Represents a {@link gitlab_project}.
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProject(Construct Scope, string Id, DataGitlabProjectConfig Config = null);
Name | Type | Description |
Scope |
Constructs.Construct |
The scope in which to define this construct. |
Id |
string |
The scoped construct ID. |
Config |
DataGitlabProjectConfig |
No description. |
- Type: Constructs.Construct
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: string
The scoped construct ID.
Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope
- Type: DataGitlabProjectConfig
Name | Description |
ToString |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
AddOverride |
No description. |
OverrideLogicalId |
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. |
ResetOverrideLogicalId |
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. |
ToHclTerraform |
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. |
ToMetadata |
No description. |
ToTerraform |
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
ResetCiDefaultGitDepth |
No description. |
ResetId |
No description. |
ResetPathWithNamespace |
No description. |
ResetPublicBuilds |
No description. |
private string ToString()
Returns a string representation of this construct.
private void AddOverride(string Path, object Value)
- Type: string
- Type: object
private void OverrideLogicalId(string NewLogicalId)
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
- Type: string
The new logical ID to use for this stack element.
private void ResetOverrideLogicalId()
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again.
private object ToHclTerraform()
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
private object ToMetadata()
private object ToTerraform()
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private void ResetCiDefaultGitDepth()
private void ResetId()
private void ResetPathWithNamespace()
private void ResetPublicBuilds()
Name | Description |
IsConstruct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
IsTerraformElement |
No description. |
IsTerraformDataSource |
No description. |
GenerateConfigForImport |
Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataGitlabProject resource upon running "cdktf plan ". |
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
DataGitlabProject.IsConstruct(object X);
Checks if x
is a construct.
Use this method instead of instanceof
to properly detect Construct
instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.
Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the constructs
library on
disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a
consequence, the class Construct
in each copy of the constructs
is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as
the other class. npm install
will not create installations
like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or
use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the constructs
library can be accidentally installed, and instanceof
will behave
unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using instanceof
, and using
this type-testing method instead.
- Type: object
Any object.
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
DataGitlabProject.IsTerraformElement(object X);
- Type: object
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
DataGitlabProject.IsTerraformDataSource(object X);
- Type: object
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
DataGitlabProject.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null);
Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataGitlabProject resource upon running "cdktf plan ".
- Type: Constructs.Construct
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: string
The construct id used in the generated config for the DataGitlabProject to import.
- Type: string
The id of the existing DataGitlabProject that should be imported.
Refer to the {@link import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
? Optional instance of the provider where the DataGitlabProject to import is found.
Name | Type | Description |
Node |
Constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
CdktfStack |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack |
No description. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
FriendlyUniqueId |
string |
No description. |
TerraformMetaArguments |
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> |
No description. |
TerraformResourceType |
string |
No description. |
TerraformGeneratorMetadata |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata |
No description. |
Count |
object |
No description. |
DependsOn |
string[] |
No description. |
ForEach |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator |
No description. |
Lifecycle |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle |
No description. |
Provider |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider |
No description. |
AllowPipelineTriggerApproveDeployment |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
AnalyticsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
Archived |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
AutoCancelPendingPipelines |
string |
No description. |
AutocloseReferencedIssues |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
AutoDevopsDeployStrategy |
string |
No description. |
AutoDevopsEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
BuildGitStrategy |
string |
No description. |
BuildsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
BuildTimeout |
double |
No description. |
CiConfigPath |
string |
No description. |
CiPipelineVariablesMinimumOverrideRole |
string |
No description. |
CiRestrictPipelineCancellationRole |
string |
No description. |
CiSeparatedCaches |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
ContainerExpirationPolicy |
DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicyList |
No description. |
ContainerRegistryAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
DefaultBranch |
string |
No description. |
Description |
string |
No description. |
EmailsEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
EmptyRepo |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
EnvironmentsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
ExternalAuthorizationClassificationLabel |
string |
No description. |
FeatureFlagsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
ForkingAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
HttpUrlToRepo |
string |
No description. |
ImportUrl |
string |
No description. |
InfrastructureAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
IssuesAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
IssuesEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
KeepLatestArtifact |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
LfsEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
MergeCommitTemplate |
string |
No description. |
MergePipelinesEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
MergeRequestsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
MergeRequestsEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
MergeTrainsEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
ModelExperimentsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
ModelRegistryAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
MonitorAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
Name |
string |
No description. |
NamespaceId |
double |
No description. |
Path |
string |
No description. |
PipelinesEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
PrintingMergeRequestLinkEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
PushRules |
DataGitlabProjectPushRulesList |
No description. |
ReleasesAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
RemoveSourceBranchAfterMerge |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
RepositoryAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
RepositoryStorage |
string |
No description. |
RequestAccessEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
RequirementsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
ResolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
RestrictUserDefinedVariables |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
RunnersToken |
string |
No description. |
SecurityAndComplianceAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
SharedWithGroups |
DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroupsList |
No description. |
SnippetsAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
SnippetsEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
SquashCommitTemplate |
string |
No description. |
SshUrlToRepo |
string |
No description. |
SuggestionCommitMessage |
string |
No description. |
Topics |
string[] |
No description. |
VisibilityLevel |
string |
No description. |
WebUrl |
string |
No description. |
WikiAccessLevel |
string |
No description. |
WikiEnabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
CiDefaultGitDepthInput |
double |
No description. |
IdInput |
string |
No description. |
PathWithNamespaceInput |
string |
No description. |
PublicBuildsInput |
object |
No description. |
CiDefaultGitDepth |
double |
No description. |
Id |
string |
No description. |
PathWithNamespace |
string |
No description. |
PublicBuilds |
object |
No description. |
public Node Node { get; }
- Type: Constructs.Node
The tree node.
public TerraformStack CdktfStack { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public string FriendlyUniqueId { get; }
- Type: string
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> TerraformMetaArguments { get; }
- Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object>
public string TerraformResourceType { get; }
- Type: string
public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata TerraformGeneratorMetadata { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata
public object Count { get; }
- Type: object
public string[] DependsOn { get; }
- Type: string[]
public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator
public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
public TerraformProvider Provider { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
public IResolvable AllowPipelineTriggerApproveDeployment { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string AnalyticsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable Archived { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string AutoCancelPendingPipelines { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable AutocloseReferencedIssues { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string AutoDevopsDeployStrategy { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable AutoDevopsEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string BuildGitStrategy { get; }
- Type: string
public string BuildsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public double BuildTimeout { get; }
- Type: double
public string CiConfigPath { get; }
- Type: string
public string CiPipelineVariablesMinimumOverrideRole { get; }
- Type: string
public string CiRestrictPipelineCancellationRole { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable CiSeparatedCaches { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicyList ContainerExpirationPolicy { get; }
public string ContainerRegistryAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string DefaultBranch { get; }
- Type: string
public string Description { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable EmailsEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable EmptyRepo { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string EnvironmentsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string ExternalAuthorizationClassificationLabel { get; }
- Type: string
public string FeatureFlagsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string ForkingAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string HttpUrlToRepo { get; }
- Type: string
public string ImportUrl { get; }
- Type: string
public string InfrastructureAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string IssuesAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable IssuesEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable KeepLatestArtifact { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable LfsEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string MergeCommitTemplate { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable MergePipelinesEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string MergeRequestsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable MergeRequestsEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable MergeTrainsEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string ModelExperimentsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string ModelRegistryAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string MonitorAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string Name { get; }
- Type: string
public double NamespaceId { get; }
- Type: double
public string Path { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable PipelinesEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable PrintingMergeRequestLinkEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public DataGitlabProjectPushRulesList PushRules { get; }
public string ReleasesAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable RemoveSourceBranchAfterMerge { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string RepositoryAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string RepositoryStorage { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable RequestAccessEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string RequirementsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable ResolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable RestrictUserDefinedVariables { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string RunnersToken { get; }
- Type: string
public string SecurityAndComplianceAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroupsList SharedWithGroups { get; }
public string SnippetsAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable SnippetsEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string SquashCommitTemplate { get; }
- Type: string
public string SshUrlToRepo { get; }
- Type: string
public string SuggestionCommitMessage { get; }
- Type: string
public string[] Topics { get; }
- Type: string[]
public string VisibilityLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public string WebUrl { get; }
- Type: string
public string WikiAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable WikiEnabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public double CiDefaultGitDepthInput { get; }
- Type: double
public string IdInput { get; }
- Type: string
public string PathWithNamespaceInput { get; }
- Type: string
public object PublicBuildsInput { get; }
- Type: object
public double CiDefaultGitDepth { get; }
- Type: double
public string Id { get; }
- Type: string
public string PathWithNamespace { get; }
- Type: string
public object PublicBuilds { get; }
- Type: object
Name | Type | Description |
TfResourceType |
string |
No description. |
public string TfResourceType { get; }
- Type: string
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectConfig {
object Connection = null,
object Count = null,
ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn = null,
ITerraformIterator ForEach = null,
TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle = null,
TerraformProvider Provider = null,
object[] Provisioners = null,
double CiDefaultGitDepth = null,
string Id = null,
string PathWithNamespace = null,
object PublicBuilds = null
Name | Type | Description |
Connection |
object |
No description. |
Count |
object |
No description. |
DependsOn |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] |
No description. |
ForEach |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator |
No description. |
Lifecycle |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle |
No description. |
Provider |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider |
No description. |
Provisioners |
object[] |
No description. |
CiDefaultGitDepth |
double |
Default number of revisions for shallow cloning. |
Id |
string |
The integer that uniquely identifies the project within the gitlab install. |
PathWithNamespace |
string |
The path of the repository with namespace. |
PublicBuilds |
object |
If true, jobs can be viewed by non-project members. |
public object Connection { get; set; }
- Type: object
public object Count { get; set; }
- Type: object
public ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[]
public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator
public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
public TerraformProvider Provider { get; set; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
public object[] Provisioners { get; set; }
- Type: object[]
public double CiDefaultGitDepth { get; set; }
- Type: double
Default number of revisions for shallow cloning.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataGitlabProject#ci_default_git_depth}
public string Id { get; set; }
- Type: string
The integer that uniquely identifies the project within the gitlab install.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataGitlabProject#id}
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
public string PathWithNamespace { get; set; }
- Type: string
The path of the repository with namespace.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataGitlabProject#path_with_namespace}
public object PublicBuilds { get; set; }
- Type: object
If true, jobs can be viewed by non-project members.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataGitlabProject#public_builds}
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicy {
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectPushRules {
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroups {
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicyList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
WrapsSet |
bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
private DynamicListTerraformIterator AllWithMapKey(string MapKeyAttributeName)
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: string
private string ComputeFqn()
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
private DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicyOutputReference Get(double Index)
- Type: double
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicyOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
ComplexObjectIndex |
double |
the index of this item in the list. |
ComplexObjectIsFromSet |
bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: double
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
private string ComputeFqn()
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
- Type: string
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
Cadence |
string |
No description. |
Enabled |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
KeepN |
double |
No description. |
NameRegex |
string |
No description. |
NameRegexDelete |
string |
No description. |
NameRegexKeep |
string |
No description. |
NextRunAt |
string |
No description. |
OlderThan |
string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicy |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public string Cadence { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable Enabled { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public double KeepN { get; }
- Type: double
public string NameRegex { get; }
- Type: string
public string NameRegexDelete { get; }
- Type: string
public string NameRegexKeep { get; }
- Type: string
public string NextRunAt { get; }
- Type: string
public string OlderThan { get; }
- Type: string
public DataGitlabProjectContainerExpirationPolicy InternalValue { get; }
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectPushRulesList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
WrapsSet |
bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
private DynamicListTerraformIterator AllWithMapKey(string MapKeyAttributeName)
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: string
private string ComputeFqn()
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
private DataGitlabProjectPushRulesOutputReference Get(double Index)
- Type: double
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectPushRulesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
ComplexObjectIndex |
double |
the index of this item in the list. |
ComplexObjectIsFromSet |
bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: double
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
private string ComputeFqn()
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
- Type: string
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
AuthorEmailRegex |
string |
No description. |
BranchNameRegex |
string |
No description. |
CommitCommitterCheck |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
CommitCommitterNameCheck |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
CommitMessageNegativeRegex |
string |
No description. |
CommitMessageRegex |
string |
No description. |
DenyDeleteTag |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
FileNameRegex |
string |
No description. |
MaxFileSize |
double |
No description. |
MemberCheck |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
PreventSecrets |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
RejectNonDcoCommits |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
RejectUnsignedCommits |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable |
No description. |
InternalValue |
DataGitlabProjectPushRules |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public string AuthorEmailRegex { get; }
- Type: string
public string BranchNameRegex { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable CommitCommitterCheck { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable CommitCommitterNameCheck { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string CommitMessageNegativeRegex { get; }
- Type: string
public string CommitMessageRegex { get; }
- Type: string
public IResolvable DenyDeleteTag { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public string FileNameRegex { get; }
- Type: string
public double MaxFileSize { get; }
- Type: double
public IResolvable MemberCheck { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable PreventSecrets { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable RejectNonDcoCommits { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public IResolvable RejectUnsignedCommits { get; }
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolvable
public DataGitlabProjectPushRules InternalValue { get; }
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroupsList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
WrapsSet |
bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
private DynamicListTerraformIterator AllWithMapKey(string MapKeyAttributeName)
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: string
private string ComputeFqn()
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
private DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroupsOutputReference Get(double Index)
- Type: double
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Gitlab;
new DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroupsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
Name | Type | Description |
TerraformResource |
HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent |
The parent resource. |
TerraformAttribute |
string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
ComplexObjectIndex |
double |
the index of this item in the list. |
ComplexObjectIsFromSet |
bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
The parent resource.
- Type: string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: double
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
private string ComputeFqn()
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, bool> GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, double> GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
- Type: string
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
- Type: string
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type: HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
private string ToString()
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
string[] |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
string |
No description. |
GroupAccessLevel |
double |
No description. |
GroupFullPath |
string |
No description. |
GroupId |
double |
No description. |
GroupName |
string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroups |
No description. |
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
- Type: string[]
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
public string Fqn { get; }
- Type: string
public double GroupAccessLevel { get; }
- Type: double
public string GroupFullPath { get; }
- Type: string
public double GroupId { get; }
- Type: double
public string GroupName { get; }
- Type: string
public DataGitlabProjectSharedWithGroups InternalValue { get; }