diff --git a/API.md b/API.md
index fa10af18..a4a02f66 100644
--- a/API.md
+++ b/API.md
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Name|Description
[WatchDynamoTable](#cdk-watchful-watchdynamotable)|*No description*
[WatchEcsService](#cdk-watchful-watchecsservice)|*No description*
[WatchLambdaFunction](#cdk-watchful-watchlambdafunction)|*No description*
+[WatchOpenSearchDomain](#cdk-watchful-watchopensearchdomain)|*No description*
[WatchRdsAurora](#cdk-watchful-watchrdsaurora)|*No description*
[WatchStateMachine](#cdk-watchful-watchstatemachine)|*No description*
[Watchful](#cdk-watchful-watchful)|*No description*
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ Name|Description
[WatchEcsServiceProps](#cdk-watchful-watchecsserviceprops)|*No description*
[WatchLambdaFunctionOptions](#cdk-watchful-watchlambdafunctionoptions)|*No description*
[WatchLambdaFunctionProps](#cdk-watchful-watchlambdafunctionprops)|*No description*
+[WatchOpenSearchOptions](#cdk-watchful-watchopensearchoptions)|*No description*
+[WatchOpenSearchProps](#cdk-watchful-watchopensearchprops)|*No description*
[WatchRdsAuroraOptions](#cdk-watchful-watchrdsauroraoptions)|*No description*
[WatchRdsAuroraProps](#cdk-watchful-watchrdsauroraprops)|*No description*
[WatchStateMachineOptions](#cdk-watchful-watchstatemachineoptions)|*No description*
@@ -164,6 +167,49 @@ new WatchLambdaFunction(scope: Construct, id: string, props: WatchLambdaFunction
+## class WatchOpenSearchDomain
+__Implements__: [IConstruct](#constructs-iconstruct), [IDependable](#constructs-idependable)
+__Extends__: [Construct](#constructs-construct)
+### Initializer
+new WatchOpenSearchDomain(scope: Construct, id: string, props: WatchOpenSearchProps)
+* **scope** ([Construct](#constructs-construct)
) *No description*
+* **id** (string
) *No description*
+* **props** ([WatchOpenSearchProps](#cdk-watchful-watchopensearchprops)
) *No description*
+ * **automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for AutomatedSnapshotFailure metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for ClusterIndexWritesBlocked metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **clusterStatusRedThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for ClusterStatus.red metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **clusterStatusYellowThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for ClusterStatus.yellow metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **cpuMaximumThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for the Cpu Maximum utilization. __*Default*__: 80
+ * **freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for FreeStorageSpace metric. __*Default*__: 25% of storage
+ * **http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for 5XX Errors metric. __*Default*__: 10
+ * **jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for the JVMMMemoryPressure metric. __*Default*__: 80
+ * **kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for KMSKeyError. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for KMSKeyInaccessible. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for the Master Cpu Maximum utilization. __*Default*__: 50
+ * **masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for the MasterJVMMMemoryPressure metric. __*Default*__: 80
+ * **masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin** (number
) Threshold for MasterReachableFromNode metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **nodesThresholdMin** (number
) Threshold for Nodes metric. __*Default*__: instanceCount
+ * **shardsActiveThresholdSum** (number
) Threshold for ShardsActive metric. __*Default*__: 30000
+ * **threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg** (number
) Threshold for ThreadpoolSearchQueue metric. __*Default*__: 500
+ * **threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg** (number
) Threshold for ThreadpoolWriteQueue metric. __*Default*__: 100
+ * **domain** ([aws_opensearchservice.Domain](#aws-cdk-lib-aws-opensearchservice-domain) | [aws_opensearchservice.CfnDomain](#aws-cdk-lib-aws-opensearchservice-cfndomain)
) *No description*
+ * **title** (string
) *No description*
+ * **watchful** ([IWatchful](#cdk-watchful-iwatchful)
) *No description*
## class WatchRdsAurora
@@ -389,6 +435,38 @@ watchLambdaFunction(title: string, fn: Function, options?: WatchLambdaFunctionOp
* [WatchLambdaFunction](#cdk-watchful-watchlambdafunction)
+#### watchOpenSearch(title, domain, options?)
+watchOpenSearch(title: string, domain: Domain | CfnDomain, options?: WatchOpenSearchOptions): WatchOpenSearchDomain
+* **title** (string
) *No description*
+* **domain** ([aws_opensearchservice.Domain](#aws-cdk-lib-aws-opensearchservice-domain) | [aws_opensearchservice.CfnDomain](#aws-cdk-lib-aws-opensearchservice-cfndomain)
) *No description*
+* **options** ([WatchOpenSearchOptions](#cdk-watchful-watchopensearchoptions)
) *No description*
+ * **automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for AutomatedSnapshotFailure metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for ClusterIndexWritesBlocked metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **clusterStatusRedThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for ClusterStatus.red metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **clusterStatusYellowThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for ClusterStatus.yellow metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **cpuMaximumThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for the Cpu Maximum utilization. __*Default*__: 80
+ * **freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for FreeStorageSpace metric. __*Default*__: 25% of storage
+ * **http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for 5XX Errors metric. __*Default*__: 10
+ * **jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for the JVMMMemoryPressure metric. __*Default*__: 80
+ * **kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for KMSKeyError. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for KMSKeyInaccessible. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent** (number
) Threshold for the Master Cpu Maximum utilization. __*Default*__: 50
+ * **masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax** (number
) Threshold for the MasterJVMMMemoryPressure metric. __*Default*__: 80
+ * **masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin** (number
) Threshold for MasterReachableFromNode metric. __*Default*__: 1
+ * **nodesThresholdMin** (number
) Threshold for Nodes metric. __*Default*__: instanceCount
+ * **shardsActiveThresholdSum** (number
) Threshold for ShardsActive metric. __*Default*__: 30000
+ * **threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg** (number
) Threshold for ThreadpoolSearchQueue metric. __*Default*__: 500
+ * **threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg** (number
) Threshold for ThreadpoolWriteQueue metric. __*Default*__: 100
+* [WatchOpenSearchDomain](#cdk-watchful-watchopensearchdomain)
#### watchRdsAuroraCluster(title, cluster, options?)
@@ -424,6 +502,7 @@ watchScope(scope: Construct, options?: WatchfulAspectProps): void
* **ec2ecs** (boolean
) Automatically watch ApplicationLoadBalanced EC2 Ecs Services in the scope (using ECS Pattern). __*Default*__: true
* **fargateecs** (boolean
) Automatically watch ApplicationLoadBalanced Fargate Ecs Services in the scope (using ECS Pattern). __*Default*__: true
* **lambda** (boolean
) Automatically watch AWS Lambda functions in the scope. __*Default*__: true
+ * **opensearch** (boolean
) Automatically watch OpenSearch Domains in the scope. __*Default*__: true
* **rdsaurora** (boolean
) Automatically watch RDS Aurora clusters in the scope. __*Default*__: true
* **stateMachine** (boolean
) Automatically watch AWS state machines in the scope. __*Default*__: true
@@ -470,6 +549,7 @@ new WatchfulAspect(watchful: Watchful, props?: WatchfulAspectProps)
* **ec2ecs** (boolean
) Automatically watch ApplicationLoadBalanced EC2 Ecs Services in the scope (using ECS Pattern). __*Default*__: true
* **fargateecs** (boolean
) Automatically watch ApplicationLoadBalanced Fargate Ecs Services in the scope (using ECS Pattern). __*Default*__: true
* **lambda** (boolean
) Automatically watch AWS Lambda functions in the scope. __*Default*__: true
+ * **opensearch** (boolean
) Automatically watch OpenSearch Domains in the scope. __*Default*__: true
* **rdsaurora** (boolean
) Automatically watch RDS Aurora clusters in the scope. __*Default*__: true
* **stateMachine** (boolean
) Automatically watch AWS state machines in the scope. __*Default*__: true
@@ -706,6 +786,67 @@ Name | Type | Description
+## struct WatchOpenSearchOptions
+Name | Type | Description
+**automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for AutomatedSnapshotFailure metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for ClusterIndexWritesBlocked metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**clusterStatusRedThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for ClusterStatus.red metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**clusterStatusYellowThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for ClusterStatus.yellow metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**cpuMaximumThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for the Cpu Maximum utilization.
__*Default*__: 80
+**freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for FreeStorageSpace metric.
__*Default*__: 25% of storage
+**http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for 5XX Errors metric.
__*Default*__: 10
+**jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for the JVMMMemoryPressure metric.
__*Default*__: 80
+**kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for KMSKeyError.
__*Default*__: 1
+**kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for KMSKeyInaccessible.
__*Default*__: 1
+**masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for the Master Cpu Maximum utilization.
__*Default*__: 50
+**masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for the MasterJVMMMemoryPressure metric.
__*Default*__: 80
+**masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin**? | number
| Threshold for MasterReachableFromNode metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**nodesThresholdMin**? | number
| Threshold for Nodes metric.
__*Default*__: instanceCount
+**shardsActiveThresholdSum**? | number
| Threshold for ShardsActive metric.
__*Default*__: 30000
+**threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg**? | number
| Threshold for ThreadpoolSearchQueue metric.
__*Default*__: 500
+**threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg**? | number
| Threshold for ThreadpoolWriteQueue metric.
__*Default*__: 100
+## struct WatchOpenSearchProps
+Name | Type | Description
+**domain** | [aws_opensearchservice.Domain](#aws-cdk-lib-aws-opensearchservice-domain) | [aws_opensearchservice.CfnDomain](#aws-cdk-lib-aws-opensearchservice-cfndomain)
+**title** | string
+**watchful** | [IWatchful](#cdk-watchful-iwatchful)
+**automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for AutomatedSnapshotFailure metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for ClusterIndexWritesBlocked metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**clusterStatusRedThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for ClusterStatus.red metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**clusterStatusYellowThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for ClusterStatus.yellow metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**cpuMaximumThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for the Cpu Maximum utilization.
__*Default*__: 80
+**freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for FreeStorageSpace metric.
__*Default*__: 25% of storage
+**http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for 5XX Errors metric.
__*Default*__: 10
+**jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for the JVMMMemoryPressure metric.
__*Default*__: 80
+**kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for KMSKeyError.
__*Default*__: 1
+**kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for KMSKeyInaccessible.
__*Default*__: 1
+**masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent**? | number
| Threshold for the Master Cpu Maximum utilization.
__*Default*__: 50
+**masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax**? | number
| Threshold for the MasterJVMMMemoryPressure metric.
__*Default*__: 80
+**masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin**? | number
| Threshold for MasterReachableFromNode metric.
__*Default*__: 1
+**nodesThresholdMin**? | number
| Threshold for Nodes metric.
__*Default*__: instanceCount
+**shardsActiveThresholdSum**? | number
| Threshold for ShardsActive metric.
__*Default*__: 30000
+**threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg**? | number
| Threshold for ThreadpoolSearchQueue metric.
__*Default*__: 500
+**threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg**? | number
| Threshold for ThreadpoolWriteQueue metric.
__*Default*__: 100
## struct WatchRdsAuroraOptions
@@ -800,6 +941,7 @@ Name | Type | Description
**ec2ecs**? | boolean
| Automatically watch ApplicationLoadBalanced EC2 Ecs Services in the scope (using ECS Pattern).
__*Default*__: true
**fargateecs**? | boolean
| Automatically watch ApplicationLoadBalanced Fargate Ecs Services in the scope (using ECS Pattern).
__*Default*__: true
**lambda**? | boolean
| Automatically watch AWS Lambda functions in the scope.
__*Default*__: true
+**opensearch**? | boolean
| Automatically watch OpenSearch Domains in the scope.
__*Default*__: true
**rdsaurora**? | boolean
| Automatically watch RDS Aurora clusters in the scope.
__*Default*__: true
**stateMachine**? | boolean
| Automatically watch AWS state machines in the scope.
__*Default*__: true
diff --git a/src/aspect.ts b/src/aspect.ts
index 2f05ae3f..383371e2 100644
--- a/src/aspect.ts
+++ b/src/aspect.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import * as apigw from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway';
import * as dynamodb from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import * as ecs_patterns from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ecs-patterns';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
+import * as opensearch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-opensearchservice';
import * as rds from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds';
import * as stepfunctions from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions';
import { IConstruct } from 'constructs';
@@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ export interface WatchfulAspectProps {
readonly ec2ecs?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Automatically watch OpenSearch Domains in the scope.
+ * @default true
+ */
+ readonly opensearch?: boolean;
@@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ export class WatchfulAspect implements IAspect {
const watchRdsAuroraCluster = this.props.rdsaurora === undefined ? true : this.props.rdsaurora;
const watchFargateEcs = this.props.fargateecs === undefined ? true : this.props.fargateecs;
const watchEc2Ecs = this.props.ec2ecs === undefined ? true : this.props.ec2ecs;
+ const watchOpenSearch = this.props.opensearch === undefined ? true : this.props.opensearch;
if (watchApiGateway && node instanceof apigw.RestApi) {
this.watchful.watchApiGateway(node.node.path, node);
@@ -102,6 +109,11 @@ export class WatchfulAspect implements IAspect {
if (watchEc2Ecs && node instanceof ecs_patterns.ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service) {
this.watchful.watchEc2Ecs(node.node.path, node.service, node.targetGroup);
+ if (watchOpenSearch && node instanceof opensearch.Domain || watchOpenSearch && node instanceof opensearch.CfnDomain) {
+ this.watchful.watchOpenSearch(node.node.path, node);
+ }
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 3ae157e9..f82667f0 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ export * from './dynamodb';
export * from './lambda';
export * from './state-machine';
export * from './rds-aurora';
-export * from './ecs';
\ No newline at end of file
+export * from './ecs';
+export * from './opensearch';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics.ts b/src/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58cb614a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+import { Aws, Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
+import { MathExpression, Metric, Statistic } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
+const enum ClusterMetrics {
+ ClusterStatusGreen = 'ClusterStatus.green',
+ ClusterStatusYellow = 'ClusterStatus.yellow',
+ ClusterStatusRed = 'ClusterStatus.red',
+ ShardsActive = 'Shards.active',
+ ShardsUnassigned = 'Shards.unassigned',
+ ShardsDelayedUnassigned = 'Shards.delayedUnassigned',
+ ShardsActivePrimary = 'Shards.activePrimary',
+ ShardsInitializing = 'Shards.initializing',
+ ShardsRelocating = 'Shards.relocating',
+ Nodes = 'Nodes',
+ SearchableDocuments = 'SearchableDocuments',
+ DeletedDocuments = 'DeletedDocuments',
+ CPUUtilization = 'CPUUtilization',
+ FreeStorageSpace = 'FreeStorageSpace',
+ ClusterUsedSpace = 'ClusterUsedSpace',
+ ClusterIndexWritesBlocked = 'ClusterIndexWritesBlocked',
+ JVMMemoryPressure = 'JVMMemoryPressure',
+ AutomatedSnapshotFailure = 'AutomatedSnapshotFailure',
+ KMSKeyError = 'KMSKeyError',
+ KMSKeyInaccessible = 'KMSKeyInaccessible',
+ InvalidHostHeaderRequests = 'InvalidHostHeaderRequests',
+ OpenSearchRequests = 'OpenSearchRequests',
+ HTTP2XX = '2xx',
+ HTTP3XX = '3xx',
+ HTTP4XX = '4xx',
+ HTTP5XX = '5xx',
+const enum MasterMetrics {
+ MasterCPUUtilization = 'MasterCPUUtilization',
+ MasterJVMMemoryPressure = 'MasterJVMMemoryPressure',
+ MasterReachableFromNode = 'MasterReachableFromNode',
+ MasterSysMemoryUtilization = 'MasterSysMemoryUtilization',
+const enum InstanceMetrics {
+ SearchLatency = 'SearchLatency',
+ IndexingLatency = 'IndexingLatency',
+ SearchRate = 'SearchRate',
+ IndexingRate = 'IndexingRate',
+ ThreadpoolBulkQueue = 'ThreadpoolBulkQueue',
+ ThreadpoolWriteQueue = 'ThreadpoolWriteQueue',
+ ThreadpoolSearchQueue = 'ThreadpoolSearchQueue',
+ ThreadpoolIndexQueue = 'ThreadpoolIndexQueue',
+ ThreadpoolForceMergeQueue = 'ThreadpoolForce_mergeQueue',
+ ThreadpoolBulkThreads = 'ThreadpoolBulkThreads',
+ ThreadpoolWriteThreads = 'ThreadpoolWriteThreads',
+ ThreadpoolSearchThreads = 'ThreadpoolSearchThreads',
+ ThreadpoolIndexThreads = 'ThreadpoolIndexThreads',
+ ThreadpoolForceMergeThreads = 'ThreadpoolForce_mergeThreads',
+ ThreadpoolBulkRejected = 'ThreadpoolBulkRejected',
+ ThreadpoolWriteRejected = 'ThreadpoolWriteRejected',
+ ThreadpoolSearchRejected = 'ThreadpoolSearchRejected',
+ ThreadpoolIndexRejected = 'ThreadpoolIndexRejected',
+ ThreadpoolForceMergeRejected = 'ThreadpoolForce_mergeRejected',
+ CoordinatingWriteRejected = 'CoordinatingWriteRejected',
+ PrimaryWriteRejected = 'PrimaryWriteRejected',
+ ReplicaWriteRejected = 'ReplicaWriteRejected',
+const enum EbsMetrics {
+ ReadLatency = 'ReadLatency',
+ WriteLatency = 'WriteLatency',
+ ReadThroughput = 'ReadThroughput',
+ WriteThroughput = 'WriteThroughput',
+ ReadIOPS = 'ReadIOPS',
+ WriteIOPS = 'WriteIOPS'
+const Namespace = 'AWS/ES';
+ * Metrics for OpenSearch
+ */
+export class OpenSearchMetricFactory {
+ metricClusterStatus(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ clusterStatusGreenMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ClusterStatusGreen, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ clusterStatusRedMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ClusterStatusRed, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ clusterStatusYellowMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ClusterStatusYellow, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricFreeStorageSpace(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(ClusterMetrics.FreeStorageSpace, domainName).with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) });
+ }
+ metricClusterIndexWritesBlocked(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ClusterIndexWritesBlocked, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM });
+ }
+ metricNodes(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(ClusterMetrics.Nodes, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM, period: Duration.hours(1) });
+ }
+ metricAutomatedSnapshotFailure(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(ClusterMetrics.AutomatedSnapshotFailure, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM, period: Duration.minutes(1) });
+ }
+ metricCpuUtilization(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(ClusterMetrics.CPUUtilization, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE, period: Duration.minutes(15) });
+ }
+ metricJVMMemoryPressure(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(ClusterMetrics.JVMMemoryPressure, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM });
+ }
+ metricKms(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ kmsKeyErrorMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.KMSKeyError, domainName).with(
+ {
+ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.KMSKeyInaccessible, domainName).with(
+ {
+ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricShards(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ shardsActive: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ShardsActive, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ shardsUnassigned: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ShardsUnassigned, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ shardsDelayedUnassigned: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ShardsDelayedUnassigned, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ shardsActivePrimary: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ShardsActivePrimary, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ shardsInitializing: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ShardsInitializing, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ shardsRelocating: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ShardsRelocating, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricHttp5xxPercentage(domainName: string) {
+ const http5XXMetric = this.metricResponseCodes(domainName)['5xxMetric'];
+ const openSearchRequestsMetric = this.metricRequests(domainName).openSearchRequests;
+ return new MathExpression({
+ expression: '100*(http5XXMetric/openSearchRequestsMetric)',
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ usingMetrics: { http5XXMetric, openSearchRequestsMetric },
+ label: 'HTTP5XXPercentage',
+ });
+ }
+ metricThreadpoolQueues(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ threadpoolBulkQueue: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolBulkQueue, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolWriteQueue: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolWriteQueue, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolSearchQueue: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolSearchQueue, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolIndexQueue: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolIndexQueue, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolForceMergeQueue: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolForceMergeQueue, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricThreadpoolThreads(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ threadpoolBulkThreads: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolBulkThreads, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolWriteThreads: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolWriteThreads, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolSearchThreads: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolSearchThreads, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolIndexThreads: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolIndexThreads, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolForceMergeThreads: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolForceMergeThreads, domainName).with( {
+ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricThreadpoolRejected(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ threadpoolBulkRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolBulkRejected, domainName).with( {
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolWriteRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolWriteRejected, domainName).with( {
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolSearchRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolSearchRejected, domainName).with( {
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolIndexRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolIndexRejected, domainName).with( {
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ threadpoolForceMergeRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ThreadpoolForceMergeRejected, domainName).with( {
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricWriteRejections(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ CoordinatingWriteRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.CoordinatingWriteRejected, domainName),
+ PrimaryWriteRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.PrimaryWriteRejected, domainName),
+ ReplicaWriteRejected: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.ReplicaWriteRejected, domainName),
+ };
+ }
+ metricRequests(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ invalidHostHeaderRequests: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.InvalidHostHeaderRequests, domainName).with({
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ openSearchRequests: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.OpenSearchRequests, domainName).with({
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricStorage(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ freeStorageSpaceMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.FreeStorageSpace, domainName).with({
+ statistic: Statistic.MINIMUM,
+ period: Duration.minutes(1),
+ }),
+ clusterUsedSpaceMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.ClusterUsedSpace, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricDocuments(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ searchableDocumentsMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.SearchableDocuments, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ deletedDocumentsMetric: this.metric(ClusterMetrics.DeletedDocuments, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricLatency(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ indexingLatencyMetric: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.IndexingLatency, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ searchLatencyMetric: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.SearchLatency, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricRate(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ indexingRateMetric: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.IndexingRate, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ searchRateMetric: this.metric(InstanceMetrics.SearchRate, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricClusterEbsLatency(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ readLatencyMetric: this.metric(EbsMetrics.ReadLatency, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ writeLatencyMetric: this.metric(EbsMetrics.WriteLatency, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricClusterEbsThroughput(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ readThroughputMetric: this.metric(EbsMetrics.ReadThroughput, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ writeThroughputMetric: this.metric(EbsMetrics.WriteThroughput, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricClusterEbsIOPS(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ readIOPSMetric: this.metric(EbsMetrics.ReadIOPS, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ writeIOPSMetric: this.metric(EbsMetrics.WriteIOPS, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.AVERAGE }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricResponseCodes(domainName: string) {
+ return {
+ '2xxMetric': this.metric(ClusterMetrics.HTTP2XX, domainName).with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) }),
+ '3xxMetric': this.metric(ClusterMetrics.HTTP3XX, domainName).with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) }),
+ '4xxMetric': this.metric(ClusterMetrics.HTTP4XX, domainName).with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) }),
+ '5xxMetric': this.metric(ClusterMetrics.HTTP5XX, domainName).with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) }),
+ };
+ }
+ metricMasterCpuUtilization(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(MasterMetrics.MasterCPUUtilization, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM, period: Duration.minutes(1) });
+ }
+ metricMasterJVMMemoryPressure(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(MasterMetrics.MasterJVMMemoryPressure, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM, period: Duration.minutes(1) });
+ }
+ metricMasterSysMemoryUtilization(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(MasterMetrics.MasterSysMemoryUtilization, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MAXIMUM, period: Duration.minutes(1) });
+ }
+ metricMasterReachableFromNode(domainName: string) {
+ return this.metric(MasterMetrics.MasterReachableFromNode, domainName).with({ statistic: Statistic.MINIMUM, period: Duration.hours(1) });
+ }
+ protected metric(metric: ClusterMetrics | MasterMetrics | InstanceMetrics | EbsMetrics, domainName: string) {
+ return new Metric({
+ metricName: metric,
+ namespace: Namespace,
+ period: Duration.minutes(5),
+ statistic: Statistic.SUM,
+ dimensionsMap: {
+ DomainName: domainName,
+ ClientId: Aws.ACCOUNT_ID,
+ },
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/src/opensearch.ts b/src/opensearch.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..faa1b7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/opensearch.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+import { Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
+import * as cloudwatch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
+import * as opensearch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-opensearchservice';
+import { Construct } from 'constructs';
+import EBSOptionsProperty = opensearch.CfnDomain.EBSOptionsProperty;
+import ClusterConfigProperty = opensearch.CfnDomain.ClusterConfigProperty;
+import { IWatchful } from './api';
+import { OpenSearchMetricFactory } from './monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics';
+export interface WatchOpenSearchOptions {
+ /**
+ * Threshold for ClusterStatus.yellow metric
+ *
+ * @default 1
+ */
+ readonly clusterStatusYellowThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for ClusterStatus.red metric
+ *
+ * @default 1
+ */
+ readonly clusterStatusRedThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for FreeStorageSpace metric.
+ *
+ * @default 25% of storage
+ */
+ readonly freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for ClusterIndexWritesBlocked metric
+ *
+ * @default 1
+ */
+ readonly clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for Nodes metric
+ *
+ * @default instanceCount
+ */
+ readonly nodesThresholdMin?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for AutomatedSnapshotFailure metric
+ *
+ * @default 1
+ */
+ readonly automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for the Cpu Maximum utilization
+ *
+ * @default 80
+ */
+ readonly cpuMaximumThresholdPercent?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for the JVMMMemoryPressure metric
+ *
+ * @default 80
+ */
+ readonly jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for KMSKeyError
+ *
+ * @default - 1
+ */
+ readonly kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for KMSKeyInaccessible
+ *
+ * @default - 1
+ */
+ readonly kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for ShardsActive metric
+ *
+ * @default - 30000
+ */
+ readonly shardsActiveThresholdSum?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for 5XX Errors metric. Percent of requests compared to OpenSearchRequests that are returned as HTTP5XX
+ *
+ * @default - 10
+ */
+ readonly http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for MasterReachableFromNode metric.
+ *
+ * @default - 1
+ */
+ readonly masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for ThreadpoolWriteQueue metric.
+ *
+ * @default - 100
+ */
+ readonly threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for ThreadpoolSearchQueue metric.
+ *
+ * @default - 500
+ */
+ readonly threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for the Master Cpu Maximum utilization
+ *
+ * @default 50
+ */
+ readonly masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent?: number;
+ /**
+ * Threshold for the MasterJVMMMemoryPressure metric
+ *
+ * @default 80
+ */
+ readonly masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax?: number;
+export interface WatchOpenSearchProps extends WatchOpenSearchOptions {
+ readonly title: string;
+ readonly watchful: IWatchful;
+ readonly domain: opensearch.Domain | opensearch.CfnDomain;
+export class WatchOpenSearchDomain extends Construct {
+ private readonly watchful: IWatchful;
+ private readonly domain: opensearch.Domain | opensearch.CfnDomain;
+ private readonly metrics: OpenSearchMetricFactory;
+ private readonly domainName: string;
+ private readonly cfnDomain: opensearch.CfnDomain;
+ private readonly dataNodesCount: number;
+ private readonly masterNodesCount: number;
+ private readonly warmNodesCount: number;
+ private readonly totalNodeCount: number;
+ constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: WatchOpenSearchProps) {
+ super(scope, id);
+ this.watchful = props.watchful;
+ this.domain = props.domain;
+ this.metrics = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ this.domainName = this.domain.domainName ?? '';
+ this.cfnDomain = (this.domain instanceof opensearch.Domain ? this.domain.node.defaultChild as opensearch.CfnDomain : this.domain);
+ this.dataNodesCount = (this.cfnDomain.clusterConfig as ClusterConfigProperty).instanceCount as number;
+ this.masterNodesCount = (this.cfnDomain.clusterConfig as ClusterConfigProperty).dedicatedMasterCount as number ?? 0;
+ this.warmNodesCount = (this.cfnDomain.clusterConfig as ClusterConfigProperty).warmCount as number ?? 0;
+ this.totalNodeCount = (this.dataNodesCount + this.masterNodesCount + this.warmNodesCount);
+ this.watchful.addSection(props.title, {
+ links: [
+ { title: 'AWS OpenSearch Domain', url: linkForOpenSearch(this.domain) },
+ ],
+ });
+ /* eslint-disable max-len */
+ const { clusterStatusRedMetric, clusterStatusRedAlarm } = this.createClusterStatusRedMonitor(props.clusterStatusRedThresholdMax);
+ const { clusterStatusYellowMetric, clusterStatusYellowAlarm } = this.createClusterStatusYellowMonitor(props.clusterStatusYellowThresholdMax);
+ const { freeStorageSpaceMetric, freeStorageSpaceAlarm } = this.createFreeStorageSpaceMonitor(props.freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent);
+ const { clusterIndexWritesBlockedMetric, clusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm } = this.createClusterIndexWritesBlockedMonitor(props.clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax);
+ const { nodesMetric, nodesAlarm } = this.createNodesMonitor(props.nodesThresholdMin);
+ const { cpuUtilizationMetric, cpuUtilizationAlarm } = this.createCpuUtilizationMonitor(props.cpuMaximumThresholdPercent);
+ const { JVMMemoryPressureMetric, JVMMemoryPressureAlarm } = this.createJVMMemoryPressureMonitor(props.jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax);
+ const { automatedSnapshotFailureMetric, automatedSnapshotFailureAlarm } = this.createAutomatedSnapshotMonitor(props.automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax);
+ const { kmsKeyErrorMetric, kmsKeyErrorAlarm } = this.createKmsKeyErrorMonitor(props.kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax);
+ const { kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric, kmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm } = this.createKmsKeyInaccessibleMonitor(props.kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax);
+ const { shardsActiveMetric, shardsActiveAlarm } = this.createShardsActiveMonitor(props.shardsActiveThresholdSum);
+ const { http5XXPercentageMetric, http5XXPercentageAlarm } = this.createHttp5XXMonitor(props.http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent);
+ const { threadpoolWriteQueueMetric, threadpoolWriteQueueAlarm } = this.createThreadpoolWriteQueueMonitor(props.threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg);
+ const { threadpoolSearchQueueMetric, threadpoolSearchQueueAlarm } = this.createThreadpoolSearchQueueMonitor(props.threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg);
+ /* eslint-enable max-len */
+ this.watchful.addWidgets(
+ new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({
+ title: 'Alarm List',
+ width: 12,
+ height: 5,
+ alarms: this.node.children.filter((child) => child.constructor.name === 'Alarm') as cloudwatch.IAlarm[],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({
+ title: 'Nodes',
+ height: 4,
+ width: 2,
+ metrics: [this.metrics.metricNodes(this.domainName).with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) })],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({
+ title: 'Cluster status',
+ height: 4,
+ width: 7,
+ metrics: [
+ clusterStatusYellowMetric.with({ color: cloudwatch.Color.ORANGE }),
+ clusterStatusRedMetric.with({ color: cloudwatch.Color.RED }),
+ this.metrics.metricClusterStatus(this.domainName).clusterStatusGreenMetric.with({ color: cloudwatch.Color.GREEN }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ );
+ this.watchful.addSection('Cluster metrics');
+ this.watchful.addWidgets(
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `CPUUtilization/${cpuUtilizationMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [cpuUtilizationMetric.with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) })],
+ leftAnnotations: [cpuUtilizationAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `ClusterStatus/${clusterStatusYellowMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricClusterStatus(this.domainName).clusterStatusGreenMetric,
+ clusterStatusYellowMetric,
+ clusterStatusRedMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [clusterStatusYellowAlarm.toAnnotation(), clusterStatusRedAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `StorageSpace/${freeStorageSpaceMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ freeStorageSpaceMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricStorage(this.domainName).clusterUsedSpaceMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [freeStorageSpaceAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `IndexWritesBlocked/${clusterIndexWritesBlockedMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ clusterIndexWritesBlockedMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [clusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `Nodes/${nodesMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ nodesMetric.with({ period: Duration.minutes(1) }),
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [nodesAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `JVMMemoryPressure/${JVMMemoryPressureMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ JVMMemoryPressureMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [JVMMemoryPressureAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `Shards/${shardsActiveMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ shardsActiveMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricShards(this.domainName).shardsUnassigned,
+ this.metrics.metricShards(this.domainName).shardsDelayedUnassigned,
+ this.metrics.metricShards(this.domainName).shardsActivePrimary,
+ this.metrics.metricShards(this.domainName).shardsInitializing,
+ this.metrics.metricShards(this.domainName).shardsRelocating,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [shardsActiveAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `HTTP 5XX Errors/${http5XXPercentageMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ http5XXPercentageMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [http5XXPercentageAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: 'HTTP Requests',
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricRequests(this.domainName).openSearchRequests,
+ this.metrics.metricRequests(this.domainName).invalidHostHeaderRequests,
+ this.metrics.metricResponseCodes(this.domainName)['2xxMetric'],
+ this.metrics.metricResponseCodes(this.domainName)['3xxMetric'],
+ this.metrics.metricResponseCodes(this.domainName)['4xxMetric'],
+ this.metrics.metricResponseCodes(this.domainName)['5xxMetric'],
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `AutomatedSnapshotFailure/${automatedSnapshotFailureMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [automatedSnapshotFailureMetric],
+ leftAnnotations: [automatedSnapshotFailureAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `KmsKeyError/${kmsKeyErrorMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [kmsKeyErrorMetric],
+ leftAnnotations: [kmsKeyErrorAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `KmsKeyInaccessible/${kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric],
+ leftAnnotations: [kmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ );
+ this.watchful.addSection('EBS metrics');
+ this.watchful.addWidgets(
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `EBS IOPS/${this.metrics.metricClusterEbsIOPS(this.domainName).writeIOPSMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricClusterEbsIOPS(this.domainName).writeIOPSMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricClusterEbsIOPS(this.domainName).readIOPSMetric,
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `EBS Latency/${this.metrics.metricClusterEbsLatency(this.domainName).writeLatencyMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricClusterEbsLatency(this.domainName).writeLatencyMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricClusterEbsLatency(this.domainName).readLatencyMetric,
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `EBS Throughput/${this.metrics.metricClusterEbsThroughput(this.domainName).writeThroughputMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 8,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricClusterEbsThroughput(this.domainName).writeThroughputMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricClusterEbsThroughput(this.domainName).readThroughputMetric,
+ ],
+ }),
+ );
+ this.watchful.addSection('Instance metrics');
+ this.watchful.addWidgets(
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `Search/IndexingLatency/${this.metrics.metricLatency(this.domainName).searchLatencyMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 12,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricLatency(this.domainName).searchLatencyMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricLatency(this.domainName).indexingLatencyMetric,
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `Search/IndexingRate/${this.metrics.metricRate(this.domainName).searchRateMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 12,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricRate(this.domainName).searchRateMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricRate(this.domainName).indexingRateMetric,
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `ThreadpoolQueues/${threadpoolWriteQueueMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ threadpoolWriteQueueMetric,
+ threadpoolSearchQueueMetric,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolQueues(this.domainName).threadpoolBulkQueue,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolQueues(this.domainName).threadpoolIndexQueue,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolQueues(this.domainName).threadpoolForceMergeQueue,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [threadpoolWriteQueueAlarm.toAnnotation(), threadpoolSearchQueueAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `ThreadpoolThreads/${this.metrics.metricThreadpoolThreads(this.domainName).threadpoolWriteThreads.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolThreads(this.domainName).threadpoolWriteThreads,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolThreads(this.domainName).threadpoolSearchThreads,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolThreads(this.domainName).threadpoolBulkThreads,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolThreads(this.domainName).threadpoolIndexThreads,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolThreads(this.domainName).threadpoolForceMergeThreads,
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `ThreadpoolRejected/${this.metrics.metricThreadpoolRejected(this.domainName).threadpoolWriteRejected.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolRejected(this.domainName).threadpoolWriteRejected,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolRejected(this.domainName).threadpoolSearchRejected,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolRejected(this.domainName).threadpoolBulkRejected,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolRejected(this.domainName).threadpoolIndexRejected,
+ this.metrics.metricThreadpoolRejected(this.domainName).threadpoolForceMergeRejected,
+ ],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `WriteRejections/${this.metrics.metricWriteRejections(this.domainName).PrimaryWriteRejected.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricWriteRejections(this.domainName).PrimaryWriteRejected,
+ this.metrics.metricWriteRejections(this.domainName).ReplicaWriteRejected,
+ this.metrics.metricWriteRejections(this.domainName).CoordinatingWriteRejected,
+ ],
+ }),
+ );
+ // Add relevant metrics if DedicatedMasterEnabled
+ if ((this.cfnDomain.clusterConfig as ClusterConfigProperty).dedicatedMasterEnabled) {
+ /* eslint-disable max-len */
+ const { masterCpuUtilizationMetric, masterCpuUtilizationAlarm } = this.createMasterCpuUtilizationMonitor(props.masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent);
+ const { masterJVMMemoryPressureMetric, masterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm } = this.createMasterJVMMemoryPressureMonitor(props.masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax);
+ const { masterReachableFromNodeMetric, masterReachableFromNodeAlarm } = this.createMasterReachableFromNodeMonitor(props.masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin);
+ /* eslint-enable max-len */
+ this.watchful.addSection('Master metrics');
+ this.watchful.addWidgets(
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `MasterCPUUtilization/${masterCpuUtilizationMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ masterCpuUtilizationMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [masterCpuUtilizationAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `MasterJVMMemoryPressure/${masterJVMMemoryPressureMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ masterJVMMemoryPressureMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [masterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `MasterReachableFromNode/${masterReachableFromNodeMetric.period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ masterReachableFromNodeMetric,
+ ],
+ leftAnnotations: [masterReachableFromNodeAlarm.toAnnotation()],
+ }),
+ new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
+ title: `MasterSysMemoryUtilization/${this.metrics.metricMasterSysMemoryUtilization(this.domainName).period.toMinutes()}min`,
+ width: 6,
+ left: [
+ this.metrics.metricMasterSysMemoryUtilization(this.domainName),
+ ],
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ private createClusterStatusRedMonitor(clusterStatusRedMaximumThreshold = 1) {
+ const clusterStatusRedMetric = this.metrics.metricClusterStatus(this.domainName).clusterStatusRedMetric;
+ const clusterStatusRedAlarm = clusterStatusRedMetric.createAlarm(this, 'ClusterStatusRedAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'clusterStatusRedAlarm',
+ threshold: clusterStatusRedMaximumThreshold,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(clusterStatusRedAlarm);
+ return { clusterStatusRedMetric, clusterStatusRedAlarm };
+ }
+ private createClusterStatusYellowMonitor(clusterStatusYellowMaximumThreshold = 1) {
+ const clusterStatusYellowMetric = this.metrics.metricClusterStatus(this.domainName).clusterStatusYellowMetric;
+ const clusterStatusYellowAlarm = clusterStatusYellowMetric.createAlarm(this, 'ClusterStatusYellowAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'clusterStatusYellowAlarm',
+ threshold: clusterStatusYellowMaximumThreshold,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(clusterStatusYellowAlarm);
+ return { clusterStatusYellowMetric, clusterStatusYellowAlarm };
+ }
+ private createFreeStorageSpaceMonitor(freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent = 25) {
+ const volumeSize = (this.cfnDomain.ebsOptions as EBSOptionsProperty).volumeSize as number ?? 10;
+ const freeStorageSpaceMetric = this.metrics.metricFreeStorageSpace(this.domainName);
+ const freeStorageSpaceAlarm = freeStorageSpaceMetric.createAlarm(this, 'FreeStorageSpaceAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'freeStorageSpaceAlarm',
+ threshold: freeStorageSpaceThresholdPercent/100*volumeSize*this.dataNodesCount*1024, // Percentage of volumeSize to MiB
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(freeStorageSpaceAlarm);
+ return { freeStorageSpaceMetric, freeStorageSpaceAlarm };
+ }
+ private createClusterIndexWritesBlockedMonitor(clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax = 1) {
+ const clusterIndexWritesBlockedMetric = this.metrics.metricClusterIndexWritesBlocked(this.domainName);
+ const clusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm = clusterIndexWritesBlockedMetric.createAlarm(this, 'ClusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'clusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm',
+ threshold: clusterIndexWritesBlockedThresholdMax,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(clusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm);
+ return { clusterIndexWritesBlockedMetric, clusterIndexWritesBlockedAlarm };
+ }
+ private createNodesMonitor(nodesThresholdMin?: number) {
+ const nodesMetric = this.metrics.metricNodes(this.domainName);
+ const nodesAlarm = nodesMetric.createAlarm(this, 'NodesAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'availableNodesAlarm',
+ threshold: nodesThresholdMin ?? this.totalNodeCount,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(nodesAlarm);
+ return { nodesMetric, nodesAlarm };
+ }
+ private createAutomatedSnapshotMonitor(automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax = 1) {
+ const automatedSnapshotFailureMetric = this.metrics.metricAutomatedSnapshotFailure(this.domainName);
+ const automatedSnapshotFailureAlarm = automatedSnapshotFailureMetric.createAlarm(this, 'AutomatedSnapshotFailureAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'automatedSnapshotFailureAlarm',
+ threshold: automatedSnapshotFailureThresholdMax,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(automatedSnapshotFailureAlarm);
+ return { automatedSnapshotFailureMetric, automatedSnapshotFailureAlarm };
+ }
+ private createCpuUtilizationMonitor(cpuMaximumThresholdPercent = 80) {
+ const cpuUtilizationMetric = this.metrics.metricCpuUtilization(this.domainName);
+ const cpuUtilizationAlarm = cpuUtilizationMetric.createAlarm(this, 'CpuUtilizationAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'cpuUtilizationAlarm',
+ threshold: cpuMaximumThresholdPercent,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 3,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(cpuUtilizationAlarm);
+ return { cpuUtilizationMetric, cpuUtilizationAlarm };
+ }
+ private createJVMMemoryPressureMonitor(jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax = 80) {
+ const JVMMemoryPressureMetric = this.metrics.metricJVMMemoryPressure(this.domainName);
+ const JVMMemoryPressureAlarm = JVMMemoryPressureMetric.createAlarm(this, 'JVMMemoryPressureAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'JVMMemoryPressureAlarm',
+ threshold: jvmMemoryPressureThresholdMax,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 3,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(JVMMemoryPressureAlarm);
+ return { JVMMemoryPressureMetric, JVMMemoryPressureAlarm };
+ }
+ private createKmsKeyErrorMonitor(kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax = 1) {
+ const kmsKeyErrorMetric = this.metrics.metricKms(this.domainName).kmsKeyErrorMetric;
+ const kmsKeyErrorAlarm = kmsKeyErrorMetric.createAlarm(this, 'KmsKeyErrorAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'kmsKeyErrorAlarm',
+ threshold: kmsKeyErrorThresholdMax,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ treatMissingData: cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.NOT_BREACHING,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(kmsKeyErrorAlarm);
+ return { kmsKeyErrorMetric, kmsKeyErrorAlarm };
+ }
+ private createKmsKeyInaccessibleMonitor(kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax = 1) {
+ const kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric = this.metrics.metricKms(this.domainName).kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric;
+ const kmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm = kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric.createAlarm(this, 'KmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'kmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm',
+ threshold: kmsKeyInaccessibleThresholdMax,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ treatMissingData: cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.NOT_BREACHING,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(kmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm);
+ return { kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric, kmsKeyInaccessibleAlarm };
+ }
+ private createShardsActiveMonitor(shardsActiveThresholdSum = 30000) {
+ const shardsActiveMetric = this.metrics.metricShards(this.domainName).shardsActive;
+ const shardsActiveAlarm = shardsActiveMetric.createAlarm(this, 'ShardsActiveAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'shardsActiveAlarm',
+ threshold: shardsActiveThresholdSum,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(shardsActiveAlarm);
+ return { shardsActiveMetric, shardsActiveAlarm };
+ }
+ private createHttp5XXMonitor(http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent = 10) {
+ const http5XXPercentageMetric = this.metrics.metricHttp5xxPercentage(this.domainName);
+ const http5XXPercentageAlarm = http5XXPercentageMetric.createAlarm(this, 'HTTP5XXPercentageAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'HTTP5XXPercentageAlarm',
+ threshold: http5XXResponsesThresholdPercent,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ treatMissingData: cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.NOT_BREACHING,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(http5XXPercentageAlarm);
+ return { http5XXPercentageMetric, http5XXPercentageAlarm };
+ }
+ private createThreadpoolWriteQueueMonitor(threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg = 100) {
+ const threadpoolWriteQueueMetric = this.metrics.metricThreadpoolQueues(this.domainName).threadpoolWriteQueue;
+ const threadpoolWriteQueueAlarm = threadpoolWriteQueueMetric.createAlarm(this, 'ThreadpoolWriteQueueAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'threadpoolWriteQueueAlarm',
+ threshold: threadpoolWriteQueueThresholdAvg,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(threadpoolWriteQueueAlarm);
+ return { threadpoolWriteQueueMetric, threadpoolWriteQueueAlarm };
+ }
+ private createThreadpoolSearchQueueMonitor(threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg = 500) {
+ const threadpoolSearchQueueMetric = this.metrics.metricThreadpoolQueues(this.domainName).threadpoolSearchQueue;
+ const threadpoolSearchQueueAlarm = threadpoolSearchQueueMetric.createAlarm(this, 'ThreadpoolSearchQueueAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'threadpoolSearchQueueAlarm',
+ threshold: threadpoolSearchQueueThresholdAvg,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(threadpoolSearchQueueAlarm);
+ return { threadpoolSearchQueueMetric, threadpoolSearchQueueAlarm };
+ }
+ private createMasterCpuUtilizationMonitor(masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent = 50) {
+ const masterCpuUtilizationMetric = this.metrics.metricMasterCpuUtilization(this.domainName);
+ const masterCpuUtilizationAlarm = masterCpuUtilizationMetric.createAlarm(this, 'MasterCpuUtilizationAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'masterCpuUtilizationAlarm',
+ threshold: masterCpuMaximumThresholdPercent,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 3,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(masterCpuUtilizationAlarm);
+ return { masterCpuUtilizationMetric, masterCpuUtilizationAlarm };
+ }
+ private createMasterJVMMemoryPressureMonitor(masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax = 80) {
+ const masterJVMMemoryPressureMetric = this.metrics.metricMasterJVMMemoryPressure(this.domainName);
+ const masterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm = masterJVMMemoryPressureMetric.createAlarm(this, 'MasterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'masterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm',
+ threshold: masterJVMMemoryPressureThresholdMax,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(masterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm);
+ return { masterJVMMemoryPressureMetric, masterJVMMemoryPressureAlarm };
+ }
+ private createMasterReachableFromNodeMonitor(masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin = 1) {
+ const masterReachableFromNodeMetric = this.metrics.metricMasterReachableFromNode(this.domainName);
+ const masterReachableFromNodeAlarm = masterReachableFromNodeMetric.createAlarm(this, 'MasterReachableFromNodeAlarm', {
+ alarmDescription: 'masterReachableFromNodeAlarm',
+ threshold: masterReachableFromNodeThresholdMin,
+ comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,
+ evaluationPeriods: 1,
+ });
+ this.watchful.addAlarm(masterReachableFromNodeAlarm);
+ return { masterReachableFromNodeMetric, masterReachableFromNodeAlarm };
+ }
+function linkForOpenSearch(domain: opensearch.Domain | opensearch.CfnDomain) {
+ return `https://console.aws.amazon.com/esv3/home?region=${domain.stack.region}#opensearch/domains/${domain.domainName}`;
diff --git a/src/watchful.ts b/src/watchful.ts
index 1a7c50f5..f0ea4c0d 100644
--- a/src/watchful.ts
+++ b/src/watchful.ts
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import * as dynamodb from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import * as ecs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ecs';
import { ApplicationTargetGroup } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
+import * as opensearch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-opensearchservice';
import * as rds from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds';
import * as sns from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns';
import * as sns_subscriptions from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions';
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import { WatchfulAspect, WatchfulAspectProps } from './aspect';
import { WatchDynamoTableOptions, WatchDynamoTable } from './dynamodb';
import { WatchEcsServiceOptions, WatchEcsService } from './ecs';
import { WatchLambdaFunctionOptions, WatchLambdaFunction } from './lambda';
+import { WatchOpenSearchOptions, WatchOpenSearchDomain } from './opensearch';
import { WatchRdsAuroraOptions, WatchRdsAurora } from './rds-aurora';
import { WatchStateMachineOptions, WatchStateMachine } from './state-machine';
import { SectionWidget } from './widget/section';
@@ -192,6 +194,12 @@ export class Watchful extends Construct implements IWatchful {
title, watchful: this, ec2Service, targetGroup, ...options,
+ public watchOpenSearch(title: string, domain: opensearch.Domain | opensearch.CfnDomain, options: WatchOpenSearchOptions = {}) {
+ return new WatchOpenSearchDomain(this, Names.uniqueId(domain), {
+ title, watchful: this, domain, ...options,
+ });
+ }
function linkForDashboard(dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard) {
diff --git a/test/monitoring/aws/opensearch/__snapshots__/metrics.test.ts.snap b/test/monitoring/aws/opensearch/__snapshots__/metrics.test.ts.snap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cef949b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monitoring/aws/opensearch/__snapshots__/metrics.test.ts.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`snapshot test: metricAutomatedSnapshotFailure 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "AutomatedSnapshotFailure",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricClusterEbsIOPS 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "readIOPSMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ReadIOPS",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "writeIOPSMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "WriteIOPS",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricClusterEbsLatency 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "readLatencyMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ReadLatency",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "writeLatencyMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "WriteLatency",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricClusterEbsThroughput 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "readThroughputMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ReadThroughput",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "writeThroughputMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "WriteThroughput",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricClusterIndexWritesBlocked 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ClusterIndexWritesBlocked",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricClusterStatus 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "clusterStatusGreenMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ClusterStatus.green",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "clusterStatusRedMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ClusterStatus.red",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "clusterStatusYellowMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ClusterStatus.yellow",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricCpuUtilization 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "CPUUtilization",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 15,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricDocuments 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "deletedDocumentsMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "DeletedDocuments",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "searchableDocumentsMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "SearchableDocuments",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricFreeStorageSpace 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "FreeStorageSpace",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricHttp5xxPercentage 1`] = `
+MathExpression {
+ "color": undefined,
+ "expression": "100*(http5XXMetric/openSearchRequestsMetric)",
+ "label": "HTTP5XXPercentage",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "searchAccount": undefined,
+ "searchRegion": undefined,
+ "usingMetrics": Object {
+ "http5XXMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "5xx",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "openSearchRequestsMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "OpenSearchRequests",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricJVMMemoryPressure 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "JVMMemoryPressure",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricKms 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "kmsKeyErrorMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "KMSKeyError",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "kmsKeyInaccessibleMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "KMSKeyInaccessible",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricLatency 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "indexingLatencyMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "IndexingLatency",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "searchLatencyMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "SearchLatency",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricMasterCpuUtilization 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "MasterCPUUtilization",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricMasterJVMMemoryPressure 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "MasterJVMMemoryPressure",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricMasterReachableFromNode 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "MasterReachableFromNode",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 3600000,
+ "isoLabel": "H",
+ "label": "hours",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Minimum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricMasterSysMemoryUtilization 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "MasterSysMemoryUtilization",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricNodes 1`] = `
+Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Nodes",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 3600000,
+ "isoLabel": "H",
+ "label": "hours",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Maximum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+exports[`snapshot test: metricRate 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "indexingRateMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "IndexingRate",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "searchRateMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "SearchRate",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricRequests 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "invalidHostHeaderRequests": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "InvalidHostHeaderRequests",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "openSearchRequests": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "OpenSearchRequests",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricResponseCodes 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "2xxMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "2xx",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "3xxMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "3xx",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "4xxMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "4xx",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "5xxMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "5xx",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricShards 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "shardsActive": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Shards.active",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "shardsActivePrimary": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Shards.activePrimary",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "shardsDelayedUnassigned": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Shards.delayedUnassigned",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "shardsInitializing": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Shards.initializing",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "shardsRelocating": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Shards.relocating",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "shardsUnassigned": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "Shards.unassigned",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricStorage 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "clusterUsedSpaceMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ClusterUsedSpace",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "freeStorageSpaceMetric": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "FreeStorageSpace",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Minimum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricThreadpoolQueues 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "threadpoolBulkQueue": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolBulkQueue",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolForceMergeQueue": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolForce_mergeQueue",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolIndexQueue": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolIndexQueue",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolSearchQueue": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolSearchQueue",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolWriteQueue": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolWriteQueue",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricThreadpoolRejected 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "threadpoolBulkRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolBulkRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolForceMergeRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolForce_mergeRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolIndexRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolIndexRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolSearchRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolSearchRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolWriteRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolWriteRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricThreadpoolThreads 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "threadpoolBulkThreads": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolBulkThreads",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolForceMergeThreads": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolForce_mergeThreads",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolIndexThreads": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolIndexThreads",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolSearchThreads": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolSearchThreads",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "threadpoolWriteThreads": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ThreadpoolWriteThreads",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 1,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Average",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+exports[`snapshot test: metricWriteRejections 1`] = `
+Object {
+ "CoordinatingWriteRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "CoordinatingWriteRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "PrimaryWriteRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "PrimaryWriteRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
+ "ReplicaWriteRejected": Metric {
+ "account": undefined,
+ "color": undefined,
+ "dimensions": Object {
+ "ClientId": "012345679012",
+ "DomainName": "DummyDomainName",
+ },
+ "label": undefined,
+ "metricName": "ReplicaWriteRejected",
+ "namespace": "AWS/ES",
+ "period": Duration {
+ "amount": 5,
+ "unit": TimeUnit {
+ "inMillis": 60000,
+ "isoLabel": "M",
+ "label": "minutes",
+ },
+ },
+ "region": undefined,
+ "statistic": "Sum",
+ "unit": undefined,
+ },
diff --git a/test/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics.test.ts b/test/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6186ccf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+import { Aws } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
+import { OpenSearchMetricFactory } from '../../../../src/monitoring/aws/opensearch/metrics';
+const DummyDomainName = 'DummyDomainName';
+const DummyAccountId = '012345679012';
+Object.defineProperty(Aws, 'ACCOUNT_ID', {
+ get: jest.fn(),
+jest.spyOn(Aws, 'ACCOUNT_ID', 'get').mockReturnValue(DummyAccountId);
+test('snapshot test: metricClusterStatus', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricClusterStatus(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricFreeStorageSpace', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricFreeStorageSpace(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('FreeStorageSpace');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricClusterIndexWritesBlocked', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricClusterIndexWritesBlocked(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('ClusterIndexWritesBlocked');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricNodes', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricNodes(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('Nodes');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricAutomatedSnapshotFailure', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricAutomatedSnapshotFailure(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('AutomatedSnapshotFailure');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricCpuUtilization', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricCpuUtilization(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('CPUUtilization');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricJVMMemoryPressure', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricJVMMemoryPressure(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('JVMMemoryPressure');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricKms', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricKms(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricShards', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricShards(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricHttp5xxPercentage', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricHttp5xxPercentage(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricThreadpoolQueues', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricThreadpoolQueues(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricThreadpoolThreads', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricThreadpoolThreads(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricThreadpoolRejected', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricThreadpoolRejected(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricWriteRejections', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricWriteRejections(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricRequests', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricRequests(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricStorage', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricStorage(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricDocuments', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricDocuments(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricLatency', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricLatency(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricRate', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricRate(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricClusterEbsLatency', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricClusterEbsLatency(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricClusterEbsThroughput', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricClusterEbsThroughput(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricClusterEbsIOPS', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricClusterEbsIOPS(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricResponseCodes', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricResponseCodes(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ Object.values(metric).forEach(eachMetric => {
+ expect(eachMetric.metricName).toStrictEqual(eachMetric.metricName);
+ expect(eachMetric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricMasterCpuUtilization', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricMasterCpuUtilization(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('MasterCPUUtilization');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricMasterJVMMemoryPressure', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricMasterJVMMemoryPressure(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('MasterJVMMemoryPressure');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricMasterSysMemoryUtilization', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricMasterSysMemoryUtilization(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('MasterSysMemoryUtilization');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
+test('snapshot test: metricMasterReachableFromNode', () => {
+ // GIVEN
+ const unitToTest = new OpenSearchMetricFactory();
+ // WHEN
+ const metric = unitToTest.metricMasterReachableFromNode(DummyDomainName);
+ // THEN
+ expect(metric.metricName).toStrictEqual('MasterReachableFromNode');
+ expect(metric.dimensions).toStrictEqual({ DomainName: DummyDomainName, ClientId: DummyAccountId });
+ expect(metric).toMatchSnapshot();
\ No newline at end of file