diff --git a/docs/API.csharp.md b/docs/API.csharp.md index b33d1ba1..e7e671f1 100644 --- a/docs/API.csharp.md +++ b/docs/API.csharp.md @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ # Submodules The following submodules are available: +- [dataPostgresqlSchemas](./dataPostgresqlSchemas.csharp.md) +- [dataPostgresqlSequences](./dataPostgresqlSequences.csharp.md) +- [dataPostgresqlTables](./dataPostgresqlTables.csharp.md) - [database](./database.csharp.md) - [defaultPrivileges](./defaultPrivileges.csharp.md) - [extension](./extension.csharp.md) diff --git a/docs/API.go.md b/docs/API.go.md index bae14ff2..463a72c6 100644 --- a/docs/API.go.md +++ b/docs/API.go.md @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ # Submodules The following submodules are available: +- [dataPostgresqlSchemas](./dataPostgresqlSchemas.go.md) +- [dataPostgresqlSequences](./dataPostgresqlSequences.go.md) +- [dataPostgresqlTables](./dataPostgresqlTables.go.md) - [database](./database.go.md) - [defaultPrivileges](./defaultPrivileges.go.md) - [extension](./extension.go.md) diff --git a/docs/API.java.md b/docs/API.java.md index 4aae924d..6c5777cb 100644 --- a/docs/API.java.md +++ b/docs/API.java.md @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ # Submodules The following submodules are available: +- [dataPostgresqlSchemas](./dataPostgresqlSchemas.java.md) +- [dataPostgresqlSequences](./dataPostgresqlSequences.java.md) +- [dataPostgresqlTables](./dataPostgresqlTables.java.md) - [database](./database.java.md) - [defaultPrivileges](./defaultPrivileges.java.md) - [extension](./extension.java.md) diff --git a/docs/API.python.md b/docs/API.python.md index 28e6ce22..f79381e5 100644 --- a/docs/API.python.md +++ b/docs/API.python.md @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ # Submodules The following submodules are available: +- [dataPostgresqlSchemas](./dataPostgresqlSchemas.python.md) +- [dataPostgresqlSequences](./dataPostgresqlSequences.python.md) +- [dataPostgresqlTables](./dataPostgresqlTables.python.md) - [database](./database.python.md) - [defaultPrivileges](./defaultPrivileges.python.md) - [extension](./extension.python.md) diff --git a/docs/API.typescript.md b/docs/API.typescript.md index 2e4fa016..b0213d45 100644 --- a/docs/API.typescript.md +++ b/docs/API.typescript.md @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ # Submodules The following submodules are available: +- [dataPostgresqlSchemas](./dataPostgresqlSchemas.typescript.md) +- [dataPostgresqlSequences](./dataPostgresqlSequences.typescript.md) +- [dataPostgresqlTables](./dataPostgresqlTables.typescript.md) - [database](./database.typescript.md) - [defaultPrivileges](./defaultPrivileges.typescript.md) - [extension](./extension.typescript.md) diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.csharp.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.csharp.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e25a957 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.csharp.md @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSchemas` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemas + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas}. + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSchemas(Construct Scope, string Id, DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig Config); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Scope | Constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| Id | string | The scoped construct ID. | +| Config | DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `Config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ToString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| AddOverride | *No description.* | +| OverrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| ToMetadata | *No description.* | +| ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetIncludeSystemSchemas | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetRegexPattern | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `AddOverride` + +```csharp +private void AddOverride(string Path, object Value) +``` + +###### `Path`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Value`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `OverrideLogicalId` + +```csharp +private void OverrideLogicalId(string NewLogicalId) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `NewLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `ResetOverrideLogicalId` + +```csharp +private void ResetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `ToMetadata` + +```csharp +private object ToMetadata() +``` + +##### `ToTerraform` + +```csharp +private object ToTerraform() +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```csharp +private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```csharp +private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```csharp +private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```csharp +private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `ResetId` + +```csharp +private void ResetId() +``` + +##### `ResetIncludeSystemSchemas` + +```csharp +private void ResetIncludeSystemSchemas() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAllPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetRegexPattern` + +```csharp +private void ResetRegexPattern() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `IsConstruct` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.IsConstruct(object X); +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformElement` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.IsTerraformElement(object X); +``` + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformDataSource` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); +``` + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Node | Constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| CdktfStack | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | +| FriendlyUniqueId | string | *No description.* | +| TerraformMetaArguments | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary | *No description.* | +| TerraformResourceType | string | *No description.* | +| TerraformGeneratorMetadata | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| Count | double | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | string[] | *No description.* | +| ForEach | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Schemas | string[] | *No description.* | +| DatabaseInput | string | *No description.* | +| IdInput | string | *No description.* | +| IncludeSystemSchemasInput | object | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| RegexPatternInput | string | *No description.* | +| Database | string | *No description.* | +| Id | string | *No description.* | +| IncludeSystemSchemas | object | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| RegexPattern | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Node`Required + +```csharp +public Node Node { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* Constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `CdktfStack`Required + +```csharp +public TerraformStack CdktfStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `FriendlyUniqueId`Required + +```csharp +public string FriendlyUniqueId { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TerraformMetaArguments`Required + +```csharp +public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary TerraformMetaArguments { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary + +--- + +##### `TerraformResourceType`Required + +```csharp +public string TerraformResourceType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TerraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata TerraformGeneratorMetadata { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```csharp +public double Count { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* double + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] DependsOn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProvider Provider { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Required + +```csharp +public string[] Schemas { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `DatabaseInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string DatabaseInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `IdInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string IdInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `IncludeSystemSchemasInput`Optional + +```csharp +public object IncludeSystemSchemasInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `RegexPatternInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string RegexPatternInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```csharp +public string Database { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +```csharp +public string Id { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `IncludeSystemSchemas`Required + +```csharp +public object IncludeSystemSchemas { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Required + +```csharp +public string RegexPattern { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TfResourceType | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `TfResourceType`Required + +```csharp +public string TfResourceType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +#### Initializer + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig { + object Connection = null, + double Count = null, + ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn = null, + ITerraformIterator ForEach = null, + TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle = null, + TerraformProvider Provider = null, + object[] Provisioners = null, + string Database, + string Id = null, + object IncludeSystemSchemas = null, + string[] LikeAllPatterns = null, + string[] LikeAnyPatterns = null, + string[] NotLikeAllPatterns = null, + string RegexPattern = null +}; +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Connection | object | *No description.* | +| Count | double | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] | *No description.* | +| ForEach | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Provisioners | object[] | *No description.* | +| Database | string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| Id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| IncludeSystemSchemas | object | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| LikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| LikeAnyPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| RegexPattern | string | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `Connection`Optional + +```csharp +public object Connection { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```csharp +public double Count { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* double + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProvider Provider { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Provisioners`Optional + +```csharp +public object[] Provisioners { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object[] + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```csharp +public string Database { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `Id`Optional + +```csharp +public string Id { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `IncludeSystemSchemas`Optional + +```csharp +public object IncludeSystemSchemas { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Optional + +```csharp +public string RegexPattern { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.go.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.go.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f991f77 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.go.md @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSchemas` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemas + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas}. + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlschemas" + +datapostgresqlschemas.NewDataPostgresqlSchemas(scope Construct, id *string, config DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig) DataPostgresqlSchemas +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | *string | The scoped construct ID. | +| config | DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ToString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| AddOverride | *No description.* | +| OverrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| ToMetadata | *No description.* | +| ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetIncludeSystemSchemas | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetRegexPattern | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `AddOverride` + +```go +func AddOverride(path *string, value interface{}) +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `OverrideLogicalId` + +```go +func OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `ResetOverrideLogicalId` + +```go +func ResetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `ToMetadata` + +```go +func ToMetadata() interface{} +``` + +##### `ToTerraform` + +```go +func ToTerraform() interface{} +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```go +func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```go +func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `ResetId` + +```go +func ResetId() +``` + +##### `ResetIncludeSystemSchemas` + +```go +func ResetIncludeSystemSchemas() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAllPatterns` + +```go +func ResetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```go +func ResetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```go +func ResetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetRegexPattern` + +```go +func ResetRegexPattern() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `IsConstruct` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlschemas" + +datapostgresqlschemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformElement` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlschemas" + +datapostgresqlschemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformDataSource` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlschemas" + +datapostgresqlschemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Node | github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Node | The tree node. | +| CdktfStack | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | +| FriendlyUniqueId | *string | *No description.* | +| TerraformMetaArguments | *map[string]interface{} | *No description.* | +| TerraformResourceType | *string | *No description.* | +| TerraformGeneratorMetadata | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| Count | *f64 | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| ForEach | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Schemas | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| DatabaseInput | *string | *No description.* | +| IdInput | *string | *No description.* | +| IncludeSystemSchemasInput | interface{} | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| RegexPatternInput | *string | *No description.* | +| Database | *string | *No description.* | +| Id | *string | *No description.* | +| IncludeSystemSchemas | interface{} | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| RegexPattern | *string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Node`Required + +```go +func Node() Node +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `CdktfStack`Required + +```go +func CdktfStack() TerraformStack +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `FriendlyUniqueId`Required + +```go +func FriendlyUniqueId() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TerraformMetaArguments`Required + +```go +func TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* *map[string]interface{} + +--- + +##### `TerraformResourceType`Required + +```go +func TerraformResourceType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TerraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```go +func TerraformGeneratorMetadata() TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```go +func Count() *f64 +``` + +- *Type:* *f64 + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```go +func DependsOn() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```go +func ForEach() ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```go +func Lifecycle() TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```go +func Provider() TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Required + +```go +func Schemas() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `DatabaseInput`Optional + +```go +func DatabaseInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `IdInput`Optional + +```go +func IdInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `IncludeSystemSchemasInput`Optional + +```go +func IncludeSystemSchemasInput() interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func LikeAllPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func LikeAnyPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func NotLikeAllPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `RegexPatternInput`Optional + +```go +func RegexPatternInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```go +func Database() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +```go +func Id() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `IncludeSystemSchemas`Required + +```go +func IncludeSystemSchemas() interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Required + +```go +func LikeAllPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Required + +```go +func LikeAnyPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```go +func NotLikeAllPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Required + +```go +func RegexPattern() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TfResourceType | *string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `TfResourceType`Required + +```go +func TfResourceType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +#### Initializer + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlschemas" + +&datapostgresqlschemas.DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig { + Connection: interface{}, + Count: *f64, + DependsOn: *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable, + ForEach: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator, + Lifecycle: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle, + Provider: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider, + Provisioners: *[]interface{}, + Database: *string, + Id: *string, + IncludeSystemSchemas: interface{}, + LikeAllPatterns: *[]*string, + LikeAnyPatterns: *[]*string, + NotLikeAllPatterns: *[]*string, + RegexPattern: *string, +} +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Connection | interface{} | *No description.* | +| Count | *f64 | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable | *No description.* | +| ForEach | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Provisioners | *[]interface{} | *No description.* | +| Database | *string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| Id | *string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| IncludeSystemSchemas | interface{} | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| LikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| LikeAnyPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| RegexPattern | *string | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `Connection`Optional + +```go +Connection interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```go +Count *f64 +``` + +- *Type:* *f64 + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```go +DependsOn *[]ITerraformDependable +``` + +- *Type:* *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```go +ForEach ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```go +Lifecycle TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```go +Provider TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Provisioners`Optional + +```go +Provisioners *[]interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* *[]interface{} + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```go +Database *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `Id`Optional + +```go +Id *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `IncludeSystemSchemas`Optional + +```go +IncludeSystemSchemas interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```go +LikeAllPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```go +LikeAnyPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```go +NotLikeAllPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Optional + +```go +RegexPattern *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.java.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.java.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9923eacb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.java.md @@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSchemas` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemas + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas}. + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_schemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) +// .connection(SSHProvisionerConnection) +// .connection(WinrmProvisionerConnection) +// .count(java.lang.Number) +// .dependsOn(java.util.List) +// .forEach(ITerraformIterator) +// .lifecycle(TerraformResourceLifecycle) +// .provider(TerraformProvider) +// .provisioners(java.util.List) + .database(java.lang.String) +// .id(java.lang.String) +// .includeSystemSchemas(java.lang.Boolean) +// .includeSystemSchemas(IResolvable) +// .likeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .likeAnyPatterns(java.util.List) +// .notLikeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .regexPattern(java.lang.String) + .build(); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | java.lang.String | The scoped construct ID. | +| connection | com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| includeSystemSchemas | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemas`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| toString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| addOverride | *No description.* | +| overrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| toMetadata | *No description.* | +| toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetId | *No description.* | +| resetIncludeSystemSchemas | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetRegexPattern | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `addOverride` + +```java +public void addOverride(java.lang.String path, java.lang.Object value) +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +##### `overrideLogicalId` + +```java +public void overrideLogicalId(java.lang.String newLogicalId) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `resetOverrideLogicalId` + +```java +public void resetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `toMetadata` + +```java +public java.lang.Object toMetadata() +``` + +##### `toTerraform` + +```java +public java.lang.Object toTerraform() +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `resetId` + +```java +public void resetId() +``` + +##### `resetIncludeSystemSchemas` + +```java +public void resetIncludeSystemSchemas() +``` + +##### `resetLikeAllPatterns` + +```java +public void resetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```java +public void resetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```java +public void resetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetRegexPattern` + +```java +public void resetRegexPattern() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| isTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `isConstruct` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_schemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.isConstruct(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `isTerraformElement` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_schemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.isTerraformElement(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +##### `isTerraformDataSource` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_schemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas; + +DataPostgresqlSchemas.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | software.constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktfStack | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| friendlyUniqueId | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| terraformMetaArguments | java.util.Map | *No description.* | +| terraformResourceType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| terraformGeneratorMetadata | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| schemas | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| databaseInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| idInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| includeSystemSchemasInput | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| regexPatternInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| id | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| includeSystemSchemas | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```java +public Node getNode(); +``` + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktfStack`Required + +```java +public TerraformStack getCdktfStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `friendlyUniqueId`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFriendlyUniqueId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `terraformMetaArguments`Required + +```java +public java.util.Map getTerraformMetaArguments(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.Map + +--- + +##### `terraformResourceType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTerraformResourceType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `terraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata getTerraformGeneratorMetadata(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Number getCount(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getDependsOn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```java +public ITerraformIterator getForEach(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```java +public TerraformResourceLifecycle getLifecycle(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProvider getProvider(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `databaseInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabaseInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `idInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getIdInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemasInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getIncludeSystemSchemasInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `regexPatternInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPatternInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabase(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemas`Required + +```java +public java.lang.Object getIncludeSystemSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPattern(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTfResourceType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +#### Initializer + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_schemas.DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig; + +DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig.builder() +// .connection(SSHProvisionerConnection) +// .connection(WinrmProvisionerConnection) +// .count(java.lang.Number) +// .dependsOn(java.util.List) +// .forEach(ITerraformIterator) +// .lifecycle(TerraformResourceLifecycle) +// .provider(TerraformProvider) +// .provisioners(java.util.List) + .database(java.lang.String) +// .id(java.lang.String) +// .includeSystemSchemas(java.lang.Boolean) +// .includeSystemSchemas(IResolvable) +// .likeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .likeAnyPatterns(java.util.List) +// .notLikeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .regexPattern(java.lang.String) + .build(); +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| includeSystemSchemas | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getConnection(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Number getCount(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getDependsOn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```java +public ITerraformIterator getForEach(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```java +public TerraformResourceLifecycle getLifecycle(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProvider getProvider(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getProvisioners(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabase(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemas`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getIncludeSystemSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPattern(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.python.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.python.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c2838ea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.python.md @@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSchemas` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemas + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas}. + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_schemas + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas( + scope: Construct, + id: str, + connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] = None, + count: typing.Union[int, float] = None, + depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] = None, + for_each: ITerraformIterator = None, + lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle = None, + provider: TerraformProvider = None, + provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] = None, + database: str, + id: str = None, + include_system_schemas: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None, + like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + regex_pattern: str = None +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | str | The scoped construct ID. | +| connection | typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| database | str | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| include_system_schemas | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regex_pattern | str | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `include_system_schemas`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| to_string | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| add_override | *No description.* | +| override_logical_id | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| to_metadata | *No description.* | +| to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| reset_id | *No description.* | +| reset_include_system_schemas | *No description.* | +| reset_like_all_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_like_any_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_not_like_all_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_regex_pattern | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `add_override` + +```python +def add_override( + path: str, + value: typing.Any +) -> None +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +##### `override_logical_id` + +```python +def override_logical_id( + new_logical_id: str +) -> None +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `new_logical_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `reset_override_logical_id` + +```python +def reset_override_logical_id() -> None +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `to_metadata` + +```python +def to_metadata() -> typing.Any +``` + +##### `to_terraform` + +```python +def to_terraform() -> typing.Any +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `get_any_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_any_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[bool] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> str +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `interpolation_for_attribute` + +```python +def interpolation_for_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `reset_id` + +```python +def reset_id() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_include_system_schemas` + +```python +def reset_include_system_schemas() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_like_all_patterns` + +```python +def reset_like_all_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_like_any_patterns` + +```python +def reset_like_any_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_not_like_all_patterns` + +```python +def reset_not_like_all_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_regex_pattern` + +```python +def reset_regex_pattern() -> None +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| is_terraform_element | *No description.* | +| is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `is_construct` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_schemas + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas.is_construct( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `is_terraform_element` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_schemas + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas.is_terraform_element( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +##### `is_terraform_data_source` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_schemas + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas.is_terraform_data_source( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktf_stack | cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | +| friendly_unique_id | str | *No description.* | +| terraform_meta_arguments | typing.Mapping[typing.Any] | *No description.* | +| terraform_resource_type | str | *No description.* | +| terraform_generator_metadata | cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| database_input | str | *No description.* | +| id_input | str | *No description.* | +| include_system_schemas_input | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | *No description.* | +| like_all_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| like_any_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| not_like_all_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| regex_pattern_input | str | *No description.* | +| database | str | *No description.* | +| id | str | *No description.* | +| include_system_schemas | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | *No description.* | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| regex_pattern | str | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```python +node: Node +``` + +- *Type:* constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktf_stack`Required + +```python +cdktf_stack: TerraformStack +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `friendly_unique_id`Required + +```python +friendly_unique_id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `terraform_meta_arguments`Required + +```python +terraform_meta_arguments: typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Mapping[typing.Any] + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource_type`Required + +```python +terraform_resource_type: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `terraform_generator_metadata`Optional + +```python +terraform_generator_metadata: TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```python +count: typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +```python +depends_on: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +```python +for_each: ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```python +lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```python +provider: TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```python +schemas: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `database_input`Optional + +```python +database_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `id_input`Optional + +```python +id_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `include_system_schemas_input`Optional + +```python +include_system_schemas_input: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +like_all_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +like_any_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +not_like_all_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern_input`Optional + +```python +regex_pattern_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```python +database: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```python +id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `include_system_schemas`Required + +```python +include_system_schemas: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Required + +```python +like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Required + +```python +like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Required + +```python +not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Required + +```python +regex_pattern: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | str | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```python +tfResourceType: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +#### Initializer + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_schemas + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig( + connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] = None, + count: typing.Union[int, float] = None, + depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] = None, + for_each: ITerraformIterator = None, + lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle = None, + provider: TerraformProvider = None, + provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] = None, + database: str, + id: str = None, + include_system_schemas: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None, + like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + regex_pattern: str = None +) +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| database | str | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| include_system_schemas | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regex_pattern | str | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```python +connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```python +count: typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +```python +depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +```python +for_each: ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```python +lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```python +provider: TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```python +provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```python +database: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```python +id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `include_system_schemas`Optional + +```python +include_system_schemas: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Optional + +```python +like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Optional + +```python +like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Optional + +```python +not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Optional + +```python +regex_pattern: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.typescript.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.typescript.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6a78151 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSchemas.typescript.md @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSchemas` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemas + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas}. + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSchemas } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | string | The scoped construct ID. | +| config | DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| toString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| addOverride | *No description.* | +| overrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| toMetadata | *No description.* | +| toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetId | *No description.* | +| resetIncludeSystemSchemas | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetRegexPattern | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `addOverride` + +```typescript +public addOverride(path: string, value: any): void +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +##### `overrideLogicalId` + +```typescript +public overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId: string): void +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `resetOverrideLogicalId` + +```typescript +public resetOverrideLogicalId(): void +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `toMetadata` + +```typescript +public toMetadata(): any +``` + +##### `toTerraform` + +```typescript +public toTerraform(): any +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: any} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: boolean} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: number} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: string} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```typescript +public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `resetId` + +```typescript +public resetId(): void +``` + +##### `resetIncludeSystemSchemas` + +```typescript +public resetIncludeSystemSchemas(): void +``` + +##### `resetLikeAllPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetLikeAllPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetLikeAnyPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetNotLikeAllPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetRegexPattern` + +```typescript +public resetRegexPattern(): void +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| isTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `isConstruct` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSchemas } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas.isConstruct(x: any) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `isTerraformElement` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSchemas } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas.isTerraformElement(x: any) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +##### `isTerraformDataSource` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSchemas } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemas.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktfStack | cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | +| friendlyUniqueId | string | *No description.* | +| terraformMetaArguments | {[ key: string ]: any} | *No description.* | +| terraformResourceType | string | *No description.* | +| terraformGeneratorMetadata | cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | string[] | *No description.* | +| forEach | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| schemas | string[] | *No description.* | +| databaseInput | string | *No description.* | +| idInput | string | *No description.* | +| includeSystemSchemasInput | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| regexPatternInput | string | *No description.* | +| database | string | *No description.* | +| id | string | *No description.* | +| includeSystemSchemas | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| regexPattern | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```typescript +public readonly node: Node; +``` + +- *Type:* constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktfStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly cdktfStack: TerraformStack; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `friendlyUniqueId`Required + +```typescript +public readonly friendlyUniqueId: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `terraformMetaArguments`Required + +```typescript +public readonly terraformMetaArguments: {[ key: string ]: any}; +``` + +- *Type:* {[ key: string ]: any} + +--- + +##### `terraformResourceType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly terraformResourceType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `terraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly terraformGeneratorMetadata: TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly count: number; +``` + +- *Type:* number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly dependsOn: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly forEach: ITerraformIterator; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provider: TerraformProvider; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```typescript +public readonly schemas: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `databaseInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly databaseInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `idInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly idInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemasInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly includeSystemSchemasInput: boolean | IResolvable; +``` + +- *Type:* boolean | cdktf.IResolvable + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `regexPatternInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly regexPatternInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```typescript +public readonly database: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```typescript +public readonly id: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemas`Required + +```typescript +public readonly includeSystemSchemas: boolean | IResolvable; +``` + +- *Type:* boolean | cdktf.IResolvable + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Required + +```typescript +public readonly regexPattern: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly tfResourceType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + +#### Initializer + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSchemas } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +const dataPostgresqlSchemasConfig: dataPostgresqlSchemas.DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig = { ... } +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection \| cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] | *No description.* | +| forEach | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | cdktf.FileProvisioner \| cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner \| cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] | *No description.* | +| database | string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. | +| id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. | +| includeSystemSchemas | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. | +| likeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | string | Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly connection: SSHProvisionerConnection | WinrmProvisionerConnection; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection | cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly count: number; +``` + +- *Type:* number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly dependsOn: ITerraformDependable[]; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly forEach: ITerraformIterator; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provider: TerraformProvider; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provisioners: FileProvisioner | LocalExecProvisioner | RemoteExecProvisioner[]; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.FileProvisioner | cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner | cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```typescript +public readonly database: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly id: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `includeSystemSchemas`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly includeSystemSchemas: boolean | IResolvable; +``` + +- *Type:* boolean | cdktf.IResolvable + +Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly regexPattern: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.csharp.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.csharp.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6914b2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.csharp.md @@ -0,0 +1,1356 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSequences` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSequences + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences}. + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSequences(Construct Scope, string Id, DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig Config); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Scope | Constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| Id | string | The scoped construct ID. | +| Config | DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `Config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ToString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| AddOverride | *No description.* | +| OverrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| ToMetadata | *No description.* | +| ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| ResetSchemas | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `AddOverride` + +```csharp +private void AddOverride(string Path, object Value) +``` + +###### `Path`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Value`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `OverrideLogicalId` + +```csharp +private void OverrideLogicalId(string NewLogicalId) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `NewLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `ResetOverrideLogicalId` + +```csharp +private void ResetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `ToMetadata` + +```csharp +private object ToMetadata() +``` + +##### `ToTerraform` + +```csharp +private object ToTerraform() +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```csharp +private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```csharp +private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```csharp +private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```csharp +private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `ResetId` + +```csharp +private void ResetId() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAllPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetRegexPattern` + +```csharp +private void ResetRegexPattern() +``` + +##### `ResetSchemas` + +```csharp +private void ResetSchemas() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `IsConstruct` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.IsConstruct(object X); +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformElement` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.IsTerraformElement(object X); +``` + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformDataSource` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); +``` + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Node | Constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| CdktfStack | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | +| FriendlyUniqueId | string | *No description.* | +| TerraformMetaArguments | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary | *No description.* | +| TerraformResourceType | string | *No description.* | +| TerraformGeneratorMetadata | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| Count | double | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | string[] | *No description.* | +| ForEach | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Sequences | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList | *No description.* | +| DatabaseInput | string | *No description.* | +| IdInput | string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| RegexPatternInput | string | *No description.* | +| SchemasInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| Database | string | *No description.* | +| Id | string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| RegexPattern | string | *No description.* | +| Schemas | string[] | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Node`Required + +```csharp +public Node Node { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* Constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `CdktfStack`Required + +```csharp +public TerraformStack CdktfStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `FriendlyUniqueId`Required + +```csharp +public string FriendlyUniqueId { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TerraformMetaArguments`Required + +```csharp +public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary TerraformMetaArguments { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary + +--- + +##### `TerraformResourceType`Required + +```csharp +public string TerraformResourceType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TerraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata TerraformGeneratorMetadata { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```csharp +public double Count { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* double + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] DependsOn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProvider Provider { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Sequences`Required + +```csharp +public DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList Sequences { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +--- + +##### `DatabaseInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string DatabaseInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `IdInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string IdInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `RegexPatternInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string RegexPatternInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `SchemasInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] SchemasInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```csharp +public string Database { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +```csharp +public string Id { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Required + +```csharp +public string RegexPattern { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Required + +```csharp +public string[] Schemas { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TfResourceType | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `TfResourceType`Required + +```csharp +public string TfResourceType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig { + object Connection = null, + double Count = null, + ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn = null, + ITerraformIterator ForEach = null, + TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle = null, + TerraformProvider Provider = null, + object[] Provisioners = null, + string Database, + string Id = null, + string[] LikeAllPatterns = null, + string[] LikeAnyPatterns = null, + string[] NotLikeAllPatterns = null, + string RegexPattern = null, + string[] Schemas = null +}; +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Connection | object | *No description.* | +| Count | double | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] | *No description.* | +| ForEach | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Provisioners | object[] | *No description.* | +| Database | string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| Id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| LikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| LikeAnyPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| RegexPattern | string | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| Schemas | string[] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `Connection`Optional + +```csharp +public object Connection { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```csharp +public double Count { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* double + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProvider Provider { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Provisioners`Optional + +```csharp +public object[] Provisioners { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object[] + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```csharp +public string Database { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `Id`Optional + +```csharp +public string Id { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Optional + +```csharp +public string RegexPattern { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] Schemas { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +#### Initializer + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences { + +}; +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TerraformResource | HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| TerraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| WrapsSet | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `TerraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `WrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| Get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```csharp +private string ComputeFqn() +``` + +##### `Resolve` + +```csharp +private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `Context`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `Get` + +```csharp +private DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference Get(double Index) +``` + +###### `Index`Required + +- *Type:* double + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```csharp +public string[] CreationStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TerraformResource | HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| TerraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| ComplexObjectIndex | double | the index of this item in the list. | +| ComplexObjectIsFromSet | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `TerraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* double + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```csharp +private string ComputeFqn() +``` + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```csharp +private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```csharp +private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```csharp +private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```csharp +private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property) +``` + +###### `Property`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Resolve` + +```csharp +private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `Context`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | +| DataType | string | *No description.* | +| ObjectName | string | *No description.* | +| SchemaName | string | *No description.* | +| InternalValue | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```csharp +public string[] CreationStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `DataType`Required + +```csharp +public string DataType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `ObjectName`Required + +```csharp +public string ObjectName { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `SchemaName`Required + +```csharp +public string SchemaName { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InternalValue`Optional + +```csharp +public DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences InternalValue { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.go.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.go.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cb4c684 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.go.md @@ -0,0 +1,1356 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSequences` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSequences + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences}. + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +datapostgresqlsequences.NewDataPostgresqlSequences(scope Construct, id *string, config DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig) DataPostgresqlSequences +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | *string | The scoped construct ID. | +| config | DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ToString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| AddOverride | *No description.* | +| OverrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| ToMetadata | *No description.* | +| ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| ResetSchemas | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `AddOverride` + +```go +func AddOverride(path *string, value interface{}) +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `OverrideLogicalId` + +```go +func OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `ResetOverrideLogicalId` + +```go +func ResetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `ToMetadata` + +```go +func ToMetadata() interface{} +``` + +##### `ToTerraform` + +```go +func ToTerraform() interface{} +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```go +func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```go +func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `ResetId` + +```go +func ResetId() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAllPatterns` + +```go +func ResetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```go +func ResetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```go +func ResetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetRegexPattern` + +```go +func ResetRegexPattern() +``` + +##### `ResetSchemas` + +```go +func ResetSchemas() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `IsConstruct` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +datapostgresqlsequences.DataPostgresqlSequences_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformElement` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +datapostgresqlsequences.DataPostgresqlSequences_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformDataSource` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +datapostgresqlsequences.DataPostgresqlSequences_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Node | github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Node | The tree node. | +| CdktfStack | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | +| FriendlyUniqueId | *string | *No description.* | +| TerraformMetaArguments | *map[string]interface{} | *No description.* | +| TerraformResourceType | *string | *No description.* | +| TerraformGeneratorMetadata | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| Count | *f64 | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| ForEach | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Sequences | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList | *No description.* | +| DatabaseInput | *string | *No description.* | +| IdInput | *string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| RegexPatternInput | *string | *No description.* | +| SchemasInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| Database | *string | *No description.* | +| Id | *string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| RegexPattern | *string | *No description.* | +| Schemas | *[]*string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Node`Required + +```go +func Node() Node +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `CdktfStack`Required + +```go +func CdktfStack() TerraformStack +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `FriendlyUniqueId`Required + +```go +func FriendlyUniqueId() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TerraformMetaArguments`Required + +```go +func TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* *map[string]interface{} + +--- + +##### `TerraformResourceType`Required + +```go +func TerraformResourceType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TerraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```go +func TerraformGeneratorMetadata() TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```go +func Count() *f64 +``` + +- *Type:* *f64 + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```go +func DependsOn() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```go +func ForEach() ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```go +func Lifecycle() TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```go +func Provider() TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Sequences`Required + +```go +func Sequences() DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +--- + +##### `DatabaseInput`Optional + +```go +func DatabaseInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `IdInput`Optional + +```go +func IdInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func LikeAllPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func LikeAnyPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func NotLikeAllPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `RegexPatternInput`Optional + +```go +func RegexPatternInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `SchemasInput`Optional + +```go +func SchemasInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```go +func Database() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +```go +func Id() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Required + +```go +func LikeAllPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Required + +```go +func LikeAnyPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```go +func NotLikeAllPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Required + +```go +func RegexPattern() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Required + +```go +func Schemas() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TfResourceType | *string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `TfResourceType`Required + +```go +func TfResourceType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +&datapostgresqlsequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig { + Connection: interface{}, + Count: *f64, + DependsOn: *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable, + ForEach: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator, + Lifecycle: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle, + Provider: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider, + Provisioners: *[]interface{}, + Database: *string, + Id: *string, + LikeAllPatterns: *[]*string, + LikeAnyPatterns: *[]*string, + NotLikeAllPatterns: *[]*string, + RegexPattern: *string, + Schemas: *[]*string, +} +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Connection | interface{} | *No description.* | +| Count | *f64 | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable | *No description.* | +| ForEach | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Provisioners | *[]interface{} | *No description.* | +| Database | *string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| Id | *string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| LikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| LikeAnyPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| RegexPattern | *string | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| Schemas | *[]*string | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `Connection`Optional + +```go +Connection interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```go +Count *f64 +``` + +- *Type:* *f64 + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```go +DependsOn *[]ITerraformDependable +``` + +- *Type:* *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```go +ForEach ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```go +Lifecycle TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```go +Provider TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Provisioners`Optional + +```go +Provisioners *[]interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* *[]interface{} + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```go +Database *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `Id`Optional + +```go +Id *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```go +LikeAllPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```go +LikeAnyPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```go +NotLikeAllPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Optional + +```go +RegexPattern *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Optional + +```go +Schemas *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +#### Initializer + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +&datapostgresqlsequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences { + +} +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +datapostgresqlsequences.NewDataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | *string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wrapsSet | *bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* *bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| Get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```go +func ComputeFqn() *string +``` + +##### `Resolve` + +```go +func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{} +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `Get` + +```go +func Get(index *f64) DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* *f64 + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | *[]*string | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```go +func CreationStack() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqlsequences" + +datapostgresqlsequences.NewDataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | *string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complexObjectIndex | *f64 | the index of this item in the list. | +| complexObjectIsFromSet | *bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* *f64 + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* *bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```go +func ComputeFqn() *string +``` + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```go +func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```go +func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Resolve` + +```go +func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{} +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | *[]*string | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | +| DataType | *string | *No description.* | +| ObjectName | *string | *No description.* | +| SchemaName | *string | *No description.* | +| InternalValue | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```go +func CreationStack() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `DataType`Required + +```go +func DataType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `ObjectName`Required + +```go +func ObjectName() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `SchemaName`Required + +```go +func SchemaName() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InternalValue`Optional + +```go +func InternalValue() DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.java.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.java.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4440f79a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.java.md @@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSequences` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSequences + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences}. + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequences; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) +// .connection(SSHProvisionerConnection) +// .connection(WinrmProvisionerConnection) +// .count(java.lang.Number) +// .dependsOn(java.util.List) +// .forEach(ITerraformIterator) +// .lifecycle(TerraformResourceLifecycle) +// .provider(TerraformProvider) +// .provisioners(java.util.List) + .database(java.lang.String) +// .id(java.lang.String) +// .likeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .likeAnyPatterns(java.util.List) +// .notLikeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .regexPattern(java.lang.String) +// .schemas(java.util.List) + .build(); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | java.lang.String | The scoped construct ID. | +| connection | com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | java.util.List | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| toString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| addOverride | *No description.* | +| overrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| toMetadata | *No description.* | +| toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetId | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| resetSchemas | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `addOverride` + +```java +public void addOverride(java.lang.String path, java.lang.Object value) +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +##### `overrideLogicalId` + +```java +public void overrideLogicalId(java.lang.String newLogicalId) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `resetOverrideLogicalId` + +```java +public void resetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `toMetadata` + +```java +public java.lang.Object toMetadata() +``` + +##### `toTerraform` + +```java +public java.lang.Object toTerraform() +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `resetId` + +```java +public void resetId() +``` + +##### `resetLikeAllPatterns` + +```java +public void resetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```java +public void resetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```java +public void resetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetRegexPattern` + +```java +public void resetRegexPattern() +``` + +##### `resetSchemas` + +```java +public void resetSchemas() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| isTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `isConstruct` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequences; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.isConstruct(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `isTerraformElement` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequences; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.isTerraformElement(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +##### `isTerraformDataSource` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequences; + +DataPostgresqlSequences.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | software.constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktfStack | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| friendlyUniqueId | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| terraformMetaArguments | java.util.Map | *No description.* | +| terraformResourceType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| terraformGeneratorMetadata | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| sequences | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList | *No description.* | +| databaseInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| idInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| regexPatternInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| schemasInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| id | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| schemas | java.util.List | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```java +public Node getNode(); +``` + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktfStack`Required + +```java +public TerraformStack getCdktfStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `friendlyUniqueId`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFriendlyUniqueId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `terraformMetaArguments`Required + +```java +public java.util.Map getTerraformMetaArguments(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.Map + +--- + +##### `terraformResourceType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTerraformResourceType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `terraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata getTerraformGeneratorMetadata(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Number getCount(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getDependsOn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```java +public ITerraformIterator getForEach(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```java +public TerraformResourceLifecycle getLifecycle(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProvider getProvider(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `sequences`Required + +```java +public DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList getSequences(); +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +--- + +##### `databaseInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabaseInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `idInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getIdInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `regexPatternInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPatternInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `schemasInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemasInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabase(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPattern(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTfResourceType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig; + +DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig.builder() +// .connection(SSHProvisionerConnection) +// .connection(WinrmProvisionerConnection) +// .count(java.lang.Number) +// .dependsOn(java.util.List) +// .forEach(ITerraformIterator) +// .lifecycle(TerraformResourceLifecycle) +// .provider(TerraformProvider) +// .provisioners(java.util.List) + .database(java.lang.String) +// .id(java.lang.String) +// .likeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .likeAnyPatterns(java.util.List) +// .notLikeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .regexPattern(java.lang.String) +// .schemas(java.util.List) + .build(); +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | java.util.List | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getConnection(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Number getCount(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getDependsOn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```java +public ITerraformIterator getForEach(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```java +public TerraformResourceLifecycle getLifecycle(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProvider getProvider(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getProvisioners(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabase(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPattern(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +#### Initializer + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences; + +DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences.builder() + .build(); +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList; + +new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | java.lang.String | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wrapsSet | java.lang.Boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```java +public java.lang.String computeFqn() +``` + +##### `resolve` + +```java +public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `get` + +```java +public DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index) +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | java.util.List | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getCreationStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_sequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference; + +new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Number complexObjectIndex, java.lang.Boolean complexObjectIsFromSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | java.lang.String | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complexObjectIndex | java.lang.Number | the index of this item in the list. | +| complexObjectIsFromSet | java.lang.Boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```java +public java.lang.String computeFqn() +``` + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String property) +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `resolve` + +```java +public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | java.util.List | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| dataType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| objectName | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| schemaName | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| internalValue | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getCreationStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `dataType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDataType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `objectName`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getObjectName(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `schemaName`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getSchemaName(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `internalValue`Optional + +```java +public DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences getInternalValue(); +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.python.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.python.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0c6cac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.python.md @@ -0,0 +1,1557 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSequences` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSequences + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences}. + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences( + scope: Construct, + id: str, + connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] = None, + count: typing.Union[int, float] = None, + depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] = None, + for_each: ITerraformIterator = None, + lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle = None, + provider: TerraformProvider = None, + provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] = None, + database: str, + id: str = None, + like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + regex_pattern: str = None, + schemas: typing.List[str] = None +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | str | The scoped construct ID. | +| connection | typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| database | str | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regex_pattern | str | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| to_string | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| add_override | *No description.* | +| override_logical_id | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| to_metadata | *No description.* | +| to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| reset_id | *No description.* | +| reset_like_all_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_like_any_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_not_like_all_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_regex_pattern | *No description.* | +| reset_schemas | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `add_override` + +```python +def add_override( + path: str, + value: typing.Any +) -> None +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +##### `override_logical_id` + +```python +def override_logical_id( + new_logical_id: str +) -> None +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `new_logical_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `reset_override_logical_id` + +```python +def reset_override_logical_id() -> None +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `to_metadata` + +```python +def to_metadata() -> typing.Any +``` + +##### `to_terraform` + +```python +def to_terraform() -> typing.Any +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `get_any_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_any_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[bool] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> str +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `interpolation_for_attribute` + +```python +def interpolation_for_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `reset_id` + +```python +def reset_id() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_like_all_patterns` + +```python +def reset_like_all_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_like_any_patterns` + +```python +def reset_like_any_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_not_like_all_patterns` + +```python +def reset_not_like_all_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_regex_pattern` + +```python +def reset_regex_pattern() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_schemas` + +```python +def reset_schemas() -> None +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| is_terraform_element | *No description.* | +| is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `is_construct` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences.is_construct( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `is_terraform_element` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences.is_terraform_element( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +##### `is_terraform_data_source` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences.is_terraform_data_source( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktf_stack | cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | +| friendly_unique_id | str | *No description.* | +| terraform_meta_arguments | typing.Mapping[typing.Any] | *No description.* | +| terraform_resource_type | str | *No description.* | +| terraform_generator_metadata | cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| sequences | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList | *No description.* | +| database_input | str | *No description.* | +| id_input | str | *No description.* | +| like_all_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| like_any_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| not_like_all_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| regex_pattern_input | str | *No description.* | +| schemas_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| database | str | *No description.* | +| id | str | *No description.* | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| regex_pattern | str | *No description.* | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```python +node: Node +``` + +- *Type:* constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktf_stack`Required + +```python +cdktf_stack: TerraformStack +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `friendly_unique_id`Required + +```python +friendly_unique_id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `terraform_meta_arguments`Required + +```python +terraform_meta_arguments: typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Mapping[typing.Any] + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource_type`Required + +```python +terraform_resource_type: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `terraform_generator_metadata`Optional + +```python +terraform_generator_metadata: TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```python +count: typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +```python +depends_on: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +```python +for_each: ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```python +lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```python +provider: TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `sequences`Required + +```python +sequences: DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +--- + +##### `database_input`Optional + +```python +database_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `id_input`Optional + +```python +id_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +like_all_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +like_any_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +not_like_all_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern_input`Optional + +```python +regex_pattern_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `schemas_input`Optional + +```python +schemas_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```python +database: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```python +id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Required + +```python +like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Required + +```python +like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Required + +```python +not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Required + +```python +regex_pattern: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```python +schemas: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | str | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```python +tfResourceType: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig( + connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] = None, + count: typing.Union[int, float] = None, + depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] = None, + for_each: ITerraformIterator = None, + lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle = None, + provider: TerraformProvider = None, + provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] = None, + database: str, + id: str = None, + like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + regex_pattern: str = None, + schemas: typing.List[str] = None +) +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| database | str | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regex_pattern | str | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```python +connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```python +count: typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +```python +depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +```python +for_each: ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```python +lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```python +provider: TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```python +provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```python +database: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```python +id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Optional + +```python +like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Optional + +```python +like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Optional + +```python +not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Optional + +```python +regex_pattern: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +```python +schemas: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +#### Initializer + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences() +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList( + terraform_resource: IInterpolatingParent, + terraform_attribute: str, + wraps_set: bool +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraform_resource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraform_attribute | str | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wraps_set | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wraps_set`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| compute_fqn | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| to_string | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `compute_fqn` + +```python +def compute_fqn() -> str +``` + +##### `resolve` + +```python +def resolve( + _context: IResolveContext +) -> typing.Any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `get` + +```python +def get( + index: typing.Union[int, float] +) -> DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creation_stack | typing.List[str] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creation_stack`Required + +```python +creation_stack: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_sequences + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference( + terraform_resource: IInterpolatingParent, + terraform_attribute: str, + complex_object_index: typing.Union[int, float], + complex_object_is_from_set: bool +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraform_resource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraform_attribute | str | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complex_object_index | typing.Union[int, float] | the index of this item in the list. | +| complex_object_is_from_set | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complex_object_index`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complex_object_is_from_set`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| compute_fqn | *No description.* | +| get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| to_string | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `compute_fqn` + +```python +def compute_fqn() -> str +``` + +##### `get_any_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_any_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[bool] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> str +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `interpolation_for_attribute` + +```python +def interpolation_for_attribute( + property: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `resolve` + +```python +def resolve( + _context: IResolveContext +) -> typing.Any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creation_stack | typing.List[str] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | +| data_type | str | *No description.* | +| object_name | str | *No description.* | +| schema_name | str | *No description.* | +| internal_value | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creation_stack`Required + +```python +creation_stack: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `data_type`Required + +```python +data_type: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `object_name`Required + +```python +object_name: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `schema_name`Required + +```python +schema_name: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `internal_value`Optional + +```python +internal_value: DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.typescript.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.typescript.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1f08e57 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlSequences.typescript.md @@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlSequences` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlSequences + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences}. + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | string | The scoped construct ID. | +| config | DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| toString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| addOverride | *No description.* | +| overrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| toMetadata | *No description.* | +| toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetId | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| resetSchemas | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `addOverride` + +```typescript +public addOverride(path: string, value: any): void +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +##### `overrideLogicalId` + +```typescript +public overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId: string): void +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `resetOverrideLogicalId` + +```typescript +public resetOverrideLogicalId(): void +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `toMetadata` + +```typescript +public toMetadata(): any +``` + +##### `toTerraform` + +```typescript +public toTerraform(): any +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: any} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: boolean} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: number} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: string} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```typescript +public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `resetId` + +```typescript +public resetId(): void +``` + +##### `resetLikeAllPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetLikeAllPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetLikeAnyPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetNotLikeAllPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetRegexPattern` + +```typescript +public resetRegexPattern(): void +``` + +##### `resetSchemas` + +```typescript +public resetSchemas(): void +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| isTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `isConstruct` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences.isConstruct(x: any) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `isTerraformElement` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences.isTerraformElement(x: any) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +##### `isTerraformDataSource` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequences.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktfStack | cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | +| friendlyUniqueId | string | *No description.* | +| terraformMetaArguments | {[ key: string ]: any} | *No description.* | +| terraformResourceType | string | *No description.* | +| terraformGeneratorMetadata | cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | string[] | *No description.* | +| forEach | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| sequences | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList | *No description.* | +| databaseInput | string | *No description.* | +| idInput | string | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| regexPatternInput | string | *No description.* | +| schemasInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| database | string | *No description.* | +| id | string | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| regexPattern | string | *No description.* | +| schemas | string[] | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```typescript +public readonly node: Node; +``` + +- *Type:* constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktfStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly cdktfStack: TerraformStack; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `friendlyUniqueId`Required + +```typescript +public readonly friendlyUniqueId: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `terraformMetaArguments`Required + +```typescript +public readonly terraformMetaArguments: {[ key: string ]: any}; +``` + +- *Type:* {[ key: string ]: any} + +--- + +##### `terraformResourceType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly terraformResourceType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `terraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly terraformGeneratorMetadata: TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly count: number; +``` + +- *Type:* number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly dependsOn: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly forEach: ITerraformIterator; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provider: TerraformProvider; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `sequences`Required + +```typescript +public readonly sequences: DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList; +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +--- + +##### `databaseInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly databaseInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `idInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly idInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `regexPatternInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly regexPatternInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `schemasInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly schemasInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```typescript +public readonly database: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```typescript +public readonly id: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Required + +```typescript +public readonly regexPattern: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```typescript +public readonly schemas: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly tfResourceType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +const dataPostgresqlSequencesConfig: dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig = { ... } +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection \| cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] | *No description.* | +| forEach | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | cdktf.FileProvisioner \| cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner \| cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] | *No description.* | +| database | string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. | +| id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. | +| likeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | string | Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | string[] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly connection: SSHProvisionerConnection | WinrmProvisionerConnection; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection | cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly count: number; +``` + +- *Type:* number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly dependsOn: ITerraformDependable[]; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly forEach: ITerraformIterator; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provider: TerraformProvider; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provisioners: FileProvisioner | LocalExecProvisioner | RemoteExecProvisioner[]; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.FileProvisioner | cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner | cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```typescript +public readonly database: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly id: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly regexPattern: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly schemas: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +#### Initializer + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +const dataPostgresqlSequencesSequences: dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences = { ... } +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList(terraformResource: IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, wrapsSet: boolean) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wrapsSet | boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```typescript +public computeFqn(): string +``` + +##### `resolve` + +```typescript +public resolve(_context: IResolveContext): any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `get` + +```typescript +public get(index: number): DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* number + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly creationStack: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlSequences } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlSequences.DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference(terraformResource: IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, complexObjectIndex: number, complexObjectIsFromSet: boolean) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complexObjectIndex | number | the index of this item in the list. | +| complexObjectIsFromSet | boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* number + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```typescript +public computeFqn(): string +``` + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: any} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: boolean} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: number} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: string} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```typescript +public interpolationForAttribute(property: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `resolve` + +```typescript +public resolve(_context: IResolveContext): any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | +| dataType | string | *No description.* | +| objectName | string | *No description.* | +| schemaName | string | *No description.* | +| internalValue | DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly creationStack: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `dataType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly dataType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `objectName`Required + +```typescript +public readonly objectName: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `schemaName`Required + +```typescript +public readonly schemaName: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `internalValue`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly internalValue: DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences; +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.csharp.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.csharp.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3ebf9fa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.csharp.md @@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlTables` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlTables + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables}. + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlTables(Construct Scope, string Id, DataPostgresqlTablesConfig Config); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Scope | Constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| Id | string | The scoped construct ID. | +| Config | DataPostgresqlTablesConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `Config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ToString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| AddOverride | *No description.* | +| OverrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| ToMetadata | *No description.* | +| ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| ResetSchemas | *No description.* | +| ResetTableTypes | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `AddOverride` + +```csharp +private void AddOverride(string Path, object Value) +``` + +###### `Path`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Value`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `OverrideLogicalId` + +```csharp +private void OverrideLogicalId(string NewLogicalId) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `NewLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `ResetOverrideLogicalId` + +```csharp +private void ResetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `ToMetadata` + +```csharp +private object ToMetadata() +``` + +##### `ToTerraform` + +```csharp +private object ToTerraform() +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```csharp +private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```csharp +private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```csharp +private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```csharp +private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `ResetId` + +```csharp +private void ResetId() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAllPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```csharp +private void ResetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetRegexPattern` + +```csharp +private void ResetRegexPattern() +``` + +##### `ResetSchemas` + +```csharp +private void ResetSchemas() +``` + +##### `ResetTableTypes` + +```csharp +private void ResetTableTypes() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `IsConstruct` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlTables.IsConstruct(object X); +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformElement` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlTables.IsTerraformElement(object X); +``` + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformDataSource` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +DataPostgresqlTables.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); +``` + +###### `X`Required + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Node | Constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| CdktfStack | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | +| FriendlyUniqueId | string | *No description.* | +| TerraformMetaArguments | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary | *No description.* | +| TerraformResourceType | string | *No description.* | +| TerraformGeneratorMetadata | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| Count | double | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | string[] | *No description.* | +| ForEach | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Tables | DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList | *No description.* | +| DatabaseInput | string | *No description.* | +| IdInput | string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| RegexPatternInput | string | *No description.* | +| SchemasInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| TableTypesInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| Database | string | *No description.* | +| Id | string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| RegexPattern | string | *No description.* | +| Schemas | string[] | *No description.* | +| TableTypes | string[] | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Node`Required + +```csharp +public Node Node { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* Constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `CdktfStack`Required + +```csharp +public TerraformStack CdktfStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `FriendlyUniqueId`Required + +```csharp +public string FriendlyUniqueId { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TerraformMetaArguments`Required + +```csharp +public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary TerraformMetaArguments { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary + +--- + +##### `TerraformResourceType`Required + +```csharp +public string TerraformResourceType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TerraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata TerraformGeneratorMetadata { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```csharp +public double Count { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* double + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] DependsOn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProvider Provider { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Tables`Required + +```csharp +public DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList Tables { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +--- + +##### `DatabaseInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string DatabaseInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `IdInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string IdInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatternsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `RegexPatternInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string RegexPatternInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `SchemasInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] SchemasInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `TableTypesInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] TableTypesInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```csharp +public string Database { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +```csharp +public string Id { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatterns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Required + +```csharp +public string RegexPattern { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Required + +```csharp +public string[] Schemas { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `TableTypes`Required + +```csharp +public string[] TableTypes { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TfResourceType | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `TfResourceType`Required + +```csharp +public string TfResourceType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlTablesConfig { + object Connection = null, + double Count = null, + ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn = null, + ITerraformIterator ForEach = null, + TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle = null, + TerraformProvider Provider = null, + object[] Provisioners = null, + string Database, + string Id = null, + string[] LikeAllPatterns = null, + string[] LikeAnyPatterns = null, + string[] NotLikeAllPatterns = null, + string RegexPattern = null, + string[] Schemas = null, + string[] TableTypes = null +}; +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Connection | object | *No description.* | +| Count | double | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] | *No description.* | +| ForEach | HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Provisioners | object[] | *No description.* | +| Database | string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| Id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| LikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| LikeAnyPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| RegexPattern | string | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| Schemas | string[] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| TableTypes | string[] | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `Connection`Optional + +```csharp +public object Connection { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```csharp +public double Count { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* double + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformDependable[] DependsOn { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```csharp +public ITerraformIterator ForEach { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformResourceLifecycle Lifecycle { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```csharp +public TerraformProvider Provider { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Provisioners`Optional + +```csharp +public object[] Provisioners { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* object[] + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```csharp +public string Database { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `Id`Optional + +```csharp +public string Id { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAllPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] LikeAnyPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] NotLikeAllPatterns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Optional + +```csharp +public string RegexPattern { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] Schemas { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `TableTypes`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] TableTypes { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +#### Initializer + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlTablesTables { + +}; +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TerraformResource | HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| TerraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| WrapsSet | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `TerraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `WrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| Get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```csharp +private string ComputeFqn() +``` + +##### `Resolve` + +```csharp +private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `Context`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `Get` + +```csharp +private DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference Get(double Index) +``` + +###### `Index`Required + +- *Type:* double + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```csharp +public string[] CreationStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Postgresql; + +new DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TerraformResource | HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| TerraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| ComplexObjectIndex | double | the index of this item in the list. | +| ComplexObjectIsFromSet | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `TerraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* double + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```csharp +private string ComputeFqn() +``` + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```csharp +private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```csharp +private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```csharp +private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```csharp +private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```csharp +private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `TerraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```csharp +private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property) +``` + +###### `Property`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `Resolve` + +```csharp +private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `Context`Required + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```csharp +private string ToString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | string | *No description.* | +| ObjectName | string | *No description.* | +| SchemaName | string | *No description.* | +| TableType | string | *No description.* | +| InternalValue | DataPostgresqlTablesTables | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```csharp +public string[] CreationStack { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```csharp +public string Fqn { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `ObjectName`Required + +```csharp +public string ObjectName { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `SchemaName`Required + +```csharp +public string SchemaName { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `TableType`Required + +```csharp +public string TableType { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `InternalValue`Optional + +```csharp +public DataPostgresqlTablesTables InternalValue { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.go.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.go.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b99f2a90 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.go.md @@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlTables` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlTables + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables}. + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +datapostgresqltables.NewDataPostgresqlTables(scope Construct, id *string, config DataPostgresqlTablesConfig) DataPostgresqlTables +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | *string | The scoped construct ID. | +| config | DataPostgresqlTablesConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ToString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| AddOverride | *No description.* | +| OverrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| ToMetadata | *No description.* | +| ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| ResetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| ResetSchemas | *No description.* | +| ResetTableTypes | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `AddOverride` + +```go +func AddOverride(path *string, value interface{}) +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `OverrideLogicalId` + +```go +func OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `ResetOverrideLogicalId` + +```go +func ResetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `ToMetadata` + +```go +func ToMetadata() interface{} +``` + +##### `ToTerraform` + +```go +func ToTerraform() interface{} +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```go +func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```go +func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `ResetId` + +```go +func ResetId() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAllPatterns` + +```go +func ResetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```go +func ResetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```go +func ResetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `ResetRegexPattern` + +```go +func ResetRegexPattern() +``` + +##### `ResetSchemas` + +```go +func ResetSchemas() +``` + +##### `ResetTableTypes` + +```go +func ResetTableTypes() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `IsConstruct` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +datapostgresqltables.DataPostgresqlTables_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformElement` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +datapostgresqltables.DataPostgresqlTables_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `IsTerraformDataSource` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +datapostgresqltables.DataPostgresqlTables_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) *bool +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Node | github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Node | The tree node. | +| CdktfStack | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | +| FriendlyUniqueId | *string | *No description.* | +| TerraformMetaArguments | *map[string]interface{} | *No description.* | +| TerraformResourceType | *string | *No description.* | +| TerraformGeneratorMetadata | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| Count | *f64 | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| ForEach | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Tables | DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList | *No description.* | +| DatabaseInput | *string | *No description.* | +| IdInput | *string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatternsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| RegexPatternInput | *string | *No description.* | +| SchemasInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| TableTypesInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| Database | *string | *No description.* | +| Id | *string | *No description.* | +| LikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| LikeAnyPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| RegexPattern | *string | *No description.* | +| Schemas | *[]*string | *No description.* | +| TableTypes | *[]*string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `Node`Required + +```go +func Node() Node +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `CdktfStack`Required + +```go +func CdktfStack() TerraformStack +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `FriendlyUniqueId`Required + +```go +func FriendlyUniqueId() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TerraformMetaArguments`Required + +```go +func TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* *map[string]interface{} + +--- + +##### `TerraformResourceType`Required + +```go +func TerraformResourceType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TerraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```go +func TerraformGeneratorMetadata() TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```go +func Count() *f64 +``` + +- *Type:* *f64 + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```go +func DependsOn() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```go +func ForEach() ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```go +func Lifecycle() TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```go +func Provider() TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Tables`Required + +```go +func Tables() DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +--- + +##### `DatabaseInput`Optional + +```go +func DatabaseInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `IdInput`Optional + +```go +func IdInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func LikeAllPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func LikeAnyPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```go +func NotLikeAllPatternsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `RegexPatternInput`Optional + +```go +func RegexPatternInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `SchemasInput`Optional + +```go +func SchemasInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `TableTypesInput`Optional + +```go +func TableTypesInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```go +func Database() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Id`Required + +```go +func Id() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Required + +```go +func LikeAllPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Required + +```go +func LikeAnyPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```go +func NotLikeAllPatterns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Required + +```go +func RegexPattern() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Required + +```go +func Schemas() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +##### `TableTypes`Required + +```go +func TableTypes() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| TfResourceType | *string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `TfResourceType`Required + +```go +func TfResourceType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +&datapostgresqltables.DataPostgresqlTablesConfig { + Connection: interface{}, + Count: *f64, + DependsOn: *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable, + ForEach: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator, + Lifecycle: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle, + Provider: github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider, + Provisioners: *[]interface{}, + Database: *string, + Id: *string, + LikeAllPatterns: *[]*string, + LikeAnyPatterns: *[]*string, + NotLikeAllPatterns: *[]*string, + RegexPattern: *string, + Schemas: *[]*string, + TableTypes: *[]*string, +} +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| Connection | interface{} | *No description.* | +| Count | *f64 | *No description.* | +| DependsOn | *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable | *No description.* | +| ForEach | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| Provisioners | *[]interface{} | *No description.* | +| Database | *string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| Id | *string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| LikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| LikeAnyPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| NotLikeAllPatterns | *[]*string | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| RegexPattern | *string | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| Schemas | *[]*string | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| TableTypes | *[]*string | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `Connection`Optional + +```go +Connection interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* interface{} + +--- + +##### `Count`Optional + +```go +Count *f64 +``` + +- *Type:* *f64 + +--- + +##### `DependsOn`Optional + +```go +DependsOn *[]ITerraformDependable +``` + +- *Type:* *[]github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformDependable + +--- + +##### `ForEach`Optional + +```go +ForEach ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `Lifecycle`Optional + +```go +Lifecycle TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `Provider`Optional + +```go +Provider TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `Provisioners`Optional + +```go +Provisioners *[]interface{} +``` + +- *Type:* *[]interface{} + +--- + +##### `Database`Required + +```go +Database *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `Id`Optional + +```go +Id *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `LikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```go +LikeAllPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `LikeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```go +LikeAnyPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `NotLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```go +NotLikeAllPatterns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `RegexPattern`Optional + +```go +RegexPattern *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `Schemas`Optional + +```go +Schemas *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `TableTypes`Optional + +```go +TableTypes *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +#### Initializer + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +&datapostgresqltables.DataPostgresqlTablesTables { + +} +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +datapostgresqltables.NewDataPostgresqlTablesTablesList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | *string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wrapsSet | *bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* *bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| Get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```go +func ComputeFqn() *string +``` + +##### `Resolve` + +```go +func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{} +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `Get` + +```go +func Get(index *f64) DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* *f64 + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | *[]*string | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```go +func CreationStack() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/datapostgresqltables" + +datapostgresqltables.NewDataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | *string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complexObjectIndex | *f64 | the index of this item in the list. | +| complexObjectIsFromSet | *bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* *f64 + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* *bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| ComputeFqn | *No description.* | +| GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| Resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| ToString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `ComputeFqn` + +```go +func ComputeFqn() *string +``` + +##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetListAttribute` + +```go +func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberListAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetNumberMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64 +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `GetStringMapAttribute` + +```go +func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InterpolationForAttribute` + +```go +func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `Resolve` + +```go +func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{} +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `ToString` + +```go +func ToString() *string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| CreationStack | *[]*string | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| Fqn | *string | *No description.* | +| ObjectName | *string | *No description.* | +| SchemaName | *string | *No description.* | +| TableType | *string | *No description.* | +| InternalValue | DataPostgresqlTablesTables | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `CreationStack`Required + +```go +func CreationStack() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `Fqn`Required + +```go +func Fqn() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `ObjectName`Required + +```go +func ObjectName() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `SchemaName`Required + +```go +func SchemaName() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `TableType`Required + +```go +func TableType() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +##### `InternalValue`Optional + +```go +func InternalValue() DataPostgresqlTablesTables +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.java.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.java.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32403509 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.java.md @@ -0,0 +1,1557 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlTables` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlTables + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables}. + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTables; + +DataPostgresqlTables.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) +// .connection(SSHProvisionerConnection) +// .connection(WinrmProvisionerConnection) +// .count(java.lang.Number) +// .dependsOn(java.util.List) +// .forEach(ITerraformIterator) +// .lifecycle(TerraformResourceLifecycle) +// .provider(TerraformProvider) +// .provisioners(java.util.List) + .database(java.lang.String) +// .id(java.lang.String) +// .likeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .likeAnyPatterns(java.util.List) +// .notLikeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .regexPattern(java.lang.String) +// .schemas(java.util.List) +// .tableTypes(java.util.List) + .build(); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | java.lang.String | The scoped construct ID. | +| connection | com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | java.util.List | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| tableTypes | java.util.List | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `tableTypes`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| toString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| addOverride | *No description.* | +| overrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| toMetadata | *No description.* | +| toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetId | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| resetSchemas | *No description.* | +| resetTableTypes | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `addOverride` + +```java +public void addOverride(java.lang.String path, java.lang.Object value) +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +##### `overrideLogicalId` + +```java +public void overrideLogicalId(java.lang.String newLogicalId) +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `resetOverrideLogicalId` + +```java +public void resetOverrideLogicalId() +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `toMetadata` + +```java +public java.lang.Object toMetadata() +``` + +##### `toTerraform` + +```java +public java.lang.Object toTerraform() +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `resetId` + +```java +public void resetId() +``` + +##### `resetLikeAllPatterns` + +```java +public void resetLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```java +public void resetLikeAnyPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```java +public void resetNotLikeAllPatterns() +``` + +##### `resetRegexPattern` + +```java +public void resetRegexPattern() +``` + +##### `resetSchemas` + +```java +public void resetSchemas() +``` + +##### `resetTableTypes` + +```java +public void resetTableTypes() +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| isTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `isConstruct` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTables; + +DataPostgresqlTables.isConstruct(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `isTerraformElement` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTables; + +DataPostgresqlTables.isTerraformElement(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +##### `isTerraformDataSource` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTables; + +DataPostgresqlTables.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Object + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | software.constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktfStack | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| friendlyUniqueId | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| terraformMetaArguments | java.util.Map | *No description.* | +| terraformResourceType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| terraformGeneratorMetadata | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| tables | DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList | *No description.* | +| databaseInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| idInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatternsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| regexPatternInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| schemasInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| tableTypesInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| id | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| schemas | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| tableTypes | java.util.List | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```java +public Node getNode(); +``` + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktfStack`Required + +```java +public TerraformStack getCdktfStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `friendlyUniqueId`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFriendlyUniqueId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `terraformMetaArguments`Required + +```java +public java.util.Map getTerraformMetaArguments(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.Map + +--- + +##### `terraformResourceType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTerraformResourceType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `terraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata getTerraformGeneratorMetadata(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Number getCount(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getDependsOn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```java +public ITerraformIterator getForEach(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```java +public TerraformResourceLifecycle getLifecycle(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProvider getProvider(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `tables`Required + +```java +public DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList getTables(); +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +--- + +##### `databaseInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabaseInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `idInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getIdInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatternsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `regexPatternInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPatternInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `schemasInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemasInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `tableTypesInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getTableTypesInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabase(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPattern(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `tableTypes`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getTableTypes(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTfResourceType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTablesConfig; + +DataPostgresqlTablesConfig.builder() +// .connection(SSHProvisionerConnection) +// .connection(WinrmProvisionerConnection) +// .count(java.lang.Number) +// .dependsOn(java.util.List) +// .forEach(ITerraformIterator) +// .lifecycle(TerraformResourceLifecycle) +// .provider(TerraformProvider) +// .provisioners(java.util.List) + .database(java.lang.String) +// .id(java.lang.String) +// .likeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .likeAnyPatterns(java.util.List) +// .notLikeAllPatterns(java.util.List) +// .regexPattern(java.lang.String) +// .schemas(java.util.List) +// .tableTypes(java.util.List) + .build(); +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | java.lang.Number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| forEach | com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| database | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| likeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | java.util.List | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | java.lang.String | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | java.util.List | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| tableTypes | java.util.List | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getConnection(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Number getCount(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getDependsOn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```java +public ITerraformIterator getForEach(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```java +public TerraformResourceLifecycle getLifecycle(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```java +public TerraformProvider getProvider(); +``` + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.Object getProvisioners(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getDatabase(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getId(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getLikeAnyPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getNotLikeAllPatterns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getRegexPattern(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getSchemas(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `tableTypes`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getTableTypes(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +#### Initializer + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTablesTables; + +DataPostgresqlTablesTables.builder() + .build(); +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList; + +new DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | java.lang.String | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wrapsSet | java.lang.Boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```java +public java.lang.String computeFqn() +``` + +##### `resolve` + +```java +public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `get` + +```java +public DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index) +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | java.util.List | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getCreationStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.postgresql.data_postgresql_tables.DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference; + +new DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Number complexObjectIndex, java.lang.Boolean complexObjectIsFromSet); +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | java.lang.String | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complexObjectIndex | java.lang.Number | the index of this item in the list. | +| complexObjectIsFromSet | java.lang.Boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Number + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```java +public java.lang.String computeFqn() +``` + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```java +public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```java +public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute) +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```java +public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String property) +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `resolve` + +```java +public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context) +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```java +public java.lang.String toString() +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | java.util.List | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| objectName | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| schemaName | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| tableType | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| internalValue | DataPostgresqlTablesTables | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getCreationStack(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getFqn(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `objectName`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getObjectName(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `schemaName`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getSchemaName(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `tableType`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getTableType(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +##### `internalValue`Optional + +```java +public DataPostgresqlTablesTables getInternalValue(); +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.python.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.python.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9626bd35 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.python.md @@ -0,0 +1,1618 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlTables` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlTables + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables}. + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables( + scope: Construct, + id: str, + connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] = None, + count: typing.Union[int, float] = None, + depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] = None, + for_each: ITerraformIterator = None, + lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle = None, + provider: TerraformProvider = None, + provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] = None, + database: str, + id: str = None, + like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + regex_pattern: str = None, + schemas: typing.List[str] = None, + table_types: typing.List[str] = None +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | str | The scoped construct ID. | +| connection | typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| database | str | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regex_pattern | str | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| table_types | typing.List[str] | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `table_types`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| to_string | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| add_override | *No description.* | +| override_logical_id | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| to_metadata | *No description.* | +| to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| reset_id | *No description.* | +| reset_like_all_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_like_any_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_not_like_all_patterns | *No description.* | +| reset_regex_pattern | *No description.* | +| reset_schemas | *No description.* | +| reset_table_types | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `add_override` + +```python +def add_override( + path: str, + value: typing.Any +) -> None +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +##### `override_logical_id` + +```python +def override_logical_id( + new_logical_id: str +) -> None +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `new_logical_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `reset_override_logical_id` + +```python +def reset_override_logical_id() -> None +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `to_metadata` + +```python +def to_metadata() -> typing.Any +``` + +##### `to_terraform` + +```python +def to_terraform() -> typing.Any +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `get_any_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_any_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[bool] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> str +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `interpolation_for_attribute` + +```python +def interpolation_for_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `reset_id` + +```python +def reset_id() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_like_all_patterns` + +```python +def reset_like_all_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_like_any_patterns` + +```python +def reset_like_any_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_not_like_all_patterns` + +```python +def reset_not_like_all_patterns() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_regex_pattern` + +```python +def reset_regex_pattern() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_schemas` + +```python +def reset_schemas() -> None +``` + +##### `reset_table_types` + +```python +def reset_table_types() -> None +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| is_terraform_element | *No description.* | +| is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `is_construct` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables.is_construct( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `is_terraform_element` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables.is_terraform_element( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +##### `is_terraform_data_source` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables.is_terraform_data_source( + x: typing.Any +) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Any + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktf_stack | cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | +| friendly_unique_id | str | *No description.* | +| terraform_meta_arguments | typing.Mapping[typing.Any] | *No description.* | +| terraform_resource_type | str | *No description.* | +| terraform_generator_metadata | cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| tables | DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList | *No description.* | +| database_input | str | *No description.* | +| id_input | str | *No description.* | +| like_all_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| like_any_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| not_like_all_patterns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| regex_pattern_input | str | *No description.* | +| schemas_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| table_types_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| database | str | *No description.* | +| id | str | *No description.* | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| regex_pattern | str | *No description.* | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | +| table_types | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```python +node: Node +``` + +- *Type:* constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktf_stack`Required + +```python +cdktf_stack: TerraformStack +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `friendly_unique_id`Required + +```python +friendly_unique_id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `terraform_meta_arguments`Required + +```python +terraform_meta_arguments: typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Mapping[typing.Any] + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource_type`Required + +```python +terraform_resource_type: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `terraform_generator_metadata`Optional + +```python +terraform_generator_metadata: TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```python +count: typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +```python +depends_on: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +```python +for_each: ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```python +lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```python +provider: TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `tables`Required + +```python +tables: DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +--- + +##### `database_input`Optional + +```python +database_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `id_input`Optional + +```python +id_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +like_all_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +like_any_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns_input`Optional + +```python +not_like_all_patterns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern_input`Optional + +```python +regex_pattern_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `schemas_input`Optional + +```python +schemas_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `table_types_input`Optional + +```python +table_types_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```python +database: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```python +id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Required + +```python +like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Required + +```python +like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Required + +```python +not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Required + +```python +regex_pattern: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```python +schemas: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +##### `table_types`Required + +```python +table_types: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | str | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```python +tfResourceType: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesConfig( + connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] = None, + count: typing.Union[int, float] = None, + depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] = None, + for_each: ITerraformIterator = None, + lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle = None, + provider: TerraformProvider = None, + provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] = None, + database: str, + id: str = None, + like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] = None, + regex_pattern: str = None, + schemas: typing.List[str] = None, + table_types: typing.List[str] = None +) +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] | *No description.* | +| count | typing.Union[int, float] | *No description.* | +| depends_on | typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] | *No description.* | +| for_each | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| database | str | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| like_any_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| not_like_all_patterns | typing.List[str] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regex_pattern | str | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | typing.List[str] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| table_types | typing.List[str] | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```python +connection: typing.Union[SSHProvisionerConnection, WinrmProvisionerConnection] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection, cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection] + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```python +count: typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +--- + +##### `depends_on`Optional + +```python +depends_on: typing.List[ITerraformDependable] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[cdktf.ITerraformDependable] + +--- + +##### `for_each`Optional + +```python +for_each: ITerraformIterator +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```python +lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```python +provider: TerraformProvider +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```python +provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, RemoteExecProvisioner]] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```python +database: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```python +id: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `like_all_patterns`Optional + +```python +like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `like_any_patterns`Optional + +```python +like_any_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `not_like_all_patterns`Optional + +```python +not_like_all_patterns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regex_pattern`Optional + +```python +regex_pattern: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +```python +schemas: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `table_types`Optional + +```python +table_types: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +#### Initializer + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesTables() +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList( + terraform_resource: IInterpolatingParent, + terraform_attribute: str, + wraps_set: bool +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraform_resource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraform_attribute | str | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wraps_set | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wraps_set`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| compute_fqn | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| to_string | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `compute_fqn` + +```python +def compute_fqn() -> str +``` + +##### `resolve` + +```python +def resolve( + _context: IResolveContext +) -> typing.Any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `get` + +```python +def get( + index: typing.Union[int, float] +) -> DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creation_stack | typing.List[str] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creation_stack`Required + +```python +creation_stack: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_postgresql import data_postgresql_tables + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference( + terraform_resource: IInterpolatingParent, + terraform_attribute: str, + complex_object_index: typing.Union[int, float], + complex_object_is_from_set: bool +) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraform_resource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraform_attribute | str | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complex_object_index | typing.Union[int, float] | the index of this item in the list. | +| complex_object_is_from_set | bool | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraform_resource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complex_object_index`Required + +- *Type:* typing.Union[int, float] + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complex_object_is_from_set`Required + +- *Type:* bool + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| compute_fqn | *No description.* | +| get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_list_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_attribute | *No description.* | +| get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| to_string | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `compute_fqn` + +```python +def compute_fqn() -> str +``` + +##### `get_any_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_any_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Any] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_boolean_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_boolean_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[bool] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Union[int, float] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_list_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_list_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_number_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_number_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[typing.Union[int, float]] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> str +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `get_string_map_attribute` + +```python +def get_string_map_attribute( + terraform_attribute: str +) -> typing.Mapping[str] +``` + +###### `terraform_attribute`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `interpolation_for_attribute` + +```python +def interpolation_for_attribute( + property: str +) -> IResolvable +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `resolve` + +```python +def resolve( + _context: IResolveContext +) -> typing.Any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `to_string` + +```python +def to_string() -> str +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creation_stack | typing.List[str] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | str | *No description.* | +| object_name | str | *No description.* | +| schema_name | str | *No description.* | +| table_type | str | *No description.* | +| internal_value | DataPostgresqlTablesTables | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creation_stack`Required + +```python +creation_stack: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```python +fqn: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `object_name`Required + +```python +object_name: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `schema_name`Required + +```python +schema_name: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `table_type`Required + +```python +table_type: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +##### `internal_value`Optional + +```python +internal_value: DataPostgresqlTablesTables +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.typescript.md b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.typescript.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e3ca38a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dataPostgresqlTables.typescript.md @@ -0,0 +1,1385 @@ +# `dataPostgresqlTables` Submodule + +## Constructs + +### DataPostgresqlTables + +Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables}. + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataPostgresqlTablesConfig) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| scope | constructs.Construct | The scope in which to define this construct. | +| id | string | The scoped construct ID. | +| config | DataPostgresqlTablesConfig | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The scoped construct ID. + +Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + +--- + +##### `config`Required + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| toString | Returns a string representation of this construct. | +| addOverride | *No description.* | +| overrideLogicalId | Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. | +| resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | +| toMetadata | *No description.* | +| toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetId | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetLikeAnyPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetNotLikeAllPatterns | *No description.* | +| resetRegexPattern | *No description.* | +| resetSchemas | *No description.* | +| resetTableTypes | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Returns a string representation of this construct. + +##### `addOverride` + +```typescript +public addOverride(path: string, value: any): void +``` + +###### `path`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `value`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +##### `overrideLogicalId` + +```typescript +public overrideLogicalId(newLogicalId: string): void +``` + +Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. + +###### `newLogicalId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The new logical ID to use for this stack element. + +--- + +##### `resetOverrideLogicalId` + +```typescript +public resetOverrideLogicalId(): void +``` + +Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. + +##### `toMetadata` + +```typescript +public toMetadata(): any +``` + +##### `toTerraform` + +```typescript +public toTerraform(): any +``` + +Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: any} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: boolean} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: number} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: string} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```typescript +public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `resetId` + +```typescript +public resetId(): void +``` + +##### `resetLikeAllPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetLikeAllPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetLikeAnyPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetLikeAnyPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetNotLikeAllPatterns` + +```typescript +public resetNotLikeAllPatterns(): void +``` + +##### `resetRegexPattern` + +```typescript +public resetRegexPattern(): void +``` + +##### `resetSchemas` + +```typescript +public resetSchemas(): void +``` + +##### `resetTableTypes` + +```typescript +public resetTableTypes(): void +``` + +#### Static Functions + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | +| isTerraformElement | *No description.* | +| isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `isConstruct` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables.isConstruct(x: any) +``` + +Checks if `x` is a construct. + +Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` +instances, even when the construct library is symlinked. + +Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on +disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a +consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library +is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as +`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations +like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or +use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` +library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave +unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using +this type-testing method instead. + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +Any object. + +--- + +##### `isTerraformElement` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables.isTerraformElement(x: any) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +##### `isTerraformDataSource` + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTables.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) +``` + +###### `x`Required + +- *Type:* any + +--- + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| node | constructs.Node | The tree node. | +| cdktfStack | cdktf.TerraformStack | *No description.* | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | +| friendlyUniqueId | string | *No description.* | +| terraformMetaArguments | {[ key: string ]: any} | *No description.* | +| terraformResourceType | string | *No description.* | +| terraformGeneratorMetadata | cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata | *No description.* | +| count | number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | string[] | *No description.* | +| forEach | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| tables | DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList | *No description.* | +| databaseInput | string | *No description.* | +| idInput | string | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatternsInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| regexPatternInput | string | *No description.* | +| schemasInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| tableTypesInput | string[] | *No description.* | +| database | string | *No description.* | +| id | string | *No description.* | +| likeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| likeAnyPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| notLikeAllPatterns | string[] | *No description.* | +| regexPattern | string | *No description.* | +| schemas | string[] | *No description.* | +| tableTypes | string[] | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `node`Required + +```typescript +public readonly node: Node; +``` + +- *Type:* constructs.Node + +The tree node. + +--- + +##### `cdktfStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly cdktfStack: TerraformStack; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformStack + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `friendlyUniqueId`Required + +```typescript +public readonly friendlyUniqueId: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `terraformMetaArguments`Required + +```typescript +public readonly terraformMetaArguments: {[ key: string ]: any}; +``` + +- *Type:* {[ key: string ]: any} + +--- + +##### `terraformResourceType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly terraformResourceType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `terraformGeneratorMetadata`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly terraformGeneratorMetadata: TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly count: number; +``` + +- *Type:* number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly dependsOn: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly forEach: ITerraformIterator; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provider: TerraformProvider; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `tables`Required + +```typescript +public readonly tables: DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList; +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +--- + +##### `databaseInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly databaseInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `idInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly idInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatternsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatternsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `regexPatternInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly regexPatternInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `schemasInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly schemasInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `tableTypesInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly tableTypesInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```typescript +public readonly database: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `id`Required + +```typescript +public readonly id: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Required + +```typescript +public readonly regexPattern: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `schemas`Required + +```typescript +public readonly schemas: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +##### `tableTypes`Required + +```typescript +public readonly tableTypes: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + +#### Constants + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| tfResourceType | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `tfResourceType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly tfResourceType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +## Structs + +### DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + +#### Initializer + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +const dataPostgresqlTablesConfig: dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesConfig = { ... } +``` + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| connection | cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection \| cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection | *No description.* | +| count | number | *No description.* | +| dependsOn | cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] | *No description.* | +| forEach | cdktf.ITerraformIterator | *No description.* | +| lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | +| provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| provisioners | cdktf.FileProvisioner \| cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner \| cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] | *No description.* | +| database | string | The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. | +| id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. | +| likeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. | +| likeAnyPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. | +| notLikeAllPatterns | string[] | Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. | +| regexPattern | string | Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. | +| schemas | string[] | The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. | +| tableTypes | string[] | The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. | + +--- + +##### `connection`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly connection: SSHProvisionerConnection | WinrmProvisionerConnection; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.SSHProvisionerConnection | cdktf.WinrmProvisionerConnection + +--- + +##### `count`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly count: number; +``` + +- *Type:* number + +--- + +##### `dependsOn`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly dependsOn: ITerraformDependable[]; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformDependable[] + +--- + +##### `forEach`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly forEach: ITerraformIterator; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.ITerraformIterator + +--- + +##### `lifecycle`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly lifecycle: TerraformResourceLifecycle; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle + +--- + +##### `provider`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provider: TerraformProvider; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + +##### `provisioners`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly provisioners: FileProvisioner | LocalExecProvisioner | RemoteExecProvisioner[]; +``` + +- *Type:* cdktf.FileProvisioner | cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner | cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] + +--- + +##### `database`Required + +```typescript +public readonly database: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + +--- + +##### `id`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly id: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id}. + +Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. +If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + +--- + +##### `likeAllPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `likeAnyPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly likeAnyPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + +--- + +##### `notLikeAllPatterns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly notLikeAllPatterns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + +--- + +##### `regexPattern`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly regexPattern: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + +--- + +##### `schemas`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly schemas: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + +--- + +##### `tableTypes`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly tableTypes: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. + +Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + +--- + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +#### Initializer + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +const dataPostgresqlTablesTables: dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesTables = { ... } +``` + + +## Classes + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList(terraformResource: IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, wrapsSet: boolean) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| wrapsSet | boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `wrapsSet`Required + +- *Type:* boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | +| get | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```typescript +public computeFqn(): string +``` + +##### `resolve` + +```typescript +public resolve(_context: IResolveContext): any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + +##### `get` + +```typescript +public get(index: number): DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference +``` + +###### `index`Required + +- *Type:* number + +the index of the item to return. + +--- + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly creationStack: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + + +### DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference + +#### Initializers + +```typescript +import { dataPostgresqlTables } from '@cdktf/provider-postgresql' + +new dataPostgresqlTables.DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference(terraformResource: IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, complexObjectIndex: number, complexObjectIsFromSet: boolean) +``` + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| terraformResource | cdktf.IInterpolatingParent | The parent resource. | +| terraformAttribute | string | The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. | +| complexObjectIndex | number | the index of this item in the list. | +| complexObjectIsFromSet | boolean | whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). | + +--- + +##### `terraformResource`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IInterpolatingParent + +The parent resource. + +--- + +##### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIndex`Required + +- *Type:* number + +the index of this item in the list. + +--- + +##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required + +- *Type:* boolean + +whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). + +--- + +#### Methods + +| **Name** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | +| computeFqn | *No description.* | +| getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | +| getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberListAttribute | *No description.* | +| getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringAttribute | *No description.* | +| getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resolve | Produce the Token's value at resolution time. | +| toString | Return a string representation of this resolvable object. | + +--- + +##### `computeFqn` + +```typescript +public computeFqn(): string +``` + +##### `getAnyMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: any} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getBooleanMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: boolean} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberListAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): number[] +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getNumberMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: number} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): string +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `getStringMapAttribute` + +```typescript +public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: string} +``` + +###### `terraformAttribute`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `interpolationForAttribute` + +```typescript +public interpolationForAttribute(property: string): IResolvable +``` + +###### `property`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `resolve` + +```typescript +public resolve(_context: IResolveContext): any +``` + +Produce the Token's value at resolution time. + +###### `_context`Required + +- *Type:* cdktf.IResolveContext + +--- + +##### `toString` + +```typescript +public toString(): string +``` + +Return a string representation of this resolvable object. + +Returns a reversible string representation. + + +#### Properties + +| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | +| --- | --- | --- | +| creationStack | string[] | The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. | +| fqn | string | *No description.* | +| objectName | string | *No description.* | +| schemaName | string | *No description.* | +| tableType | string | *No description.* | +| internalValue | DataPostgresqlTablesTables | *No description.* | + +--- + +##### `creationStack`Required + +```typescript +public readonly creationStack: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. + +If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. + +--- + +##### `fqn`Required + +```typescript +public readonly fqn: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `objectName`Required + +```typescript +public readonly objectName: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `schemaName`Required + +```typescript +public readonly schemaName: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `tableType`Required + +```typescript +public readonly tableType: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +##### `internalValue`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly internalValue: DataPostgresqlTablesTables; +``` + +- *Type:* DataPostgresqlTablesTables + +--- + + + diff --git a/docs/functionResource.csharp.md b/docs/functionResource.csharp.md index 9b120992..74947b02 100644 --- a/docs/functionResource.csharp.md +++ b/docs/functionResource.csharp.md @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetDatabase | *No description.* | | ResetDropCascade | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetLanguage | *No description.* | | ResetReturns | *No description.* | | ResetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +297,12 @@ private void ResetDropCascade() private void ResetId() ``` +##### `ResetLanguage` + +```csharp +private void ResetLanguage() +``` + ##### `ResetReturns` ```csharp @@ -402,6 +409,7 @@ FunctionResource.IsTerraformResource(object X); | DatabaseInput | string | *No description.* | | DropCascadeInput | object | *No description.* | | IdInput | string | *No description.* | +| LanguageInput | string | *No description.* | | NameInput | string | *No description.* | | ReturnsInput | string | *No description.* | | SchemaInput | string | *No description.* | @@ -409,6 +417,7 @@ FunctionResource.IsTerraformResource(object X); | Database | string | *No description.* | | DropCascade | object | *No description.* | | Id | string | *No description.* | +| Language | string | *No description.* | | Name | string | *No description.* | | Returns | string | *No description.* | | Schema | string | *No description.* | @@ -617,6 +626,16 @@ public string IdInput { get; } --- +##### `LanguageInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string LanguageInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + ##### `NameInput`Optional ```csharp @@ -687,6 +706,16 @@ public string Id { get; } --- +##### `Language`Required + +```csharp +public string Language { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + ##### `Name`Required ```csharp @@ -840,6 +869,7 @@ new FunctionResourceConfig { string Database = null, object DropCascade = null, string Id = null, + string Language = null, string Returns = null, string Schema = null }; @@ -862,7 +892,8 @@ new FunctionResourceConfig { | Database | string | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | DropCascade | object | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | Id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| Returns | string | Function return type. | +| Language | string | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| Returns | string | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | Schema | string | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -1022,6 +1053,20 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `Language`Optional + +```csharp +public string Language { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `Returns`Optional ```csharp @@ -1030,7 +1075,7 @@ public string Returns { get; set; } - *Type:* string -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} diff --git a/docs/functionResource.go.md b/docs/functionResource.go.md index b18367c0..9fc81e5d 100644 --- a/docs/functionResource.go.md +++ b/docs/functionResource.go.md @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetDatabase | *No description.* | | ResetDropCascade | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | +| ResetLanguage | *No description.* | | ResetReturns | *No description.* | | ResetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +297,12 @@ func ResetDropCascade() func ResetId() ``` +##### `ResetLanguage` + +```go +func ResetLanguage() +``` + ##### `ResetReturns` ```go @@ -402,6 +409,7 @@ functionresource.FunctionResource_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool | DatabaseInput | *string | *No description.* | | DropCascadeInput | interface{} | *No description.* | | IdInput | *string | *No description.* | +| LanguageInput | *string | *No description.* | | NameInput | *string | *No description.* | | ReturnsInput | *string | *No description.* | | SchemaInput | *string | *No description.* | @@ -409,6 +417,7 @@ functionresource.FunctionResource_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool | Database | *string | *No description.* | | DropCascade | interface{} | *No description.* | | Id | *string | *No description.* | +| Language | *string | *No description.* | | Name | *string | *No description.* | | Returns | *string | *No description.* | | Schema | *string | *No description.* | @@ -617,6 +626,16 @@ func IdInput() *string --- +##### `LanguageInput`Optional + +```go +func LanguageInput() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + ##### `NameInput`Optional ```go @@ -687,6 +706,16 @@ func Id() *string --- +##### `Language`Required + +```go +func Language() *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + ##### `Name`Required ```go @@ -840,6 +869,7 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/functionreso Database: *string, DropCascade: interface{}, Id: *string, + Language: *string, Returns: *string, Schema: *string, } @@ -862,7 +892,8 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/functionreso | Database | *string | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | DropCascade | interface{} | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | Id | *string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| Returns | *string | Function return type. | +| Language | *string | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| Returns | *string | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | Schema | *string | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -1022,6 +1053,20 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `Language`Optional + +```go +Language *string +``` + +- *Type:* *string + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `Returns`Optional ```go @@ -1030,7 +1075,7 @@ Returns *string - *Type:* *string -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} diff --git a/docs/functionResource.java.md b/docs/functionResource.java.md index 1924536a..7f6a4acc 100644 --- a/docs/functionResource.java.md +++ b/docs/functionResource.java.md @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ FunctionResource.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) // .dropCascade(java.lang.Boolean) // .dropCascade(IResolvable) // .id(java.lang.String) +// .language(java.lang.String) // .returns(java.lang.String) // .schema(java.lang.String) .build(); @@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ FunctionResource.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) | database | java.lang.String | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | dropCascade | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| returns | java.lang.String | Function return type. | +| language | java.lang.String | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| returns | java.lang.String | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | schema | java.lang.String | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -178,11 +180,21 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `language`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `returns`Optional - *Type:* java.lang.String -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} @@ -223,6 +235,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg | resetDatabase | *No description.* | | resetDropCascade | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | +| resetLanguage | *No description.* | | resetReturns | *No description.* | | resetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -448,6 +461,12 @@ public void resetDropCascade() public void resetId() ``` +##### `resetLanguage` + +```java +public void resetLanguage() +``` + ##### `resetReturns` ```java @@ -554,6 +573,7 @@ FunctionResource.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) | databaseInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | dropCascadeInput | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | | idInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| languageInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | nameInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | returnsInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | schemaInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | @@ -561,6 +581,7 @@ FunctionResource.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) | database | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | dropCascade | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | | id | java.lang.String | *No description.* | +| language | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | name | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | returns | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | schema | java.lang.String | *No description.* | @@ -769,6 +790,16 @@ public java.lang.String getIdInput(); --- +##### `languageInput`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getLanguageInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + ##### `nameInput`Optional ```java @@ -839,6 +870,16 @@ public java.lang.String getId(); --- +##### `language`Required + +```java +public java.lang.String getLanguage(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + ##### `name`Required ```java @@ -997,6 +1038,7 @@ FunctionResourceConfig.builder() // .dropCascade(java.lang.Boolean) // .dropCascade(IResolvable) // .id(java.lang.String) +// .language(java.lang.String) // .returns(java.lang.String) // .schema(java.lang.String) .build(); @@ -1019,7 +1061,8 @@ FunctionResourceConfig.builder() | database | java.lang.String | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | dropCascade | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| returns | java.lang.String | Function return type. | +| language | java.lang.String | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| returns | java.lang.String | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | schema | java.lang.String | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -1179,6 +1222,20 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `language`Optional + +```java +public java.lang.String getLanguage(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `returns`Optional ```java @@ -1187,7 +1244,7 @@ public java.lang.String getReturns(); - *Type:* java.lang.String -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} diff --git a/docs/functionResource.python.md b/docs/functionResource.python.md index a2885788..c41d9380 100644 --- a/docs/functionResource.python.md +++ b/docs/functionResource.python.md @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ functionResource.FunctionResource( database: str = None, drop_cascade: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None, id: str = None, + language: str = None, returns: str = None, schema: str = None ) @@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ functionResource.FunctionResource( | database | str | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | drop_cascade | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| returns | str | Function return type. | +| language | str | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| returns | str | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | schema | str | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -175,11 +177,21 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `language`Optional + +- *Type:* str + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `returns`Optional - *Type:* str -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} @@ -220,6 +232,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg | reset_database | *No description.* | | reset_drop_cascade | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | +| reset_language | *No description.* | | reset_returns | *No description.* | | reset_schema | *No description.* | @@ -472,6 +485,12 @@ def reset_drop_cascade() -> None def reset_id() -> None ``` +##### `reset_language` + +```python +def reset_language() -> None +``` + ##### `reset_returns` ```python @@ -584,6 +603,7 @@ functionResource.FunctionResource.is_terraform_resource( | database_input | str | *No description.* | | drop_cascade_input | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | *No description.* | | id_input | str | *No description.* | +| language_input | str | *No description.* | | name_input | str | *No description.* | | returns_input | str | *No description.* | | schema_input | str | *No description.* | @@ -591,6 +611,7 @@ functionResource.FunctionResource.is_terraform_resource( | database | str | *No description.* | | drop_cascade | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | *No description.* | | id | str | *No description.* | +| language | str | *No description.* | | name | str | *No description.* | | returns | str | *No description.* | | schema | str | *No description.* | @@ -799,6 +820,16 @@ id_input: str --- +##### `language_input`Optional + +```python +language_input: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + ##### `name_input`Optional ```python @@ -869,6 +900,16 @@ id: str --- +##### `language`Required + +```python +language: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +--- + ##### `name`Required ```python @@ -1022,6 +1063,7 @@ functionResource.FunctionResourceConfig( database: str = None, drop_cascade: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] = None, id: str = None, + language: str = None, returns: str = None, schema: str = None ) @@ -1044,7 +1086,8 @@ functionResource.FunctionResourceConfig( | database | str | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | drop_cascade | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| returns | str | Function return type. | +| language | str | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| returns | str | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | schema | str | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -1204,6 +1247,20 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `language`Optional + +```python +language: str +``` + +- *Type:* str + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `returns`Optional ```python @@ -1212,7 +1269,7 @@ returns: str - *Type:* str -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} diff --git a/docs/functionResource.typescript.md b/docs/functionResource.typescript.md index 7c70c4e1..adf27275 100644 --- a/docs/functionResource.typescript.md +++ b/docs/functionResource.typescript.md @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetDatabase | *No description.* | | resetDropCascade | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | +| resetLanguage | *No description.* | | resetReturns | *No description.* | | resetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +297,12 @@ public resetDropCascade(): void public resetId(): void ``` +##### `resetLanguage` + +```typescript +public resetLanguage(): void +``` + ##### `resetReturns` ```typescript @@ -402,6 +409,7 @@ functionResource.FunctionResource.isTerraformResource(x: any) | databaseInput | string | *No description.* | | dropCascadeInput | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | | idInput | string | *No description.* | +| languageInput | string | *No description.* | | nameInput | string | *No description.* | | returnsInput | string | *No description.* | | schemaInput | string | *No description.* | @@ -409,6 +417,7 @@ functionResource.FunctionResource.isTerraformResource(x: any) | database | string | *No description.* | | dropCascade | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | | id | string | *No description.* | +| language | string | *No description.* | | name | string | *No description.* | | returns | string | *No description.* | | schema | string | *No description.* | @@ -617,6 +626,16 @@ public readonly idInput: string; --- +##### `languageInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly languageInput: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + ##### `nameInput`Optional ```typescript @@ -687,6 +706,16 @@ public readonly id: string; --- +##### `language`Required + +```typescript +public readonly language: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +--- + ##### `name`Required ```typescript @@ -841,7 +870,8 @@ const functionResourceConfig: functionResource.FunctionResourceConfig = { ... } | database | string | The database where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default database is used. | | dropCascade | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | Automatically drop objects that depend on the function (such as operators or triggers), and in turn all objects that depend on those objects. | | id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#id FunctionResource#id}. | -| returns | string | Function return type. | +| language | string | Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. | +| returns | string | Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. | | schema | string | Schema where the function is located. If not specified, the provider default schema is used. | --- @@ -1001,6 +1031,20 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t --- +##### `language`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly language: string; +``` + +- *Type:* string + +Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + +--- + ##### `returns`Optional ```typescript @@ -1009,7 +1053,7 @@ public readonly returns: string; - *Type:* string -Function return type. +Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} diff --git a/docs/grant.csharp.md b/docs/grant.csharp.md index 6aabd47b..88c39b98 100644 --- a/docs/grant.csharp.md +++ b/docs/grant.csharp.md @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetColumns | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetObjects | *No description.* | | ResetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +258,12 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `ResetColumns` + +```csharp +private void ResetColumns() +``` + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -369,6 +376,7 @@ Grant.IsTerraformResource(object X); | Lifecycle | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | | Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | Provisioners | object[] | *No description.* | +| ColumnsInput | string[] | *No description.* | | DatabaseInput | string | *No description.* | | IdInput | string | *No description.* | | ObjectsInput | string[] | *No description.* | @@ -377,6 +385,7 @@ Grant.IsTerraformResource(object X); | RoleInput | string | *No description.* | | SchemaInput | string | *No description.* | | WithGrantOptionInput | object | *No description.* | +| Columns | string[] | *No description.* | | Database | string | *No description.* | | Id | string | *No description.* | | Objects | string[] | *No description.* | @@ -530,6 +539,16 @@ public object[] Provisioners { get; } --- +##### `ColumnsInput`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] ColumnsInput { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + ##### `DatabaseInput`Optional ```csharp @@ -610,6 +629,16 @@ public object WithGrantOptionInput { get; } --- +##### `Columns`Required + +```csharp +public string[] Columns { get; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + ##### `Database`Required ```csharp @@ -729,6 +758,7 @@ new GrantConfig { string ObjectType, string[] Privileges, string Role, + string[] Columns = null, string Id = null, string[] Objects = null, string Schema = null, @@ -748,9 +778,10 @@ new GrantConfig { | Provider | HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | Provisioners | object[] | *No description.* | | Database | string | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| ObjectType | string | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| ObjectType | string | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | Privileges | string[] | The list of privileges to grant. | | Role | string | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| Columns | string[] | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | Id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | Objects | string[] | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | Schema | string | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -850,7 +881,7 @@ public string ObjectType { get; set; } - *Type:* string -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -884,6 +915,20 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `Columns`Optional + +```csharp +public string[] Columns { get; set; } +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `Id`Optional ```csharp diff --git a/docs/grant.go.md b/docs/grant.go.md index b34fbcdb..5f03b633 100644 --- a/docs/grant.go.md +++ b/docs/grant.go.md @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| ResetColumns | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetObjects | *No description.* | | ResetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +258,12 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `ResetColumns` + +```go +func ResetColumns() +``` + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -369,6 +376,7 @@ grant.Grant_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool | Lifecycle | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | | Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | Provisioners | *[]interface{} | *No description.* | +| ColumnsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | | DatabaseInput | *string | *No description.* | | IdInput | *string | *No description.* | | ObjectsInput | *[]*string | *No description.* | @@ -377,6 +385,7 @@ grant.Grant_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool | RoleInput | *string | *No description.* | | SchemaInput | *string | *No description.* | | WithGrantOptionInput | interface{} | *No description.* | +| Columns | *[]*string | *No description.* | | Database | *string | *No description.* | | Id | *string | *No description.* | | Objects | *[]*string | *No description.* | @@ -530,6 +539,16 @@ func Provisioners() *[]interface{} --- +##### `ColumnsInput`Optional + +```go +func ColumnsInput() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + ##### `DatabaseInput`Optional ```go @@ -610,6 +629,16 @@ func WithGrantOptionInput() interface{} --- +##### `Columns`Required + +```go +func Columns() *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +--- + ##### `Database`Required ```go @@ -729,6 +758,7 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/grant" ObjectType: *string, Privileges: *[]*string, Role: *string, + Columns: *[]*string, Id: *string, Objects: *[]*string, Schema: *string, @@ -748,9 +778,10 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-postgresql-go/postgresql/v5/grant" | Provider | github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | Provisioners | *[]interface{} | *No description.* | | Database | *string | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| ObjectType | *string | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| ObjectType | *string | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | Privileges | *[]*string | The list of privileges to grant. | | Role | *string | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| Columns | *[]*string | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | Id | *string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | Objects | *[]*string | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | Schema | *string | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -850,7 +881,7 @@ ObjectType *string - *Type:* *string -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -884,6 +915,20 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `Columns`Optional + +```go +Columns *[]*string +``` + +- *Type:* *[]*string + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `Id`Optional ```go diff --git a/docs/grant.java.md b/docs/grant.java.md index ab191509..b931b197 100644 --- a/docs/grant.java.md +++ b/docs/grant.java.md @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Grant.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) .objectType(java.lang.String) .privileges(java.util.List) .role(java.lang.String) +// .columns(java.util.List) // .id(java.lang.String) // .objects(java.util.List) // .schema(java.lang.String) @@ -46,9 +47,10 @@ Grant.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id) | provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | | database | java.lang.String | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| objectType | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| objectType | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | privileges | java.util.List | The list of privileges to grant. | | role | java.lang.String | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| columns | java.util.List | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | objects | java.util.List | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | schema | java.lang.String | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg - *Type:* java.lang.String -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -156,6 +158,16 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `columns`Optional + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `id`Optional - *Type:* java.lang.String @@ -217,6 +229,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetColumns | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetObjects | *No description.* | | resetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -408,6 +421,12 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `resetColumns` + +```java +public void resetColumns() +``` + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -520,6 +539,7 @@ Grant.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) | lifecycle | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | | provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | +| columnsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | | databaseInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | idInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | objectsInput | java.util.List | *No description.* | @@ -528,6 +548,7 @@ Grant.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) | roleInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | schemaInput | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | withGrantOptionInput | java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | +| columns | java.util.List | *No description.* | | database | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | id | java.lang.String | *No description.* | | objects | java.util.List | *No description.* | @@ -681,6 +702,16 @@ public java.lang.Object getProvisioners(); --- +##### `columnsInput`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getColumnsInput(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + ##### `databaseInput`Optional ```java @@ -761,6 +792,16 @@ public java.lang.Object getWithGrantOptionInput(); --- +##### `columns`Required + +```java +public java.util.List getColumns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +--- + ##### `database`Required ```java @@ -883,6 +924,7 @@ GrantConfig.builder() .objectType(java.lang.String) .privileges(java.util.List) .role(java.lang.String) +// .columns(java.util.List) // .id(java.lang.String) // .objects(java.util.List) // .schema(java.lang.String) @@ -903,9 +945,10 @@ GrantConfig.builder() | provider | com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | java.util.List | *No description.* | | database | java.lang.String | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| objectType | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| objectType | java.lang.String | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | privileges | java.util.List | The list of privileges to grant. | | role | java.lang.String | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| columns | java.util.List | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | id | java.lang.String | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | objects | java.util.List | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | schema | java.lang.String | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -1005,7 +1048,7 @@ public java.lang.String getObjectType(); - *Type:* java.lang.String -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -1039,6 +1082,20 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `columns`Optional + +```java +public java.util.List getColumns(); +``` + +- *Type:* java.util.List + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `id`Optional ```java diff --git a/docs/grant.python.md b/docs/grant.python.md index 1f9a65e7..282ec86c 100644 --- a/docs/grant.python.md +++ b/docs/grant.python.md @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ grant.Grant( object_type: str, privileges: typing.List[str], role: str, + columns: typing.List[str] = None, id: str = None, objects: typing.List[str] = None, schema: str = None, @@ -44,9 +45,10 @@ grant.Grant( | provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | | database | str | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| object_type | str | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| object_type | str | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | privileges | typing.List[str] | The list of privileges to grant. | | role | str | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| columns | typing.List[str] | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | objects | typing.List[str] | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | schema | str | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg - *Type:* str -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -154,6 +156,16 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `columns`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `id`Optional - *Type:* str @@ -215,6 +227,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| reset_columns | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_objects | *No description.* | | reset_schema | *No description.* | @@ -431,6 +444,12 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `reset_columns` + +```python +def reset_columns() -> None +``` + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -549,6 +568,7 @@ grant.Grant.is_terraform_resource( | lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | | provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | +| columns_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | | database_input | str | *No description.* | | id_input | str | *No description.* | | objects_input | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | @@ -557,6 +577,7 @@ grant.Grant.is_terraform_resource( | role_input | str | *No description.* | | schema_input | str | *No description.* | | with_grant_option_input | typing.Union[bool, cdktf.IResolvable] | *No description.* | +| columns | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | | database | str | *No description.* | | id | str | *No description.* | | objects | typing.List[str] | *No description.* | @@ -710,6 +731,16 @@ provisioners: typing.List[typing.Union[FileProvisioner, LocalExecProvisioner, Re --- +##### `columns_input`Optional + +```python +columns_input: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + ##### `database_input`Optional ```python @@ -790,6 +821,16 @@ with_grant_option_input: typing.Union[bool, IResolvable] --- +##### `columns`Required + +```python +columns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +--- + ##### `database`Required ```python @@ -909,6 +950,7 @@ grant.GrantConfig( object_type: str, privileges: typing.List[str], role: str, + columns: typing.List[str] = None, id: str = None, objects: typing.List[str] = None, schema: str = None, @@ -928,9 +970,10 @@ grant.GrantConfig( | provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | typing.List[typing.Union[cdktf.FileProvisioner, cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner, cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner]] | *No description.* | | database | str | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| object_type | str | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| object_type | str | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | privileges | typing.List[str] | The list of privileges to grant. | | role | str | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| columns | typing.List[str] | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | id | str | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | objects | typing.List[str] | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | schema | str | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -1030,7 +1073,7 @@ object_type: str - *Type:* str -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -1064,6 +1107,20 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `columns`Optional + +```python +columns: typing.List[str] +``` + +- *Type:* typing.List[str] + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `id`Optional ```python diff --git a/docs/grant.typescript.md b/docs/grant.typescript.md index 929f055b..cca8f7bd 100644 --- a/docs/grant.typescript.md +++ b/docs/grant.typescript.md @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| resetColumns | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetObjects | *No description.* | | resetSchema | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +258,12 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `resetColumns` + +```typescript +public resetColumns(): void +``` + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -369,6 +376,7 @@ grant.Grant.isTerraformResource(x: any) | lifecycle | cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle | *No description.* | | provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | cdktf.FileProvisioner \| cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner \| cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] | *No description.* | +| columnsInput | string[] | *No description.* | | databaseInput | string | *No description.* | | idInput | string | *No description.* | | objectsInput | string[] | *No description.* | @@ -377,6 +385,7 @@ grant.Grant.isTerraformResource(x: any) | roleInput | string | *No description.* | | schemaInput | string | *No description.* | | withGrantOptionInput | boolean \| cdktf.IResolvable | *No description.* | +| columns | string[] | *No description.* | | database | string | *No description.* | | id | string | *No description.* | | objects | string[] | *No description.* | @@ -530,6 +539,16 @@ public readonly provisioners: FileProvisioner | LocalExecProvisioner | RemoteExe --- +##### `columnsInput`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly columnsInput: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + ##### `databaseInput`Optional ```typescript @@ -610,6 +629,16 @@ public readonly withGrantOptionInput: boolean | IResolvable; --- +##### `columns`Required + +```typescript +public readonly columns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +--- + ##### `database`Required ```typescript @@ -732,9 +761,10 @@ const grantConfig: grant.GrantConfig = { ... } | provider | cdktf.TerraformProvider | *No description.* | | provisioners | cdktf.FileProvisioner \| cdktf.LocalExecProvisioner \| cdktf.RemoteExecProvisioner[] | *No description.* | | database | string | The database to grant privileges on for this role. | -| objectType | string | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). | +| objectType | string | The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). | | privileges | string[] | The list of privileges to grant. | | role | string | The name of the role to grant privileges on. | +| columns | string[] | The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. | | id | string | Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#id Grant#id}. | | objects | string[] | The specific objects to grant privileges on for this role (empty means all objects of the requested type). | | schema | string | The database schema to grant privileges on for this role. | @@ -834,7 +864,7 @@ public readonly objectType: string; - *Type:* string -The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server). +The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column). Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} @@ -868,6 +898,20 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postg --- +##### `columns`Optional + +```typescript +public readonly columns: string[]; +``` + +- *Type:* string[] + +The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role. + +Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + +--- + ##### `id`Optional ```typescript diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 42c3a915..62ad5b88 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ "cdktf": { "provider": { "name": "registry.terraform.io/cyrilgdn/postgresql", - "version": "1.18.0" + "version": "1.19.0" } }, "resolutions": { diff --git a/src/data-postgresql-schemas/README.md b/src/data-postgresql-schemas/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d67dc8b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data-postgresql-schemas/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# `data_postgresql_schemas` + +Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`data_postgresql_schemas`](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas). diff --git a/src/data-postgresql-schemas/index.ts b/src/data-postgresql-schemas/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb337070 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data-postgresql-schemas/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +// https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas +// generated from terraform resource schema + +import { Construct } from 'constructs'; +import * as cdktf from 'cdktf'; + +// Configuration + +export interface DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { + /** + * The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for schema names + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#database DataPostgresqlSchemas#database} + */ + readonly database: string; + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#id DataPostgresqlSchemas#id} + * + * Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. + * If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + */ + readonly id?: string; + /** + * Determines whether to include system schemas (pg_ prefix and information_schema). 'public' will always be included. + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#include_system_schemas DataPostgresqlSchemas#include_system_schemas} + */ + readonly includeSystemSchemas?: boolean | cdktf.IResolvable; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_all_patterns} + */ + readonly likeAllPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#like_any_patterns} + */ + readonly likeAnyPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSchemas#not_like_all_patterns} + */ + readonly notLikeAllPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression which will be pattern matched in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSchemas#regex_pattern} + */ + readonly regexPattern?: string; +} + +/** +* Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas} +*/ +export class DataPostgresqlSchemas extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { + + // ================= + // STATIC PROPERTIES + // ================= + public static readonly tfResourceType = "postgresql_schemas"; + + // =========== + // INITIALIZER + // =========== + + /** + * Create a new {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/schemas postgresql_schemas} Data Source + * + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param id The scoped construct ID. Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + * @param options DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig + */ + public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataPostgresqlSchemasConfig) { + super(scope, id, { + terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_schemas', + terraformGeneratorMetadata: { + providerName: 'postgresql', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', + providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' + }, + provider: config.provider, + dependsOn: config.dependsOn, + count: config.count, + lifecycle: config.lifecycle, + provisioners: config.provisioners, + connection: config.connection, + forEach: config.forEach + }); + this._database = config.database; + this._id = config.id; + this._includeSystemSchemas = config.includeSystemSchemas; + this._likeAllPatterns = config.likeAllPatterns; + this._likeAnyPatterns = config.likeAnyPatterns; + this._notLikeAllPatterns = config.notLikeAllPatterns; + this._regexPattern = config.regexPattern; + } + + // ========== + // ATTRIBUTES + // ========== + + // database - computed: false, optional: false, required: true + private _database?: string; + public get database() { + return this.getStringAttribute('database'); + } + public set database(value: string) { + this._database = value; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get databaseInput() { + return this._database; + } + + // id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false + private _id?: string; + public get id() { + return this.getStringAttribute('id'); + } + public set id(value: string) { + this._id = value; + } + public resetId() { + this._id = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get idInput() { + return this._id; + } + + // include_system_schemas - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _includeSystemSchemas?: boolean | cdktf.IResolvable; + public get includeSystemSchemas() { + return this.getBooleanAttribute('include_system_schemas'); + } + public set includeSystemSchemas(value: boolean | cdktf.IResolvable) { + this._includeSystemSchemas = value; + } + public resetIncludeSystemSchemas() { + this._includeSystemSchemas = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get includeSystemSchemasInput() { + return this._includeSystemSchemas; + } + + // like_all_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _likeAllPatterns?: string[]; + public get likeAllPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('like_all_patterns'); + } + public set likeAllPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._likeAllPatterns = value; + } + public resetLikeAllPatterns() { + this._likeAllPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get likeAllPatternsInput() { + return this._likeAllPatterns; + } + + // like_any_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _likeAnyPatterns?: string[]; + public get likeAnyPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('like_any_patterns'); + } + public set likeAnyPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._likeAnyPatterns = value; + } + public resetLikeAnyPatterns() { + this._likeAnyPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get likeAnyPatternsInput() { + return this._likeAnyPatterns; + } + + // not_like_all_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _notLikeAllPatterns?: string[]; + public get notLikeAllPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('not_like_all_patterns'); + } + public set notLikeAllPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._notLikeAllPatterns = value; + } + public resetNotLikeAllPatterns() { + this._notLikeAllPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get notLikeAllPatternsInput() { + return this._notLikeAllPatterns; + } + + // regex_pattern - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _regexPattern?: string; + public get regexPattern() { + return this.getStringAttribute('regex_pattern'); + } + public set regexPattern(value: string) { + this._regexPattern = value; + } + public resetRegexPattern() { + this._regexPattern = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get regexPatternInput() { + return this._regexPattern; + } + + // schemas - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get schemas() { + return cdktf.Fn.tolist(this.getListAttribute('schemas')); + } + + // ========= + // SYNTHESIS + // ========= + + protected synthesizeAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } { + return { + database: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._database), + id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id), + include_system_schemas: cdktf.booleanToTerraform(this._includeSystemSchemas), + like_all_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._likeAllPatterns), + like_any_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._likeAnyPatterns), + not_like_all_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._notLikeAllPatterns), + regex_pattern: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._regexPattern), + }; + } +} diff --git a/src/data-postgresql-sequences/README.md b/src/data-postgresql-sequences/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42a940ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data-postgresql-sequences/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# `data_postgresql_sequences` + +Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`data_postgresql_sequences`](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences). diff --git a/src/data-postgresql-sequences/index.ts b/src/data-postgresql-sequences/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0af995c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data-postgresql-sequences/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +// https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences +// generated from terraform resource schema + +import { Construct } from 'constructs'; +import * as cdktf from 'cdktf'; + +// Configuration + +export interface DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { + /** + * The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for sequence names + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#database DataPostgresqlSequences#database} + */ + readonly database: string; + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#id DataPostgresqlSequences#id} + * + * Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. + * If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + */ + readonly id?: string; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_all_patterns} + */ + readonly likeAllPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#like_any_patterns} + */ + readonly likeAnyPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlSequences#not_like_all_patterns} + */ + readonly notLikeAllPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression which will be pattern matched against sequence names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlSequences#regex_pattern} + */ + readonly regexPattern?: string; + /** + * The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for sequence names. Queries all schemas in the database by default + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences#schemas DataPostgresqlSequences#schemas} + */ + readonly schemas?: string[]; +} +export interface DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences { +} + +export function dataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesToTerraform(struct?: DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences): any { + if (!cdktf.canInspect(struct) || cdktf.Tokenization.isResolvable(struct)) { return struct; } + if (cdktf.isComplexElement(struct)) { + throw new Error("A complex element was used as configuration, this is not supported: https://cdk.tf/complex-object-as-configuration"); + } + return { + } +} + +export class DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference extends cdktf.ComplexObject { + private isEmptyObject = false; + + /** + * @param terraformResource The parent resource + * @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing + * @param complexObjectIndex the index of this item in the list + * @param complexObjectIsFromSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index) + */ + public constructor(terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, complexObjectIndex: number, complexObjectIsFromSet: boolean) { + super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, complexObjectIsFromSet, complexObjectIndex); + } + + public get internalValue(): DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | undefined { + let hasAnyValues = this.isEmptyObject; + const internalValueResult: any = {}; + return hasAnyValues ? internalValueResult : undefined; + } + + public set internalValue(value: DataPostgresqlSequencesSequences | undefined) { + if (value === undefined) { + this.isEmptyObject = false; + } + else { + this.isEmptyObject = Object.keys(value).length === 0; + } + } + + // data_type - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get dataType() { + return this.getStringAttribute('data_type'); + } + + // object_name - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get objectName() { + return this.getStringAttribute('object_name'); + } + + // schema_name - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get schemaName() { + return this.getStringAttribute('schema_name'); + } +} + +export class DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList extends cdktf.ComplexList { + + /** + * @param terraformResource The parent resource + * @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing + * @param wrapsSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index) + */ + constructor(protected terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, protected terraformAttribute: string, protected wrapsSet: boolean) { + super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, wrapsSet) + } + + /** + * @param index the index of the item to return + */ + public get(index: number): DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference { + return new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesOutputReference(this.terraformResource, this.terraformAttribute, index, this.wrapsSet); + } +} + +/** +* Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences} +*/ +export class DataPostgresqlSequences extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { + + // ================= + // STATIC PROPERTIES + // ================= + public static readonly tfResourceType = "postgresql_sequences"; + + // =========== + // INITIALIZER + // =========== + + /** + * Create a new {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/sequences postgresql_sequences} Data Source + * + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param id The scoped construct ID. Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + * @param options DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig + */ + public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataPostgresqlSequencesConfig) { + super(scope, id, { + terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_sequences', + terraformGeneratorMetadata: { + providerName: 'postgresql', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', + providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' + }, + provider: config.provider, + dependsOn: config.dependsOn, + count: config.count, + lifecycle: config.lifecycle, + provisioners: config.provisioners, + connection: config.connection, + forEach: config.forEach + }); + this._database = config.database; + this._id = config.id; + this._likeAllPatterns = config.likeAllPatterns; + this._likeAnyPatterns = config.likeAnyPatterns; + this._notLikeAllPatterns = config.notLikeAllPatterns; + this._regexPattern = config.regexPattern; + this._schemas = config.schemas; + } + + // ========== + // ATTRIBUTES + // ========== + + // database - computed: false, optional: false, required: true + private _database?: string; + public get database() { + return this.getStringAttribute('database'); + } + public set database(value: string) { + this._database = value; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get databaseInput() { + return this._database; + } + + // id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false + private _id?: string; + public get id() { + return this.getStringAttribute('id'); + } + public set id(value: string) { + this._id = value; + } + public resetId() { + this._id = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get idInput() { + return this._id; + } + + // like_all_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _likeAllPatterns?: string[]; + public get likeAllPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('like_all_patterns'); + } + public set likeAllPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._likeAllPatterns = value; + } + public resetLikeAllPatterns() { + this._likeAllPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get likeAllPatternsInput() { + return this._likeAllPatterns; + } + + // like_any_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _likeAnyPatterns?: string[]; + public get likeAnyPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('like_any_patterns'); + } + public set likeAnyPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._likeAnyPatterns = value; + } + public resetLikeAnyPatterns() { + this._likeAnyPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get likeAnyPatternsInput() { + return this._likeAnyPatterns; + } + + // not_like_all_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _notLikeAllPatterns?: string[]; + public get notLikeAllPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('not_like_all_patterns'); + } + public set notLikeAllPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._notLikeAllPatterns = value; + } + public resetNotLikeAllPatterns() { + this._notLikeAllPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get notLikeAllPatternsInput() { + return this._notLikeAllPatterns; + } + + // regex_pattern - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _regexPattern?: string; + public get regexPattern() { + return this.getStringAttribute('regex_pattern'); + } + public set regexPattern(value: string) { + this._regexPattern = value; + } + public resetRegexPattern() { + this._regexPattern = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get regexPatternInput() { + return this._regexPattern; + } + + // schemas - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _schemas?: string[]; + public get schemas() { + return this.getListAttribute('schemas'); + } + public set schemas(value: string[]) { + this._schemas = value; + } + public resetSchemas() { + this._schemas = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get schemasInput() { + return this._schemas; + } + + // sequences - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + private _sequences = new DataPostgresqlSequencesSequencesList(this, "sequences", false); + public get sequences() { + return this._sequences; + } + + // ========= + // SYNTHESIS + // ========= + + protected synthesizeAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } { + return { + database: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._database), + id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id), + like_all_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._likeAllPatterns), + like_any_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._likeAnyPatterns), + not_like_all_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._notLikeAllPatterns), + regex_pattern: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._regexPattern), + schemas: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._schemas), + }; + } +} diff --git a/src/data-postgresql-tables/README.md b/src/data-postgresql-tables/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7145a706 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data-postgresql-tables/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# `data_postgresql_tables` + +Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`data_postgresql_tables`](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables). diff --git a/src/data-postgresql-tables/index.ts b/src/data-postgresql-tables/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ecc9d3f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data-postgresql-tables/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +// https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables +// generated from terraform resource schema + +import { Construct } from 'constructs'; +import * as cdktf from 'cdktf'; + +// Configuration + +export interface DataPostgresqlTablesConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { + /** + * The PostgreSQL database which will be queried for table names + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#database DataPostgresqlTables#database} + */ + readonly database: string; + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#id DataPostgresqlTables#id} + * + * Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. + * If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + */ + readonly id?: string; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ALL operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_all_patterns} + */ + readonly likeAllPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL LIKE ANY operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#like_any_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#like_any_patterns} + */ + readonly likeAnyPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression(s) which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL NOT LIKE ALL operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#not_like_all_patterns DataPostgresqlTables#not_like_all_patterns} + */ + readonly notLikeAllPatterns?: string[]; + /** + * Expression which will be pattern matched against table names in the query using the PostgreSQL ~ (regular expression match) operator + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#regex_pattern DataPostgresqlTables#regex_pattern} + */ + readonly regexPattern?: string; + /** + * The PostgreSQL schema(s) which will be queried for table names. Queries all schemas in the database by default + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#schemas DataPostgresqlTables#schemas} + */ + readonly schemas?: string[]; + /** + * The PostgreSQL table types which will be queried for table names. Includes all table types by default. Use 'BASE TABLE' for normal tables only + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables#table_types DataPostgresqlTables#table_types} + */ + readonly tableTypes?: string[]; +} +export interface DataPostgresqlTablesTables { +} + +export function dataPostgresqlTablesTablesToTerraform(struct?: DataPostgresqlTablesTables): any { + if (!cdktf.canInspect(struct) || cdktf.Tokenization.isResolvable(struct)) { return struct; } + if (cdktf.isComplexElement(struct)) { + throw new Error("A complex element was used as configuration, this is not supported: https://cdk.tf/complex-object-as-configuration"); + } + return { + } +} + +export class DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference extends cdktf.ComplexObject { + private isEmptyObject = false; + + /** + * @param terraformResource The parent resource + * @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing + * @param complexObjectIndex the index of this item in the list + * @param complexObjectIsFromSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index) + */ + public constructor(terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, complexObjectIndex: number, complexObjectIsFromSet: boolean) { + super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, complexObjectIsFromSet, complexObjectIndex); + } + + public get internalValue(): DataPostgresqlTablesTables | undefined { + let hasAnyValues = this.isEmptyObject; + const internalValueResult: any = {}; + return hasAnyValues ? internalValueResult : undefined; + } + + public set internalValue(value: DataPostgresqlTablesTables | undefined) { + if (value === undefined) { + this.isEmptyObject = false; + } + else { + this.isEmptyObject = Object.keys(value).length === 0; + } + } + + // object_name - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get objectName() { + return this.getStringAttribute('object_name'); + } + + // schema_name - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get schemaName() { + return this.getStringAttribute('schema_name'); + } + + // table_type - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get tableType() { + return this.getStringAttribute('table_type'); + } +} + +export class DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList extends cdktf.ComplexList { + + /** + * @param terraformResource The parent resource + * @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing + * @param wrapsSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index) + */ + constructor(protected terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, protected terraformAttribute: string, protected wrapsSet: boolean) { + super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, wrapsSet) + } + + /** + * @param index the index of the item to return + */ + public get(index: number): DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference { + return new DataPostgresqlTablesTablesOutputReference(this.terraformResource, this.terraformAttribute, index, this.wrapsSet); + } +} + +/** +* Represents a {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables} +*/ +export class DataPostgresqlTables extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { + + // ================= + // STATIC PROPERTIES + // ================= + public static readonly tfResourceType = "postgresql_tables"; + + // =========== + // INITIALIZER + // =========== + + /** + * Create a new {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/d/tables postgresql_tables} Data Source + * + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param id The scoped construct ID. Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + * @param options DataPostgresqlTablesConfig + */ + public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataPostgresqlTablesConfig) { + super(scope, id, { + terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_tables', + terraformGeneratorMetadata: { + providerName: 'postgresql', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', + providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' + }, + provider: config.provider, + dependsOn: config.dependsOn, + count: config.count, + lifecycle: config.lifecycle, + provisioners: config.provisioners, + connection: config.connection, + forEach: config.forEach + }); + this._database = config.database; + this._id = config.id; + this._likeAllPatterns = config.likeAllPatterns; + this._likeAnyPatterns = config.likeAnyPatterns; + this._notLikeAllPatterns = config.notLikeAllPatterns; + this._regexPattern = config.regexPattern; + this._schemas = config.schemas; + this._tableTypes = config.tableTypes; + } + + // ========== + // ATTRIBUTES + // ========== + + // database - computed: false, optional: false, required: true + private _database?: string; + public get database() { + return this.getStringAttribute('database'); + } + public set database(value: string) { + this._database = value; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get databaseInput() { + return this._database; + } + + // id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false + private _id?: string; + public get id() { + return this.getStringAttribute('id'); + } + public set id(value: string) { + this._id = value; + } + public resetId() { + this._id = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get idInput() { + return this._id; + } + + // like_all_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _likeAllPatterns?: string[]; + public get likeAllPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('like_all_patterns'); + } + public set likeAllPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._likeAllPatterns = value; + } + public resetLikeAllPatterns() { + this._likeAllPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get likeAllPatternsInput() { + return this._likeAllPatterns; + } + + // like_any_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _likeAnyPatterns?: string[]; + public get likeAnyPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('like_any_patterns'); + } + public set likeAnyPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._likeAnyPatterns = value; + } + public resetLikeAnyPatterns() { + this._likeAnyPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get likeAnyPatternsInput() { + return this._likeAnyPatterns; + } + + // not_like_all_patterns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _notLikeAllPatterns?: string[]; + public get notLikeAllPatterns() { + return this.getListAttribute('not_like_all_patterns'); + } + public set notLikeAllPatterns(value: string[]) { + this._notLikeAllPatterns = value; + } + public resetNotLikeAllPatterns() { + this._notLikeAllPatterns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get notLikeAllPatternsInput() { + return this._notLikeAllPatterns; + } + + // regex_pattern - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _regexPattern?: string; + public get regexPattern() { + return this.getStringAttribute('regex_pattern'); + } + public set regexPattern(value: string) { + this._regexPattern = value; + } + public resetRegexPattern() { + this._regexPattern = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get regexPatternInput() { + return this._regexPattern; + } + + // schemas - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _schemas?: string[]; + public get schemas() { + return this.getListAttribute('schemas'); + } + public set schemas(value: string[]) { + this._schemas = value; + } + public resetSchemas() { + this._schemas = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get schemasInput() { + return this._schemas; + } + + // table_types - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _tableTypes?: string[]; + public get tableTypes() { + return this.getListAttribute('table_types'); + } + public set tableTypes(value: string[]) { + this._tableTypes = value; + } + public resetTableTypes() { + this._tableTypes = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get tableTypesInput() { + return this._tableTypes; + } + + // tables - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + private _tables = new DataPostgresqlTablesTablesList(this, "tables", false); + public get tables() { + return this._tables; + } + + // ========= + // SYNTHESIS + // ========= + + protected synthesizeAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } { + return { + database: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._database), + id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id), + like_all_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._likeAllPatterns), + like_any_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._likeAnyPatterns), + not_like_all_patterns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._notLikeAllPatterns), + regex_pattern: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._regexPattern), + schemas: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._schemas), + table_types: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._tableTypes), + }; + } +} diff --git a/src/database/index.ts b/src/database/index.ts index 42e929c1..caedc43a 100644 --- a/src/database/index.ts +++ b/src/database/index.ts @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ export class Database extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_database', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/default-privileges/index.ts b/src/default-privileges/index.ts index f12c22d8..64620145 100644 --- a/src/default-privileges/index.ts +++ b/src/default-privileges/index.ts @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export class DefaultPrivileges extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_default_privileges', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/extension/index.ts b/src/extension/index.ts index f4b06e5a..26688415 100644 --- a/src/extension/index.ts +++ b/src/extension/index.ts @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export class Extension extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_extension', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/function-resource/index.ts b/src/function-resource/index.ts index 48d296c5..a6b6ec2a 100644 --- a/src/function-resource/index.ts +++ b/src/function-resource/index.ts @@ -33,13 +33,19 @@ export interface FunctionResourceConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { */ readonly id?: string; /** + * Language of theof the function. One of: internal, sql, c, plpgsql + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#language FunctionResource#language} + */ + readonly language?: string; + /** * Name of the function. * * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#name FunctionResource#name} */ readonly name: string; /** - * Function return type. + * Function return type. If not specified, it will be calculated based on the output arguments * * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/function#returns FunctionResource#returns} */ @@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ export class FunctionResource extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_function', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, @@ -282,6 +288,7 @@ export class FunctionResource extends cdktf.TerraformResource { this._database = config.database; this._dropCascade = config.dropCascade; this._id = config.id; + this._language = config.language; this._name = config.name; this._returns = config.returns; this._schema = config.schema; @@ -353,6 +360,22 @@ export class FunctionResource extends cdktf.TerraformResource { return this._id; } + // language - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _language?: string; + public get language() { + return this.getStringAttribute('language'); + } + public set language(value: string) { + this._language = value; + } + public resetLanguage() { + this._language = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get languageInput() { + return this._language; + } + // name - computed: false, optional: false, required: true private _name?: string; public get name() { @@ -366,7 +389,7 @@ export class FunctionResource extends cdktf.TerraformResource { return this._name; } - // returns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + // returns - computed: true, optional: true, required: false private _returns?: string; public get returns() { return this.getStringAttribute('returns'); @@ -424,6 +447,7 @@ export class FunctionResource extends cdktf.TerraformResource { database: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._database), drop_cascade: cdktf.booleanToTerraform(this._dropCascade), id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id), + language: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._language), name: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._name), returns: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._returns), schema: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._schema), diff --git a/src/grant-role/index.ts b/src/grant-role/index.ts index f9da8b6d..4fc05048 100644 --- a/src/grant-role/index.ts +++ b/src/grant-role/index.ts @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ export class GrantRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_grant_role', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/grant/index.ts b/src/grant/index.ts index 3f056baa..c9ed1b8e 100644 --- a/src/grant/index.ts +++ b/src/grant/index.ts @@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ import * as cdktf from 'cdktf'; // Configuration export interface GrantConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { + /** + * The specific columns to grant privileges on for this role + * + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#columns Grant#columns} + */ + readonly columns?: string[]; /** * The database to grant privileges on for this role * @@ -21,7 +27,7 @@ export interface GrantConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { */ readonly id?: string; /** - * The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server) + * The PostgreSQL object type to grant the privileges on (one of: database, function, procedure, routine, schema, sequence, table, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, column) * * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/r/grant#object_type Grant#object_type} */ @@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ export class Grant extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_grant', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, @@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ export class Grant extends cdktf.TerraformResource { connection: config.connection, forEach: config.forEach }); + this._columns = config.columns; this._database = config.database; this._id = config.id; this._objectType = config.objectType; @@ -109,6 +116,22 @@ export class Grant extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ATTRIBUTES // ========== + // columns - computed: false, optional: true, required: false + private _columns?: string[]; + public get columns() { + return cdktf.Fn.tolist(this.getListAttribute('columns')); + } + public set columns(value: string[]) { + this._columns = value; + } + public resetColumns() { + this._columns = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get columnsInput() { + return this._columns; + } + // database - computed: false, optional: false, required: true private _database?: string; public get database() { @@ -231,6 +254,7 @@ export class Grant extends cdktf.TerraformResource { protected synthesizeAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } { return { + columns: cdktf.listMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform, false)(this._columns), database: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._database), id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id), object_type: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._objectType), diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index 94eceab4..a240bf83 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -13,5 +13,8 @@ export * as schema from './schema'; export * as server from './server'; export * as subscription from './subscription'; export * as userMapping from './user-mapping'; +export * as dataPostgresqlSchemas from './data-postgresql-schemas'; +export * as dataPostgresqlSequences from './data-postgresql-sequences'; +export * as dataPostgresqlTables from './data-postgresql-tables'; export * as provider from './provider'; diff --git a/src/physical-replication-slot/index.ts b/src/physical-replication-slot/index.ts index eca51114..c9e75d29 100644 --- a/src/physical-replication-slot/index.ts +++ b/src/physical-replication-slot/index.ts @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export class PhysicalReplicationSlot extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_physical_replication_slot', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/provider/index.ts b/src/provider/index.ts index 00bdb429..5754a421 100644 --- a/src/provider/index.ts +++ b/src/provider/index.ts @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ export class PostgresqlProvider extends cdktf.TerraformProvider { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, terraformProviderSource: 'cyrilgdn/postgresql' diff --git a/src/publication/index.ts b/src/publication/index.ts index 5deb051c..e6a206b1 100644 --- a/src/publication/index.ts +++ b/src/publication/index.ts @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export class Publication extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_publication', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/replication-slot/index.ts b/src/replication-slot/index.ts index 58f23799..82790a20 100644 --- a/src/replication-slot/index.ts +++ b/src/replication-slot/index.ts @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export class ReplicationSlot extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_replication_slot', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/role/index.ts b/src/role/index.ts index 2f1ecb0e..31e08f5e 100644 --- a/src/role/index.ts +++ b/src/role/index.ts @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ export class Role extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_role', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/schema/index.ts b/src/schema/index.ts index 12673f7c..5a84c348 100644 --- a/src/schema/index.ts +++ b/src/schema/index.ts @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ export class Schema extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_schema', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/server/index.ts b/src/server/index.ts index 12123e7d..f771157e 100644 --- a/src/server/index.ts +++ b/src/server/index.ts @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export class Server extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_server', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/subscription/index.ts b/src/subscription/index.ts index bf7cebbb..4ccc1c3a 100644 --- a/src/subscription/index.ts +++ b/src/subscription/index.ts @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export class Subscription extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_subscription', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/user-mapping/index.ts b/src/user-mapping/index.ts index 9a6f9e77..7eac8b13 100644 --- a/src/user-mapping/index.ts +++ b/src/user-mapping/index.ts @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ export class UserMapping extends cdktf.TerraformResource { terraformResourceType: 'postgresql_user_mapping', terraformGeneratorMetadata: { providerName: 'postgresql', - providerVersion: '1.18.0', + providerVersion: '1.19.0', providerVersionConstraint: '~> 1.14' }, provider: config.provider, diff --git a/src/version.json b/src/version.json index e70c3174..ea65d0f4 100644 --- a/src/version.json +++ b/src/version.json @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "registry.terraform.io/cyrilgdn/postgresql": "1.18.0" + "registry.terraform.io/cyrilgdn/postgresql": "1.19.0" }