
- }
- return this.createCell(className, " ");;
- },
- addColumnSpacerCell: function() {
- return this.createCell("spacerCell", " ");
- },
- addTodoTextCell: function(item) {
- var temp = document.createElement('div');
- temp.innerHTML = item.contentHtml;
- var para = temp.getElementsByTagName('p');
- return this.createCell("title bright alignLeft",
- this.shorten(para[0].innerHTML, this.config.maxTitleLength, this.config.wrapEvents));
- // return this.createCell("title bright alignLeft", item.content);
- },
- addDueDateCell: function(item) {
- var className = "bright align-right dueDate ";
- var innerHTML = "";
- var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
- var dueDateTime = this.parseDueDate(item.due.date);
- var dueDate = new Date(dueDateTime.getFullYear(), dueDateTime.getMonth(), dueDateTime.getDate());
- var now = new Date();
- var today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
- var diffDays = Math.floor((dueDate - today) / (oneDay));
- var diffMonths = (dueDate.getFullYear() * 12 + dueDate.getMonth()) - (now.getFullYear() * 12 + now.getMonth());
- if (diffDays < -1) {
- innerHTML = dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
- "month": "short"
- }) + " " + dueDate.getDate();
- className += "xsmall overdue";
- } else if (diffDays === -1) {
- innerHTML = this.translate("YESTERDAY");
- className += "xsmall overdue";
- } else if (diffDays === 0) {
- innerHTML = this.translate("TODAY");
- if (item.all_day || dueDateTime >= now) {
- className += "today";
- } else {
- className += "overdue";
- }
- } else if (diffDays === 1) {
- innerHTML = this.translate("TOMORROW");
- className += "xsmall tomorrow";
- } else if (diffDays < 7) {
- innerHTML = dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
- "weekday": "short"
- });
- className += "xsmall";
- } else if (diffMonths < 7 || dueDate.getFullYear() == now.getFullYear()) {
- innerHTML = dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
- "month": "short"
- }) + " " + dueDate.getDate();
- className += "xsmall";
- } else if (item.due.date === "2100-12-31") {
- innerHTML = "";
- className += "xsmall";
- } else {
- innerHTML = dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
- "month": "short"
- }) + " " + dueDate.getDate() + " " + dueDate.getFullYear();
- className += "xsmall";
- }
- if (innerHTML !== "" && !item.all_day) {
- function formatTime(d) {
- function z(n) {
- return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n;
- }
- var h = d.getHours();
- var m = z(d.getMinutes());
- if (config.timeFormat == 12) {
- return " " + (h % 12 || 12) + ":" + m + (h < 12 ? " AM" : " PM");
- } else {
- return " " + h + ":" + m;
- }
- }
- innerHTML += formatTime(dueDateTime);
- }
- return this.createCell(className, innerHTML);
- },
- addProjectCell: function(item) {
- var project = this.tasks.projects.find(p => p.id === item.project_id);
- var projectcolor = this.config.projectColors[project.color];
- var innerHTML = "" + project.name;
- return this.createCell("xsmall", innerHTML);
- },
- addAssigneeAvatorCell: function(item, collaboratorsMap) {
- var avatarImg = document.createElement("img");
- avatarImg.className = "todoAvatarImg";
- var colIndex = collaboratorsMap.get(item.responsible_uid);
- if (typeof colIndex !== "undefined" && this.tasks.collaborators[colIndex].image_id!=null) {
- avatarImg.src = "https://dcff1xvirvpfp.cloudfront.net/" + this.tasks.collaborators[colIndex].image_id + "_big.jpg";
- } else { avatarImg.src = "/modules/MMM-Todoist/1x1px.png"; }
- var cell = this.createCell("", "");
- cell.appendChild(avatarImg);
- return cell;
- },
- getDom: function () {
- if (this.config.hideWhenEmpty && this.tasks.items.length===0) {
- return null;
- }
- //Add a new div to be able to display the update time alone after all the task
- var wrapper = document.createElement("div");
- //display "loading..." if not loaded
- if (!this.loaded) {
- wrapper.innerHTML = "Loading...";
- wrapper.className = "dimmed light small";
- return wrapper;
- }
- //New CSS based Table
- var divTable = document.createElement("div");
- divTable.className = "divTable normal small light";
- var divBody = document.createElement("div");
- divBody.className = "divTableBody";
- if (this.tasks === undefined) {
- return wrapper;
- }
- // create mapping from user id to collaborator index
- var collaboratorsMap = new Map();
- for (var value=0; value < this.tasks.collaborators.length; value++) {
- collaboratorsMap.set(this.tasks.collaborators[value].id, value);
- }
- //Iterate through Todos
- this.tasks.items.forEach(item => {
- var divRow = document.createElement("div");
- //Add the Row
- divRow.className = "divTableRow";
- //Columns
- divRow.appendChild(this.addPriorityIndicatorCell(item));
- divRow.appendChild(this.addColumnSpacerCell());
- divRow.appendChild(this.addTodoTextCell(item));
- divRow.appendChild(this.addDueDateCell(item));
- if (this.config.showProject) {
- divRow.appendChild(this.addColumnSpacerCell());
- divRow.appendChild(this.addProjectCell(item));
- }
- if (this.config.displayAvatar) {
- divRow.appendChild(this.addAssigneeAvatorCell(item, collaboratorsMap));
- }
- divBody.appendChild(divRow);
- });
- divTable.appendChild(divBody);
- wrapper.appendChild(divTable);
- // create the gradient
- if (this.config.fade && this.config.fadePoint < 1) divTable.querySelectorAll('.divTableRow').forEach((row, i, rows) => row.style.opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1 - ((((i + 1) * (1 / (rows.length))) - this.config.fadePoint) / (1 - this.config.fadePoint)) * (1 - this.config.fadeMinimumOpacity), 1)));
- // display the update time at the end, if defined so by the user config
- if (this.config.displayLastUpdate) {
- var updateinfo = document.createElement("div");
- updateinfo.className = "xsmall light align-left";
- updateinfo.innerHTML = "Update : " + moment.unix(this.lastUpdate).format(this.config.displayLastUpdateFormat);
- wrapper.appendChild(updateinfo);
- }
- //**** FOR DEBUGGING TO HELP PEOPLE GET THEIR PROJECT IDs - (People who can't see console) */
- if (this.config.debug) {
- var projectsids = document.createElement("div");
- projectsids.className = "xsmall light align-left";
- projectsids.innerHTML = "*** PROJECT -- ID ***
- this.tasks.projects.forEach(project => {
- projectsids.innerHTML += "" + project.name + " -- " + project.id + "
- });
- wrapper.appendChild(projectsids);
- };
- //****** */
- return wrapper;
- }
+ defaults: {
+ maximumEntries: 10,
+ projects: [], //include all task from these projects regardless of label
+ blacklistProjects: false,
+ labels: [""], //tasks with these labels will be displayed regardless of project
+ updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000, // every 10 minutes,
+ fade: true,
+ fadePoint: 0.25,
+ fadeMinimumOpacity: 0.25,
+ sortType: "todoist",
+ //New config from AgP42
+ displayLastUpdate: false, //add or not a line after the tasks with the last server update time
+ displayLastUpdateFormat: "dd - HH:mm:ss", //format to display the last update. See Moment.js documentation for all display possibilities
+ maxTitleLength: 50, //10 to 50. Value to cut the line if wrapEvents: true
+ wrapEvents: false, // wrap events to multiple lines breaking at maxTitleLength
+ displayTasksWithoutDue: true, // Set to false to not print tasks without a due date
+ displayTasksWithinDays: -1, // If >= 0, do not print tasks with a due date more than this number of days into the future (e.g., 0 prints today and overdue)
+ // 2019-12-31 by thyed
+ displaySubtasks: true, // set to false to exclude subtasks
+ //colorMap taken from https://developer.todoist.com/guides/#colors
+ //names needed for project colors
+ colorMap: [
+ { id: 30, name: "berry_red", hex: "#b8256f" },
+ { id: 31, name: "red", hex: "#db4035" },
+ { id: 31, name: "orange", hex: "#ff9933" },
+ { id: 33, name: "yellow", hex: "#fad000" },
+ { id: 34, name: "olive_green", hex: "#afb83b" },
+ { id: 35, name: "lime_green", hex: "#7ecc49" },
+ { id: 36, name: "green", hex: "#299438" },
+ { id: 37, name: "mint_green", hex: "#6accbc" },
+ { id: 38, name: "teal", hex: "#158fad" },
+ { id: 39, name: "sky_blue", hex: "#14aaf5" },
+ { id: 40, name: "light_blue", hex: "#96c3eb" },
+ { id: 41, name: "blue", hex: "#4073ff" },
+ { id: 42, name: "grape", hex: "#884dff" },
+ { id: 43, name: "violet", hex: "#af38eb" },
+ { id: 44, name: "lavender", hex: "#eb96eb" },
+ { id: 45, name: "magenta", hex: "#e05194" },
+ { id: 46, name: "salmon", hex: "#ff8d85" },
+ { id: 47, name: "charcoal", hex: "#808080" },
+ { id: 48, name: "grey", hex: "#b8b8b8" },
+ { id: 49, name: "taupe", hex: "#ccac93" }
+ ],
+ //This has been designed to use the Todoist Sync API.
+ apiVersion: "v9",
+ apiBase: "https://todoist.com/API",
+ todoistEndpoint: "sync",
+ todoistResourceType:
+ '["items", "projects", "collaborators", "user", "labels"]',
+ debug: true,
+ //display these columns in this order; all are optional
+ displayOrder: [
+ "content",
+ "duedate",
+ "countdown",
+ "priority",
+ "labels",
+ "assignee",
+ "avatar",
+ "project"
+ ],
+ //taken from Todoist
+ priorityColors: {
+ 1: "#333333",
+ 2: "#246fe0",
+ 3: "#eb8909",
+ 4: "#d1453b"
+ },
+ displayProjectAs: "both", //"name" excludes color border surrounding project name, "color" excludes the project name (anything else = "both" project name and project color border around name)
+ displayColumnHeadings: "icons", //"text", "icons", "none" --using column text makes table significantly wider
+ tasks: false //not user adjustable, this is where the template data is stored
+ },
+ // Define required scripts.
+ getTemplate: function () {
+ return "baseTemplate.njk";
+ },
+ getTemplateData: function () {
+ return this.config;
+ },
+ getStyles: function () {
+ return ["MMM-Todoist.css"];
+ },
+ getTranslations: function () {
+ return {
+ en: "translations/en.json",
+ de: "translations/de.json",
+ nb: "translations/nb.json"
+ };
+ },
+ start: function () {
+ var self = this;
+ Log.info("Starting module: " + this.name);
+ this.updateIntervalID = 0; // Definition of the IntervalID to be able to stop and start it again
+ this.ModuleToDoIstHidden = false; // by default it is considered displayed. Note : core function "this.hidden" has strange behaviour, so not used here
+ //to display "Loading..." at start-up
+ this.title = "Loading...";
+ this.loaded = false;
+ if (this.config.accessToken === "") {
+ Log.error("MMM-Todoist: AccessToken not set!");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Support legacy properties
+ if (this.config.lists !== undefined) {
+ if (this.config.lists.length > 0) {
+ this.config.projects = this.config.lists;
+ }
+ }
+ // keep track of user's projects list (used to build the "whitelist")
+ this.userList =
+ typeof this.config.projects !== "undefined"
+ ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.config.projects))
+ : [];
+ this.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", this.config);
+ //add ID to the setInterval function to be able to stop it later on
+ this.updateIntervalID = setInterval(function () {
+ self.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", self.config);
+ }, this.config.updateInterval);
+ },
+ suspend: function () {
+ //called by core system when the module is not displayed anymore on the screen
+ this.ModuleToDoIstHidden = true;
+ //Log.log("Fct suspend - ModuleHidden = " + ModuleHidden);
+ this.GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst();
+ },
+ resume: function () {
+ //called by core system when the module is displayed on the screen
+ this.ModuleToDoIstHidden = false;
+ //Log.log("Fct resume - ModuleHidden = " + ModuleHidden);
+ this.GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst();
+ },
+ notificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
+ if (notification === "USER_PRESENCE") {
+ // notification sended by module MMM-PIR-Sensor. See its doc
+ //Log.log("Fct notificationReceived USER_PRESENCE - payload = " + payload);
+ UserPresence = payload;
+ this.GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst();
+ }
+ },
+ GestionUpdateIntervalToDoIst: function () {
+ if (UserPresence === true && this.ModuleToDoIstHidden === false) {
+ var self = this;
+ // update now
+ this.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", this.config);
+ //if no IntervalID defined, we set one again. This is to avoid several setInterval simultaneously
+ if (this.updateIntervalID === 0) {
+ this.updateIntervalID = setInterval(function () {
+ self.sendSocketNotification("FETCH_TODOIST", self.config);
+ }, this.config.updateInterval);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //if (UserPresence = false OR ModuleHidden = true)
+ Log.log(
+ "Personne regarde : on stop l'update " +
+ this.name +
+ " projet : " +
+ this.config.projects
+ );
+ clearInterval(this.updateIntervalID); // stop the update interval of this module
+ this.updateIntervalID = 0; //reset the flag to be able to start another one at resume
+ }
+ },
+ // Override socket notification handler.
+ // ******** Data sent from the Backend helper. This is the data from the Todoist API ************
+ socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
+ if (notification === "TASKS") {
+ if (this.config.debug) {
+ Log.info(payload);
+ }
+ this.config.tasks = this.filterTodoistData(payload);
+ if (this.config.displayLastUpdate) {
+ this.lastUpdate = Date.now() / 1000; //save the timestamp of the last update to be able to display it
+ Log.log(
+ "ToDoIst update OK, project : " +
+ this.config.projects +
+ " at : " +
+ moment
+ .unix(this.lastUpdate)
+ .format(this.config.displayLastUpdateFormat)
+ ); //AgP
+ }
+ this.loaded = true;
+ this.updateDom(1000);
+ } else if (notification === "FETCH_ERROR") {
+ Log.error("Todoist Error. Could not fetch todos: " + payload.error);
+ }
+ },
+ filterTodoistData: function (tasks) {
+ var self = this;
+ var items = [];
+ var labelIds = [];
+ if (tasks == undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tasks.accessToken != self.config.accessToken) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tasks.items == undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.config.blacklistProjects) {
+ // take all projects in payload, and remove the ones specified by user
+ // i.e., convert user's "whitelist" into a "blacklist"
+ this.config.projects = [];
+ tasks.projects.forEach((project) => {
+ if (this.userList.includes(project.id)) {
+ return; // blacklisted
+ }
+ this.config.projects.push(project.id);
+ });
+ if (self.config.debug) {
+ console.log(
+ "MMM-Todoist: original list of projects was blacklisted.\n" +
+ "Only considering the following projects:"
+ );
+ console.log(this.config.projects);
+ }
+ }
+ //include all tasks with due dates (if set in config) OR with due dates within config number of days
+ if (
+ self.config.displayTasksWithinDays > -1 ||
+ !self.config.displayTasksWithoutDue
+ ) {
+ tasks.items = tasks.items.filter(function (item) {
+ if (item.due === null) {
+ return self.config.displayTasksWithoutDue;
+ }
+ var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+ var dueDateTime = self.parseDueDate(item.due.date);
+ var dueDate = new Date(
+ dueDateTime.getFullYear(),
+ dueDateTime.getMonth(),
+ dueDateTime.getDate()
+ );
+ var now = new Date();
+ var today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
+ var diffDays = Math.floor((dueDate - today) / oneDay);
+ return diffDays <= self.config.displayTasksWithinDays;
+ });
+ }
+ //filter tasks to include in template data by the criteria specified in the Config
+ tasks.items.forEach(function (item) {
+ // do not include any subtasks
+ if (item.parent_id != null && !self.config.displaySubtasks) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Filter to include all tasks with labels listed in config (if any labels are listed)
+ if (self.config.labels.length > 0 && item.labels.length > 0) {
+ // Check all the labels assigned to the task. Add to items if match with configured label
+ for (let label of item.labels) {
+ for (let labelName of self.config.labels) {
+ if (label == labelName) {
+ items.push(item);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Filter to include tasks with projects listed in config (if any projects are listed)
+ if (self.config.projects.length > 0) {
+ self.config.projects.forEach(function (project) {
+ if (item.project_id == project) {
+ items.push(item);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }); //end of filters
+ if (self.config.debug) {
+ console.log(
+ "%c *** PROJECT -- ID ***",
+ "background: #222; color: #bada55"
+ );
+ tasks.projects.forEach((project) => {
+ console.log(
+ "%c" + project.name + " -- " + project.id,
+ "background: #222; color: #bada55"
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ //convert item information to display formats
+ items.forEach(function (item) {
+ //Used for ordering by date
+ if (item.due === null) {
+ item.due = {};
+ item.due["date"] = "2100-12-31"; //FAKE DUE DATE WHEN NONE SUPPLIED
+ item.all_day = true;
+ }
+ // Used to sort by date.
+ item.date = self.parseDueDate(item.due.date);
+ // as v8 API does not have 'all_day' field anymore then check due.date for presence of time
+ // if due.date has a time then set item.all_day to false else all_day is true
+ if (item.due.date.length > 10) {
+ item.all_day = false;
+ } else {
+ item.all_day = true;
+ }
+ //converting due date object to string
+ if (item.due["date"] == "2100-12-31") {
+ //check for fake due date
+ item.duedate = "---";
+ } else {
+ item.duedate = self.addDueDate(item);
+ }
+ //inserting project info into task item for template
+ if (self.config.displayOrder.includes("project")) {
+ let proj = tasks.projects.find(({ pid }) => pid === item.project_id);
+ if (proj === undefined) {
+ item.project = {
+ name: "---",
+ color: "#808080"
+ };
+ } else {
+ let projColor = self.config.colorMap.find(
+ ({ name }) => name === proj.color
+ );
+ item.project = {
+ name: proj.name,
+ color: projColor.hex
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ //convert all due dates into days-until-due for countdown
+ if (self.config.displayOrder.includes("countdown")) {
+ if (item.due["date"] == "2100-12-31") {
+ //check for fake due date
+ item.countdown = "---";
+ } else {
+ let itemDueDate = moment(self.parseDueDate(item.due.date));
+ item.countdown = itemDueDate.diff(moment(), "days") + 1; //adding to include the day something is due
+ }
+ }
+ //insert assignee and avatar url
+ if (
+ self.config.displayOrder.includes("assignee") ||
+ self.config.displayOrder.includes("avatar")
+ ) {
+ let collaborator = tasks.collaborators.find(
+ ({ id }) => id === item.responsible_uid
+ );
+ if (collaborator === undefined) {
+ item.assignee = "---";
+ item.avatarURL =
+ "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 15 15'%3E%3Ccircle cx='7.5' cy='7.5' r='7.1' style='fill: none; stroke: %23828282; stroke-width: .8px;'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='7.5' cy='5.63' r='3.08' style='fill: none; stroke: %23828282; stroke-width: .8px;'/%3E%3Cpath d='M2.33,12.36c1.02-2.86,4.16-4.35,7.01-3.34,1.56,.55,2.78,1.78,3.34,3.34' style='fill: none; stroke: %23828282; stroke-width: .8px;'/%3E%3C/svg%3E";
+ } else {
+ item.assignee = collaborator.full_name;
+ if (collaborator.image_id) {
+ /* Todoist provides a url for each user's avatar */
+ item.avatarURL =
+ "https://dcff1xvirvpfp.cloudfront.net/" +
+ collaborator.image_id +
+ "_small.jpg";
+ } else {
+ item.avatarURL =
+ "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 15 15'%3E%3Ccircle cx='7.5' cy='7.5' r='7.1' style='fill: none; stroke: %23828282; stroke-width: .8px;'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='7.5' cy='5.63' r='3.08' style='fill: none; stroke: %23828282; stroke-width: .8px;'/%3E%3Cpath d='M2.33,12.36c1.02-2.86,4.16-4.35,7.01-3.34,1.56,.55,2.78,1.78,3.34,3.34' style='fill: none; stroke: %23828282; stroke-width: .8px;'/%3E%3C/svg%3E";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Sorting code if you want to add new methods. //
+ switch (self.config.sortType) {
+ case "todoist":
+ sorteditems = self.sortByTodoist(items);
+ break;
+ case "priority":
+ sorteditems = self.sortByPriority(items);
+ break;
+ case "dueDateAsc":
+ sorteditems = self.sortByDueDateAsc(items);
+ break;
+ case "dueDateDesc":
+ sorteditems = self.sortByDueDateDesc(items);
+ break;
+ case "dueDateDescPriority":
+ sorteditems = self.sortByDueDateDescPriority(items);
+ break;
+ default:
+ sorteditems = self.sortByTodoist(items);
+ break;
+ }
+ //Slice by max Entries
+ items = items.slice(0, this.config.maximumEntries);
+ //collate filtered and converted task information
+ this.tasks = {
+ items: items,
+ projects: tasks.projects,
+ collaborators: tasks.collaborators
+ };
+ return this.tasks;
+ },
+ /*
+ * The Todoist API returns task due dates as strings in these two formats: YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
+ * This depends on whether a task only has a due day or a due day and time. You cannot pass this date string into
+ * "new Date()" - it is inconsistent. In one format, the date string is considered to be in UTC, the other in the
+ * local timezone. Additionally, if the task's due date has a timezone set, it is given in UTC (zulu format),
+ * otherwise it is local time. The parseDueDate function keeps Dates consistent by interpreting them all relative
+ * to the same timezone.
+ */
+ parseDueDate: function (date) {
+ let [year, month, day, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0] = date
+ .split(/\D/)
+ .map(Number);
+ // If the task's due date has a timezone set (as opposed to the default floating timezone), it's given in UTC time.
+ if (date[date.length - 1] === "Z") {
+ return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second));
+ }
+ return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second);
+ },
+ sortByTodoist: function (itemstoSort) {
+ itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
+ // 2019-12-31 bugfix by thyed, property is child_order, not item_order
+ var itemA = a.child_order,
+ itemB = b.child_order;
+ return itemA - itemB;
+ });
+ return itemstoSort;
+ },
+ sortByDueDateAsc: function (itemstoSort) {
+ itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.date - b.date;
+ });
+ return itemstoSort;
+ },
+ sortByDueDateDesc: function (itemstoSort) {
+ itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return b.date - a.date;
+ });
+ return itemstoSort;
+ },
+ sortByPriority: function (itemstoSort) {
+ itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return b.priority - a.priority;
+ });
+ return itemstoSort;
+ },
+ sortByDueDateDescPriority: function (itemstoSort) {
+ itemstoSort.sort(function (a, b) {
+ if (a.date > b.date) return 1;
+ if (a.date < b.date) return -1;
+ if (a.priority < b.priority) return 1;
+ if (a.priority > b.priority) return -1;
+ });
+ return itemstoSort;
+ },
+ addDueDate: function (item) {
+ item.isDue = "later"; //var className = "bright align-right dueDate ";
+ var innerHTML = "";
+ var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+ var dueDateTime = this.parseDueDate(item.due.date);
+ var dueDate = new Date(
+ dueDateTime.getFullYear(),
+ dueDateTime.getMonth(),
+ dueDateTime.getDate()
+ );
+ var now = new Date();
+ var today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());
+ var diffDays = Math.floor((dueDate - today) / oneDay);
+ var diffMonths =
+ dueDate.getFullYear() * 12 +
+ dueDate.getMonth() -
+ (now.getFullYear() * 12 + now.getMonth());
+ if (diffDays < -1) {
+ innerHTML =
+ dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
+ month: "short"
+ }) +
+ " " +
+ dueDate.getDate();
+ item.isDue = "overdue"; //className += "xsmall overdue";
+ } else if (diffDays === -1) {
+ innerHTML = this.translate("YESTERDAY");
+ item.isDue = "overdue"; //className += "xsmall overdue";
+ } else if (diffDays === 0) {
+ innerHTML = this.translate("TODAY");
+ if (item.all_day || dueDateTime >= now) {
+ item.isDue = "today"; //className += "today";
+ } else {
+ item.isDue = "overdue"; //className += "overdue";
+ }
+ } else if (diffDays === 1) {
+ innerHTML = this.translate("TOMORROW");
+ item.isDue = "tomorrow"; //className += "xsmall tomorrow";
+ } else if (diffDays < 7) {
+ innerHTML = dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
+ weekday: "short"
+ });
+ item.isDue = "soon"; //className += "xsmall";
+ } else if (diffMonths < 7 || dueDate.getFullYear() == now.getFullYear()) {
+ innerHTML =
+ dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
+ month: "short"
+ }) +
+ " " +
+ dueDate.getDate();
+ //className += "xsmall";
+ } else if (item.due.date === "2100-12-31") {
+ innerHTML = "";
+ //className += "xsmall";
+ } else {
+ innerHTML =
+ dueDate.toLocaleDateString(config.language, {
+ month: "short"
+ }) +
+ " " +
+ dueDate.getDate() +
+ " " +
+ dueDate.getFullYear();
+ //className += "xsmall";
+ }
+ if (innerHTML !== "" && !item.all_day) {
+ function formatTime(d) {
+ function z(n) {
+ return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n;
+ }
+ var h = d.getHours();
+ var m = z(d.getMinutes());
+ if (config.timeFormat == 12) {
+ return " " + (h % 12 || 12) + ":" + m + (h < 12 ? " AM" : " PM");
+ } else {
+ return " " + h + ":" + m;
+ }
+ }
+ innerHTML += formatTime(dueDateTime);
+ }
+ return innerHTML; //this.createCell(className, innerHTML);
+ }
diff --git a/baseTemplate.njk b/baseTemplate.njk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e598b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baseTemplate.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ {% if displayColumnHeadings == "text" %} + {{header}} + {% elseif displayColumnHeadings == "icons" %} + + {% endif %} + | + {% endfor %} + + + {% for task in tasks.items %} +
+ {% if col == "labels" %}
+ {%for label in task.labels %}
+ {{label}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% elseif col == "avatar" %}
+ {% elseif col == "priority" %}
+ {% elseif col == "project" %}
+ {% if displayProjectAs !== "name" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if displayProjectAs !== "color" %}
+ {{task.project.name}}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if displayProjectAs !== "name" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% elseif col == "content" and not wrapEvents %}
+ {{task.content}}
+ {% elseif col == "duedate" %}
+ {{task.duedate}}
+ {% else %}
+ {{task[col]}}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ {% endfor %}