more animation examples:
whats I dont like so much
- its not necessarily performant at scale
- animating everything with rAF will make it less performant but I'd like to
- so much boilerplate and repetition when there are children but its mildly different every time!
tab-nav app
webpack build distributable files
- deploy demos on gh_pages branch
chatroom app
- websocket service
- latency compensation
http caching
auth service
report errors on exceptions
record, save, replay widget
generative testing
predictive testing
physics animations
- gravitas.js
- hammer.js
- slalom.js
- assortment of sliders, durations, and easing functions
cassoway constrain solver for layout in js
- make a UI for building UI's
- slalom.js
- autolayout.js
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/matchMedia