- [TASK] Update dependency to ext:news
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/5.0.1...5.0.2
- [TASK] TYPO3 v12 compatibility
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/4.0.1...5.0.0
- [TASK] Update dependency to new version of ext:news.
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/4.0.0...4.0.1
- [FEATURE] TYPO3 11 compatibility
- [TASK] Dependency to ext:numbered_pagination was added.
-Template was changed.- New paginator was introduced, so partial needs to be change, if you use your own.
Clear cache in install tool, in oder to get everything working!
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/3.0.1...4.0.0
- [BUGFIX] remove lazy loading for news and fe_user in order to get data in list view straight away
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1
- [FEATURE] TYPO3 10 compatibility
- [FEATURE] add scheduler task to automatically remove unread information
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/2.0.0...3.0.0
- [FEATURE] add "lib.mdAllUnreadCount" which adds a counter for all unread news per user
- [FEATURE] add plugin to show a list of unread news
- [FEATURE] update unread info, if news records gets updated
- [FEATURE] delete unread information if news record gets deleted
Please run following SQL queries right after updating the extension:
ALTER TABLE `tx_mdunreadnews_domain_model_unreadnews` DROP INDEX `ids`;
ALTER TABLE `tx_mdunreadnews_domain_model_unreadnews` CHANGE `news_uid` `news` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `tx_mdunreadnews_domain_model_unreadnews` CHANGE `feuser_uid` `feuser` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Go to install tool and run Database analyzer
to finish the update
All changes https://github.com/cdaecke/md_unreadnews/compare/1.0.0...2.0.0