diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-issues.yml b/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-issues.yml index 56153c475..cdd93746b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-issues.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-issues.yml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ jobs: issues: write if: github.event.issue.author_association != 'OWNER' && github.event.issue.author_association != 'MEMBER' && github.event.issue.author_association != 'COLLABORATOR' steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab - name: Auto-close issues by non-collaborators env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-prs.yml b/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-prs.yml index 159cfdc75..3b3a838dc 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-prs.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/auto-close-community-prs.yml @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ jobs: pull-requests: write if: github.event.pull_request.author_association != 'OWNER' && github.event.pull_request.author_association != 'MEMBER' && github.event.pull_request.author_association != 'COLLABORATOR' steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab - name: Auto-close PRs by non-collaborators env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} diff --git a/.projen/deps.json b/.projen/deps.json index 6a14ea2cc..0080949ae 100644 --- a/.projen/deps.json +++ b/.projen/deps.json @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ }, { "name": "cdktf-cli", - "version": "^0.18.0", + "version": "^0.19.0", "type": "build" }, { "name": "cdktf", - "version": "^0.18.0", + "version": "^0.19.0", "type": "build" }, { @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ }, { "name": "cdktf", - "version": "^0.18.0", + "version": "^0.19.0", "type": "peer" }, { diff --git a/.projenrc.js b/.projenrc.js index aafef0011..35ceac89f 100644 --- a/.projenrc.js +++ b/.projenrc.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const { CdktfProviderProject } = require("@cdktf/provider-project"); const project = new CdktfProviderProject({ useCustomGithubRunner: false, terraformProvider: "hashicorp/vault@~> 3.7", - cdktfVersion: "^0.18.0", + cdktfVersion: "^0.19.0", constructsVersion: "^10.0.0", minNodeVersion: "18.12.0", jsiiVersion: "^5.0.1", diff --git a/docs/adSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/adSecretBackend.csharp.md index 903017c1c..47038e289 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/adSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAnonymousGroupSearch | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -172,6 +175,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -280,6 +299,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +329,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAnonymousGroupSearch` ```csharp @@ -509,6 +570,7 @@ private void ResetUseTokenGroups() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -572,6 +634,50 @@ AdSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AdSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AdSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/adSecretBackend.go.md index 7231f4024..80de027ad 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/adSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAnonymousGroupSearch | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -172,6 +175,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -280,6 +299,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -292,6 +329,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAnonymousGroupSearch` ```go @@ -509,6 +570,7 @@ func ResetUseTokenGroups() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -572,6 +634,50 @@ adsecretbackend.AdSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/adsecretbackend" + +adsecretbackend.AdSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AdSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/adSecretBackend.java.md index 85a9b5092..a7347072f 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/adSecretBackend.java.md @@ -577,6 +577,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -586,7 +587,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAnonymousGroupSearch | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -689,6 +692,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -797,6 +816,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -809,6 +847,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAnonymousGroupSearch` ```java @@ -1026,6 +1089,7 @@ public void resetUseTokenGroups() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1089,6 +1153,50 @@ AdSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ad_secret_backend.AdSecretBackend; + +AdSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AdSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AdSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/adSecretBackend.python.md index b7c378e2b..7a7b00004 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/adSecretBackend.python.md @@ -565,6 +565,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -574,7 +575,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_anonymous_group_search | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_case_sensitive_names | *No description.* | @@ -682,6 +685,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -808,6 +829,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -822,6 +864,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_anonymous_group_search` ```python @@ -1039,6 +1108,7 @@ def reset_use_token_groups() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1108,6 +1178,55 @@ adSecretBackend.AdSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ad_secret_backend + +adSecretBackend.AdSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AdSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/adSecretBackend.typescript.md index 1a13aa87f..fbe9c2709 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/adSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAnonymousGroupSearch | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -172,6 +175,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -280,6 +299,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +329,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAnonymousGroupSearch` ```typescript @@ -509,6 +570,7 @@ public resetUseTokenGroups(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -572,6 +634,50 @@ adSecretBackend.AdSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { adSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +adSecretBackend.AdSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AdSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretLibrary.csharp.md b/docs/adSecretLibrary.csharp.md index 3afa9211e..8e68fcfd0 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretLibrary.csharp.md +++ b/docs/adSecretLibrary.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ AdSecretLibrary.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AdSecretLibrary.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretLibrary to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AdSecretLibrary that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_library#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretLibrary to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretLibrary.go.md b/docs/adSecretLibrary.go.md index 3fd23a5c1..3a0c26c91 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretLibrary.go.md +++ b/docs/adSecretLibrary.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ adsecretlibrary.AdSecretLibrary_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/adsecretlibrary" + +adsecretlibrary.AdSecretLibrary_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretLibrary to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AdSecretLibrary that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_library#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretLibrary to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretLibrary.java.md b/docs/adSecretLibrary.java.md index f4e8b7d3a..3f62c72f9 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretLibrary.java.md +++ b/docs/adSecretLibrary.java.md @@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -223,7 +224,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +299,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -404,6 +423,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -416,6 +454,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```java @@ -453,6 +516,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -516,6 +580,50 @@ AdSecretLibrary.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ad_secret_library.AdSecretLibrary; + +AdSecretLibrary.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AdSecretLibrary.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretLibrary to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AdSecretLibrary that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_library#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretLibrary to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretLibrary.python.md b/docs/adSecretLibrary.python.md index 1495ed1e2..10335382b 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretLibrary.python.md +++ b/docs/adSecretLibrary.python.md @@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -220,7 +221,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_disable_check_in_enforcement | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_max_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -298,6 +301,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -424,6 +445,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -438,6 +480,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_disable_check_in_enforcement` ```python @@ -475,6 +544,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -544,6 +614,55 @@ adSecretLibrary.AdSecretLibrary.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ad_secret_library + +adSecretLibrary.AdSecretLibrary.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretLibrary to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AdSecretLibrary that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_library#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretLibrary to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretLibrary.typescript.md b/docs/adSecretLibrary.typescript.md index 4eb70bc5a..9e2ca9ca1 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretLibrary.typescript.md +++ b/docs/adSecretLibrary.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ adSecretLibrary.AdSecretLibrary.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { adSecretLibrary } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +adSecretLibrary.AdSecretLibrary.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretLibrary to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AdSecretLibrary that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_library#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretLibrary to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretRole.csharp.md b/docs/adSecretRole.csharp.md index 25dc1c4bf..a257e24a9 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/adSecretRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetTtl | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ AdSecretRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AdSecretRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AdSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretRole.go.md b/docs/adSecretRole.go.md index c0bfd9da9..bede80383 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretRole.go.md +++ b/docs/adSecretRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetTtl | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ adsecretrole.AdSecretRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/adsecretrole" + +adsecretrole.AdSecretRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AdSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretRole.java.md b/docs/adSecretRole.java.md index 81ce7e453..d9699a1fc 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretRole.java.md +++ b/docs/adSecretRole.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetTtl | *No description.* | @@ -267,6 +270,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +394,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -387,6 +425,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -412,6 +475,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -475,6 +539,50 @@ AdSecretRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ad_secret_role.AdSecretRole; + +AdSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AdSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AdSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretRole.python.md b/docs/adSecretRole.python.md index 0271e4b94..1757ee68e 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretRole.python.md +++ b/docs/adSecretRole.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -270,6 +273,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -396,6 +417,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -410,6 +452,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -435,6 +504,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +574,55 @@ adSecretRole.AdSecretRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ad_secret_role + +adSecretRole.AdSecretRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AdSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/adSecretRole.typescript.md b/docs/adSecretRole.typescript.md index 7257031ae..881cdbe47 100644 --- a/docs/adSecretRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/adSecretRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetTtl | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ adSecretRole.AdSecretRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { adSecretRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +adSecretRole.AdSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AdSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index a2cfca4c7..aa33de1fe 100644 --- a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ AlicloudAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AlicloudAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AlicloudAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/alicloud_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.go.md index 70028a4d8..b6e3ceac6 100644 --- a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ alicloudauthbackendrole.AlicloudAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/alicloudauthbackendrole" + +alicloudauthbackendrole.AlicloudAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AlicloudAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/alicloud_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.java.md index 57f15fb91..1a168245a 100644 --- a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -293,7 +294,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -373,6 +376,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -481,6 +500,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -493,6 +531,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -572,6 +635,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -635,6 +699,50 @@ AlicloudAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.alicloud_auth_backend_role.AlicloudAuthBackendRole; + +AlicloudAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AlicloudAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AlicloudAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/alicloud_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.python.md index 0095009c1..574f26d9c 100644 --- a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -290,7 +291,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -375,6 +378,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -501,6 +522,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -515,6 +557,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -594,6 +663,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -663,6 +733,55 @@ alicloudAuthBackendRole.AlicloudAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import alicloud_auth_backend_role + +alicloudAuthBackendRole.AlicloudAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AlicloudAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/alicloud_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index bd4ff40aa..30ccd9b15 100644 --- a/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/alicloudAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ alicloudAuthBackendRole.AlicloudAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { alicloudAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +alicloudAuthBackendRole.AlicloudAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AlicloudAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/alicloud_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md index 71ad46680..2da5e7083 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetSecretId() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ ApproleAuthBackendLogin.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +ApproleAuthBackendLogin.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.go.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.go.md index 803af53c7..64c27525d 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.go.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetSecretId() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ approleauthbackendlogin.ApproleAuthBackendLogin_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/approleauthbackendlogin" + +approleauthbackendlogin.ApproleAuthBackendLogin_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.java.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.java.md index 735dc9b54..58d518de3 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.java.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -407,6 +470,7 @@ public void resetSecretId() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -470,6 +534,50 @@ ApproleAuthBackendLogin.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.approle_auth_backend_login.ApproleAuthBackendLogin; + +ApproleAuthBackendLogin.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),ApproleAuthBackendLogin.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.python.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.python.md index bdc69cac3..7317bb67b 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.python.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_secret_id() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ approleAuthBackendLogin.ApproleAuthBackendLogin.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import approle_auth_backend_login + +approleAuthBackendLogin.ApproleAuthBackendLogin.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md index 14d9a9ce0..832c4f1cb 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetSecretId(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ approleAuthBackendLogin.ApproleAuthBackendLogin.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { approleAuthBackendLogin } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +approleAuthBackendLogin.ApproleAuthBackendLogin.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index b0e5a4322..b3af304c2 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBindSecretId | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -154,6 +157,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +281,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -274,6 +311,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -383,6 +444,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -446,6 +508,50 @@ ApproleAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +ApproleAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.go.md index 30a59ea92..52c211378 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBindSecretId | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -154,6 +157,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +281,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -274,6 +311,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -383,6 +444,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -446,6 +508,50 @@ approleauthbackendrole.ApproleAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/approleauthbackendrole" + +approleauthbackendrole.ApproleAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.java.md index 00b0c0465..befa89781 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -344,7 +345,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBindSecretId | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -429,6 +432,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -537,6 +556,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -549,6 +587,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -658,6 +721,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -721,6 +785,50 @@ ApproleAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.approle_auth_backend_role.ApproleAuthBackendRole; + +ApproleAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),ApproleAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.python.md index 022683744..6fca4028d 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -340,7 +341,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_bind_secret_id | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -430,6 +433,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -556,6 +577,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -570,6 +612,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -679,6 +748,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -748,6 +818,55 @@ approleAuthBackendRole.ApproleAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import approle_auth_backend_role + +approleAuthBackendRole.ApproleAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index f451d4f97..19a75be9f 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBindSecretId | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -154,6 +157,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +281,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -274,6 +311,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -383,6 +444,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -446,6 +508,50 @@ approleAuthBackendRole.ApproleAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { approleAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +approleAuthBackendRole.ApproleAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.csharp.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.csharp.md index 81ffe6a5c..fbfe3db0a 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.csharp.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetCidrList | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ private void ResetWrappingTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.go.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.go.md index 22311e26d..9ba17d76d 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.go.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetCidrList | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ func ResetWrappingTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ approleauthbackendrolesecretid.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId_IsTerraformResourc --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/approleauthbackendrolesecretid" + +approleauthbackendrolesecretid.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.java.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.java.md index 0f28fb555..0e0639c53 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.java.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.java.md @@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -235,7 +236,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetCidrList | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -311,6 +314,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -419,6 +438,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -431,6 +469,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -486,6 +549,7 @@ public void resetWrappingTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -549,6 +613,50 @@ ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId; + +ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.python.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.python.md index 0d604142c..d88687562 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.python.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.python.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -232,7 +233,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_cidr_list | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -313,6 +316,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -439,6 +460,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -453,6 +495,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -508,6 +577,7 @@ def reset_wrapping_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -577,6 +647,55 @@ approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.is_terraform_resou --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id + +approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.typescript.md b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.typescript.md index eae181d8d..04fbfd9cc 100644 --- a/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.typescript.md +++ b/docs/approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetCidrList | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ public resetWrappingTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.isTerraformResourc --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +approleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/audit.csharp.md b/docs/audit.csharp.md index 6fb12b9db..9a0f47a3e 100644 --- a/docs/audit.csharp.md +++ b/docs/audit.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetLocal | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDescription` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetPath() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ Audit.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +Audit.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Audit to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Audit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Audit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/audit.go.md b/docs/audit.go.md index ccd88ae19..1ea3695e1 100644 --- a/docs/audit.go.md +++ b/docs/audit.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetLocal | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDescription` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetPath() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ audit.Audit_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/audit" + +audit.Audit_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Audit to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing Audit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Audit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/audit.java.md b/docs/audit.java.md index fee10b2bb..a356741a8 100644 --- a/docs/audit.java.md +++ b/docs/audit.java.md @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -211,7 +212,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetLocal | *No description.* | @@ -284,6 +287,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -392,6 +411,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -404,6 +442,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDescription` ```java @@ -441,6 +504,7 @@ public void resetPath() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +568,50 @@ Audit.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.audit.Audit; + +Audit.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),Audit.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Audit to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing Audit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Audit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/audit.python.md b/docs/audit.python.md index 21e55e8f4..75a819012 100644 --- a/docs/audit.python.md +++ b/docs/audit.python.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_description | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_local | *No description.* | @@ -286,6 +289,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +433,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -426,6 +468,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_description` ```python @@ -463,6 +532,7 @@ def reset_path() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -532,6 +602,55 @@ audit.Audit.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import audit + +audit.Audit.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Audit to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing Audit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Audit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/audit.typescript.md b/docs/audit.typescript.md index 9f14c010f..74a5fb70a 100644 --- a/docs/audit.typescript.md +++ b/docs/audit.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetLocal | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDescription` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetPath(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ audit.Audit.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { audit } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +audit.Audit.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Audit to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Audit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Audit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/auditRequestHeader.csharp.md b/docs/auditRequestHeader.csharp.md index 84c20ae03..180b18f77 100644 --- a/docs/auditRequestHeader.csharp.md +++ b/docs/auditRequestHeader.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetHmac | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetHmac` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ AuditRequestHeader.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AuditRequestHeader.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuditRequestHeader to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AuditRequestHeader that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit_request_header#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuditRequestHeader to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/auditRequestHeader.go.md b/docs/auditRequestHeader.go.md index 50986f05c..9a96bda86 100644 --- a/docs/auditRequestHeader.go.md +++ b/docs/auditRequestHeader.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetHmac | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetHmac` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ auditrequestheader.AuditRequestHeader_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/auditrequestheader" + +auditrequestheader.AuditRequestHeader_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuditRequestHeader to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AuditRequestHeader that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit_request_header#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuditRequestHeader to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/auditRequestHeader.java.md b/docs/auditRequestHeader.java.md index 885e81091..936869084 100644 --- a/docs/auditRequestHeader.java.md +++ b/docs/auditRequestHeader.java.md @@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -173,7 +174,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetHmac | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -244,6 +247,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -352,6 +371,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +402,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetHmac` ```java @@ -389,6 +452,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -452,6 +516,50 @@ AuditRequestHeader.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.audit_request_header.AuditRequestHeader; + +AuditRequestHeader.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AuditRequestHeader.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuditRequestHeader to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AuditRequestHeader that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit_request_header#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuditRequestHeader to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/auditRequestHeader.python.md b/docs/auditRequestHeader.python.md index 75c260c54..6a3816736 100644 --- a/docs/auditRequestHeader.python.md +++ b/docs/auditRequestHeader.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_hmac | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -246,6 +249,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -372,6 +393,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -386,6 +428,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_hmac` ```python @@ -411,6 +480,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -480,6 +550,55 @@ auditRequestHeader.AuditRequestHeader.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import audit_request_header + +auditRequestHeader.AuditRequestHeader.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuditRequestHeader to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AuditRequestHeader that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit_request_header#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuditRequestHeader to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/auditRequestHeader.typescript.md b/docs/auditRequestHeader.typescript.md index 3b36d145d..fd797e23b 100644 --- a/docs/auditRequestHeader.typescript.md +++ b/docs/auditRequestHeader.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetHmac | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetHmac` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ auditRequestHeader.AuditRequestHeader.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { auditRequestHeader } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +auditRequestHeader.AuditRequestHeader.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuditRequestHeader to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AuditRequestHeader that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit_request_header#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuditRequestHeader to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/authBackend.csharp.md b/docs/authBackend.csharp.md index 0b2f971a4..4843a89cf 100644 --- a/docs/authBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/authBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutTune | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutTune` ```csharp @@ -326,6 +387,7 @@ private void ResetTune() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -389,6 +451,50 @@ AuthBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/authBackend.go.md b/docs/authBackend.go.md index 2f82e68c1..11e3120ad 100644 --- a/docs/authBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/authBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutTune | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutTune` ```go @@ -326,6 +387,7 @@ func ResetTune() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -389,6 +451,50 @@ authbackend.AuthBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/authbackend" + +authbackend.AuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/authBackend.java.md b/docs/authBackend.java.md index c1cb049ee..f1646280b 100644 --- a/docs/authBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/authBackend.java.md @@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -221,7 +222,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putTune | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -405,6 +424,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -417,6 +455,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putTune` ```java @@ -478,6 +541,7 @@ public void resetTune() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -541,6 +605,50 @@ AuthBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.auth_backend.AuthBackend; + +AuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/authBackend.python.md b/docs/authBackend.python.md index 39a858c96..ed27b38d1 100644 --- a/docs/authBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/authBackend.python.md @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -216,7 +217,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_tune | *No description.* | | reset_description | *No description.* | | reset_disable_remount | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -423,6 +444,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -437,6 +479,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_tune` ```python @@ -500,6 +569,7 @@ def reset_tune() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -569,6 +639,55 @@ authBackend.AuthBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import auth_backend + +authBackend.AuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/authBackend.typescript.md b/docs/authBackend.typescript.md index c8c8c1af7..71d26a27a 100644 --- a/docs/authBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/authBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putTune | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putTune` ```typescript @@ -326,6 +387,7 @@ public resetTune(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -389,6 +451,50 @@ authBackend.AuthBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { authBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +authBackend.AuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.csharp.md index e23ead27a..4a9db4abf 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendCert.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendCert.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.go.md index ff4b3c53c..42ebbedb7 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ awsauthbackendcert.AwsAuthBackendCert_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendcert" + +awsauthbackendcert.AwsAuthBackendCert_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.java.md index c498be288..fe2568156 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -268,6 +271,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +395,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -388,6 +426,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -419,6 +482,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -482,6 +546,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendCert.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_cert.AwsAuthBackendCert; + +AwsAuthBackendCert.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendCert.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.python.md index 0b1796e07..101fbafbc 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -271,6 +274,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +418,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -411,6 +453,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -442,6 +511,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -511,6 +581,55 @@ awsAuthBackendCert.AwsAuthBackendCert.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_cert + +awsAuthBackendCert.AwsAuthBackendCert.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.typescript.md index b44f2f95c..44dc2a32f 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendCert.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ awsAuthBackendCert.AwsAuthBackendCert.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendCert } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendCert.AwsAuthBackendCert.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.csharp.md index ff7fe0a54..0d714ecd0 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAccessKey | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetEc2Endpoint | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAccessKey` ```csharp @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ private void ResetUseStsRegionFromClient() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendClient.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendClient.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendClient to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.go.md index f22d39b17..ba043c766 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAccessKey | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetEc2Endpoint | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAccessKey` ```go @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ func ResetUseStsRegionFromClient() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ awsauthbackendclient.AwsAuthBackendClient_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendclient" + +awsauthbackendclient.AwsAuthBackendClient_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendClient to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.java.md index 4d1a1ec2b..ed1366353 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.java.md @@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -257,7 +258,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAccessKey | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetEc2Endpoint | *No description.* | @@ -336,6 +339,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -444,6 +463,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -456,6 +494,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAccessKey` ```java @@ -529,6 +592,7 @@ public void resetUseStsRegionFromClient() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -592,6 +656,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendClient.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_client.AwsAuthBackendClient; + +AwsAuthBackendClient.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendClient.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendClient to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.python.md index 7838ed649..9e665c771 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.python.md @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -254,7 +255,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_access_key | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_ec2_endpoint | *No description.* | @@ -338,6 +341,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -464,6 +485,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -478,6 +520,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_access_key` ```python @@ -551,6 +620,7 @@ def reset_use_sts_region_from_client() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -620,6 +690,55 @@ awsAuthBackendClient.AwsAuthBackendClient.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_client + +awsAuthBackendClient.AwsAuthBackendClient.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendClient to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.typescript.md index 4e448945e..55b955d3f 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendClient.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAccessKey | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetEc2Endpoint | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAccessKey` ```typescript @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ public resetUseStsRegionFromClient(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ awsAuthBackendClient.AwsAuthBackendClient.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendClient } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendClient.AwsAuthBackendClient.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendClient to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.csharp.md index 0c5ef6a6d..5da337185 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetEc2Alias | *No description.* | | ResetEc2Metadata | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_config_identity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.go.md index c29067f2d..540989775 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetEc2Alias | *No description.* | | ResetEc2Metadata | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ awsauthbackendconfigidentity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity_IsTerraformResource(x --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendconfigidentity" + +awsauthbackendconfigidentity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_config_identity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.java.md index 0b5936197..17b2fc5e0 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.java.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetEc2Alias | *No description.* | | resetEc2Metadata | *No description.* | @@ -283,6 +286,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -391,6 +410,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -403,6 +441,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -452,6 +515,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -515,6 +579,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_config_identity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity; + +AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_config_identity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.python.md index 0440a40a1..f642ab1f4 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.python.md @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_ec2_alias | *No description.* | | reset_ec2_metadata | *No description.* | @@ -286,6 +289,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +433,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -426,6 +468,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -475,6 +544,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -544,6 +614,55 @@ awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_config_identity + +awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_config_identity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.typescript.md index a8d3626eb..06c391800 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetEc2Alias | *No description.* | | resetEc2Metadata | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.isTerraformResource(x: --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_config_identity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.csharp.md index 6bae0e86f..444015c86 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetSafetyBuffer() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.go.md index 2ac8bd2d2..df48e23d8 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetSafetyBuffer() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ awsauthbackendidentitywhitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist_IsTerraformResou --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendidentitywhitelist" + +awsauthbackendidentitywhitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.java.md index debaa83de..48d9bfb4b 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.java.md @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -185,7 +186,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -366,6 +385,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -378,6 +416,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -415,6 +478,7 @@ public void resetSafetyBuffer() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -478,6 +542,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist; + +AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.python.md index 92e856e04..1faec70aa 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_disable_periodic_tidy | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -260,6 +263,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -386,6 +407,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -400,6 +442,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -437,6 +506,7 @@ def reset_safety_buffer() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -506,6 +576,55 @@ awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.is_terraform_res --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist + +awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.typescript.md index 21ed9c4fb..5954667c2 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetSafetyBuffer(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.isTerraformResou --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md index e49677854..ce7d19e97 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetIamHttpRequestMethod | *No description.* | | ResetIamRequestBody | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ private void ResetSignature() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendLogin.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendLogin.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.go.md index 794a89e24..706f2ed8b 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetIamHttpRequestMethod | *No description.* | | ResetIamRequestBody | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ func ResetSignature() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ awsauthbackendlogin.AwsAuthBackendLogin_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendlogin" + +awsauthbackendlogin.AwsAuthBackendLogin_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.java.md index 3855879ff..a81ef017e 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.java.md @@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -268,7 +269,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetIamHttpRequestMethod | *No description.* | | resetIamRequestBody | *No description.* | @@ -348,6 +351,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -456,6 +475,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -468,6 +506,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -547,6 +610,7 @@ public void resetSignature() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -610,6 +674,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendLogin.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_login.AwsAuthBackendLogin; + +AwsAuthBackendLogin.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendLogin.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.python.md index 2f2c488a3..b136cb19b 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.python.md @@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -266,7 +267,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_iam_http_request_method | *No description.* | | reset_iam_request_body | *No description.* | @@ -351,6 +354,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -477,6 +498,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -491,6 +533,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -570,6 +639,7 @@ def reset_signature() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -639,6 +709,55 @@ awsAuthBackendLogin.AwsAuthBackendLogin.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_login + +awsAuthBackendLogin.AwsAuthBackendLogin.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md index a2bc977c5..ff0ae7231 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendLogin.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetIamHttpRequestMethod | *No description.* | | resetIamRequestBody | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ public resetSignature(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ awsAuthBackendLogin.AwsAuthBackendLogin.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendLogin } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendLogin.AwsAuthBackendLogin.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index 046c4dd1c..61790f647 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | ResetAuthType | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowInstanceMigration` ```csharp @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.go.md index d5d8a4034..f8b28abf1 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | ResetAuthType | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowInstanceMigration` ```go @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ awsauthbackendrole.AwsAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendrole" + +awsauthbackendrole.AwsAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.java.md index 27b0b7f1b..b9b3ca8f8 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -478,7 +479,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | resetAuthType | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -574,6 +577,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -682,6 +701,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -694,6 +732,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowInstanceMigration` ```java @@ -869,6 +932,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -932,6 +996,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_role.AwsAuthBackendRole; + +AwsAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.python.md index 7277c1282..65590b1ca 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -472,7 +473,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allow_instance_migration | *No description.* | | reset_auth_type | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | @@ -573,6 +576,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -699,6 +720,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -713,6 +755,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allow_instance_migration` ```python @@ -888,6 +957,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -957,6 +1027,55 @@ awsAuthBackendRole.AwsAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_role + +awsAuthBackendRole.AwsAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index ccef81fef..520dc7410 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | resetAuthType | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowInstanceMigration` ```typescript @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ awsAuthBackendRole.AwsAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendRole.AwsAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.csharp.md index c9b2135fb..ced6ec35f 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetDisallowReauthentication | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowInstanceMigration` ```csharp @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoleTag that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role_tag#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.go.md index f70065708..3c5dd4109 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetDisallowReauthentication | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowInstanceMigration` ```go @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ awsauthbackendroletag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) * --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendroletag" + +awsauthbackendroletag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoleTag that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role_tag#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.java.md index ced3d4e5f..d4b491c2f 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.java.md @@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -236,7 +237,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetDisallowReauthentication | *No description.* | @@ -312,6 +315,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -420,6 +439,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -432,6 +470,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowInstanceMigration` ```java @@ -487,6 +550,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -550,6 +614,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_role_tag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag; + +AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoleTag that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role_tag#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.python.md index b8f1db737..dff7fcf8d 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.python.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -232,7 +233,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allow_instance_migration | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_disallow_reauthentication | *No description.* | @@ -313,6 +316,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -439,6 +460,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -453,6 +495,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allow_instance_migration` ```python @@ -508,6 +577,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -577,6 +647,55 @@ awsAuthBackendRoleTag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_role_tag + +awsAuthBackendRoleTag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoleTag that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role_tag#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.typescript.md index 179820472..31aa72579 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoleTag.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowInstanceMigration | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetDisallowReauthentication | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowInstanceMigration` ```typescript @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ awsAuthBackendRoleTag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendRoleTag } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendRoleTag.AwsAuthBackendRoleTag.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoleTag that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role_tag#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.csharp.md index 25e8e46a2..340f301fc 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisablePeriodicTidy` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetSafetyBuffer() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.go.md index 13cbf2c56..593ca2b60 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisablePeriodicTidy` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetSafetyBuffer() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ awsauthbackendroletagblacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist_IsTerraformResourc --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendroletagblacklist" + +awsauthbackendroletagblacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.java.md index ca37079a3..441384b3e 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.java.md @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -185,7 +186,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +260,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -365,6 +384,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -377,6 +415,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisablePeriodicTidy` ```java @@ -408,6 +471,7 @@ public void resetSafetyBuffer() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -471,6 +535,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist; + +AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.python.md index 99855e101..8a86073bf 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_disable_periodic_tidy | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_disable_periodic_tidy` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_safety_buffer() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.is_terraform_resou --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist + +awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.typescript.md index 39fb7af5d..d7a9e19b8 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisablePeriodicTidy | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisablePeriodicTidy` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetSafetyBuffer(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.isTerraformResourc --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.csharp.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.csharp.md index a419beed9..a1b05fb2a 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendStsRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsAuthBackendStsRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendStsRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_sts_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.go.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.go.md index 29ccc7547..521b598ba 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.go.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ awsauthbackendstsrole.AwsAuthBackendStsRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) * --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awsauthbackendstsrole" + +awsauthbackendstsrole.AwsAuthBackendStsRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendStsRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_sts_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.java.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.java.md index e99099824..6185f6377 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.java.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -255,6 +258,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -363,6 +382,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +413,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -400,6 +463,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -463,6 +527,50 @@ AwsAuthBackendStsRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_auth_backend_sts_role.AwsAuthBackendStsRole; + +AwsAuthBackendStsRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsAuthBackendStsRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendStsRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_sts_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.python.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.python.md index 5a16618bc..f31102957 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.python.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ awsAuthBackendStsRole.AwsAuthBackendStsRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_auth_backend_sts_role + +awsAuthBackendStsRole.AwsAuthBackendStsRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendStsRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_sts_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.typescript.md b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.typescript.md index 8070dcf6f..472a7e4a0 100644 --- a/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsAuthBackendStsRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ awsAuthBackendStsRole.AwsAuthBackendStsRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsAuthBackendStsRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsAuthBackendStsRole.AwsAuthBackendStsRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendStsRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_sts_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/awsSecretBackend.csharp.md index 7c6675018..492f14a72 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAccessKey | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAccessKey` ```csharp @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameTemplate() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ AwsSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/awsSecretBackend.go.md index 272493494..48884d8b5 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAccessKey | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAccessKey` ```go @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ func ResetUsernameTemplate() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ awssecretbackend.AwsSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awssecretbackend" + +awssecretbackend.AwsSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/awsSecretBackend.java.md index 982766f0d..4d34e514f 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackend.java.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -294,7 +295,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAccessKey | *No description.* | | resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -376,6 +379,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -484,6 +503,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -496,6 +534,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAccessKey` ```java @@ -587,6 +650,7 @@ public void resetUsernameTemplate() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -650,6 +714,50 @@ AwsSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_secret_backend.AwsSecretBackend; + +AwsSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/awsSecretBackend.python.md index 6c4cdc355..ddda7eef1 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackend.python.md @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -290,7 +291,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_access_key | *No description.* | | reset_default_lease_ttl_seconds | *No description.* | | reset_description | *No description.* | @@ -377,6 +380,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -503,6 +524,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -517,6 +559,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_access_key` ```python @@ -608,6 +677,7 @@ def reset_username_template() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -677,6 +747,55 @@ awsSecretBackend.AwsSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_secret_backend + +awsSecretBackend.AwsSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/awsSecretBackend.typescript.md index 8fb4b573b..c405fc004 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAccessKey | *No description.* | | resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAccessKey` ```typescript @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ public resetUsernameTemplate(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ awsSecretBackend.AwsSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsSecretBackend.AwsSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index b080075e6..6dc8ddb60 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultStsTtl | *No description.* | | ResetIamGroups | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultStsTtl` ```csharp @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ private void ResetUserPath() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ AwsSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.go.md index 8c1010965..8e0588c19 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultStsTtl | *No description.* | | ResetIamGroups | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultStsTtl` ```go @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ func ResetUserPath() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ awssecretbackendrole.AwsSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awssecretbackendrole" + +awssecretbackendrole.AwsSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.java.md index 3015427d6..7a62fedf1 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -288,7 +289,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultStsTtl | *No description.* | | resetIamGroups | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -366,6 +369,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -474,6 +493,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -486,6 +524,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultStsTtl` ```java @@ -553,6 +616,7 @@ public void resetUserPath() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -616,6 +680,50 @@ AwsSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_secret_backend_role.AwsSecretBackendRole; + +AwsSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.python.md index f3e46e2e1..2a9a2d7ce 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -286,7 +287,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_default_sts_ttl | *No description.* | | reset_iam_groups | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -369,6 +372,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -495,6 +516,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -509,6 +551,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_default_sts_ttl` ```python @@ -576,6 +645,7 @@ def reset_user_path() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -645,6 +715,55 @@ awsSecretBackendRole.AwsSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_secret_backend_role + +awsSecretBackendRole.AwsSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index ae1d9261f..a5c0be42c 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultStsTtl | *No description.* | | resetIamGroups | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultStsTtl` ```typescript @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ public resetUserPath(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ awsSecretBackendRole.AwsSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsSecretBackendRole.AwsSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md index 491ff5e3f..d2e98ac61 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md index 4504ae07f..e196f5dc5 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ awssecretbackendstaticrole.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole_IsTerraformResource(x inte --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/awssecretbackendstaticrole" + +awssecretbackendstaticrole.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md index 051804ea4..3a0e0ccb4 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -267,6 +270,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +394,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -387,6 +425,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -412,6 +475,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -475,6 +539,50 @@ AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.aws_secret_backend_static_role.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole; + +AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md index 35183f12f..b3e964f8a 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -270,6 +273,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -396,6 +417,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -410,6 +452,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -435,6 +504,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +574,55 @@ awsSecretBackendStaticRole.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import aws_secret_backend_static_role + +awsSecretBackendStaticRole.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md index 9844948d1..d29439fa5 100644 --- a/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/awsSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ awsSecretBackendStaticRole.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.isTerraformResource(x: any --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { awsSecretBackendStaticRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +awsSecretBackendStaticRole.AwsSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md index 624bf28e0..ee810dd8d 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | | ResetClientSecret | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ AzureAuthBackendConfig.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AzureAuthBackendConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.go.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.go.md index 3d55b66af..7ad4173fe 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | | ResetClientSecret | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ azureauthbackendconfig.AzureAuthBackendConfig_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/azureauthbackendconfig" + +azureauthbackendconfig.AzureAuthBackendConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.java.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.java.md index 66d3191de..50eb3de3a 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.java.md @@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -220,7 +221,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetClientId | *No description.* | | resetClientSecret | *No description.* | @@ -294,6 +297,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -402,6 +421,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -414,6 +452,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -457,6 +520,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -520,6 +584,50 @@ AzureAuthBackendConfig.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.azure_auth_backend_config.AzureAuthBackendConfig; + +AzureAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AzureAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.python.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.python.md index 8cf99f4a8..11c58bccd 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.python.md @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -218,7 +219,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_client_id | *No description.* | | reset_client_secret | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -423,6 +444,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -437,6 +479,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -480,6 +549,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -549,6 +619,55 @@ azureAuthBackendConfig.AzureAuthBackendConfig.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import azure_auth_backend_config + +azureAuthBackendConfig.AzureAuthBackendConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md index 15b70dae2..9f83489df 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetClientId | *No description.* | | resetClientSecret | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ azureAuthBackendConfig.AzureAuthBackendConfig.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { azureAuthBackendConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +azureAuthBackendConfig.AzureAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index 34debc863..1c708e1a5 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBoundGroupIds | *No description.* | | ResetBoundLocations | *No description.* | @@ -155,6 +158,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +282,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -275,6 +312,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -390,6 +451,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -453,6 +515,50 @@ AzureAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AzureAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.go.md index d60cced54..818dfdd47 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBoundGroupIds | *No description.* | | ResetBoundLocations | *No description.* | @@ -155,6 +158,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +282,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -275,6 +312,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -390,6 +451,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -453,6 +515,50 @@ azureauthbackendrole.AzureAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/azureauthbackendrole" + +azureauthbackendrole.AzureAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.java.md index 374398d2a..73e4e368a 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -353,7 +354,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBoundGroupIds | *No description.* | | resetBoundLocations | *No description.* | @@ -439,6 +442,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -547,6 +566,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -559,6 +597,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -674,6 +737,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -737,6 +801,50 @@ AzureAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.azure_auth_backend_role.AzureAuthBackendRole; + +AzureAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AzureAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.python.md index 6b9f2704e..0944e3252 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -341,6 +341,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -350,7 +351,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_bound_group_ids | *No description.* | | reset_bound_locations | *No description.* | @@ -441,6 +444,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -567,6 +588,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -581,6 +623,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -696,6 +765,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -765,6 +835,55 @@ azureAuthBackendRole.AzureAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import azure_auth_backend_role + +azureAuthBackendRole.AzureAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 38027565c..4738415ed 100644 --- a/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/azureAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBoundGroupIds | *No description.* | | resetBoundLocations | *No description.* | @@ -155,6 +158,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +282,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -275,6 +312,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -390,6 +451,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -453,6 +515,50 @@ azureAuthBackendRole.AzureAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { azureAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +azureAuthBackendRole.AzureAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/azureSecretBackend.csharp.md index edc0928f8..e23f48622 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | | ResetClientSecret | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetClientId` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetUseMicrosoftGraphApi() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ AzureSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AzureSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/azureSecretBackend.go.md index ac968a9b1..ccde7a4a0 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | | ResetClientSecret | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetClientId` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetUseMicrosoftGraphApi() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ azuresecretbackend.AzureSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/azuresecretbackend" + +azuresecretbackend.AzureSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/azureSecretBackend.java.md index be33eb4bb..1ba7738e3 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackend.java.md @@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -258,7 +259,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetClientId | *No description.* | | resetClientSecret | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -335,6 +338,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -443,6 +462,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -455,6 +493,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetClientId` ```java @@ -516,6 +579,7 @@ public void resetUseMicrosoftGraphApi() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -579,6 +643,50 @@ AzureSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.azure_secret_backend.AzureSecretBackend; + +AzureSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AzureSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/azureSecretBackend.python.md index e6d1816ae..365358a37 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackend.python.md @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -254,7 +255,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_client_id | *No description.* | | reset_client_secret | *No description.* | | reset_description | *No description.* | @@ -336,6 +339,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -462,6 +483,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -476,6 +518,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_client_id` ```python @@ -537,6 +606,7 @@ def reset_use_microsoft_graph_api() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -606,6 +676,55 @@ azureSecretBackend.AzureSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import azure_secret_backend + +azureSecretBackend.AzureSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/azureSecretBackend.typescript.md index 6a3944976..fd27b6a8b 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetClientId | *No description.* | | resetClientSecret | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetClientId` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetUseMicrosoftGraphApi(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ azureSecretBackend.AzureSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { azureSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +azureSecretBackend.AzureSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index dc8a6a5ba..ec7acb377 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutAzureGroups | *No description.* | | PutAzureRoles | *No description.* | | ResetApplicationObjectId | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutAzureGroups` ```csharp @@ -360,6 +421,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -423,6 +485,50 @@ AzureSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +AzureSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.go.md index 460428898..a186d7fa0 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutAzureGroups | *No description.* | | PutAzureRoles | *No description.* | | ResetApplicationObjectId | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutAzureGroups` ```go @@ -360,6 +421,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -423,6 +485,50 @@ azuresecretbackendrole.AzureSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/azuresecretbackendrole" + +azuresecretbackendrole.AzureSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.java.md index 7a7d87131..4c0a29035 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -259,7 +260,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putAzureGroups | *No description.* | | putAzureRoles | *No description.* | | resetApplicationObjectId | *No description.* | @@ -339,6 +342,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -447,6 +466,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -459,6 +497,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putAzureGroups` ```java @@ -550,6 +613,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -613,6 +677,50 @@ AzureSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.azure_secret_backend_role.AzureSecretBackendRole; + +AzureSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),AzureSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.python.md index 58b7a88f7..c71f65701 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -254,7 +255,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_azure_groups | *No description.* | | put_azure_roles | *No description.* | | reset_application_object_id | *No description.* | @@ -339,6 +342,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -465,6 +486,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -479,6 +521,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_azure_groups` ```python @@ -574,6 +643,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -643,6 +713,55 @@ azureSecretBackendRole.AzureSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import azure_secret_backend_role + +azureSecretBackendRole.AzureSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index e64b625b6..939b8cd3d 100644 --- a/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/azureSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putAzureGroups | *No description.* | | putAzureRoles | *No description.* | | resetApplicationObjectId | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putAzureGroups` ```typescript @@ -360,6 +421,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -423,6 +485,50 @@ azureSecretBackendRole.AzureSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { azureSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +azureSecretBackendRole.AzureSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing AzureSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index 2d57eb2e3..e0b750408 100644 --- a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedCommonNames | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedDnsSans | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedEmailSans | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedCommonNames` ```csharp @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ CertAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +CertAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the CertAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing CertAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/cert_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the CertAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.go.md index fd25b092d..a747ddc83 100644 --- a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedCommonNames | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedDnsSans | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedEmailSans | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedCommonNames` ```go @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ certauthbackendrole.CertAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/certauthbackendrole" + +certauthbackendrole.CertAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the CertAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing CertAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/cert_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the CertAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.java.md index ee05b2fc9..4b7896068 100644 --- a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -377,7 +378,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedCommonNames | *No description.* | | resetAllowedDnsSans | *No description.* | | resetAllowedEmailSans | *No description.* | @@ -466,6 +469,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -574,6 +593,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -586,6 +624,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedCommonNames` ```java @@ -719,6 +782,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -782,6 +846,50 @@ CertAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.cert_auth_backend_role.CertAuthBackendRole; + +CertAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),CertAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the CertAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing CertAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/cert_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the CertAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.python.md index 373f56e24..a29afbeba 100644 --- a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -374,7 +375,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_common_names | *No description.* | | reset_allowed_dns_sans | *No description.* | | reset_allowed_email_sans | *No description.* | @@ -468,6 +471,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -594,6 +615,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -608,6 +650,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_common_names` ```python @@ -741,6 +810,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -810,6 +880,55 @@ certAuthBackendRole.CertAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import cert_auth_backend_role + +certAuthBackendRole.CertAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the CertAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing CertAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/cert_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the CertAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 66ddcfaea..ae541a537 100644 --- a/docs/certAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/certAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedCommonNames | *No description.* | | resetAllowedDnsSans | *No description.* | | resetAllowedEmailSans | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedCommonNames` ```typescript @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ certAuthBackendRole.CertAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { certAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +certAuthBackendRole.CertAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the CertAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing CertAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/cert_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the CertAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/consulSecretBackend.csharp.md index c15ca961c..272c1294d 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBootstrap | *No description.* | | ResetCaCert | *No description.* | | ResetClientCert | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBootstrap` ```csharp @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ private void ResetToken() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ ConsulSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +ConsulSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/consulSecretBackend.go.md index 9b6ed0fd4..6748316c4 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBootstrap | *No description.* | | ResetCaCert | *No description.* | | ResetClientCert | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBootstrap` ```go @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ func ResetToken() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ consulsecretbackend.ConsulSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/consulsecretbackend" + +consulsecretbackend.ConsulSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/consulSecretBackend.java.md index cff308f5f..641a2dcb5 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackend.java.md @@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -309,7 +310,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBootstrap | *No description.* | | resetCaCert | *No description.* | | resetClientCert | *No description.* | @@ -391,6 +394,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -499,6 +518,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -511,6 +549,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBootstrap` ```java @@ -602,6 +665,7 @@ public void resetToken() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -665,6 +729,50 @@ ConsulSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.consul_secret_backend.ConsulSecretBackend; + +ConsulSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),ConsulSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/consulSecretBackend.python.md index 672809da5..eff753f16 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackend.python.md @@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -304,7 +305,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_bootstrap | *No description.* | | reset_ca_cert | *No description.* | | reset_client_cert | *No description.* | @@ -391,6 +394,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -517,6 +538,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -531,6 +573,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_bootstrap` ```python @@ -622,6 +691,7 @@ def reset_token() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -691,6 +761,55 @@ consulSecretBackend.ConsulSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import consul_secret_backend + +consulSecretBackend.ConsulSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/consulSecretBackend.typescript.md index 20ebfab69..4d7d210a4 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBootstrap | *No description.* | | resetCaCert | *No description.* | | resetClientCert | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBootstrap` ```typescript @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ public resetToken(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ consulSecretBackend.ConsulSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { consulSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +consulSecretBackend.ConsulSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index 597b8fd2b..4a4d995f7 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetConsulNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetConsulPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ ConsulSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +ConsulSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.go.md index 86139d3b8..962702b2b 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetConsulNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetConsulPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ consulsecretbackendrole.ConsulSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/consulsecretbackendrole" + +consulsecretbackendrole.ConsulSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.java.md index bc12f32dd..c055a2741 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -305,7 +306,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetConsulNamespace | *No description.* | | resetConsulPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -387,6 +390,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -495,6 +514,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -507,6 +545,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -598,6 +661,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -661,6 +725,50 @@ ConsulSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.consul_secret_backend_role.ConsulSecretBackendRole; + +ConsulSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),ConsulSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.python.md index 2201fbbaf..577dfb09d 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -302,7 +303,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_consul_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_consul_policies | *No description.* | @@ -389,6 +392,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -515,6 +536,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -529,6 +571,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -620,6 +689,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -689,6 +759,55 @@ consulSecretBackendRole.ConsulSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import consul_secret_backend_role + +consulSecretBackendRole.ConsulSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index e3472b2ce..17cbcf652 100644 --- a/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/consulSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetConsulNamespace | *No description.* | | resetConsulPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ consulSecretBackendRole.ConsulSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { consulSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +consulSecretBackendRole.ConsulSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.csharp.md index a0648a8e6..89352bab4 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAdAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ad_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.go.md b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.go.md index 1691a8bc7..ab6dd33cf 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultadaccesscredentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials_IsTerraformDataSource( --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultadaccesscredentials" + +datavaultadaccesscredentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAdAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ad_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.java.md b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.java.md index 53ce83ce8..974e3283b 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_ad_access_credentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials; + +DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultAdAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ad_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.python.md b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.python.md index bbb6ade68..c30a79517 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.is_terraform_data_sour --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_ad_access_credentials + +dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultAdAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ad_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.typescript.md index 61bba2b24..c6d00a9e4 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataSource( --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultAdAccessCredentials } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultAdAccessCredentials.DataVaultAdAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAdAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ad_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.csharp.md index b330951ae..4bcc15ca0 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.csharp.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/approle_auth_backend_role_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.go.md b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.go.md index 19869c654..1385d1c70 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.go.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ datavaultapproleauthbackendroleid.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId_IsTerraformD --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultapproleauthbackendroleid" + +datavaultapproleauthbackendroleid.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/approle_auth_backend_role_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.java.md b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.java.md index aca50adfe..2df089b80 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.java.md @@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -451,6 +452,50 @@ DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_approle_auth_backend_role_id.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId; + +DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/approle_auth_backend_role_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.python.md b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.python.md index 4300b48b1..332660c73 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.python.md @@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -480,6 +481,55 @@ dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.is_terraform --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_approle_auth_backend_role_id + +dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/approle_auth_backend_role_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.typescript.md index f52c6771c..a26c71804 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.typescript.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.isTerraformD --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/approle_auth_backend_role_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.csharp.md index 520fa814b..cde0d6add 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultAuthBackend.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultAuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.go.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.go.md index ec7210964..f218239c7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultauthbackend.DataVaultAuthBackend_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) * --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultauthbackend" + +datavaultauthbackend.DataVaultAuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.java.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.java.md index d8fd96943..c278a5254 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultAuthBackend.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_auth_backend.DataVaultAuthBackend; + +DataVaultAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.python.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.python.md index 6530b74b6..e270bb07d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultAuthBackend.DataVaultAuthBackend.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_auth_backend + +dataVaultAuthBackend.DataVaultAuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.typescript.md index 8c46ba904..84a6557f3 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackend.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultAuthBackend.DataVaultAuthBackend.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultAuthBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultAuthBackend.DataVaultAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.csharp.md index db78b1963..e28569a11 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.csharp.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ DataVaultAuthBackends.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultAuthBackends.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackends to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackends that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backends#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackends to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.go.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.go.md index 32c50eabe..54527d194 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.go.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ datavaultauthbackends.DataVaultAuthBackends_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultauthbackends" + +datavaultauthbackends.DataVaultAuthBackends_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackends to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackends that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backends#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackends to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.java.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.java.md index e80432e91..787173681 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.java.md @@ -376,6 +376,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +440,50 @@ DataVaultAuthBackends.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_auth_backends.DataVaultAuthBackends; + +DataVaultAuthBackends.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultAuthBackends.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackends to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackends that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backends#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackends to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.python.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.python.md index bd66b2cf8..d469ed56a 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.python.md @@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -468,6 +469,55 @@ dataVaultAuthBackends.DataVaultAuthBackends.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_auth_backends + +dataVaultAuthBackends.DataVaultAuthBackends.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackends to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackends that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backends#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackends to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.typescript.md index 69ad833d4..f032fd23a 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAuthBackends.typescript.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ dataVaultAuthBackends.DataVaultAuthBackends.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultAuthBackends } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultAuthBackends.DataVaultAuthBackends.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackends to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackends that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backends#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackends to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.csharp.md index 91d97c869..87a97ee3e 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.csharp.md @@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +370,50 @@ DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.go.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.go.md index 1b992cf26..27a942369 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.go.md @@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +370,50 @@ datavaultawsaccesscredentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials_IsTerraformDataSourc --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultawsaccesscredentials" + +datavaultawsaccesscredentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.java.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.java.md index 8897d5acc..fbaf291d5 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.java.md @@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -520,6 +521,50 @@ DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_aws_access_credentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials; + +DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.python.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.python.md index ef01538fe..aa2e07fc7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.python.md @@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -549,6 +550,55 @@ dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.is_terraform_data_so --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_aws_access_credentials + +dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.typescript.md index 97cf802b0..102b624ef 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.typescript.md @@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +370,50 @@ dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataSourc --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.csharp.md index 1479588ec..7e3e97def 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_static_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.go.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.go.md index ae92e63ff..fb87668c2 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultawsstaticaccesscredentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials_IsTerraf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultawsstaticaccesscredentials" + +datavaultawsstaticaccesscredentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_static_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.java.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.java.md index 893893c03..d13b15b1c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_aws_static_access_credentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials; + +DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_static_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.python.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.python.md index fd82c40b6..cc7996653 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.is_terra --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_aws_static_access_credentials + +dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_static_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.typescript.md index 1db94fb50..b44c3b0fe 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.isTerraf --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_static_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.csharp.md index c00a23ad7..0d73731b6 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.csharp.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ private void ResetValidateCreds() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +391,50 @@ DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/azure_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.go.md b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.go.md index 401f43bb7..bb83ee347 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.go.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ func ResetValidateCreds() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +391,50 @@ datavaultazureaccesscredentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials_IsTerraformDataS --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultazureaccesscredentials" + +datavaultazureaccesscredentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/azure_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.java.md b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.java.md index 3e0903b25..a985dd52c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.java.md @@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ public void resetValidateCreds() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -581,6 +582,50 @@ DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_azure_access_credentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials; + +DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/azure_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.python.md b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.python.md index e8576c890..307bf69c7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.python.md @@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ def reset_validate_creds() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -609,6 +610,55 @@ dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.is_terraform_dat --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_azure_access_credentials + +dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/azure_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.typescript.md index 9bec79f7b..f368552f2 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.typescript.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ public resetValidateCreds(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +391,50 @@ dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.isTerraformDataS --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/azure_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index d722bcd2d..468cc7ce9 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +412,50 @@ DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.go.md index 025a1920b..c392bed13 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +412,50 @@ datavaultgcpauthbackendrole.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformDataSource(x --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultgcpauthbackendrole" + +datavaultgcpauthbackendrole.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.java.md index 0b226fdeb..0d6264a6d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -623,6 +624,50 @@ DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_gcp_auth_backend_role.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole; + +DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.python.md index 1e44a8f2c..3e12e51ef 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -651,6 +652,55 @@ dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_data_source --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_gcp_auth_backend_role + +dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 765116a30..80e03de96 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +412,50 @@ dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.isTerraformDataSource(x: --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.csharp.md index 4703176d2..95dede1ed 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.csharp.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ private void ResetWithLeaseStartTime() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ DataVaultGenericSecret.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultGenericSecret.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultGenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.go.md b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.go.md index 9119ee7c3..069058d08 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.go.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ func ResetWithLeaseStartTime() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ datavaultgenericsecret.DataVaultGenericSecret_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultgenericsecret" + +datavaultgenericsecret.DataVaultGenericSecret_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultGenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.java.md b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.java.md index f14c4df50..f00ad8efb 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.java.md @@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ public void resetWithLeaseStartTime() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -469,6 +470,50 @@ DataVaultGenericSecret.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_generic_secret.DataVaultGenericSecret; + +DataVaultGenericSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultGenericSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultGenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.python.md b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.python.md index 47ac932c6..d5e0dd2ce 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.python.md @@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ def reset_with_lease_start_time() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -497,6 +498,55 @@ dataVaultGenericSecret.DataVaultGenericSecret.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_generic_secret + +dataVaultGenericSecret.DataVaultGenericSecret.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultGenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.typescript.md index 89cad2e3b..78fc139f5 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultGenericSecret.typescript.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ public resetWithLeaseStartTime(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ dataVaultGenericSecret.DataVaultGenericSecret.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultGenericSecret } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultGenericSecret.DataVaultGenericSecret.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultGenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.csharp.md index e8d002286..03db87b7d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.csharp.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +377,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityEntity.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultIdentityEntity.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.go.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.go.md index d24da39bb..b06ebb4ed 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.go.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +377,50 @@ datavaultidentityentity.DataVaultIdentityEntity_IsTerraformDataSource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultidentityentity" + +datavaultidentityentity.DataVaultIdentityEntity_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.java.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.java.md index 5deda4868..a3068fd7e 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.java.md @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -515,6 +516,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityEntity.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_identity_entity.DataVaultIdentityEntity; + +DataVaultIdentityEntity.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultIdentityEntity.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.python.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.python.md index 1f16c0e06..a9b83241a 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.python.md @@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -544,6 +545,55 @@ dataVaultIdentityEntity.DataVaultIdentityEntity.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_identity_entity + +dataVaultIdentityEntity.DataVaultIdentityEntity.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.typescript.md index d8e15763a..a8498baba 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityEntity.typescript.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +377,50 @@ dataVaultIdentityEntity.DataVaultIdentityEntity.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultIdentityEntity } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultIdentityEntity.DataVaultIdentityEntity.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.csharp.md index adde6bc93..68ecbd4c5 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.csharp.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +377,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityGroup.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultIdentityGroup.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.go.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.go.md index 102e876c5..6353a500e 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.go.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +377,50 @@ datavaultidentitygroup.DataVaultIdentityGroup_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultidentitygroup" + +datavaultidentitygroup.DataVaultIdentityGroup_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.java.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.java.md index 307a65ea7..ce3bf8713 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.java.md @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -515,6 +516,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityGroup.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_identity_group.DataVaultIdentityGroup; + +DataVaultIdentityGroup.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultIdentityGroup.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.python.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.python.md index 010604462..e2c62fdaf 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.python.md @@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -544,6 +545,55 @@ dataVaultIdentityGroup.DataVaultIdentityGroup.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_identity_group + +dataVaultIdentityGroup.DataVaultIdentityGroup.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.typescript.md index 6fc0615cc..c98317491 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityGroup.typescript.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +377,50 @@ dataVaultIdentityGroup.DataVaultIdentityGroup.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultIdentityGroup } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultIdentityGroup.DataVaultIdentityGroup.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.csharp.md index b94aa5ce8..d96b5d0d1 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_client_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.go.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.go.md index b948b8ce4..2d73e2799 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultidentityoidcclientcreds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds_IsTerraformDat --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultidentityoidcclientcreds" + +datavaultidentityoidcclientcreds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_client_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.java.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.java.md index 3335da06a..e90a400c3 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_identity_oidc_client_creds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds; + +DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_client_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.python.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.python.md index 7261fa5f9..86a307114 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.is_terraform_d --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_identity_oidc_client_creds + +dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_client_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.typescript.md index b84c513dd..65d864965 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.isTerraformDat --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_client_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.csharp.md index d827d0c9b..bd1a211cd 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_openid_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.go.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.go.md index 2a56cfecc..1ec204c2c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultidentityoidcopenidconfig.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig_IsTerraformD --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultidentityoidcopenidconfig" + +datavaultidentityoidcopenidconfig.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_openid_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.java.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.java.md index e2004ada6..786c56412 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_identity_oidc_openid_config.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig; + +DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_openid_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.python.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.python.md index 38d23dac2..f726cf08b 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.is_terraform --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_identity_oidc_openid_config + +dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_openid_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.typescript.md index 8d545dca0..af7741bec 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.isTerraformD --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_openid_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.csharp.md index 0c01f149b..dbaef2b25 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_public_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.go.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.go.md index f300d576c..9790001f9 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultidentityoidcpublickeys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys_IsTerraformDataS --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultidentityoidcpublickeys" + +datavaultidentityoidcpublickeys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_public_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.java.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.java.md index 6fc412ae8..9a25db4b7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_identity_oidc_public_keys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys; + +DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_public_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.python.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.python.md index b46d425b6..c8d7ea5af 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.is_terraform_dat --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_identity_oidc_public_keys + +dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_public_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.typescript.md index 0fd338d67..7cc6de514 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.isTerraformDataS --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_public_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md index 32d0e2f5b..65ff1f6f5 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ private void ResetPemKeys() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +391,50 @@ DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md index 5050df2c3..048efd168 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ func ResetPemKeys() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +391,50 @@ datavaultkubernetesauthbackendconfig.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig_IsTerr --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkubernetesauthbackendconfig" + +datavaultkubernetesauthbackendconfig.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md index 5c4da3a3e..a5e93c6fc 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md @@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ public void resetPemKeys() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -557,6 +558,50 @@ DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig; + +DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md index 8a343b853..e68a7b8b7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md @@ -515,6 +515,7 @@ def reset_pem_keys() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -584,6 +585,55 @@ dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.is_ter --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config + +dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md index 5fb22cb1b..867359905 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ public resetPemKeys(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +391,50 @@ dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.isTerr --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index 06be1c843..4e4fa0060 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +419,50 @@ DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md index bbd7eb152..bc026b6cb 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +419,50 @@ datavaultkubernetesauthbackendrole.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole_IsTerrafor --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkubernetesauthbackendrole" + +datavaultkubernetesauthbackendrole.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md index f594d0165..93b8ae0ec 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -579,6 +579,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -642,6 +643,50 @@ DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole; + +DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md index 338fd9a16..69db20fb6 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -601,6 +601,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -670,6 +671,55 @@ dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.is_terrafo --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role + +dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 50e4fb3b0..bfbf57f7e 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +419,50 @@ dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.isTerrafor --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.csharp.md index 558f941e7..116d2fc73 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.csharp.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_service_account_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.go.md index 20d2fa5e6..c3b507065 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.go.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ datavaultkubernetesserviceaccounttoken.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken_Is --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkubernetesserviceaccounttoken" + +datavaultkubernetesserviceaccounttoken.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_service_account_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.java.md index 663041db6..9f76c8fef 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.java.md @@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -495,6 +496,50 @@ DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kubernetes_service_account_token.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken; + +DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_service_account_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.python.md index a95bfa0d5..fe7420e1f 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.python.md @@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +524,55 @@ dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.is --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kubernetes_service_account_token + +dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_service_account_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.typescript.md index f6b67b4ad..bde4abc1d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.typescript.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.is --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_service_account_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.csharp.md index 0989c9c56..6f6082ad8 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecret.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKvSecret.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.go.md index 2cc311a69..909acd090 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultkvsecret.DataVaultKvSecret_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkvsecret" + +datavaultkvsecret.DataVaultKvSecret_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.java.md index b35d19eb4..7ec5f8d80 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecret.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kv_secret.DataVaultKvSecret; + +DataVaultKvSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKvSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.python.md index 279cc971c..89dafa7fd 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultKvSecret.DataVaultKvSecret.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kv_secret + +dataVaultKvSecret.DataVaultKvSecret.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.typescript.md index 17bc450b9..903ccf0b6 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecret.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultKvSecret.DataVaultKvSecret.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKvSecret } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKvSecret.DataVaultKvSecret.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.csharp.md index cc6ef1a1a..89e65a1ff 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.csharp.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ private void ResetVersion() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_subkeys_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.go.md index 216474a09..80d191647 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.go.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ func ResetVersion() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ datavaultkvsecretsubkeysv2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2_IsTerraformDataSource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkvsecretsubkeysv2" + +datavaultkvsecretsubkeysv2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_subkeys_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.java.md index d33d0730c..c97d8581d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.java.md @@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ public void resetVersion() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -484,6 +485,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kv_secret_subkeys_v2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2; + +DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_subkeys_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.python.md index 85cf63c42..52f07f6ec 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.python.md @@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ def reset_version() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -513,6 +514,55 @@ dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kv_secret_subkeys_v2 + +dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_subkeys_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.typescript.md index fa3ac8f03..feea58914 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.typescript.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ public resetVersion(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.isTerraformDataSource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_subkeys_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.csharp.md index 504327960..06bc879f7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.csharp.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ private void ResetVersion() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretV2.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKvSecretV2.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.go.md index 905c5a8e6..4f377e7bd 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.go.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ func ResetVersion() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ datavaultkvsecretv2.DataVaultKvSecretV2_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkvsecretv2" + +datavaultkvsecretv2.DataVaultKvSecretV2_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.java.md index 82d2f7e59..56e560780 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.java.md @@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ public void resetVersion() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -465,6 +466,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretV2.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kv_secret_v2.DataVaultKvSecretV2; + +DataVaultKvSecretV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKvSecretV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.python.md index da9c7719c..c47db7333 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.python.md @@ -425,6 +425,7 @@ def reset_version() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -494,6 +495,55 @@ dataVaultKvSecretV2.DataVaultKvSecretV2.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kv_secret_v2 + +dataVaultKvSecretV2.DataVaultKvSecretV2.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.typescript.md index 155dcb02a..b90550c3d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretV2.typescript.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ public resetVersion(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ dataVaultKvSecretV2.DataVaultKvSecretV2.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKvSecretV2 } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKvSecretV2.DataVaultKvSecretV2.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.csharp.md index 29bed7b48..ec83b4852 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretsList.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKvSecretsList.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsList that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.go.md index 5e11726d5..99c08e6ba 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultkvsecretslist.DataVaultKvSecretsList_IsTerraformDataSource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkvsecretslist" + +datavaultkvsecretslist.DataVaultKvSecretsList_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsList that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.java.md index 0b4c2319b..089ca0143 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretsList.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kv_secrets_list.DataVaultKvSecretsList; + +DataVaultKvSecretsList.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKvSecretsList.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsList that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.python.md index ef5c8dbbd..f14c13f9f 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultKvSecretsList.DataVaultKvSecretsList.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kv_secrets_list + +dataVaultKvSecretsList.DataVaultKvSecretsList.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsList that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.typescript.md index 91eed1951..e4ea52e33 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsList.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultKvSecretsList.DataVaultKvSecretsList.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKvSecretsList } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKvSecretsList.DataVaultKvSecretsList.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsList that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.csharp.md index e01c86c79..c3d748780 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.csharp.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.go.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.go.md index 923f0e847..b8223f84d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.go.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ datavaultkvsecretslistv2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2_IsTerraformDataSource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultkvsecretslistv2" + +datavaultkvsecretslistv2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.java.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.java.md index 042492409..0b0fee55d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.java.md @@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -453,6 +454,50 @@ DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_kv_secrets_list_v2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2; + +DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.python.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.python.md index a4ae5408a..f7ec0a98d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.python.md @@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -482,6 +483,55 @@ dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_kv_secrets_list_v2 + +dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.typescript.md index 19692755b..cad3fe0c2 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.typescript.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultKvSecretsListV2 } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultKvSecretsListV2.DataVaultKvSecretsListV2.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.csharp.md index 3a09bab5b..9df1f27b4 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_dynamic_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.go.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.go.md index 58114a21f..cc98bbd8f 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultldapdynamiccredentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials_IsTerraformDataS --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultldapdynamiccredentials" + +datavaultldapdynamiccredentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_dynamic_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.java.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.java.md index 54b7a7955..f2063e588 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_ldap_dynamic_credentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials; + +DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_dynamic_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.python.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.python.md index fa615f0de..6f05cb96c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.is_terraform_dat --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_ldap_dynamic_credentials + +dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_dynamic_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.typescript.md index daad1f06d..80e62d99c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.isTerraformDataS --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_dynamic_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.csharp.md index bc343b8ed..950a4c58a 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_static_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.go.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.go.md index a97e90de1..9d057bfe6 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultldapstaticcredentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials_IsTerraformDataSou --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultldapstaticcredentials" + +datavaultldapstaticcredentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_static_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.java.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.java.md index 8e9254157..b5dac126b 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_ldap_static_credentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials; + +DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_static_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.python.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.python.md index f00764cf2..de66edee3 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.is_terraform_data_ --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_ldap_static_credentials + +dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_static_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.typescript.md index 3497b7398..181a7faa8 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.isTerraformDataSou --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_static_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.csharp.md index 22dfda313..b3d8e2e4b 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultNomadAccessToken.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultNomadAccessToken.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultNomadAccessToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/nomad_access_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.go.md b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.go.md index 30f9939d3..68ab7dc67 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultnomadaccesstoken.DataVaultNomadAccessToken_IsTerraformDataSource(x inte --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultnomadaccesstoken" + +datavaultnomadaccesstoken.DataVaultNomadAccessToken_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultNomadAccessToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/nomad_access_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.java.md b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.java.md index 7bd0bbe56..a7e6494ed 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultNomadAccessToken.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_nomad_access_token.DataVaultNomadAccessToken; + +DataVaultNomadAccessToken.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultNomadAccessToken.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultNomadAccessToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/nomad_access_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.python.md b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.python.md index e589309bb..27fdb5f99 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultNomadAccessToken.DataVaultNomadAccessToken.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_nomad_access_token + +dataVaultNomadAccessToken.DataVaultNomadAccessToken.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultNomadAccessToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/nomad_access_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.typescript.md index c8bbe8942..d0e7f4413 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultNomadAccessToken.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultNomadAccessToken.DataVaultNomadAccessToken.isTerraformDataSource(x: any --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultNomadAccessToken } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultNomadAccessToken.DataVaultNomadAccessToken.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultNomadAccessToken that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/nomad_access_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md index 63396d170..451b16876 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md index b96f90e99..b90a1b659 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultpkisecretbackendissuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer_IsTerraformDataS --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultpkisecretbackendissuer" + +datavaultpkisecretbackendissuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md index 08b85e3b5..da7f66dda 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_pki_secret_backend_issuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md index 7d229945c..b6b039629 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.is_terraform_dat --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_pki_secret_backend_issuer + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md index a47da379a..9bfe887e7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.isTerraformDataS --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.csharp.md index ea5760dbc..57cbefb70 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.go.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.go.md index d51564cb6..a4ac922e7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultpkisecretbackendissuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers_IsTerraformDat --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultpkisecretbackendissuers" + +datavaultpkisecretbackendissuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.java.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.java.md index 508495489..2c7eac684 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_pki_secret_backend_issuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.python.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.python.md index bee26417e..446e13911 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.is_terraform_d --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_pki_secret_backend_issuers + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.typescript.md index deb609cd6..79fc1cc95 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.isTerraformDat --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md index 3ad7372da..5af9ad456 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.go.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.go.md index feb6eb6db..63ceb5cd8 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultpkisecretbackendkey.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey_IsTerraformDataSource( --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultpkisecretbackendkey" + +datavaultpkisecretbackendkey.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.java.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.java.md index 63db6b9d5..a82dd3466 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.java.md @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +445,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_pki_secret_backend_key.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.python.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.python.md index 1a5b919d1..352aaee00 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.python.md @@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +474,55 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.is_terraform_data_sour --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_pki_secret_backend_key + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md index a40f00a41..0ce124c34 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.isTerraformDataSource( --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.csharp.md index 2129a85a7..2573072d0 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.go.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.go.md index 2abe797c7..347231c95 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultpkisecretbackendkeys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys_IsTerraformDataSourc --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultpkisecretbackendkeys" + +datavaultpkisecretbackendkeys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.java.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.java.md index 750c25c5b..e717a4459 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.java.md @@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +433,50 @@ DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_pki_secret_backend_keys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys; + +DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.python.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.python.md index 8046326b7..33cbb2e60 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.python.md @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -461,6 +462,55 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.is_terraform_data_so --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_pki_secret_backend_keys + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.typescript.md index b0380eaa9..1a21a755c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.isTerraformDataSourc --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.csharp.md index 1c5269233..764588fa7 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.csharp.md @@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ private void ResetRule() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -361,6 +362,50 @@ DataVaultPolicyDocument.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultPolicyDocument.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPolicyDocument that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/policy_document#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.go.md b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.go.md index eff4bff5f..0fb86fc54 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.go.md @@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ func ResetRule() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -361,6 +362,50 @@ datavaultpolicydocument.DataVaultPolicyDocument_IsTerraformDataSource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultpolicydocument" + +datavaultpolicydocument.DataVaultPolicyDocument_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPolicyDocument that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/policy_document#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.java.md b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.java.md index 8b832afd1..65b64b4b1 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.java.md @@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ public void resetRule() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -453,6 +454,50 @@ DataVaultPolicyDocument.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_policy_document.DataVaultPolicyDocument; + +DataVaultPolicyDocument.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultPolicyDocument.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultPolicyDocument that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/policy_document#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.python.md b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.python.md index 3532dd023..f9adff50e 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.python.md @@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ def reset_rule() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -483,6 +484,55 @@ dataVaultPolicyDocument.DataVaultPolicyDocument.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_policy_document + +dataVaultPolicyDocument.DataVaultPolicyDocument.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultPolicyDocument that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/policy_document#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.typescript.md index eb467c5ab..78a5175d0 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultPolicyDocument.typescript.md @@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ public resetRule(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -361,6 +362,50 @@ dataVaultPolicyDocument.DataVaultPolicyDocument.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultPolicyDocument } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultPolicyDocument.DataVaultPolicyDocument.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultPolicyDocument that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/policy_document#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.csharp.md index a40e836f9..09f28298f 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.csharp.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultRaftAutopilotState that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/raft_autopilot_state#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.go.md b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.go.md index 81b848edd..2436e7ccb 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.go.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ datavaultraftautopilotstate.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState_IsTerraformDataSource(x --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaultraftautopilotstate" + +datavaultraftautopilotstate.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultRaftAutopilotState that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/raft_autopilot_state#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.java.md b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.java.md index 094ae1d84..bd74040bd 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.java.md @@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -420,6 +421,50 @@ DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_raft_autopilot_state.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState; + +DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultRaftAutopilotState that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/raft_autopilot_state#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.python.md b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.python.md index 5f47609df..ef4277824 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.python.md @@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -449,6 +450,55 @@ dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.is_terraform_data_source --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_raft_autopilot_state + +dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultRaftAutopilotState that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/raft_autopilot_state#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.typescript.md index ddd0edcda..2fe32a4d3 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.typescript.md @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +342,50 @@ dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.isTerraformDataSource(x: --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultRaftAutopilotState } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultRaftAutopilotState.DataVaultRaftAutopilotState.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultRaftAutopilotState that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/raft_autopilot_state#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.csharp.md index a0f434501..7189e9302 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.csharp.md @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ private void ResetValue() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +384,50 @@ DataVaultTransformDecode.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultTransformDecode.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformDecode to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformDecode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_decode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformDecode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.go.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.go.md index d3aab22af..a79d7f23b 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.go.md @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ func ResetValue() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +384,50 @@ datavaulttransformdecode.DataVaultTransformDecode_IsTerraformDataSource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaulttransformdecode" + +datavaulttransformdecode.DataVaultTransformDecode_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformDecode to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformDecode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_decode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformDecode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.java.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.java.md index acefce195..6f44023cb 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.java.md @@ -501,6 +501,7 @@ public void resetValue() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -564,6 +565,50 @@ DataVaultTransformDecode.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_transform_decode.DataVaultTransformDecode; + +DataVaultTransformDecode.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultTransformDecode.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformDecode to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformDecode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_decode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformDecode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.python.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.python.md index f827257d1..939670cce 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.python.md @@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ def reset_value() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -591,6 +592,55 @@ dataVaultTransformDecode.DataVaultTransformDecode.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_transform_decode + +dataVaultTransformDecode.DataVaultTransformDecode.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformDecode to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformDecode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_decode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformDecode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.typescript.md index 1c53dafe2..9a961da1c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformDecode.typescript.md @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ public resetValue(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +384,50 @@ dataVaultTransformDecode.DataVaultTransformDecode.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultTransformDecode } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultTransformDecode.DataVaultTransformDecode.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformDecode to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformDecode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_decode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformDecode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.csharp.md index ef431cdb0..28504e882 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.csharp.md @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ private void ResetValue() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +384,50 @@ DataVaultTransformEncode.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultTransformEncode.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformEncode to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformEncode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_encode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformEncode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.go.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.go.md index 16beb4387..2f97796cb 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.go.md @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ func ResetValue() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +384,50 @@ datavaulttransformencode.DataVaultTransformEncode_IsTerraformDataSource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaulttransformencode" + +datavaulttransformencode.DataVaultTransformEncode_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformEncode to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformEncode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_encode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformEncode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.java.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.java.md index d658c74ca..b32cdba23 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.java.md @@ -501,6 +501,7 @@ public void resetValue() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -564,6 +565,50 @@ DataVaultTransformEncode.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_transform_encode.DataVaultTransformEncode; + +DataVaultTransformEncode.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultTransformEncode.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformEncode to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformEncode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_encode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformEncode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.python.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.python.md index 4ceb54d7a..cda607674 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.python.md @@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ def reset_value() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -591,6 +592,55 @@ dataVaultTransformEncode.DataVaultTransformEncode.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_transform_encode + +dataVaultTransformEncode.DataVaultTransformEncode.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformEncode to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformEncode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_encode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformEncode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.typescript.md index e3870c164..41f3249bd 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransformEncode.typescript.md @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ public resetValue(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +384,50 @@ dataVaultTransformEncode.DataVaultTransformEncode.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultTransformEncode } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultTransformEncode.DataVaultTransformEncode.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformEncode to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransformEncode that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_encode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformEncode to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.csharp.md index 7fc79d0a4..5918e0dcb 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.csharp.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ DataVaultTransitDecrypt.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultTransitDecrypt.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitDecrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_decrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.go.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.go.md index cdf8dd585..a36a80d43 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.go.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ datavaulttransitdecrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt_IsTerraformDataSource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaulttransitdecrypt" + +datavaulttransitdecrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitDecrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_decrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.java.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.java.md index 6f7f311e2..a97f2427a 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.java.md @@ -412,6 +412,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -475,6 +476,50 @@ DataVaultTransitDecrypt.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_transit_decrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt; + +DataVaultTransitDecrypt.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultTransitDecrypt.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitDecrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_decrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.python.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.python.md index 133a44d98..cf3407f83 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.python.md @@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +505,55 @@ dataVaultTransitDecrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_transit_decrypt + +dataVaultTransitDecrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitDecrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_decrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.typescript.md index 25cc99853..7babfd166 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitDecrypt.typescript.md @@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +349,50 @@ dataVaultTransitDecrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultTransitDecrypt } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultTransitDecrypt.DataVaultTransitDecrypt.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitDecrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_decrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.csharp.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.csharp.md index 242134785..7b3218b5d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.csharp.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.csharp.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ DataVaultTransitEncrypt.IsTerraformDataSource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DataVaultTransitEncrypt.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitEncrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_encrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.go.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.go.md index e24f71b49..daef9e30c 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.go.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.go.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ datavaulttransitencrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt_IsTerraformDataSource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/datavaulttransitencrypt" + +datavaulttransitencrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitEncrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_encrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.java.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.java.md index d2d60545c..5ecf8ee81 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.java.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.java.md @@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -494,6 +495,50 @@ DataVaultTransitEncrypt.isTerraformDataSource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.data_vault_transit_encrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt; + +DataVaultTransitEncrypt.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DataVaultTransitEncrypt.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitEncrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_encrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.python.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.python.md index 1fc66c780..1ebfb061f 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.python.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.python.md @@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_data_source | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +524,55 @@ dataVaultTransitEncrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt.is_terraform_data_source( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import data_vault_transit_encrypt + +dataVaultTransitEncrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitEncrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_encrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.typescript.md b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.typescript.md index 300b0a0c4..de7c5db1d 100644 --- a/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.typescript.md +++ b/docs/dataVaultTransitEncrypt.typescript.md @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformDataSource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +356,50 @@ dataVaultTransitEncrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt.isTerraformDataSource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { dataVaultTransitEncrypt } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +dataVaultTransitEncrypt.DataVaultTransitEncrypt.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DataVaultTransitEncrypt that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_encrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.csharp.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.csharp.md index 4ede911ba..dcdd4115d 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.csharp.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCassandra | *No description.* | | PutCouchbase | *No description.* | | PutElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -180,6 +183,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -288,6 +307,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -300,6 +337,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCassandra` ```csharp @@ -673,6 +734,7 @@ private void ResetVerifyConnection() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -736,6 +798,50 @@ DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendConnection that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_connection#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.go.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.go.md index 6d627a6eb..c3f620c2b 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.go.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCassandra | *No description.* | | PutCouchbase | *No description.* | | PutElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -180,6 +183,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -288,6 +307,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -300,6 +337,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCassandra` ```go @@ -673,6 +734,7 @@ func ResetVerifyConnection() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -736,6 +798,50 @@ databasesecretbackendconnection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection_IsTerraformResou --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/databasesecretbackendconnection" + +databasesecretbackendconnection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendConnection that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_connection#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.java.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.java.md index 7aae5ce19..81e63db7a 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.java.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.java.md @@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -451,7 +452,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCassandra | *No description.* | | putCouchbase | *No description.* | | putElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -562,6 +565,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -670,6 +689,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -682,6 +720,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCassandra` ```java @@ -1055,6 +1118,7 @@ public void resetVerifyConnection() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1118,6 +1182,50 @@ DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.database_secret_backend_connection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection; + +DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendConnection that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_connection#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.python.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.python.md index 4ec4a0783..f19d34473 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.python.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.python.md @@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -448,7 +449,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_cassandra | *No description.* | | put_couchbase | *No description.* | | put_elasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -564,6 +567,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -690,6 +711,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -704,6 +746,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_cassandra` ```python @@ -2534,6 +2603,7 @@ def reset_verify_connection() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -2603,6 +2673,55 @@ databaseSecretBackendConnection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.is_terraform_res --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import database_secret_backend_connection + +databaseSecretBackendConnection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendConnection that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_connection#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.typescript.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.typescript.md index 394245031..84719cf61 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.typescript.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendConnection.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCassandra | *No description.* | | putCouchbase | *No description.* | | putElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -180,6 +183,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -288,6 +307,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -300,6 +337,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCassandra` ```typescript @@ -673,6 +734,7 @@ public resetVerifyConnection(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -736,6 +798,50 @@ databaseSecretBackendConnection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.isTerraformResou --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { databaseSecretBackendConnection } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +databaseSecretBackendConnection.DatabaseSecretBackendConnection.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendConnection that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_connection#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index 4e2b311ac..3435cccc2 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCredentialConfig | *No description.* | | ResetCredentialType | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCredentialConfig` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetRollbackStatements() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ DatabaseSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DatabaseSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.go.md index e1ba0330e..8d6745294 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCredentialConfig | *No description.* | | ResetCredentialType | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCredentialConfig` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetRollbackStatements() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ databasesecretbackendrole.DatabaseSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/databasesecretbackendrole" + +databasesecretbackendrole.DatabaseSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.java.md index a94cf6a19..770b0c9bf 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -280,7 +281,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCredentialConfig | *No description.* | | resetCredentialType | *No description.* | | resetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | @@ -357,6 +360,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -465,6 +484,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -477,6 +515,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCredentialConfig` ```java @@ -538,6 +601,7 @@ public void resetRollbackStatements() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -601,6 +665,50 @@ DatabaseSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.database_secret_backend_role.DatabaseSecretBackendRole; + +DatabaseSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DatabaseSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.python.md index 0f7a835ca..34111842a 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -278,7 +279,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_credential_config | *No description.* | | reset_credential_type | *No description.* | | reset_default_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -360,6 +363,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -486,6 +507,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -500,6 +542,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_credential_config` ```python @@ -561,6 +630,7 @@ def reset_rollback_statements() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -630,6 +700,55 @@ databaseSecretBackendRole.DatabaseSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import database_secret_backend_role + +databaseSecretBackendRole.DatabaseSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index 8a37342e6..9671e2b92 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCredentialConfig | *No description.* | | resetCredentialType | *No description.* | | resetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCredentialConfig` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetRollbackStatements(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ databaseSecretBackendRole.DatabaseSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { databaseSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +databaseSecretBackendRole.DatabaseSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md index 5daca667e..84aebb192 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetRotationPeriod | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetRotationWindow() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md index 672462a71..a96f8b5b3 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetRotationPeriod | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetRotationWindow() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ databasesecretbackendstaticrole.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole_IsTerraformResou --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/databasesecretbackendstaticrole" + +databasesecretbackendstaticrole.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md index ea6f5000e..475160307 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md @@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -244,7 +245,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetRotationPeriod | *No description.* | @@ -318,6 +321,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -426,6 +445,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -438,6 +476,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -481,6 +544,7 @@ public void resetRotationWindow() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -544,6 +608,50 @@ DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.database_secret_backend_static_role.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole; + +DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md index 86ba8d758..afe594e52 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md @@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -242,7 +243,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_rotation_period | *No description.* | @@ -321,6 +324,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -447,6 +468,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -461,6 +503,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -504,6 +573,7 @@ def reset_rotation_window() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -573,6 +643,55 @@ databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.is_terraform_res --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import database_secret_backend_static_role + +databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md index 092f0b3a9..649f3afb1 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetRotationPeriod | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetRotationWindow(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.isTerraformResou --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { databaseSecretBackendStaticRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +databaseSecretBackendStaticRole.DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.csharp.md b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.csharp.md index 972fbecd7..f8d7f15eb 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.csharp.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCassandra | *No description.* | | PutCouchbase | *No description.* | | PutElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -185,6 +188,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -293,6 +312,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -305,6 +342,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCassandra` ```csharp @@ -708,6 +769,7 @@ private void ResetSnowflake() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -771,6 +833,50 @@ DatabaseSecretsMount.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +DatabaseSecretsMount.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretsMount to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretsMount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secrets_mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretsMount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.go.md b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.go.md index aac520d5c..d335790a6 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.go.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCassandra | *No description.* | | PutCouchbase | *No description.* | | PutElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -185,6 +188,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -293,6 +312,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -305,6 +342,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCassandra` ```go @@ -708,6 +769,7 @@ func ResetSnowflake() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -771,6 +833,50 @@ databasesecretsmount.DatabaseSecretsMount_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/databasesecretsmount" + +databasesecretsmount.DatabaseSecretsMount_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretsMount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretsMount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secrets_mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretsMount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.java.md b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.java.md index a627e065e..aaaa1a7bb 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.java.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.java.md @@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -517,7 +518,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCassandra | *No description.* | | putCouchbase | *No description.* | | putElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -633,6 +636,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -741,6 +760,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -753,6 +791,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCassandra` ```java @@ -1156,6 +1219,7 @@ public void resetSnowflake() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1219,6 +1283,50 @@ DatabaseSecretsMount.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.database_secrets_mount.DatabaseSecretsMount; + +DatabaseSecretsMount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),DatabaseSecretsMount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretsMount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretsMount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secrets_mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretsMount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.python.md b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.python.md index 5a4421ab6..e3c10fc17 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.python.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.python.md @@ -485,6 +485,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -494,7 +495,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_cassandra | *No description.* | | put_couchbase | *No description.* | | put_elasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -615,6 +618,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -741,6 +762,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -755,6 +797,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_cassandra` ```python @@ -1194,6 +1263,7 @@ def reset_snowflake() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1263,6 +1333,55 @@ databaseSecretsMount.DatabaseSecretsMount.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import database_secrets_mount + +databaseSecretsMount.DatabaseSecretsMount.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretsMount to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretsMount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secrets_mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretsMount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.typescript.md b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.typescript.md index 9cd9d5a6b..d4f7a4936 100644 --- a/docs/databaseSecretsMount.typescript.md +++ b/docs/databaseSecretsMount.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCassandra | *No description.* | | putCouchbase | *No description.* | | putElasticsearch | *No description.* | @@ -185,6 +188,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -293,6 +312,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -305,6 +342,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCassandra` ```typescript @@ -708,6 +769,7 @@ public resetSnowflake(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -771,6 +833,50 @@ databaseSecretsMount.DatabaseSecretsMount.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { databaseSecretsMount } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +databaseSecretsMount.DatabaseSecretsMount.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretsMount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing DatabaseSecretsMount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secrets_mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretsMount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/egpPolicy.csharp.md b/docs/egpPolicy.csharp.md index d568fd237..29a3bf14e 100644 --- a/docs/egpPolicy.csharp.md +++ b/docs/egpPolicy.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ EgpPolicy.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +EgpPolicy.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the EgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing EgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/egp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the EgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/egpPolicy.go.md b/docs/egpPolicy.go.md index 70b983ad0..531e9a14f 100644 --- a/docs/egpPolicy.go.md +++ b/docs/egpPolicy.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ egppolicy.EgpPolicy_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/egppolicy" + +egppolicy.EgpPolicy_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the EgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing EgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/egp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the EgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/egpPolicy.java.md b/docs/egpPolicy.java.md index b9c136397..0f9de2999 100644 --- a/docs/egpPolicy.java.md +++ b/docs/egpPolicy.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -266,6 +269,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -374,6 +393,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -386,6 +424,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -405,6 +468,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -468,6 +532,50 @@ EgpPolicy.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.egp_policy.EgpPolicy; + +EgpPolicy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),EgpPolicy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the EgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing EgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/egp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the EgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/egpPolicy.python.md b/docs/egpPolicy.python.md index f673d895d..dcfd7066f 100644 --- a/docs/egpPolicy.python.md +++ b/docs/egpPolicy.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -269,6 +272,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -395,6 +416,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -409,6 +451,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -428,6 +497,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -497,6 +567,55 @@ egpPolicy.EgpPolicy.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import egp_policy + +egpPolicy.EgpPolicy.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the EgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing EgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/egp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the EgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/egpPolicy.typescript.md b/docs/egpPolicy.typescript.md index dd661cf3b..07885cf4c 100644 --- a/docs/egpPolicy.typescript.md +++ b/docs/egpPolicy.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ egpPolicy.EgpPolicy.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { egpPolicy } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +egpPolicy.EgpPolicy.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the EgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing EgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/egp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the EgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.csharp.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.csharp.md index f77c7685e..437a6b1bf 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCustomEndpoint | *No description.* | | ResetClientEmail | *No description.* | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCustomEndpoint` ```csharp @@ -361,6 +422,7 @@ private void ResetProjectId() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -424,6 +486,50 @@ GcpAuthBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GcpAuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.go.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.go.md index b50e668ea..fdef151ab 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCustomEndpoint | *No description.* | | ResetClientEmail | *No description.* | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCustomEndpoint` ```go @@ -361,6 +422,7 @@ func ResetProjectId() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -424,6 +486,50 @@ gcpauthbackend.GcpAuthBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/gcpauthbackend" + +gcpauthbackend.GcpAuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.java.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.java.md index 7c3c52a56..921fd0360 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.java.md @@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -256,7 +257,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCustomEndpoint | *No description.* | | resetClientEmail | *No description.* | | resetClientId | *No description.* | @@ -337,6 +340,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -445,6 +464,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -457,6 +495,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCustomEndpoint` ```java @@ -548,6 +611,7 @@ public void resetProjectId() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -611,6 +675,50 @@ GcpAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.gcp_auth_backend.GcpAuthBackend; + +GcpAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GcpAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.python.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.python.md index b0c800ab4..dd72ab50b 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.python.md @@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -252,7 +253,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_custom_endpoint | *No description.* | | reset_client_email | *No description.* | | reset_client_id | *No description.* | @@ -338,6 +341,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -464,6 +485,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -478,6 +520,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_custom_endpoint` ```python @@ -608,6 +677,7 @@ def reset_project_id() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -677,6 +747,55 @@ gcpAuthBackend.GcpAuthBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import gcp_auth_backend + +gcpAuthBackend.GcpAuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.typescript.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.typescript.md index 9489f90c3..9fce513d2 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCustomEndpoint | *No description.* | | resetClientEmail | *No description.* | | resetClientId | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCustomEndpoint` ```typescript @@ -361,6 +422,7 @@ public resetProjectId(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -424,6 +486,50 @@ gcpAuthBackend.GcpAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { gcpAuthBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +gcpAuthBackend.GcpAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index 342ddfc11..e86d02b37 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddGroupAliases | *No description.* | | ResetAllowGceInference | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddGroupAliases` ```csharp @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ GcpAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GcpAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.go.md index 7a1735f42..a6561d252 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddGroupAliases | *No description.* | | ResetAllowGceInference | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddGroupAliases` ```go @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ gcpauthbackendrole.GcpAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/gcpauthbackendrole" + +gcpauthbackendrole.GcpAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.java.md index df86b3d50..3ee92c8eb 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -379,7 +380,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddGroupAliases | *No description.* | | resetAllowGceInference | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -468,6 +471,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -576,6 +595,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -588,6 +626,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddGroupAliases` ```java @@ -721,6 +784,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -784,6 +848,50 @@ GcpAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.gcp_auth_backend_role.GcpAuthBackendRole; + +GcpAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GcpAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.python.md index bb07daf4b..41b5bab09 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -374,7 +375,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_add_group_aliases | *No description.* | | reset_allow_gce_inference | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | @@ -468,6 +471,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -594,6 +615,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -608,6 +650,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_add_group_aliases` ```python @@ -741,6 +810,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -810,6 +880,55 @@ gcpAuthBackendRole.GcpAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import gcp_auth_backend_role + +gcpAuthBackendRole.GcpAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 960ef0302..33869e2bf 100644 --- a/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/gcpAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddGroupAliases | *No description.* | | resetAllowGceInference | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddGroupAliases` ```typescript @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ gcpAuthBackendRole.GcpAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { gcpAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +gcpAuthBackendRole.GcpAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.csharp.md index 322963ebe..ddd95c86e 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCredentials | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCredentials` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetPath() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ GcpSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GcpSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.go.md index e4ac02357..cbca70181 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCredentials | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCredentials` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetPath() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ gcpsecretbackend.GcpSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/gcpsecretbackend" + +gcpsecretbackend.GcpSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.java.md index 9b37e9cea..eb5b5ca53 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.java.md @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -234,7 +235,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCredentials | *No description.* | | resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -311,6 +314,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -419,6 +438,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -431,6 +469,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCredentials` ```java @@ -492,6 +555,7 @@ public void resetPath() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -555,6 +619,50 @@ GcpSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.gcp_secret_backend.GcpSecretBackend; + +GcpSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GcpSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GcpSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.python.md index c33e5654e..38bc8ebda 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.python.md @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -230,7 +231,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_credentials | *No description.* | | reset_default_lease_ttl_seconds | *No description.* | | reset_description | *No description.* | @@ -312,6 +315,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -438,6 +459,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -452,6 +494,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_credentials` ```python @@ -513,6 +582,7 @@ def reset_path() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -582,6 +652,55 @@ gcpSecretBackend.GcpSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import gcp_secret_backend + +gcpSecretBackend.GcpSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GcpSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.typescript.md index 16ad627cd..1eaacd320 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCredentials | *No description.* | | resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCredentials` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetPath(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ gcpSecretBackend.GcpSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { gcpSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +gcpSecretBackend.GcpSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.csharp.md b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.csharp.md index 6da409627..d8e6cadd4 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.csharp.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetTokenScopes | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetTokenScopes() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_impersonated_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.go.md b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.go.md index f35b173d7..98e08ca81 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.go.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetTokenScopes | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetTokenScopes() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ gcpsecretimpersonatedaccount.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount_IsTerraformResource(x --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/gcpsecretimpersonatedaccount" + +gcpsecretimpersonatedaccount.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_impersonated_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.java.md b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.java.md index c56a4d834..c55ee2d2d 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.java.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetTokenScopes | *No description.* | @@ -267,6 +270,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +394,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -387,6 +425,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -412,6 +475,7 @@ public void resetTokenScopes() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -475,6 +539,50 @@ GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.gcp_secret_impersonated_account.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount; + +GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_impersonated_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.python.md b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.python.md index 8fe02e447..92ee55aac 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.python.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_token_scopes | *No description.* | @@ -270,6 +273,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -396,6 +417,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -410,6 +452,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -435,6 +504,7 @@ def reset_token_scopes() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +574,55 @@ gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import gcp_secret_impersonated_account + +gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_impersonated_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.typescript.md b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.typescript.md index c3d4c4ab2..57044c5f4 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.typescript.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetTokenScopes | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetTokenScopes(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.isTerraformResource(x: --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +gcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_impersonated_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.csharp.md b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.csharp.md index 3ea40dbaf..eb5ed3b49 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.csharp.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutBinding | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutBinding` ```csharp @@ -305,6 +366,7 @@ private void ResetTokenScopes() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -368,6 +430,50 @@ GcpSecretRoleset.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GcpSecretRoleset.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretRoleset to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretRoleset that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_roleset#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretRoleset to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.go.md b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.go.md index f7ed5f1a2..4ec52b4e6 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.go.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutBinding | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutBinding` ```go @@ -305,6 +366,7 @@ func ResetTokenScopes() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -368,6 +430,50 @@ gcpsecretroleset.GcpSecretRoleset_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/gcpsecretroleset" + +gcpsecretroleset.GcpSecretRoleset_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretRoleset to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretRoleset that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_roleset#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretRoleset to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.java.md b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.java.md index 6833313d3..1e23694af 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.java.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.java.md @@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -221,7 +222,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putBinding | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -294,6 +297,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -402,6 +421,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -414,6 +452,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putBinding` ```java @@ -457,6 +520,7 @@ public void resetTokenScopes() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -520,6 +584,50 @@ GcpSecretRoleset.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.gcp_secret_roleset.GcpSecretRoleset; + +GcpSecretRoleset.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GcpSecretRoleset.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretRoleset to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GcpSecretRoleset that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_roleset#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretRoleset to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.python.md b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.python.md index 21e5aa6cd..51a19df98 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.python.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.python.md @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -218,7 +219,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_binding | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +299,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -422,6 +443,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -436,6 +478,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_binding` ```python @@ -481,6 +550,7 @@ def reset_token_scopes() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -550,6 +620,55 @@ gcpSecretRoleset.GcpSecretRoleset.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import gcp_secret_roleset + +gcpSecretRoleset.GcpSecretRoleset.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretRoleset to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GcpSecretRoleset that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_roleset#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretRoleset to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.typescript.md b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.typescript.md index 4c5996cce..bffddf1c4 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.typescript.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretRoleset.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putBinding | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putBinding` ```typescript @@ -305,6 +366,7 @@ public resetTokenScopes(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -368,6 +430,50 @@ gcpSecretRoleset.GcpSecretRoleset.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { gcpSecretRoleset } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +gcpSecretRoleset.GcpSecretRoleset.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretRoleset to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretRoleset that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_roleset#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretRoleset to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.csharp.md b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.csharp.md index 6e1a56578..50ff769e1 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.csharp.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutBinding | *No description.* | | ResetBinding | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutBinding` ```csharp @@ -312,6 +373,7 @@ private void ResetTokenScopes() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -375,6 +437,50 @@ GcpSecretStaticAccount.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GcpSecretStaticAccount.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretStaticAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_static_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.go.md b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.go.md index 3844a3fff..31480e0d6 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.go.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutBinding | *No description.* | | ResetBinding | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutBinding` ```go @@ -312,6 +373,7 @@ func ResetTokenScopes() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -375,6 +437,50 @@ gcpsecretstaticaccount.GcpSecretStaticAccount_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/gcpsecretstaticaccount" + +gcpsecretstaticaccount.GcpSecretStaticAccount_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretStaticAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_static_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.java.md b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.java.md index 6dd4dcd04..065c8728e 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.java.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.java.md @@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -221,7 +222,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putBinding | *No description.* | | resetBinding | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -295,6 +298,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -403,6 +422,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -415,6 +453,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putBinding` ```java @@ -464,6 +527,7 @@ public void resetTokenScopes() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -527,6 +591,50 @@ GcpSecretStaticAccount.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.gcp_secret_static_account.GcpSecretStaticAccount; + +GcpSecretStaticAccount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GcpSecretStaticAccount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GcpSecretStaticAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_static_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.python.md b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.python.md index 4eec25021..a0a5f02ef 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.python.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.python.md @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -218,7 +219,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_binding | *No description.* | | reset_binding | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -423,6 +444,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -437,6 +479,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_binding` ```python @@ -488,6 +557,7 @@ def reset_token_scopes() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -557,6 +627,55 @@ gcpSecretStaticAccount.GcpSecretStaticAccount.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import gcp_secret_static_account + +gcpSecretStaticAccount.GcpSecretStaticAccount.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GcpSecretStaticAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_static_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.typescript.md b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.typescript.md index 15e5f0c9f..0cbbb284c 100644 --- a/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.typescript.md +++ b/docs/gcpSecretStaticAccount.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putBinding | *No description.* | | resetBinding | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putBinding` ```typescript @@ -312,6 +373,7 @@ public resetTokenScopes(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -375,6 +437,50 @@ gcpSecretStaticAccount.GcpSecretStaticAccount.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { gcpSecretStaticAccount } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +gcpSecretStaticAccount.GcpSecretStaticAccount.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GcpSecretStaticAccount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_static_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericEndpoint.csharp.md b/docs/genericEndpoint.csharp.md index 756b1f189..9d0b8cbaa 100644 --- a/docs/genericEndpoint.csharp.md +++ b/docs/genericEndpoint.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisableDelete | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRead | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisableDelete` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetWriteFields() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ GenericEndpoint.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GenericEndpoint.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericEndpoint to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GenericEndpoint that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_endpoint#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericEndpoint to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericEndpoint.go.md b/docs/genericEndpoint.go.md index 0f76111bb..206c5f1bc 100644 --- a/docs/genericEndpoint.go.md +++ b/docs/genericEndpoint.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisableDelete | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRead | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisableDelete` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetWriteFields() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ genericendpoint.GenericEndpoint_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/genericendpoint" + +genericendpoint.GenericEndpoint_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericEndpoint to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GenericEndpoint that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_endpoint#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericEndpoint to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericEndpoint.java.md b/docs/genericEndpoint.java.md index b11d7f3b3..074a8b9a9 100644 --- a/docs/genericEndpoint.java.md +++ b/docs/genericEndpoint.java.md @@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -223,7 +224,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisableDelete | *No description.* | | resetDisableRead | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -405,6 +424,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -417,6 +455,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisableDelete` ```java @@ -460,6 +523,7 @@ public void resetWriteFields() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +587,50 @@ GenericEndpoint.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.generic_endpoint.GenericEndpoint; + +GenericEndpoint.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GenericEndpoint.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericEndpoint to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GenericEndpoint that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_endpoint#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericEndpoint to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericEndpoint.python.md b/docs/genericEndpoint.python.md index cc41ce9ea..97f5b81ec 100644 --- a/docs/genericEndpoint.python.md +++ b/docs/genericEndpoint.python.md @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -218,7 +219,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_disable_delete | *No description.* | | reset_disable_read | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -423,6 +444,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -437,6 +479,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_disable_delete` ```python @@ -480,6 +549,7 @@ def reset_write_fields() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -549,6 +619,55 @@ genericEndpoint.GenericEndpoint.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import generic_endpoint + +genericEndpoint.GenericEndpoint.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericEndpoint to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GenericEndpoint that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_endpoint#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericEndpoint to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericEndpoint.typescript.md b/docs/genericEndpoint.typescript.md index 4157afaad..7960711f7 100644 --- a/docs/genericEndpoint.typescript.md +++ b/docs/genericEndpoint.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisableDelete | *No description.* | | resetDisableRead | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisableDelete` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetWriteFields(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ genericEndpoint.GenericEndpoint.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { genericEndpoint } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +genericEndpoint.GenericEndpoint.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericEndpoint to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GenericEndpoint that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_endpoint#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericEndpoint to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericSecret.csharp.md b/docs/genericSecret.csharp.md index 22563806f..2e4fbb178 100644 --- a/docs/genericSecret.csharp.md +++ b/docs/genericSecret.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDeleteAllVersions | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRead | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDeleteAllVersions` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ GenericSecret.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GenericSecret.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericSecret.go.md b/docs/genericSecret.go.md index 6151a70aa..f0242a863 100644 --- a/docs/genericSecret.go.md +++ b/docs/genericSecret.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDeleteAllVersions | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRead | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDeleteAllVersions` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ genericsecret.GenericSecret_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/genericsecret" + +genericsecret.GenericSecret_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericSecret.java.md b/docs/genericSecret.java.md index 5f79ed672..e60406ab5 100644 --- a/docs/genericSecret.java.md +++ b/docs/genericSecret.java.md @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -198,7 +199,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDeleteAllVersions | *No description.* | | resetDisableRead | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -270,6 +273,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -378,6 +397,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -390,6 +428,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDeleteAllVersions` ```java @@ -421,6 +484,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -484,6 +548,50 @@ GenericSecret.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.generic_secret.GenericSecret; + +GenericSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GenericSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericSecret.python.md b/docs/genericSecret.python.md index 2b5f147c0..bba9791e4 100644 --- a/docs/genericSecret.python.md +++ b/docs/genericSecret.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_delete_all_versions | *No description.* | | reset_disable_read | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -271,6 +274,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +418,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -411,6 +453,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_delete_all_versions` ```python @@ -442,6 +511,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -511,6 +581,55 @@ genericSecret.GenericSecret.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import generic_secret + +genericSecret.GenericSecret.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/genericSecret.typescript.md b/docs/genericSecret.typescript.md index 3d9b63ccc..6805e255f 100644 --- a/docs/genericSecret.typescript.md +++ b/docs/genericSecret.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDeleteAllVersions | *No description.* | | resetDisableRead | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDeleteAllVersions` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ genericSecret.GenericSecret.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { genericSecret } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +genericSecret.GenericSecret.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GenericSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubAuthBackend.csharp.md b/docs/githubAuthBackend.csharp.md index edc127cfe..e09c3863d 100644 --- a/docs/githubAuthBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/githubAuthBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutTune | *No description.* | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -155,6 +158,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +282,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -275,6 +312,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutTune` ```csharp @@ -396,6 +457,7 @@ private void ResetTune() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -459,6 +521,50 @@ GithubAuthBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GithubAuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GithubAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubAuthBackend.go.md b/docs/githubAuthBackend.go.md index c5f4fb679..80f16a539 100644 --- a/docs/githubAuthBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/githubAuthBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutTune | *No description.* | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -155,6 +158,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +282,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -275,6 +312,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutTune` ```go @@ -396,6 +457,7 @@ func ResetTune() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -459,6 +521,50 @@ githubauthbackend.GithubAuthBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/githubauthbackend" + +githubauthbackend.GithubAuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GithubAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubAuthBackend.java.md b/docs/githubAuthBackend.java.md index 5e7463cd8..f1dfcafe3 100644 --- a/docs/githubAuthBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/githubAuthBackend.java.md @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -343,7 +344,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putTune | *No description.* | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -429,6 +432,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -537,6 +556,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -549,6 +587,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putTune` ```java @@ -670,6 +733,7 @@ public void resetTune() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -733,6 +797,50 @@ GithubAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.github_auth_backend.GithubAuthBackend; + +GithubAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GithubAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GithubAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubAuthBackend.python.md b/docs/githubAuthBackend.python.md index 12f3fcf78..aa59f68ba 100644 --- a/docs/githubAuthBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/githubAuthBackend.python.md @@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -338,7 +339,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_tune | *No description.* | | reset_base_url | *No description.* | | reset_description | *No description.* | @@ -429,6 +432,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -555,6 +576,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -569,6 +611,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_tune` ```python @@ -692,6 +761,7 @@ def reset_tune() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -761,6 +831,55 @@ githubAuthBackend.GithubAuthBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import github_auth_backend + +githubAuthBackend.GithubAuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GithubAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubAuthBackend.typescript.md b/docs/githubAuthBackend.typescript.md index 95b1b24b7..658a6d6d4 100644 --- a/docs/githubAuthBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/githubAuthBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putTune | *No description.* | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | @@ -155,6 +158,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +282,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -275,6 +312,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putTune` ```typescript @@ -396,6 +457,7 @@ public resetTune(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -459,6 +521,50 @@ githubAuthBackend.GithubAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { githubAuthBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +githubAuthBackend.GithubAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GithubAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubTeam.csharp.md b/docs/githubTeam.csharp.md index 6731167e9..e4b10c290 100644 --- a/docs/githubTeam.csharp.md +++ b/docs/githubTeam.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ GithubTeam.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GithubTeam.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubTeam to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GithubTeam that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_team#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubTeam to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubTeam.go.md b/docs/githubTeam.go.md index eb15ea55a..738a9fa33 100644 --- a/docs/githubTeam.go.md +++ b/docs/githubTeam.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ githubteam.GithubTeam_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/githubteam" + +githubteam.GithubTeam_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubTeam to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GithubTeam that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_team#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubTeam to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubTeam.java.md b/docs/githubTeam.java.md index 4e56b63c0..2300affd1 100644 --- a/docs/githubTeam.java.md +++ b/docs/githubTeam.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -407,6 +470,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -470,6 +534,50 @@ GithubTeam.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.github_team.GithubTeam; + +GithubTeam.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GithubTeam.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubTeam to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GithubTeam that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_team#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubTeam to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubTeam.python.md b/docs/githubTeam.python.md index b4b171ee9..6e8946842 100644 --- a/docs/githubTeam.python.md +++ b/docs/githubTeam.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ githubTeam.GithubTeam.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import github_team + +githubTeam.GithubTeam.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubTeam to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GithubTeam that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_team#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubTeam to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubTeam.typescript.md b/docs/githubTeam.typescript.md index 82783c403..dcf833827 100644 --- a/docs/githubTeam.typescript.md +++ b/docs/githubTeam.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ githubTeam.GithubTeam.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { githubTeam } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +githubTeam.GithubTeam.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubTeam to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GithubTeam that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_team#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubTeam to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubUser.csharp.md b/docs/githubUser.csharp.md index 7c98f3e38..d2c493f8a 100644 --- a/docs/githubUser.csharp.md +++ b/docs/githubUser.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ GithubUser.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +GithubUser.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubUser to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GithubUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubUser.go.md b/docs/githubUser.go.md index 0521ce21e..aa1ef7fb2 100644 --- a/docs/githubUser.go.md +++ b/docs/githubUser.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ githubuser.GithubUser_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/githubuser" + +githubuser.GithubUser_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubUser to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing GithubUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubUser.java.md b/docs/githubUser.java.md index 515ce7a9b..ef52ea8a1 100644 --- a/docs/githubUser.java.md +++ b/docs/githubUser.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -407,6 +470,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -470,6 +534,50 @@ GithubUser.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.github_user.GithubUser; + +GithubUser.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),GithubUser.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubUser to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing GithubUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubUser.python.md b/docs/githubUser.python.md index 84dfad98d..fd1b3682d 100644 --- a/docs/githubUser.python.md +++ b/docs/githubUser.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ githubUser.GithubUser.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import github_user + +githubUser.GithubUser.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubUser to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing GithubUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/githubUser.typescript.md b/docs/githubUser.typescript.md index b54f32bd9..89edd3aa5 100644 --- a/docs/githubUser.typescript.md +++ b/docs/githubUser.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ githubUser.GithubUser.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { githubUser } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +githubUser.GithubUser.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubUser to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing GithubUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntity.csharp.md b/docs/identityEntity.csharp.md index b911afae2..d6808d088 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntity.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityEntity.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisabled | *No description.* | | ResetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisabled` ```csharp @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ IdentityEntity.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityEntity.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntity.go.md b/docs/identityEntity.go.md index 6c7ab79ce..31c845ad5 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntity.go.md +++ b/docs/identityEntity.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisabled | *No description.* | | ResetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisabled` ```go @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ identityentity.IdentityEntity_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityentity" + +identityentity.IdentityEntity_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntity.java.md b/docs/identityEntity.java.md index 7cc4a0a00..2d2833a60 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntity.java.md +++ b/docs/identityEntity.java.md @@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -210,7 +211,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisabled | *No description.* | | resetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -285,6 +288,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -393,6 +412,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -405,6 +443,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisabled` ```java @@ -454,6 +517,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -517,6 +581,50 @@ IdentityEntity.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_entity.IdentityEntity; + +IdentityEntity.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityEntity.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntity.python.md b/docs/identityEntity.python.md index 9b86aa0aa..48b960306 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntity.python.md +++ b/docs/identityEntity.python.md @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_disabled | *No description.* | | reset_external_policies | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -286,6 +289,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +433,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -426,6 +468,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_disabled` ```python @@ -475,6 +544,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -544,6 +614,55 @@ identityEntity.IdentityEntity.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_entity + +identityEntity.IdentityEntity.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntity.typescript.md b/docs/identityEntity.typescript.md index bead0cd0e..e28fc25ef 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntity.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityEntity.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisabled | *No description.* | | resetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisabled` ```typescript @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ identityEntity.IdentityEntity.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityEntity } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityEntity.IdentityEntity.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntity to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntity that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntity to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityAlias.csharp.md b/docs/identityEntityAlias.csharp.md index 39fa0a98f..18993268a 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityAlias.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityAlias.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCustomMetadata` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ IdentityEntityAlias.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityEntityAlias.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityAlias.go.md b/docs/identityEntityAlias.go.md index 8e0c36d1a..c68b397f2 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityAlias.go.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityAlias.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCustomMetadata` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityentityalias.IdentityEntityAlias_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityentityalias" + +identityentityalias.IdentityEntityAlias_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityAlias.java.md b/docs/identityEntityAlias.java.md index 21d518146..1b9f16a2b 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityAlias.java.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityAlias.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -267,6 +270,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +394,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -387,6 +425,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCustomMetadata` ```java @@ -412,6 +475,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -475,6 +539,50 @@ IdentityEntityAlias.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_entity_alias.IdentityEntityAlias; + +IdentityEntityAlias.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityEntityAlias.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityAlias.python.md b/docs/identityEntityAlias.python.md index 55a1157b6..ac92ae23b 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityAlias.python.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityAlias.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_custom_metadata | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -270,6 +273,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -396,6 +417,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -410,6 +452,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_custom_metadata` ```python @@ -435,6 +504,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +574,55 @@ identityEntityAlias.IdentityEntityAlias.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_entity_alias + +identityEntityAlias.IdentityEntityAlias.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityAlias.typescript.md b/docs/identityEntityAlias.typescript.md index 4d91c6c03..07bbde92b 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityAlias.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityAlias.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCustomMetadata` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityEntityAlias.IdentityEntityAlias.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityEntityAlias } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityEntityAlias.IdentityEntityAlias.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.csharp.md b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.csharp.md index 818afbbd8..68ea60f24 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ IdentityEntityPolicies.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityEntityPolicies.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.go.md b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.go.md index 0ccf82f8e..43482f3cd 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.go.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityentitypolicies.IdentityEntityPolicies_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityentitypolicies" + +identityentitypolicies.IdentityEntityPolicies_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.java.md b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.java.md index 9ce3d5bf5..5b765881b 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.java.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.java.md @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -185,7 +186,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```java @@ -401,6 +464,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -464,6 +528,50 @@ IdentityEntityPolicies.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_entity_policies.IdentityEntityPolicies; + +IdentityEntityPolicies.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityEntityPolicies.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.python.md b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.python.md index 3b12e4192..5ba433959 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.python.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_exclusive | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_exclusive` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ identityEntityPolicies.IdentityEntityPolicies.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_entity_policies + +identityEntityPolicies.IdentityEntityPolicies.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.typescript.md b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.typescript.md index 376699023..ff9800946 100644 --- a/docs/identityEntityPolicies.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityEntityPolicies.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityEntityPolicies.IdentityEntityPolicies.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityEntityPolicies } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityEntityPolicies.IdentityEntityPolicies.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityEntityPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroup.csharp.md b/docs/identityGroup.csharp.md index aa387236a..1ee62b513 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroup.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityGroup.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExternalMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | | ResetExternalMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | | ResetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExternalMemberEntityIds` ```csharp @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ IdentityGroup.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityGroup.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroup.go.md b/docs/identityGroup.go.md index 0d8e6ecbb..58a4bef7b 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroup.go.md +++ b/docs/identityGroup.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExternalMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | | ResetExternalMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | | ResetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExternalMemberEntityIds` ```go @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ identitygroup.IdentityGroup_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitygroup" + +identitygroup.IdentityGroup_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroup.java.md b/docs/identityGroup.java.md index 332901a2b..5f3ecb4d1 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroup.java.md +++ b/docs/identityGroup.java.md @@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -259,7 +260,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExternalMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | | resetExternalMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | | resetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -338,6 +341,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -446,6 +465,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -458,6 +496,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExternalMemberEntityIds` ```java @@ -531,6 +594,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -594,6 +658,50 @@ IdentityGroup.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_group.IdentityGroup; + +IdentityGroup.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityGroup.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroup.python.md b/docs/identityGroup.python.md index c6c99a470..e09c48887 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroup.python.md +++ b/docs/identityGroup.python.md @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -254,7 +255,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_external_member_entity_ids | *No description.* | | reset_external_member_group_ids | *No description.* | | reset_external_policies | *No description.* | @@ -338,6 +341,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -464,6 +485,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -478,6 +520,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_external_member_entity_ids` ```python @@ -551,6 +620,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -620,6 +690,55 @@ identityGroup.IdentityGroup.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_group + +identityGroup.IdentityGroup.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroup.typescript.md b/docs/identityGroup.typescript.md index cd4896264..f9d6d28f8 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroup.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityGroup.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExternalMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | | resetExternalMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | | resetExternalPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExternalMemberEntityIds` ```typescript @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ identityGroup.IdentityGroup.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityGroup } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityGroup.IdentityGroup.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupAlias.csharp.md b/docs/identityGroupAlias.csharp.md index b3b3d8fe8..6374fff76 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupAlias.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupAlias.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ IdentityGroupAlias.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityGroupAlias.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupAlias.go.md b/docs/identityGroupAlias.go.md index 81d8cccc9..e1905ebaf 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupAlias.go.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupAlias.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ identitygroupalias.IdentityGroupAlias_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitygroupalias" + +identitygroupalias.IdentityGroupAlias_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupAlias.java.md b/docs/identityGroupAlias.java.md index ab6857f0b..d11cb30ce 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupAlias.java.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupAlias.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -254,6 +257,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +381,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -374,6 +412,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -393,6 +456,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -456,6 +520,50 @@ IdentityGroupAlias.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_group_alias.IdentityGroupAlias; + +IdentityGroupAlias.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityGroupAlias.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupAlias.python.md b/docs/identityGroupAlias.python.md index a80d5e30e..7bd686e2f 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupAlias.python.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupAlias.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +260,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -383,6 +404,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +439,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -416,6 +485,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -485,6 +555,55 @@ identityGroupAlias.IdentityGroupAlias.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_group_alias + +identityGroupAlias.IdentityGroupAlias.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupAlias.typescript.md b/docs/identityGroupAlias.typescript.md index 4be3da4da..f1605b1ba 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupAlias.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupAlias.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ identityGroupAlias.IdentityGroupAlias.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityGroupAlias } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityGroupAlias.IdentityGroupAlias.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupAlias to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupAlias that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupAlias to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.csharp.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.csharp.md index dfddfbddc..1bdb682be 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_entity_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.go.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.go.md index d2d294314..09f31742c 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.go.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identitygroupmemberentityids.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds_IsTerraformResource(x --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitygroupmemberentityids" + +identitygroupmemberentityids.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_entity_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.java.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.java.md index aa489a639..f8058f6d3 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.java.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.java.md @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -187,7 +188,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -367,6 +386,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -379,6 +417,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```java @@ -410,6 +473,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +537,50 @@ IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_group_member_entity_ids.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds; + +IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_entity_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.python.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.python.md index aa4fe107c..7bf9ff241 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.python.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.python.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_exclusive | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_member_entity_ids | *No description.* | @@ -261,6 +264,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -387,6 +408,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -401,6 +443,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_exclusive` ```python @@ -432,6 +501,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -501,6 +571,55 @@ identityGroupMemberEntityIds.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_group_member_entity_ids + +identityGroupMemberEntityIds.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_entity_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.typescript.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.typescript.md index 234987963..dfbea8489 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberEntityIds.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMemberEntityIds | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identityGroupMemberEntityIds.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.isTerraformResource(x: --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityGroupMemberEntityIds } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityGroupMemberEntityIds.IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_entity_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.csharp.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.csharp.md index cbb9748a8..d0d33bd2a 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_group_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.go.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.go.md index 9ce0a7109..70b9df3ad 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.go.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identitygroupmembergroupids.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitygroupmembergroupids" + +identitygroupmembergroupids.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_group_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.java.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.java.md index 7e927257f..a84509e7e 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.java.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.java.md @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -187,7 +188,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -367,6 +386,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -379,6 +417,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```java @@ -410,6 +473,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +537,50 @@ IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_group_member_group_ids.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds; + +IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_group_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.python.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.python.md index 8cadfb797..f7ed68f42 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.python.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.python.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_exclusive | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_member_group_ids | *No description.* | @@ -261,6 +264,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -387,6 +408,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -401,6 +443,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_exclusive` ```python @@ -432,6 +501,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -501,6 +571,55 @@ identityGroupMemberGroupIds.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_group_member_group_ids + +identityGroupMemberGroupIds.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_group_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.typescript.md b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.typescript.md index 48f6a952f..283137aad 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupMemberGroupIds.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMemberGroupIds | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identityGroupMemberGroupIds.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityGroupMemberGroupIds } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityGroupMemberGroupIds.IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_group_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.csharp.md b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.csharp.md index 0374c9df7..3791b0f67 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ IdentityGroupPolicies.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityGroupPolicies.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.go.md b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.go.md index 861aa001d..47c4630ab 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.go.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExclusive | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExclusive` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identitygrouppolicies.IdentityGroupPolicies_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) * --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitygrouppolicies" + +identitygrouppolicies.IdentityGroupPolicies_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.java.md b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.java.md index 1f0573fa2..914cc064b 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.java.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.java.md @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -185,7 +186,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```java @@ -401,6 +464,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -464,6 +528,50 @@ IdentityGroupPolicies.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_group_policies.IdentityGroupPolicies; + +IdentityGroupPolicies.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityGroupPolicies.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.python.md b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.python.md index 2dbe4decb..f989490de 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.python.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_exclusive | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_exclusive` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ identityGroupPolicies.IdentityGroupPolicies.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_group_policies + +identityGroupPolicies.IdentityGroupPolicies.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.typescript.md b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.typescript.md index 55bb11eb7..745c2391a 100644 --- a/docs/identityGroupPolicies.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityGroupPolicies.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExclusive | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExclusive` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityGroupPolicies.IdentityGroupPolicies.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityGroupPolicies } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityGroupPolicies.IdentityGroupPolicies.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupPolicies to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityGroupPolicies that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupPolicies to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaDuo.csharp.md b/docs/identityMfaDuo.csharp.md index 89d25f91f..58b2917c7 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaDuo.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaDuo.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ IdentityMfaDuo.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityMfaDuo.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaDuo.go.md b/docs/identityMfaDuo.go.md index f7a259923..316feed17 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaDuo.go.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaDuo.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ identitymfaduo.IdentityMfaDuo_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitymfaduo" + +identitymfaduo.IdentityMfaDuo_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaDuo.java.md b/docs/identityMfaDuo.java.md index 15587581e..fa527bed0 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaDuo.java.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaDuo.java.md @@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -221,7 +222,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -294,6 +297,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -402,6 +421,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -414,6 +452,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -451,6 +514,7 @@ public void resetUsernameFormat() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -514,6 +578,50 @@ IdentityMfaDuo.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_mfa_duo.IdentityMfaDuo; + +IdentityMfaDuo.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityMfaDuo.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaDuo.python.md b/docs/identityMfaDuo.python.md index dd732be94..77a5e3007 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaDuo.python.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaDuo.python.md @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -218,7 +219,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_push_info | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +299,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -422,6 +443,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -436,6 +478,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -473,6 +542,7 @@ def reset_username_format() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -542,6 +612,55 @@ identityMfaDuo.IdentityMfaDuo.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_mfa_duo + +identityMfaDuo.IdentityMfaDuo.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaDuo.typescript.md b/docs/identityMfaDuo.typescript.md index 4cfae40f6..7e933571a 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaDuo.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaDuo.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetUsernameFormat(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ identityMfaDuo.IdentityMfaDuo.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityMfaDuo } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityMfaDuo.IdentityMfaDuo.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.csharp.md b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.csharp.md index 3c570b747..b0eb01818 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAuthMethodAccessors | *No description.* | | ResetAuthMethodTypes | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAuthMethodAccessors` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_login_enforcement#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.go.md b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.go.md index f35cc39f0..042c61009 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.go.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAuthMethodAccessors | *No description.* | | ResetAuthMethodTypes | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAuthMethodAccessors` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ identitymfaloginenforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitymfaloginenforcement" + +identitymfaloginenforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_login_enforcement#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.java.md b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.java.md index 49d354a6a..ba998697b 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.java.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.java.md @@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -220,7 +221,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAuthMethodAccessors | *No description.* | | resetAuthMethodTypes | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -294,6 +297,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -402,6 +421,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -414,6 +452,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAuthMethodAccessors` ```java @@ -457,6 +520,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -520,6 +584,50 @@ IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_mfa_login_enforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement; + +IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_login_enforcement#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.python.md b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.python.md index d2356e46d..205c98b0f 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.python.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.python.md @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -218,7 +219,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_auth_method_accessors | *No description.* | | reset_auth_method_types | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -297,6 +300,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -423,6 +444,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -437,6 +479,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_auth_method_accessors` ```python @@ -480,6 +549,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -549,6 +619,55 @@ identityMfaLoginEnforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_mfa_login_enforcement + +identityMfaLoginEnforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_login_enforcement#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.typescript.md b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.typescript.md index 2c1904125..fc2700fa7 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaLoginEnforcement.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAuthMethodAccessors | *No description.* | | resetAuthMethodTypes | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAuthMethodAccessors` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ identityMfaLoginEnforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityMfaLoginEnforcement } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityMfaLoginEnforcement.IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_login_enforcement#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaOkta.csharp.md b/docs/identityMfaOkta.csharp.md index 0b95e6aba..e5b77e7c7 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaOkta.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaOkta.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBaseUrl` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ IdentityMfaOkta.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityMfaOkta.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaOkta.go.md b/docs/identityMfaOkta.go.md index 721cd6fbe..fbdaa0723 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaOkta.go.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaOkta.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBaseUrl` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ identitymfaokta.IdentityMfaOkta_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitymfaokta" + +identitymfaokta.IdentityMfaOkta_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaOkta.java.md b/docs/identityMfaOkta.java.md index 7604bc311..9581f4b24 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaOkta.java.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaOkta.java.md @@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -209,7 +210,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -282,6 +285,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -390,6 +409,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -402,6 +440,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBaseUrl` ```java @@ -439,6 +502,7 @@ public void resetUsernameFormat() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -502,6 +566,50 @@ IdentityMfaOkta.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_mfa_okta.IdentityMfaOkta; + +IdentityMfaOkta.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityMfaOkta.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaOkta.python.md b/docs/identityMfaOkta.python.md index b739a7163..465338fca 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaOkta.python.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaOkta.python.md @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_base_url | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -284,6 +287,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -410,6 +431,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -424,6 +466,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_base_url` ```python @@ -461,6 +530,7 @@ def reset_username_format() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -530,6 +600,55 @@ identityMfaOkta.IdentityMfaOkta.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_mfa_okta + +identityMfaOkta.IdentityMfaOkta.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaOkta.typescript.md b/docs/identityMfaOkta.typescript.md index ed0278d41..d487fc741 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaOkta.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaOkta.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBaseUrl` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetUsernameFormat(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ identityMfaOkta.IdentityMfaOkta.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityMfaOkta } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityMfaOkta.IdentityMfaOkta.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaPingid.csharp.md b/docs/identityMfaPingid.csharp.md index 58c447be1..4c9bd93a4 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaPingid.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaPingid.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ IdentityMfaPingid.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityMfaPingid.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaPingid.go.md b/docs/identityMfaPingid.go.md index faf9a48ef..3396ccbc1 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaPingid.go.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaPingid.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identitymfapingid.IdentityMfaPingid_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitymfapingid" + +identitymfapingid.IdentityMfaPingid_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaPingid.java.md b/docs/identityMfaPingid.java.md index 51ca1d78f..abd07e923 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaPingid.java.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaPingid.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -243,6 +246,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -351,6 +370,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -363,6 +401,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -388,6 +451,7 @@ public void resetUsernameFormat() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -451,6 +515,50 @@ IdentityMfaPingid.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_mfa_pingid.IdentityMfaPingid; + +IdentityMfaPingid.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityMfaPingid.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaPingid.python.md b/docs/identityMfaPingid.python.md index f700d4d56..2f3c7768b 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaPingid.python.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaPingid.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_username_format | *No description.* | @@ -246,6 +249,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -372,6 +393,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -386,6 +428,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -411,6 +480,7 @@ def reset_username_format() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -480,6 +550,55 @@ identityMfaPingid.IdentityMfaPingid.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_mfa_pingid + +identityMfaPingid.IdentityMfaPingid.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaPingid.typescript.md b/docs/identityMfaPingid.typescript.md index cb3b135ef..c99879426 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaPingid.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaPingid.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetUsernameFormat(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityMfaPingid.IdentityMfaPingid.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityMfaPingid } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityMfaPingid.IdentityMfaPingid.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaTotp.csharp.md b/docs/identityMfaTotp.csharp.md index 2ffde7a80..444d3e7d0 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaTotp.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaTotp.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | ResetDigits | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlgorithm` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetSkew() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ IdentityMfaTotp.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityMfaTotp.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaTotp.go.md b/docs/identityMfaTotp.go.md index 89bb1ce54..933475989 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaTotp.go.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaTotp.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | ResetDigits | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlgorithm` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetSkew() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ identitymfatotp.IdentityMfaTotp_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identitymfatotp" + +identitymfatotp.IdentityMfaTotp_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaTotp.java.md b/docs/identityMfaTotp.java.md index cd93ddb7c..89c96f9cc 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaTotp.java.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaTotp.java.md @@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -246,7 +247,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | resetDigits | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -323,6 +326,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -431,6 +450,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -443,6 +481,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlgorithm` ```java @@ -504,6 +567,7 @@ public void resetSkew() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -567,6 +631,50 @@ IdentityMfaTotp.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_mfa_totp.IdentityMfaTotp; + +IdentityMfaTotp.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityMfaTotp.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaTotp.python.md b/docs/identityMfaTotp.python.md index 6eee65e58..1d44cf43f 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaTotp.python.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaTotp.python.md @@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -244,7 +245,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_algorithm | *No description.* | | reset_digits | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -326,6 +329,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -452,6 +473,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -466,6 +508,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_algorithm` ```python @@ -527,6 +596,7 @@ def reset_skew() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -596,6 +666,55 @@ identityMfaTotp.IdentityMfaTotp.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_mfa_totp + +identityMfaTotp.IdentityMfaTotp.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityMfaTotp.typescript.md b/docs/identityMfaTotp.typescript.md index 0b2be900b..e412d53cf 100644 --- a/docs/identityMfaTotp.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityMfaTotp.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | resetDigits | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlgorithm` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetSkew(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ identityMfaTotp.IdentityMfaTotp.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityMfaTotp } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityMfaTotp.IdentityMfaTotp.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityMfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidc.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidc.csharp.md index 523781252..5861acc7c 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidc.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidc.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetIssuer | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ IdentityOidc.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidc.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidc to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidc that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidc to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidc.go.md b/docs/identityOidc.go.md index 5ee3c6e24..45387aa3d 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidc.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidc.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetIssuer | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityoidc.IdentityOidc_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidc" + +identityoidc.IdentityOidc_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidc to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidc that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidc to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidc.java.md b/docs/identityOidc.java.md index 0acca4b7c..4eaac0b9e 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidc.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidc.java.md @@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -162,7 +163,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetIssuer | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -233,6 +236,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -341,6 +360,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -353,6 +391,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -378,6 +441,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -441,6 +505,50 @@ IdentityOidc.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc.IdentityOidc; + +IdentityOidc.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidc.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidc to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidc that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidc to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidc.python.md b/docs/identityOidc.python.md index 5ee75bee8..cb11f67ed 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidc.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidc.python.md @@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -160,7 +161,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_issuer | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -236,6 +239,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -362,6 +383,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -376,6 +418,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -401,6 +470,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -470,6 +540,55 @@ identityOidc.IdentityOidc.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc + +identityOidc.IdentityOidc.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidc to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidc that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidc to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidc.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidc.typescript.md index c7ef30881..8e833c411 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidc.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidc.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetIssuer | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ identityOidc.IdentityOidc.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidc } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidc.IdentityOidc.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidc to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidc that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidc to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.csharp.md index 86777b4d2..bf0b717b3 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetEntityIds | *No description.* | | ResetGroupIds | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetEntityIds` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ IdentityOidcAssignment.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcAssignment.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcAssignment to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcAssignment that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_assignment#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcAssignment to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.go.md b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.go.md index 76995e857..0e58d349c 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetEntityIds | *No description.* | | ResetGroupIds | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetEntityIds` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identityoidcassignment.IdentityOidcAssignment_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidcassignment" + +identityoidcassignment.IdentityOidcAssignment_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcAssignment to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcAssignment that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_assignment#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcAssignment to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.java.md b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.java.md index cf0139c52..c9e7ea5cf 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetEntityIds | *No description.* | | resetGroupIds | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetEntityIds` ```java @@ -407,6 +470,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -470,6 +534,50 @@ IdentityOidcAssignment.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_assignment.IdentityOidcAssignment; + +IdentityOidcAssignment.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcAssignment.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcAssignment to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcAssignment that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_assignment#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcAssignment to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.python.md b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.python.md index 22b7d4ee2..da4b4207d 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_entity_ids | *No description.* | | reset_group_ids | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_entity_ids` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ identityOidcAssignment.IdentityOidcAssignment.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_assignment + +identityOidcAssignment.IdentityOidcAssignment.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcAssignment to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcAssignment that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_assignment#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcAssignment to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.typescript.md index a3db9cd23..9a264efed 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcAssignment.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcAssignment.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetEntityIds | *No description.* | | resetGroupIds | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetEntityIds` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identityOidcAssignment.IdentityOidcAssignment.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcAssignment } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcAssignment.IdentityOidcAssignment.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcAssignment to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcAssignment that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_assignment#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcAssignment to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcClient.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcClient.csharp.md index a90b467ad..c673e2b4c 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcClient.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcClient.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAccessTokenTtl | *No description.* | | ResetAssignments | *No description.* | | ResetClientType | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAccessTokenTtl` ```csharp @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ private void ResetRedirectUris() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ IdentityOidcClient.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcClient.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcClient to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcClient.go.md b/docs/identityOidcClient.go.md index 0a5d247bf..821112db9 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcClient.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcClient.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAccessTokenTtl | *No description.* | | ResetAssignments | *No description.* | | ResetClientType | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAccessTokenTtl` ```go @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ func ResetRedirectUris() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ identityoidcclient.IdentityOidcClient_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidcclient" + +identityoidcclient.IdentityOidcClient_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcClient to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcClient.java.md b/docs/identityOidcClient.java.md index d05de0f4f..ff37dd1ba 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcClient.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcClient.java.md @@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -236,7 +237,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAccessTokenTtl | *No description.* | | resetAssignments | *No description.* | | resetClientType | *No description.* | @@ -312,6 +315,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -420,6 +439,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -432,6 +470,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAccessTokenTtl` ```java @@ -487,6 +550,7 @@ public void resetRedirectUris() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -550,6 +614,50 @@ IdentityOidcClient.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_client.IdentityOidcClient; + +IdentityOidcClient.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcClient.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcClient to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcClient.python.md b/docs/identityOidcClient.python.md index 7392c7699..4bc15c37f 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcClient.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcClient.python.md @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -234,7 +235,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_access_token_ttl | *No description.* | | reset_assignments | *No description.* | | reset_client_type | *No description.* | @@ -315,6 +318,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -441,6 +462,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -455,6 +497,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_access_token_ttl` ```python @@ -510,6 +579,7 @@ def reset_redirect_uris() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -579,6 +649,55 @@ identityOidcClient.IdentityOidcClient.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_client + +identityOidcClient.IdentityOidcClient.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcClient to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcClient.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcClient.typescript.md index a0e7dd279..7cf5c745a 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcClient.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcClient.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAccessTokenTtl | *No description.* | | resetAssignments | *No description.* | | resetClientType | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAccessTokenTtl` ```typescript @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ public resetRedirectUris(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ identityOidcClient.IdentityOidcClient.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcClient } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcClient.IdentityOidcClient.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcClient to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcClient that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcClient to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKey.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcKey.csharp.md index d13e89507..e030eba9d 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKey.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKey.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlgorithm` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetVerificationTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ IdentityOidcKey.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcKey.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKey to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKey.go.md b/docs/identityOidcKey.go.md index f6dc93b5e..fb53ea2b0 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKey.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKey.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlgorithm` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetVerificationTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ identityoidckey.IdentityOidcKey_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidckey" + +identityoidckey.IdentityOidcKey_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKey.java.md b/docs/identityOidcKey.java.md index 7e736c695..3f1ed6b07 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKey.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKey.java.md @@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -210,7 +211,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | resetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -284,6 +287,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -392,6 +411,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -404,6 +442,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlgorithm` ```java @@ -447,6 +510,7 @@ public void resetVerificationTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -510,6 +574,50 @@ IdentityOidcKey.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_key.IdentityOidcKey; + +IdentityOidcKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKey.python.md b/docs/identityOidcKey.python.md index dfe71f1cc..1d3e7418e 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKey.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKey.python.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_algorithm | *No description.* | | reset_allowed_client_ids | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -287,6 +290,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -413,6 +434,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -427,6 +469,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_algorithm` ```python @@ -470,6 +539,7 @@ def reset_verification_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -539,6 +609,55 @@ identityOidcKey.IdentityOidcKey.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_key + +identityOidcKey.IdentityOidcKey.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKey to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKey.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcKey.typescript.md index bc4eb9ce0..cf460a932 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKey.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKey.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | resetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlgorithm` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetVerificationTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ identityOidcKey.IdentityOidcKey.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcKey } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcKey.IdentityOidcKey.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.csharp.md index 1e7ac6ec8..1d0c176e9 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.go.md b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.go.md index 841a73fa7..1e319414e 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ identityoidckeyallowedclientid.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId_IsTerraformResourc --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidckeyallowedclientid" + +identityoidckeyallowedclientid.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.java.md b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.java.md index 7d9e762f4..30637ff42 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId; + +IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.python.md b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.python.md index d2f7c69fe..ee9892b55 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.is_terraform_resou --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id + +identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.typescript.md index 959a4dffb..1e58e994e 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.isTerraformResourc --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcProvider.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcProvider.csharp.md index f96ef0c7f..c62226f13 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcProvider.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcProvider.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | ResetHttpsEnabled | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedClientIds` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetScopesSupported() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ IdentityOidcProvider.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcProvider.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_provider#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcProvider.go.md b/docs/identityOidcProvider.go.md index a027a2242..2b2b45bbd 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcProvider.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcProvider.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | ResetHttpsEnabled | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedClientIds` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetScopesSupported() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ identityoidcprovider.IdentityOidcProvider_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidcprovider" + +identityoidcprovider.IdentityOidcProvider_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_provider#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcProvider.java.md b/docs/identityOidcProvider.java.md index 6352df854..1a04cb2ac 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcProvider.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcProvider.java.md @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -211,7 +212,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | resetHttpsEnabled | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -285,6 +288,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -393,6 +412,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -405,6 +443,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedClientIds` ```java @@ -448,6 +511,7 @@ public void resetScopesSupported() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -511,6 +575,50 @@ IdentityOidcProvider.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_provider.IdentityOidcProvider; + +IdentityOidcProvider.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcProvider.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_provider#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcProvider.python.md b/docs/identityOidcProvider.python.md index dc6db14c1..b1ee0486e 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcProvider.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcProvider.python.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_client_ids | *No description.* | | reset_https_enabled | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -287,6 +290,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -413,6 +434,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -427,6 +469,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_client_ids` ```python @@ -470,6 +539,7 @@ def reset_scopes_supported() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -539,6 +609,55 @@ identityOidcProvider.IdentityOidcProvider.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_provider + +identityOidcProvider.IdentityOidcProvider.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_provider#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcProvider.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcProvider.typescript.md index fe82adb85..b956c9176 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcProvider.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcProvider.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedClientIds | *No description.* | | resetHttpsEnabled | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedClientIds` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetScopesSupported(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ identityOidcProvider.IdentityOidcProvider.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcProvider } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcProvider.IdentityOidcProvider.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_provider#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcRole.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcRole.csharp.md index 1355c81c6..26aa3b9a1 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetClientId` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ IdentityOidcRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcRole.go.md b/docs/identityOidcRole.go.md index 21f137419..c75bb8c2a 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcRole.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetClientId | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetClientId` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ identityoidcrole.IdentityOidcRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidcrole" + +identityoidcrole.IdentityOidcRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcRole.java.md b/docs/identityOidcRole.java.md index d6b5a8dcf..ebf1db286 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcRole.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcRole.java.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetClientId | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -281,6 +284,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -389,6 +408,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -401,6 +439,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetClientId` ```java @@ -438,6 +501,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -501,6 +565,50 @@ IdentityOidcRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_role.IdentityOidcRole; + +IdentityOidcRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcRole.python.md b/docs/identityOidcRole.python.md index 0e69fc8fc..1ef5eedb8 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcRole.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcRole.python.md @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_client_id | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -284,6 +287,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -410,6 +431,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -424,6 +466,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_client_id` ```python @@ -461,6 +530,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -530,6 +600,55 @@ identityOidcRole.IdentityOidcRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_role + +identityOidcRole.IdentityOidcRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcRole.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcRole.typescript.md index 8be425ff4..3fc8a6cbe 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetClientId | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetClientId` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ identityOidcRole.IdentityOidcRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcRole.IdentityOidcRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcScope.csharp.md b/docs/identityOidcScope.csharp.md index 2a32da54d..a021d5eed 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcScope.csharp.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcScope.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDescription` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetTemplate() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ IdentityOidcScope.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +IdentityOidcScope.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcScope to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcScope.go.md b/docs/identityOidcScope.go.md index 5237685ce..788ee2dbd 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcScope.go.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcScope.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDescription` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetTemplate() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identityoidcscope.IdentityOidcScope_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/identityoidcscope" + +identityoidcscope.IdentityOidcScope_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcScope to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcScope.java.md b/docs/identityOidcScope.java.md index 53d291823..4c683babd 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcScope.java.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcScope.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDescription` ```java @@ -407,6 +470,7 @@ public void resetTemplate() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -470,6 +534,50 @@ IdentityOidcScope.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.identity_oidc_scope.IdentityOidcScope; + +IdentityOidcScope.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),IdentityOidcScope.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcScope to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcScope.python.md b/docs/identityOidcScope.python.md index f9b4e3210..1e65e3a9b 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcScope.python.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcScope.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_description | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_description` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_template() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ identityOidcScope.IdentityOidcScope.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import identity_oidc_scope + +identityOidcScope.IdentityOidcScope.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcScope to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/identityOidcScope.typescript.md b/docs/identityOidcScope.typescript.md index 956c3bc8b..9f8ecd9b7 100644 --- a/docs/identityOidcScope.typescript.md +++ b/docs/identityOidcScope.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDescription` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetTemplate(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ identityOidcScope.IdentityOidcScope.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { identityOidcScope } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +identityOidcScope.IdentityOidcScope.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcScope to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing IdentityOidcScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.csharp.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.csharp.md index 02523e652..7db5e065c 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutTune | *No description.* | | ResetBoundIssuer | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultRole | *No description.* | @@ -160,6 +163,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -268,6 +287,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -280,6 +317,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutTune` ```csharp @@ -431,6 +492,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -494,6 +556,50 @@ JwtAuthBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +JwtAuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.go.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.go.md index 54f7eeeaa..5229d7147 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutTune | *No description.* | | ResetBoundIssuer | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultRole | *No description.* | @@ -160,6 +163,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -268,6 +287,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -280,6 +317,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutTune` ```go @@ -431,6 +492,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -494,6 +556,50 @@ jwtauthbackend.JwtAuthBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/jwtauthbackend" + +jwtauthbackend.JwtAuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.java.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.java.md index 02dba9c90..127a5ddaa 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.java.md @@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -402,7 +403,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putTune | *No description.* | | resetBoundIssuer | *No description.* | | resetDefaultRole | *No description.* | @@ -493,6 +496,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -601,6 +620,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -613,6 +651,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putTune` ```java @@ -764,6 +827,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -827,6 +891,50 @@ JwtAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.jwt_auth_backend.JwtAuthBackend; + +JwtAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),JwtAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.python.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.python.md index e6d5c2426..0f407c08b 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.python.md @@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -396,7 +397,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_tune | *No description.* | | reset_bound_issuer | *No description.* | | reset_default_role | *No description.* | @@ -492,6 +495,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -618,6 +639,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -632,6 +674,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_tune` ```python @@ -785,6 +854,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -854,6 +924,55 @@ jwtAuthBackend.JwtAuthBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import jwt_auth_backend + +jwtAuthBackend.JwtAuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.typescript.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.typescript.md index dbe17050e..923738e7f 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putTune | *No description.* | | resetBoundIssuer | *No description.* | | resetDefaultRole | *No description.* | @@ -160,6 +163,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -268,6 +287,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -280,6 +317,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putTune` ```typescript @@ -431,6 +492,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -494,6 +556,50 @@ jwtAuthBackend.JwtAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { jwtAuthBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +jwtAuthBackend.JwtAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index 6b256a66c..2b0b8fa97 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedRedirectUris | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBoundAudiences | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedRedirectUris` ```csharp @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ private void ResetVerboseOidcLogging() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ JwtAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +JwtAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.go.md index 07bf52f91..ffe103275 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedRedirectUris | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBoundAudiences | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedRedirectUris` ```go @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ func ResetVerboseOidcLogging() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ jwtauthbackendrole.JwtAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/jwtauthbackendrole" + +jwtauthbackendrole.JwtAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.java.md index faf775d37..f15838dc8 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -504,7 +505,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedRedirectUris | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBoundAudiences | *No description.* | @@ -600,6 +603,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -708,6 +727,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -720,6 +758,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedRedirectUris` ```java @@ -895,6 +958,7 @@ public void resetVerboseOidcLogging() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -958,6 +1022,50 @@ JwtAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.jwt_auth_backend_role.JwtAuthBackendRole; + +JwtAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),JwtAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.python.md index 2f3b605fa..030854faa 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -489,6 +489,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -498,7 +499,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_redirect_uris | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_bound_audiences | *No description.* | @@ -599,6 +602,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -725,6 +746,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -739,6 +781,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_redirect_uris` ```python @@ -914,6 +983,7 @@ def reset_verbose_oidc_logging() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -983,6 +1053,55 @@ jwtAuthBackendRole.JwtAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import jwt_auth_backend_role + +jwtAuthBackendRole.JwtAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 8bc213563..1c0be5fe0 100644 --- a/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/jwtAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedRedirectUris | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBoundAudiences | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedRedirectUris` ```typescript @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ public resetVerboseOidcLogging(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ jwtAuthBackendRole.JwtAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { jwtAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +jwtAuthBackendRole.JwtAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing JwtAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.csharp.md index 6ec06e3bb..62bc61974 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultTlsClientKeyType | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultTlsClientTtl | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits` ```csharp @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ private void ResetTlsMinVersion() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ KmipSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KmipSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.go.md index 1e93d7553..9832712cc 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultTlsClientKeyType | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultTlsClientTtl | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits` ```go @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ func ResetTlsMinVersion() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ kmipsecretbackend.KmipSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kmipsecretbackend" + +kmipsecretbackend.KmipSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.java.md index 99cb6bf7a..6088c51f8 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.java.md @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -295,7 +296,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits | *No description.* | | resetDefaultTlsClientKeyType | *No description.* | | resetDefaultTlsClientTtl | *No description.* | @@ -376,6 +379,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -484,6 +503,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -496,6 +534,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits` ```java @@ -581,6 +644,7 @@ public void resetTlsMinVersion() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -644,6 +708,50 @@ KmipSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kmip_secret_backend.KmipSecretBackend; + +KmipSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KmipSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KmipSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.python.md index f003d3518..afea2f59c 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.python.md @@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -292,7 +293,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_default_tls_client_key_bits | *No description.* | | reset_default_tls_client_key_type | *No description.* | | reset_default_tls_client_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -378,6 +381,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -504,6 +525,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -518,6 +560,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_default_tls_client_key_bits` ```python @@ -603,6 +672,7 @@ def reset_tls_min_version() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -672,6 +742,55 @@ kmipSecretBackend.KmipSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kmip_secret_backend + +kmipSecretBackend.KmipSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KmipSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.typescript.md index de21e43e2..ff0c1401d 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits | *No description.* | | resetDefaultTlsClientKeyType | *No description.* | | resetDefaultTlsClientTtl | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultTlsClientKeyBits` ```typescript @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ public resetTlsMinVersion(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ kmipSecretBackend.KmipSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kmipSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kmipSecretBackend.KmipSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretRole.csharp.md b/docs/kmipSecretRole.csharp.md index 9df446ba1..ca3f20b06 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetOperationActivate | *No description.* | @@ -156,6 +159,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +283,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -276,6 +313,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -397,6 +458,7 @@ private void ResetTlsClientTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -460,6 +522,50 @@ KmipSecretRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KmipSecretRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretRole.go.md b/docs/kmipSecretRole.go.md index dbc7bd261..e0099840e 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretRole.go.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetOperationActivate | *No description.* | @@ -156,6 +159,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +283,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -276,6 +313,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -397,6 +458,7 @@ func ResetTlsClientTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -460,6 +522,50 @@ kmipsecretrole.KmipSecretRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kmipsecretrole" + +kmipsecretrole.KmipSecretRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretRole.java.md b/docs/kmipSecretRole.java.md index ee04095b7..daf8ff2bc 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretRole.java.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretRole.java.md @@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -402,7 +403,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetOperationActivate | *No description.* | @@ -489,6 +492,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -597,6 +616,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -609,6 +647,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -730,6 +793,7 @@ public void resetTlsClientTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -793,6 +857,50 @@ KmipSecretRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kmip_secret_role.KmipSecretRole; + +KmipSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KmipSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KmipSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretRole.python.md b/docs/kmipSecretRole.python.md index 5f07eb1b5..1ce689a92 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretRole.python.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretRole.python.md @@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -386,7 +387,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_operation_activate | *No description.* | @@ -478,6 +481,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -604,6 +625,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -618,6 +660,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -739,6 +808,7 @@ def reset_tls_client_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -808,6 +878,55 @@ kmipSecretRole.KmipSecretRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kmip_secret_role + +kmipSecretRole.KmipSecretRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KmipSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretRole.typescript.md b/docs/kmipSecretRole.typescript.md index 84be868c4..ff1f474ef 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetOperationActivate | *No description.* | @@ -156,6 +159,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +283,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -276,6 +313,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -397,6 +458,7 @@ public resetTlsClientTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -460,6 +522,50 @@ kmipSecretRole.KmipSecretRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kmipSecretRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kmipSecretRole.KmipSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretScope.csharp.md b/docs/kmipSecretScope.csharp.md index 6f420bdc4..c16cd5a2f 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretScope.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretScope.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetForce | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetForce` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ KmipSecretScope.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KmipSecretScope.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretScope to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretScope.go.md b/docs/kmipSecretScope.go.md index e247cfaa5..5ea7ae627 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretScope.go.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretScope.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetForce | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetForce` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ kmipsecretscope.KmipSecretScope_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kmipsecretscope" + +kmipsecretscope.KmipSecretScope_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretScope to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretScope.java.md b/docs/kmipSecretScope.java.md index 1fadd87d4..8e009b4fd 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretScope.java.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretScope.java.md @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -185,7 +186,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetForce | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -256,6 +259,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -364,6 +383,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +414,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetForce` ```java @@ -401,6 +464,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -464,6 +528,50 @@ KmipSecretScope.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kmip_secret_scope.KmipSecretScope; + +KmipSecretScope.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KmipSecretScope.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretScope to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KmipSecretScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretScope.python.md b/docs/kmipSecretScope.python.md index 260c5d4d9..42b094cd7 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretScope.python.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretScope.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_force | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_force` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ kmipSecretScope.KmipSecretScope.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kmip_secret_scope + +kmipSecretScope.KmipSecretScope.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretScope to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KmipSecretScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kmipSecretScope.typescript.md b/docs/kmipSecretScope.typescript.md index 3c39c2591..541efb385 100644 --- a/docs/kmipSecretScope.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kmipSecretScope.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetForce | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetForce` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ kmipSecretScope.KmipSecretScope.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kmipSecretScope } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kmipSecretScope.KmipSecretScope.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretScope to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KmipSecretScope that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretScope to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md index 5c0fa7e73..dee66094b 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetDisableIssValidation | *No description.* | | ResetDisableLocalCaJwt | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetTokenReviewerJwt() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md index 9fbb87713..9fa6de030 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetDisableIssValidation | *No description.* | | ResetDisableLocalCaJwt | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetTokenReviewerJwt() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ kubernetesauthbackendconfig.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kubernetesauthbackendconfig" + +kubernetesauthbackendconfig.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md index 729fee022..7c07c9136 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.java.md @@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -250,7 +251,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetDisableIssValidation | *No description.* | | resetDisableLocalCaJwt | *No description.* | @@ -327,6 +330,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -435,6 +454,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -447,6 +485,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -508,6 +571,7 @@ public void resetTokenReviewerJwt() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -571,6 +635,50 @@ KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kubernetes_auth_backend_config.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig; + +KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md index 0b8aff5cf..120184830 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.python.md @@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -246,7 +247,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_disable_iss_validation | *No description.* | | reset_disable_local_ca_jwt | *No description.* | @@ -328,6 +331,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -454,6 +475,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -468,6 +510,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -529,6 +598,7 @@ def reset_token_reviewer_jwt() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -598,6 +668,55 @@ kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kubernetes_auth_backend_config + +kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md index 489350b41..7e70e217a 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetDisableIssValidation | *No description.* | | resetDisableLocalCaJwt | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetTokenReviewerJwt(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kubernetesAuthBackendConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kubernetesAuthBackendConfig.KubernetesAuthBackendConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index adb5012b9..0fbab55bd 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAliasNameSource | *No description.* | | ResetAudience | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAliasNameSource` ```csharp @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ KubernetesAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KubernetesAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md index 8393f3e61..1d8fa39a0 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAliasNameSource | *No description.* | | ResetAudience | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAliasNameSource` ```go @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ kubernetesauthbackendrole.KubernetesAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kubernetesauthbackendrole" + +kubernetesauthbackendrole.KubernetesAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md index e24461a88..077bfe1f3 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -333,7 +334,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAliasNameSource | *No description.* | | resetAudience | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -415,6 +418,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -523,6 +542,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -535,6 +573,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAliasNameSource` ```java @@ -626,6 +689,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -689,6 +753,50 @@ KubernetesAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kubernetes_auth_backend_role.KubernetesAuthBackendRole; + +KubernetesAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KubernetesAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md index d6cf458a8..f040bc27f 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -330,7 +331,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alias_name_source | *No description.* | | reset_audience | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | @@ -417,6 +420,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -543,6 +564,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -557,6 +599,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alias_name_source` ```python @@ -648,6 +717,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -717,6 +787,55 @@ kubernetesAuthBackendRole.KubernetesAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kubernetes_auth_backend_role + +kubernetesAuthBackendRole.KubernetesAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index 19b2b036e..11c32c202 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAliasNameSource | *No description.* | | resetAudience | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAliasNameSource` ```typescript @@ -362,6 +423,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -425,6 +487,50 @@ kubernetesAuthBackendRole.KubernetesAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kubernetesAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kubernetesAuthBackendRole.KubernetesAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.csharp.md index aedf1d2a4..b7e70200d 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedManagedKeys` ```csharp @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ private void ResetServiceAccountJwt() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ KubernetesSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KubernetesSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.go.md index fb1699827..aa3ebddb1 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedManagedKeys` ```go @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ func ResetServiceAccountJwt() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ kubernetessecretbackend.KubernetesSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kubernetessecretbackend" + +kubernetessecretbackend.KubernetesSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.java.md index bf4f88921..a47d9364a 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.java.md @@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -336,7 +337,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -420,6 +423,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -528,6 +547,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -540,6 +578,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedManagedKeys` ```java @@ -643,6 +706,7 @@ public void resetServiceAccountJwt() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -706,6 +770,50 @@ KubernetesSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kubernetes_secret_backend.KubernetesSecretBackend; + +KubernetesSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KubernetesSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.python.md index d81a75cc0..f87045018 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.python.md @@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -330,7 +331,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_managed_keys | *No description.* | | reset_audit_non_hmac_request_keys | *No description.* | | reset_audit_non_hmac_response_keys | *No description.* | @@ -419,6 +422,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -545,6 +566,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -559,6 +601,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_managed_keys` ```python @@ -662,6 +731,7 @@ def reset_service_account_jwt() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -731,6 +801,55 @@ kubernetesSecretBackend.KubernetesSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kubernetes_secret_backend + +kubernetesSecretBackend.KubernetesSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.typescript.md index b9d691f2d..b9041fb0f 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedManagedKeys` ```typescript @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ public resetServiceAccountJwt(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ kubernetesSecretBackend.KubernetesSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kubernetesSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kubernetesSecretBackend.KubernetesSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index 6724c4007..c88c823d6 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExtraAnnotations | *No description.* | | ResetExtraLabels | *No description.* | | ResetGeneratedRoleRules | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExtraAnnotations` ```csharp @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ private void ResetTokenMaxTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ KubernetesSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KubernetesSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.go.md index 2dd1b100b..d52a8da7e 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetExtraAnnotations | *No description.* | | ResetExtraLabels | *No description.* | | ResetGeneratedRoleRules | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetExtraAnnotations` ```go @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ func ResetTokenMaxTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ kubernetessecretbackendrole.KubernetesSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kubernetessecretbackendrole" + +kubernetessecretbackendrole.KubernetesSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.java.md index 38e15f98c..4e5f246ad 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -300,7 +301,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExtraAnnotations | *No description.* | | resetExtraLabels | *No description.* | | resetGeneratedRoleRules | *No description.* | @@ -379,6 +382,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -487,6 +506,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -499,6 +537,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExtraAnnotations` ```java @@ -572,6 +635,7 @@ public void resetTokenMaxTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -635,6 +699,50 @@ KubernetesSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kubernetes_secret_backend_role.KubernetesSecretBackendRole; + +KubernetesSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KubernetesSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.python.md index 3e190a05b..53ec0d66e 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -298,7 +299,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_extra_annotations | *No description.* | | reset_extra_labels | *No description.* | | reset_generated_role_rules | *No description.* | @@ -382,6 +385,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -508,6 +529,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -522,6 +564,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_extra_annotations` ```python @@ -595,6 +664,7 @@ def reset_token_max_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -664,6 +734,55 @@ kubernetesSecretBackendRole.KubernetesSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kubernetes_secret_backend_role + +kubernetesSecretBackendRole.KubernetesSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index 833e3c284..75256cfcd 100644 --- a/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kubernetesSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetExtraAnnotations | *No description.* | | resetExtraLabels | *No description.* | | resetGeneratedRoleRules | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetExtraAnnotations` ```typescript @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ public resetTokenMaxTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ kubernetesSecretBackendRole.KubernetesSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kubernetesSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kubernetesSecretBackendRole.KubernetesSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecret.csharp.md b/docs/kvSecret.csharp.md index bc59b90ae..337663a18 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecret.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kvSecret.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ KvSecret.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KvSecret.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecret.go.md b/docs/kvSecret.go.md index 5abb95c41..f4ef0d7b1 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecret.go.md +++ b/docs/kvSecret.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ kvsecret.KvSecret_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kvsecret" + +kvsecret.KvSecret_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecret.java.md b/docs/kvSecret.java.md index 11cb70c91..b2588af1e 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecret.java.md +++ b/docs/kvSecret.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ KvSecret.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kv_secret.KvSecret; + +KvSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KvSecret.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecret.python.md b/docs/kvSecret.python.md index e907443a9..4301f603c 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecret.python.md +++ b/docs/kvSecret.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ kvSecret.KvSecret.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kv_secret + +kvSecret.KvSecret.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecret.typescript.md b/docs/kvSecret.typescript.md index 22d9a7151..5eaff1eff 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecret.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kvSecret.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ kvSecret.KvSecret.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kvSecret } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kvSecret.KvSecret.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecret to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KvSecret that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecret to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.csharp.md b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.csharp.md index 10b530d64..1e80a7afa 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCasRequired | *No description.* | | ResetDeleteVersionAfter | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCasRequired` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ KvSecretBackendV2.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KvSecretBackendV2.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretBackendV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KvSecretBackendV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_backend_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretBackendV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.go.md b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.go.md index d8cedacd9..6c9db4de2 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.go.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCasRequired | *No description.* | | ResetDeleteVersionAfter | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCasRequired` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ kvsecretbackendv2.KvSecretBackendV2_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kvsecretbackendv2" + +kvsecretbackendv2.KvSecretBackendV2_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretBackendV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KvSecretBackendV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_backend_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretBackendV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.java.md b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.java.md index 0542ba4ca..d57833fef 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.java.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.java.md @@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -197,7 +198,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCasRequired | *No description.* | | resetDeleteVersionAfter | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -270,6 +273,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -378,6 +397,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -390,6 +428,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCasRequired` ```java @@ -427,6 +490,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -490,6 +554,50 @@ KvSecretBackendV2.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kv_secret_backend_v2.KvSecretBackendV2; + +KvSecretBackendV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KvSecretBackendV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretBackendV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KvSecretBackendV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_backend_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretBackendV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.python.md b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.python.md index 6b11cbb9d..b1c414ced 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.python.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_cas_required | *No description.* | | reset_delete_version_after | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -272,6 +275,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +419,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +454,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_cas_required` ```python @@ -449,6 +518,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -518,6 +588,55 @@ kvSecretBackendV2.KvSecretBackendV2.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kv_secret_backend_v2 + +kvSecretBackendV2.KvSecretBackendV2.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretBackendV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KvSecretBackendV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_backend_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretBackendV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.typescript.md b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.typescript.md index d3db75969..697493e0f 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretBackendV2.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCasRequired | *No description.* | | resetDeleteVersionAfter | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCasRequired` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ kvSecretBackendV2.KvSecretBackendV2.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kvSecretBackendV2 } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kvSecretBackendV2.KvSecretBackendV2.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretBackendV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KvSecretBackendV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_backend_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretBackendV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretV2.csharp.md b/docs/kvSecretV2.csharp.md index 77356a268..c370e1fc3 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretV2.csharp.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretV2.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | ResetCas | *No description.* | | ResetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCustomMetadata` ```csharp @@ -326,6 +387,7 @@ private void ResetOptions() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -389,6 +451,50 @@ KvSecretV2.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +KvSecretV2.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretV2.go.md b/docs/kvSecretV2.go.md index ff1ccd4c3..4018cc0de 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretV2.go.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretV2.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | ResetCas | *No description.* | | ResetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutCustomMetadata` ```go @@ -326,6 +387,7 @@ func ResetOptions() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -389,6 +451,50 @@ kvsecretv2.KvSecretV2_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/kvsecretv2" + +kvsecretv2.KvSecretV2_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing KvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretV2.java.md b/docs/kvSecretV2.java.md index bc2deb30f..9e9c995b5 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretV2.java.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretV2.java.md @@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -250,7 +251,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | resetCas | *No description.* | | resetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | @@ -326,6 +329,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -434,6 +453,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -446,6 +484,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCustomMetadata` ```java @@ -507,6 +570,7 @@ public void resetOptions() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -570,6 +634,50 @@ KvSecretV2.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.kv_secret_v2.KvSecretV2; + +KvSecretV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),KvSecretV2.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing KvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretV2.python.md b/docs/kvSecretV2.python.md index 6821da67a..606cd01f3 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretV2.python.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretV2.python.md @@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -246,7 +247,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_custom_metadata | *No description.* | | reset_cas | *No description.* | | reset_custom_metadata | *No description.* | @@ -327,6 +330,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -453,6 +474,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -467,6 +509,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_custom_metadata` ```python @@ -567,6 +636,7 @@ def reset_options() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -636,6 +706,55 @@ kvSecretV2.KvSecretV2.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import kv_secret_v2 + +kvSecretV2.KvSecretV2.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing KvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/kvSecretV2.typescript.md b/docs/kvSecretV2.typescript.md index d88cadad5..b2cf393d5 100644 --- a/docs/kvSecretV2.typescript.md +++ b/docs/kvSecretV2.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putCustomMetadata | *No description.* | | resetCas | *No description.* | | resetCustomMetadata | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putCustomMetadata` ```typescript @@ -326,6 +387,7 @@ public resetOptions(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -389,6 +451,50 @@ kvSecretV2.KvSecretV2.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { kvSecretV2 } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +kvSecretV2.KvSecretV2.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretV2 to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing KvSecretV2 that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretV2 to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.csharp.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.csharp.md index 16677404b..d984dad94 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBinddn | *No description.* | | ResetBindpass | *No description.* | | ResetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -174,6 +177,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -282,6 +301,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -294,6 +331,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBinddn` ```csharp @@ -523,6 +584,7 @@ private void ResetUseTokenGroups() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -586,6 +648,50 @@ LdapAuthBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapAuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.go.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.go.md index 4fd9a69a2..8691f184b 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBinddn | *No description.* | | ResetBindpass | *No description.* | | ResetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -174,6 +177,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -282,6 +301,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -294,6 +331,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBinddn` ```go @@ -523,6 +584,7 @@ func ResetUseTokenGroups() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -586,6 +648,50 @@ ldapauthbackend.LdapAuthBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapauthbackend" + +ldapauthbackend.LdapAuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.java.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.java.md index 7b37e1a8b..dd090512c 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.java.md @@ -533,6 +533,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -542,7 +543,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBinddn | *No description.* | | resetBindpass | *No description.* | | resetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -647,6 +650,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -755,6 +774,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -767,6 +805,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBinddn` ```java @@ -996,6 +1059,7 @@ public void resetUseTokenGroups() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1059,6 +1123,50 @@ LdapAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_auth_backend.LdapAuthBackend; + +LdapAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.python.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.python.md index c311defc8..f1dfa7c87 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.python.md @@ -521,6 +521,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -530,7 +531,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_binddn | *No description.* | | reset_bindpass | *No description.* | | reset_case_sensitive_names | *No description.* | @@ -640,6 +643,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -766,6 +787,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -780,6 +822,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_binddn` ```python @@ -1009,6 +1078,7 @@ def reset_use_token_groups() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1078,6 +1148,55 @@ ldapAuthBackend.LdapAuthBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_auth_backend + +ldapAuthBackend.LdapAuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.typescript.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.typescript.md index 5e4e56dd6..5424becaf 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBinddn | *No description.* | | resetBindpass | *No description.* | | resetCaseSensitiveNames | *No description.* | @@ -174,6 +177,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -282,6 +301,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -294,6 +331,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBinddn` ```typescript @@ -523,6 +584,7 @@ public resetUseTokenGroups(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -586,6 +648,50 @@ ldapAuthBackend.LdapAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapAuthBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapAuthBackend.LdapAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md index 02440dd33..a77660bc2 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ LdapAuthBackendGroup.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapAuthBackendGroup.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.go.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.go.md index e02211b43..4d7f737f2 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ ldapauthbackendgroup.LdapAuthBackendGroup_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapauthbackendgroup" + +ldapauthbackendgroup.LdapAuthBackendGroup_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.java.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.java.md index b0d002663..1da809e4e 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.java.md @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -178,7 +179,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -250,6 +253,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -358,6 +377,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -370,6 +408,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -401,6 +464,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -464,6 +528,50 @@ LdapAuthBackendGroup.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_auth_backend_group.LdapAuthBackendGroup; + +LdapAuthBackendGroup.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapAuthBackendGroup.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.python.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.python.md index 2f7cec144..a1afe06da 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.python.md @@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -176,7 +177,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -253,6 +256,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -379,6 +400,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -393,6 +435,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -424,6 +493,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -493,6 +563,55 @@ ldapAuthBackendGroup.LdapAuthBackendGroup.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_auth_backend_group + +ldapAuthBackendGroup.LdapAuthBackendGroup.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md index 1e2c05324..3258d213e 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ ldapAuthBackendGroup.LdapAuthBackendGroup.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapAuthBackendGroup } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapAuthBackendGroup.LdapAuthBackendGroup.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendGroup that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.csharp.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.csharp.md index 2aa2da937..9fa589bdc 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetGroups | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ LdapAuthBackendUser.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapAuthBackendUser.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendUser to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.go.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.go.md index 7fc4f0c59..d77b7308e 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetGroups | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ ldapauthbackenduser.LdapAuthBackendUser_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapauthbackenduser" + +ldapauthbackenduser.LdapAuthBackendUser_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendUser to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.java.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.java.md index 3ba54f563..8daa7d174 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.java.md @@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -188,7 +189,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetGroups | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -261,6 +264,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -369,6 +388,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -381,6 +419,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -418,6 +481,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -481,6 +545,50 @@ LdapAuthBackendUser.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_auth_backend_user.LdapAuthBackendUser; + +LdapAuthBackendUser.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapAuthBackendUser.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendUser to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.python.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.python.md index c512c2ea4..178514659 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.python.md @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -186,7 +187,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_groups | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -264,6 +267,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -390,6 +411,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -404,6 +446,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -441,6 +510,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -510,6 +580,55 @@ ldapAuthBackendUser.LdapAuthBackendUser.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_auth_backend_user + +ldapAuthBackendUser.LdapAuthBackendUser.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendUser to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.typescript.md b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.typescript.md index 941cbbf2d..44a1b8c58 100644 --- a/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapAuthBackendUser.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetGroups | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ ldapAuthBackendUser.LdapAuthBackendUser.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapAuthBackendUser } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapAuthBackendUser.LdapAuthBackendUser.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendUser to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendUser that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendUser to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.csharp.md index 5b90df3c6..3ddf1bd96 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedManagedKeys` ```csharp @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ private void ResetUserdn() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ LdapSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.go.md index d10c853cd..be13a73a4 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedManagedKeys` ```go @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ func ResetUserdn() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ ldapsecretbackend.LdapSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapsecretbackend" + +ldapsecretbackend.LdapSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.java.md index d2fe61924..49fee8d0a 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.java.md @@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -490,7 +491,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -586,6 +589,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -694,6 +713,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -706,6 +744,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedManagedKeys` ```java @@ -881,6 +944,7 @@ public void resetUserdn() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -944,6 +1008,50 @@ LdapSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_secret_backend.LdapSecretBackend; + +LdapSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.python.md index 4863ddae7..3925ca20a 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.python.md @@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -482,7 +483,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_managed_keys | *No description.* | | reset_audit_non_hmac_request_keys | *No description.* | | reset_audit_non_hmac_response_keys | *No description.* | @@ -583,6 +586,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -709,6 +730,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -723,6 +765,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_managed_keys` ```python @@ -898,6 +967,7 @@ def reset_userdn() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -967,6 +1037,55 @@ ldapSecretBackend.LdapSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_secret_backend + +ldapSecretBackend.LdapSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.typescript.md index 6567cb07a..e1251d63c 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -165,6 +168,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -273,6 +292,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +322,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedManagedKeys` ```typescript @@ -460,6 +521,7 @@ public resetUserdn(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +585,50 @@ ldapSecretBackend.LdapSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapSecretBackend.LdapSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.csharp.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.csharp.md index d5f817884..3de44eb30 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultTtl` ```csharp @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameTemplate() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.go.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.go.md index 82bb56899..0d58a2b56 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultTtl` ```go @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ func ResetUsernameTemplate() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ ldapsecretbackenddynamicrole.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole_IsTerraformResource(x --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapsecretbackenddynamicrole" + +ldapsecretbackenddynamicrole.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.java.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.java.md index c8e9457fe..9c64cc0c2 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.java.md @@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -250,7 +251,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -325,6 +328,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -433,6 +452,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -445,6 +483,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultTtl` ```java @@ -494,6 +557,7 @@ public void resetUsernameTemplate() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -557,6 +621,50 @@ LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole; + +LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.python.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.python.md index 90d723e54..58a5833dc 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.python.md @@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -248,7 +249,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_default_ttl | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_max_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -328,6 +331,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -454,6 +475,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -468,6 +510,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_default_ttl` ```python @@ -517,6 +586,7 @@ def reset_username_template() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -586,6 +656,55 @@ ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role + +ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.typescript.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.typescript.md index 5732006a2..5482a93eb 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultTtl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultTtl` ```typescript @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ public resetUsernameTemplate(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.isTerraformResource(x: --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapSecretBackendDynamicRole.LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.csharp.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.csharp.md index f85a1a363..c3da6f37c 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_library_set#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.go.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.go.md index c66079249..f0c7447b1 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ ldapsecretbackendlibraryset.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapsecretbackendlibraryset" + +ldapsecretbackendlibraryset.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_library_set#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.java.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.java.md index 4aaa7b036..10b4bf868 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.java.md @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -225,7 +226,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -299,6 +302,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -407,6 +426,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -419,6 +457,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```java @@ -462,6 +525,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -525,6 +589,50 @@ LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_secret_backend_library_set.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet; + +LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_library_set#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.python.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.python.md index 21419dac7..83979bc7e 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.python.md @@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -222,7 +223,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_disable_check_in_enforcement | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_max_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -301,6 +304,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -427,6 +448,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -441,6 +483,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_disable_check_in_enforcement` ```python @@ -484,6 +553,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -553,6 +623,55 @@ ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_secret_backend_library_set + +ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_library_set#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.typescript.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.typescript.md index 2635112ec..ad5ee2511 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisableCheckInEnforcement | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisableCheckInEnforcement` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapSecretBackendLibrarySet.LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_library_set#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md index 83da02b0f..1fdcb0b66 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDn | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMount | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDn` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md index 1cea6aa75..456c67cc0 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDn | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMount | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDn` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ ldapsecretbackendstaticrole.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/ldapsecretbackendstaticrole" + +ldapsecretbackendstaticrole.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md index a4f7d7f46..4b97fda15 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.java.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDn | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMount | *No description.* | @@ -280,6 +283,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -388,6 +407,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -400,6 +438,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDn` ```java @@ -431,6 +494,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -494,6 +558,50 @@ LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ldap_secret_backend_static_role.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole; + +LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md index a51da7591..7faccb4f7 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.python.md @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_dn | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_mount | *No description.* | @@ -283,6 +286,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -409,6 +430,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -423,6 +465,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_dn` ```python @@ -454,6 +523,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -523,6 +593,55 @@ ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ldap_secret_backend_static_role + +ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md index df0f819ec..36aaef7d5 100644 --- a/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDn | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMount | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDn` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { ldapSecretBackendStaticRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +ldapSecretBackendStaticRole.LdapSecretBackendStaticRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/managedKeys.csharp.md b/docs/managedKeys.csharp.md index 551ad40fe..fb9ebba20 100644 --- a/docs/managedKeys.csharp.md +++ b/docs/managedKeys.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutAws | *No description.* | | PutAzure | *No description.* | | PutPkcs | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutAws` ```csharp @@ -338,6 +399,7 @@ private void ResetPkcs() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -401,6 +463,50 @@ ManagedKeys.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +ManagedKeys.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ManagedKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ManagedKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/managed_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ManagedKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/managedKeys.go.md b/docs/managedKeys.go.md index 0c7146118..977c266a5 100644 --- a/docs/managedKeys.go.md +++ b/docs/managedKeys.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutAws | *No description.* | | PutAzure | *No description.* | | PutPkcs | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutAws` ```go @@ -338,6 +399,7 @@ func ResetPkcs() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -401,6 +463,50 @@ managedkeys.ManagedKeys_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/managedkeys" + +managedkeys.ManagedKeys_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ManagedKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing ManagedKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/managed_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ManagedKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/managedKeys.java.md b/docs/managedKeys.java.md index d45c84c4f..c50e49155 100644 --- a/docs/managedKeys.java.md +++ b/docs/managedKeys.java.md @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -187,7 +188,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putAws | *No description.* | | putAzure | *No description.* | | putPkcs | *No description.* | @@ -263,6 +266,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -371,6 +390,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -383,6 +421,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putAws` ```java @@ -456,6 +519,7 @@ public void resetPkcs() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -519,6 +583,50 @@ ManagedKeys.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.managed_keys.ManagedKeys; + +ManagedKeys.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),ManagedKeys.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ManagedKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing ManagedKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/managed_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ManagedKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/managedKeys.python.md b/docs/managedKeys.python.md index da54d67ea..585d2ad10 100644 --- a/docs/managedKeys.python.md +++ b/docs/managedKeys.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_aws | *No description.* | | put_azure | *No description.* | | put_pkcs | *No description.* | @@ -263,6 +266,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -389,6 +410,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -403,6 +445,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_aws` ```python @@ -482,6 +551,7 @@ def reset_pkcs() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -551,6 +621,55 @@ managedKeys.ManagedKeys.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import managed_keys + +managedKeys.ManagedKeys.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ManagedKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing ManagedKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/managed_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ManagedKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/managedKeys.typescript.md b/docs/managedKeys.typescript.md index 033630e5b..64836c4f5 100644 --- a/docs/managedKeys.typescript.md +++ b/docs/managedKeys.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putAws | *No description.* | | putAzure | *No description.* | | putPkcs | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putAws` ```typescript @@ -338,6 +399,7 @@ public resetPkcs(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -401,6 +463,50 @@ managedKeys.ManagedKeys.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { managedKeys } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +managedKeys.ManagedKeys.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the ManagedKeys to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing ManagedKeys that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/managed_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the ManagedKeys to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaDuo.csharp.md b/docs/mfaDuo.csharp.md index fdf388465..aebcd5f0a 100644 --- a/docs/mfaDuo.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mfaDuo.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ MfaDuo.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +MfaDuo.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaDuo.go.md b/docs/mfaDuo.go.md index a88e8c089..29601ea98 100644 --- a/docs/mfaDuo.go.md +++ b/docs/mfaDuo.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ mfaduo.MfaDuo_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mfaduo" + +mfaduo.MfaDuo_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing MfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaDuo.java.md b/docs/mfaDuo.java.md index 216777dad..a9c0a8af8 100644 --- a/docs/mfaDuo.java.md +++ b/docs/mfaDuo.java.md @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -234,7 +235,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -306,6 +309,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -414,6 +433,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -426,6 +464,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -457,6 +520,7 @@ public void resetUsernameFormat() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -520,6 +584,50 @@ MfaDuo.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mfa_duo.MfaDuo; + +MfaDuo.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),MfaDuo.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing MfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaDuo.python.md b/docs/mfaDuo.python.md index 903480b52..2729efb08 100644 --- a/docs/mfaDuo.python.md +++ b/docs/mfaDuo.python.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -232,7 +233,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_push_info | *No description.* | @@ -309,6 +312,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -435,6 +456,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -449,6 +491,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -480,6 +549,7 @@ def reset_username_format() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -549,6 +619,55 @@ mfaDuo.MfaDuo.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mfa_duo + +mfaDuo.MfaDuo.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing MfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaDuo.typescript.md b/docs/mfaDuo.typescript.md index 55d22a9a1..60adcbcf1 100644 --- a/docs/mfaDuo.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mfaDuo.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPushInfo | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetUsernameFormat(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ mfaDuo.MfaDuo.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mfaDuo } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mfaDuo.MfaDuo.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaDuo to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaDuo that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaDuo to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaOkta.csharp.md b/docs/mfaOkta.csharp.md index a499400cb..afa23e3b3 100644 --- a/docs/mfaOkta.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mfaOkta.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBaseUrl` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ MfaOkta.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +MfaOkta.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaOkta.go.md b/docs/mfaOkta.go.md index 41f96856a..ea06e953c 100644 --- a/docs/mfaOkta.go.md +++ b/docs/mfaOkta.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBaseUrl` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ mfaokta.MfaOkta_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mfaokta" + +mfaokta.MfaOkta_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing MfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaOkta.java.md b/docs/mfaOkta.java.md index b9cacbe78..69b0ea5b6 100644 --- a/docs/mfaOkta.java.md +++ b/docs/mfaOkta.java.md @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -237,7 +238,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -310,6 +313,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -418,6 +437,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -430,6 +468,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBaseUrl` ```java @@ -467,6 +530,7 @@ public void resetUsernameFormat() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -530,6 +594,50 @@ MfaOkta.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mfa_okta.MfaOkta; + +MfaOkta.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),MfaOkta.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing MfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaOkta.python.md b/docs/mfaOkta.python.md index 81b76eef1..140edbe6a 100644 --- a/docs/mfaOkta.python.md +++ b/docs/mfaOkta.python.md @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -234,7 +235,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_base_url | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -312,6 +315,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -438,6 +459,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -452,6 +494,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_base_url` ```python @@ -489,6 +558,7 @@ def reset_username_format() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -558,6 +628,55 @@ mfaOkta.MfaOkta.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mfa_okta + +mfaOkta.MfaOkta.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing MfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaOkta.typescript.md b/docs/mfaOkta.typescript.md index e60166c77..fc9f24ba0 100644 --- a/docs/mfaOkta.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mfaOkta.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBaseUrl` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetUsernameFormat(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ mfaOkta.MfaOkta.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mfaOkta } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mfaOkta.MfaOkta.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaOkta to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaOkta that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaOkta to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaPingid.csharp.md b/docs/mfaPingid.csharp.md index 5684b7cbf..72656861e 100644 --- a/docs/mfaPingid.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mfaPingid.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ MfaPingid.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +MfaPingid.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaPingid.go.md b/docs/mfaPingid.go.md index ff3cce697..6cb572df0 100644 --- a/docs/mfaPingid.go.md +++ b/docs/mfaPingid.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetUsernameFormat() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ mfapingid.MfaPingid_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mfapingid" + +mfapingid.MfaPingid_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing MfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaPingid.java.md b/docs/mfaPingid.java.md index 48f295c97..663ed5027 100644 --- a/docs/mfaPingid.java.md +++ b/docs/mfaPingid.java.md @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -200,7 +201,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -271,6 +274,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -379,6 +398,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -391,6 +429,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -416,6 +479,7 @@ public void resetUsernameFormat() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -479,6 +543,50 @@ MfaPingid.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mfa_pingid.MfaPingid; + +MfaPingid.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),MfaPingid.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing MfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaPingid.python.md b/docs/mfaPingid.python.md index b15ad29a2..e00f83127 100644 --- a/docs/mfaPingid.python.md +++ b/docs/mfaPingid.python.md @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -198,7 +199,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_username_format | *No description.* | @@ -274,6 +277,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -400,6 +421,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -414,6 +456,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -439,6 +508,7 @@ def reset_username_format() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -508,6 +578,55 @@ mfaPingid.MfaPingid.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mfa_pingid + +mfaPingid.MfaPingid.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing MfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaPingid.typescript.md b/docs/mfaPingid.typescript.md index 26a755d9b..1a3330f41 100644 --- a/docs/mfaPingid.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mfaPingid.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetUsernameFormat | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetUsernameFormat(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ mfaPingid.MfaPingid.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mfaPingid } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mfaPingid.MfaPingid.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaPingid to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaPingid that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaPingid to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaTotp.csharp.md b/docs/mfaTotp.csharp.md index a5c873038..d71e67649 100644 --- a/docs/mfaTotp.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mfaTotp.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | ResetDigits | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlgorithm` ```csharp @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ private void ResetSkew() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ MfaTotp.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +MfaTotp.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaTotp.go.md b/docs/mfaTotp.go.md index fd17a0883..fcf9b4978 100644 --- a/docs/mfaTotp.go.md +++ b/docs/mfaTotp.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | ResetDigits | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlgorithm` ```go @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ func ResetSkew() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ mfatotp.MfaTotp_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mfatotp" + +mfatotp.MfaTotp_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing MfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaTotp.java.md b/docs/mfaTotp.java.md index 647a0b82e..a0ad863a9 100644 --- a/docs/mfaTotp.java.md +++ b/docs/mfaTotp.java.md @@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -248,7 +249,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | resetDigits | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -324,6 +327,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -432,6 +451,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -444,6 +482,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlgorithm` ```java @@ -499,6 +562,7 @@ public void resetSkew() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -562,6 +626,50 @@ MfaTotp.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mfa_totp.MfaTotp; + +MfaTotp.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),MfaTotp.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing MfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaTotp.python.md b/docs/mfaTotp.python.md index 0200a834c..bc4a3c7e6 100644 --- a/docs/mfaTotp.python.md +++ b/docs/mfaTotp.python.md @@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -246,7 +247,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_algorithm | *No description.* | | reset_digits | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -327,6 +330,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -453,6 +474,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -467,6 +509,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_algorithm` ```python @@ -522,6 +591,7 @@ def reset_skew() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -591,6 +661,55 @@ mfaTotp.MfaTotp.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mfa_totp + +mfaTotp.MfaTotp.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing MfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mfaTotp.typescript.md b/docs/mfaTotp.typescript.md index 237386e18..185a1727b 100644 --- a/docs/mfaTotp.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mfaTotp.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlgorithm | *No description.* | | resetDigits | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlgorithm` ```typescript @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ public resetSkew(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ mfaTotp.MfaTotp.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mfaTotp } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mfaTotp.MfaTotp.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaTotp to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MfaTotp that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaTotp to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.csharp.md index b3c722f5b..76f922433 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ MongodbatlasSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +MongodbatlasSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.go.md index cb5ff2f0c..0abb9b65a 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ mongodbatlassecretbackend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mongodbatlassecretbackend" + +mongodbatlassecretbackend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.java.md index 1df79967d..23c776d76 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -254,6 +257,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +381,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -374,6 +412,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -393,6 +456,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -456,6 +520,50 @@ MongodbatlasSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mongodbatlas_secret_backend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend; + +MongodbatlasSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),MongodbatlasSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.python.md index 51261b06e..e5e6f4b2f 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +260,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -383,6 +404,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +439,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -416,6 +485,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -485,6 +555,55 @@ mongodbatlasSecretBackend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mongodbatlas_secret_backend + +mongodbatlasSecretBackend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.typescript.md index fb3703f47..0ee1bd97a 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ mongodbatlasSecretBackend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mongodbatlasSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mongodbatlasSecretBackend.MongodbatlasSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.csharp.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.csharp.md index 3812e7495..35fb0e02b 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCidrBlocks | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetIpAddresses | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCidrBlocks` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ MongodbatlasSecretRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +MongodbatlasSecretRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.go.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.go.md index 83ad36b36..e90d8fa22 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.go.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCidrBlocks | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetIpAddresses | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCidrBlocks` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ mongodbatlassecretrole.MongodbatlasSecretRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mongodbatlassecretrole" + +mongodbatlassecretrole.MongodbatlasSecretRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.java.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.java.md index 8fe2857ab..b1a8dbea5 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.java.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.java.md @@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -268,7 +269,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCidrBlocks | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetIpAddresses | *No description.* | @@ -345,6 +348,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -453,6 +472,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -465,6 +503,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCidrBlocks` ```java @@ -526,6 +589,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -589,6 +653,50 @@ MongodbatlasSecretRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mongodbatlas_secret_role.MongodbatlasSecretRole; + +MongodbatlasSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),MongodbatlasSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.python.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.python.md index 78e00964b..1721fe4d5 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.python.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.python.md @@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -266,7 +267,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_cidr_blocks | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_ip_addresses | *No description.* | @@ -348,6 +351,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -474,6 +495,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -488,6 +530,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_cidr_blocks` ```python @@ -549,6 +618,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -618,6 +688,55 @@ mongodbatlasSecretRole.MongodbatlasSecretRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mongodbatlas_secret_role + +mongodbatlasSecretRole.MongodbatlasSecretRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.typescript.md b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.typescript.md index 1a09096c0..511b8e56c 100644 --- a/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mongodbatlasSecretRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCidrBlocks | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetIpAddresses | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCidrBlocks` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ mongodbatlasSecretRole.MongodbatlasSecretRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mongodbatlasSecretRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mongodbatlasSecretRole.MongodbatlasSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mount.csharp.md b/docs/mount.csharp.md index ee1a0d79e..7de6370db 100644 --- a/docs/mount.csharp.md +++ b/docs/mount.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedManagedKeys` ```csharp @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ private void ResetSealWrap() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ Mount.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +Mount.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Mount to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Mount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Mount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mount.go.md b/docs/mount.go.md index 56bd4bd98..abde85cdf 100644 --- a/docs/mount.go.md +++ b/docs/mount.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | ResetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedManagedKeys` ```go @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ func ResetSealWrap() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ mount.Mount_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/mount" + +mount.Mount_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Mount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing Mount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Mount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mount.java.md b/docs/mount.java.md index 5dcfe83fb..72328cc34 100644 --- a/docs/mount.java.md +++ b/docs/mount.java.md @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -295,7 +296,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -375,6 +378,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -483,6 +502,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -495,6 +533,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedManagedKeys` ```java @@ -574,6 +637,7 @@ public void resetSealWrap() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -637,6 +701,50 @@ Mount.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.mount.Mount; + +Mount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),Mount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Mount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing Mount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Mount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mount.python.md b/docs/mount.python.md index 4ca180f6b..e6f7298bb 100644 --- a/docs/mount.python.md +++ b/docs/mount.python.md @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -290,7 +291,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_managed_keys | *No description.* | | reset_audit_non_hmac_request_keys | *No description.* | | reset_audit_non_hmac_response_keys | *No description.* | @@ -375,6 +378,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -501,6 +522,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -515,6 +557,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_managed_keys` ```python @@ -594,6 +663,7 @@ def reset_seal_wrap() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -663,6 +733,55 @@ mount.Mount.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import mount + +mount.Mount.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Mount to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing Mount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Mount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/mount.typescript.md b/docs/mount.typescript.md index 9791e34bb..6714b3836 100644 --- a/docs/mount.typescript.md +++ b/docs/mount.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedManagedKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacRequestKeys | *No description.* | | resetAuditNonHmacResponseKeys | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedManagedKeys` ```typescript @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ public resetSealWrap(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ mount.Mount.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { mount } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +mount.Mount.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Mount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Mount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Mount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/namespace.csharp.md b/docs/namespace.csharp.md index 99dc3e91a..ff9efe22f 100644 --- a/docs/namespace.csharp.md +++ b/docs/namespace.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPathFq | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetPathFq() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ Namespace.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +Namespace.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Namespace to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Namespace that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/namespace#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Namespace to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/namespace.go.md b/docs/namespace.go.md index 15a7617c5..85513ca6a 100644 --- a/docs/namespace.go.md +++ b/docs/namespace.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPathFq | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetPathFq() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ namespace.Namespace_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/namespace" + +namespace.Namespace_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Namespace to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing Namespace that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/namespace#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Namespace to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/namespace.java.md b/docs/namespace.java.md index 887737069..b033d5cbf 100644 --- a/docs/namespace.java.md +++ b/docs/namespace.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPathFq | *No description.* | @@ -243,6 +246,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -351,6 +370,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -363,6 +401,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -388,6 +451,7 @@ public void resetPathFq() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -451,6 +515,50 @@ Namespace.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.namespace.Namespace; + +Namespace.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),Namespace.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Namespace to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing Namespace that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/namespace#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Namespace to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/namespace.python.md b/docs/namespace.python.md index 7bb19f60c..52becbd4b 100644 --- a/docs/namespace.python.md +++ b/docs/namespace.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_path_fq | *No description.* | @@ -246,6 +249,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -372,6 +393,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -386,6 +428,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -411,6 +480,7 @@ def reset_path_fq() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -480,6 +550,55 @@ namespace.Namespace.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import namespace + +namespace.Namespace.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Namespace to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing Namespace that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/namespace#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Namespace to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/namespace.typescript.md b/docs/namespace.typescript.md index f1a9acbf3..4036002d1 100644 --- a/docs/namespace.typescript.md +++ b/docs/namespace.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPathFq | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetPathFq(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ namespace.Namespace.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { namespace } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +namespace.Namespace.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Namespace to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Namespace that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/namespace#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Namespace to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.csharp.md index 83f0f9f1f..0eb924a51 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddress | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetCaCert | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddress` ```csharp @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ NomadSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +NomadSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing NomadSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.go.md index c769927e3..5de9af5c6 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddress | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetCaCert | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddress` ```go @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ nomadsecretbackend.NomadSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/nomadsecretbackend" + +nomadsecretbackend.NomadSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing NomadSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.java.md index af0387f6c..06eb3f517 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.java.md @@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -322,7 +323,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddress | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetCaCert | *No description.* | @@ -406,6 +409,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -514,6 +533,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -526,6 +564,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddress` ```java @@ -629,6 +692,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -692,6 +756,50 @@ NomadSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.nomad_secret_backend.NomadSecretBackend; + +NomadSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),NomadSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing NomadSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.python.md index 7d64c16b3..69de5a8b3 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.python.md @@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -318,7 +319,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_address | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_ca_cert | *No description.* | @@ -407,6 +410,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -533,6 +554,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -547,6 +589,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_address` ```python @@ -650,6 +719,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -719,6 +789,55 @@ nomadSecretBackend.NomadSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import nomad_secret_backend + +nomadSecretBackend.NomadSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing NomadSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.typescript.md index 8461326ce..9607e183c 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddress | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetCaCert | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddress` ```typescript @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ nomadSecretBackend.NomadSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { nomadSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +nomadSecretBackend.NomadSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing NomadSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretRole.csharp.md b/docs/nomadSecretRole.csharp.md index 8b66f9555..9a14d2303 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetGlobal | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetGlobal` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ NomadSecretRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +NomadSecretRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing NomadSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretRole.go.md b/docs/nomadSecretRole.go.md index 3fd092e3a..06805ec2f 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretRole.go.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetGlobal | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetGlobal` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ nomadsecretrole.NomadSecretRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/nomadsecretrole" + +nomadsecretrole.NomadSecretRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing NomadSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretRole.java.md b/docs/nomadSecretRole.java.md index 0c27169bd..a421f853c 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretRole.java.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretRole.java.md @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -211,7 +212,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetGlobal | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -284,6 +287,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -392,6 +411,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -404,6 +442,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetGlobal` ```java @@ -441,6 +504,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -504,6 +568,50 @@ NomadSecretRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.nomad_secret_role.NomadSecretRole; + +NomadSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),NomadSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing NomadSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretRole.python.md b/docs/nomadSecretRole.python.md index e26055d8c..eba64e988 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretRole.python.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretRole.python.md @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -208,7 +209,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_global | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -286,6 +289,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +433,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -426,6 +468,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_global` ```python @@ -463,6 +532,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -532,6 +602,55 @@ nomadSecretRole.NomadSecretRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import nomad_secret_role + +nomadSecretRole.NomadSecretRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing NomadSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/nomadSecretRole.typescript.md b/docs/nomadSecretRole.typescript.md index ad86122ca..ba95c8e34 100644 --- a/docs/nomadSecretRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/nomadSecretRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetGlobal | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetGlobal` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ nomadSecretRole.NomadSecretRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { nomadSecretRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +nomadSecretRole.NomadSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing NomadSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.csharp.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.csharp.md index 7a8e99ccd..56219eea4 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutGroup | *No description.* | | PutUser | *No description.* | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutGroup` ```csharp @@ -374,6 +435,7 @@ private void ResetUser() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -437,6 +499,50 @@ OktaAuthBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +OktaAuthBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.go.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.go.md index 070b568ea..f904e84d9 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutGroup | *No description.* | | PutUser | *No description.* | | ResetBaseUrl | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutGroup` ```go @@ -374,6 +435,7 @@ func ResetUser() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -437,6 +499,50 @@ oktaauthbackend.OktaAuthBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/oktaauthbackend" + +oktaauthbackend.OktaAuthBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.java.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.java.md index 9c1adec45..64916e8ea 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.java.md @@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -284,7 +285,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putGroup | *No description.* | | putUser | *No description.* | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | @@ -366,6 +369,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -474,6 +493,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -486,6 +524,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putGroup` ```java @@ -589,6 +652,7 @@ public void resetUser() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -652,6 +716,50 @@ OktaAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.okta_auth_backend.OktaAuthBackend; + +OktaAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),OktaAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.python.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.python.md index 7a05b3792..29d57f25b 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.python.md @@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -278,7 +279,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_group | *No description.* | | put_user | *No description.* | | reset_base_url | *No description.* | @@ -365,6 +368,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -491,6 +512,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -505,6 +547,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_group` ```python @@ -612,6 +681,7 @@ def reset_user() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -681,6 +751,55 @@ oktaAuthBackend.OktaAuthBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import okta_auth_backend + +oktaAuthBackend.OktaAuthBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.typescript.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.typescript.md index ea1e36e71..059d687de 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putGroup | *No description.* | | putUser | *No description.* | | resetBaseUrl | *No description.* | @@ -151,6 +154,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +278,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +308,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putGroup` ```typescript @@ -374,6 +435,7 @@ public resetUser(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -437,6 +499,50 @@ oktaAuthBackend.OktaAuthBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { oktaAuthBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +oktaAuthBackend.OktaAuthBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md index 8259d6e26..78a660f59 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ OktaAuthBackendGroupA.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +OktaAuthBackendGroupA.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendGroupA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.go.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.go.md index 73bb29b27..c793319c0 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.go.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ oktaauthbackendgroup.OktaAuthBackendGroupA_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *b --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/oktaauthbackendgroup" + +oktaauthbackendgroup.OktaAuthBackendGroupA_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendGroupA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.java.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.java.md index 6f14b5b59..de3fec62f 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.java.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -255,6 +258,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -363,6 +382,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +413,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -400,6 +463,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -463,6 +527,50 @@ OktaAuthBackendGroupA.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.okta_auth_backend_group.OktaAuthBackendGroupA; + +OktaAuthBackendGroupA.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),OktaAuthBackendGroupA.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendGroupA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.python.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.python.md index 0e1bc671b..da1e48e5d 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.python.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_policies | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ oktaAuthBackendGroup.OktaAuthBackendGroupA.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import okta_auth_backend_group + +oktaAuthBackendGroup.OktaAuthBackendGroupA.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendGroupA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md index b287dc1be..121c9fe80 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendGroup.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPolicies | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ oktaAuthBackendGroup.OktaAuthBackendGroupA.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { oktaAuthBackendGroup } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +oktaAuthBackendGroup.OktaAuthBackendGroupA.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendGroupA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.csharp.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.csharp.md index 5b69232ba..5c4e7da2a 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.csharp.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetGroups | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetGroups` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ OktaAuthBackendUserA.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +OktaAuthBackendUserA.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendUserA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.go.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.go.md index 1d255933b..3f23e476f 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.go.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetGroups | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetGroups` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetPolicies() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ oktaauthbackenduser.OktaAuthBackendUserA_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *boo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/oktaauthbackenduser" + +oktaauthbackenduser.OktaAuthBackendUserA_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendUserA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.java.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.java.md index 3dcfb60f1..b88455c40 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.java.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetGroups | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -268,6 +271,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +395,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -388,6 +426,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetGroups` ```java @@ -419,6 +482,7 @@ public void resetPolicies() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -482,6 +546,50 @@ OktaAuthBackendUserA.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.okta_auth_backend_user.OktaAuthBackendUserA; + +OktaAuthBackendUserA.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),OktaAuthBackendUserA.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendUserA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.python.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.python.md index a6f66480c..42ab159d5 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.python.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_groups | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -271,6 +274,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +418,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -411,6 +453,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_groups` ```python @@ -442,6 +511,7 @@ def reset_policies() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -511,6 +581,55 @@ oktaAuthBackendUser.OktaAuthBackendUserA.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import okta_auth_backend_user + +oktaAuthBackendUser.OktaAuthBackendUserA.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendUserA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.typescript.md b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.typescript.md index be797c9b1..731a747d1 100644 --- a/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.typescript.md +++ b/docs/oktaAuthBackendUser.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetGroups | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetGroups` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetPolicies(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ oktaAuthBackendUser.OktaAuthBackendUserA.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { oktaAuthBackendUser } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +oktaAuthBackendUser.OktaAuthBackendUserA.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendUserA that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/passwordPolicy.csharp.md b/docs/passwordPolicy.csharp.md index 4cb6ecac1..71739666b 100644 --- a/docs/passwordPolicy.csharp.md +++ b/docs/passwordPolicy.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ PasswordPolicy.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PasswordPolicy.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PasswordPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PasswordPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/password_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PasswordPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/passwordPolicy.go.md b/docs/passwordPolicy.go.md index 219889fde..a5e1da5a9 100644 --- a/docs/passwordPolicy.go.md +++ b/docs/passwordPolicy.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicy_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/passwordpolicy" + +passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicy_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PasswordPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PasswordPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/password_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PasswordPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/passwordPolicy.java.md b/docs/passwordPolicy.java.md index 57313f233..f728ef560 100644 --- a/docs/passwordPolicy.java.md +++ b/docs/passwordPolicy.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ PasswordPolicy.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.password_policy.PasswordPolicy; + +PasswordPolicy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PasswordPolicy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PasswordPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PasswordPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/password_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PasswordPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/passwordPolicy.python.md b/docs/passwordPolicy.python.md index c1927859b..d631d97e0 100644 --- a/docs/passwordPolicy.python.md +++ b/docs/passwordPolicy.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ passwordPolicy.PasswordPolicy.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import password_policy + +passwordPolicy.PasswordPolicy.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PasswordPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PasswordPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/password_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PasswordPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/passwordPolicy.typescript.md b/docs/passwordPolicy.typescript.md index ed2ab6f0c..fd87ebda2 100644 --- a/docs/passwordPolicy.typescript.md +++ b/docs/passwordPolicy.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ passwordPolicy.PasswordPolicy.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { passwordPolicy } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +passwordPolicy.PasswordPolicy.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PasswordPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PasswordPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/password_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PasswordPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.csharp.md index fe6f3b7c5..a1aecab29 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -152,6 +155,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +279,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -272,6 +309,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```csharp @@ -369,6 +430,7 @@ private void ResetUserIds() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +494,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendCert.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendCert.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.go.md index c14be2d49..e174bc986 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -152,6 +155,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +279,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -272,6 +309,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```go @@ -369,6 +430,7 @@ func ResetUserIds() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +494,50 @@ pkisecretbackendcert.PkiSecretBackendCert_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendcert" + +pkisecretbackendcert.PkiSecretBackendCert_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.java.md index 76caa0df0..5928e0e0b 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.java.md @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -343,7 +344,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -426,6 +429,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -534,6 +553,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -546,6 +584,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```java @@ -643,6 +706,7 @@ public void resetUserIds() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -706,6 +770,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendCert.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_cert.PkiSecretBackendCert; + +PkiSecretBackendCert.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendCert.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.python.md index 20a3e23bb..ad5e14d1a 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.python.md @@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -338,7 +339,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alt_names | *No description.* | | reset_auto_renew | *No description.* | | reset_exclude_cn_from_sans | *No description.* | @@ -426,6 +429,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -552,6 +573,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -566,6 +608,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alt_names` ```python @@ -663,6 +732,7 @@ def reset_user_ids() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -732,6 +802,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendCert.PkiSecretBackendCert.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_cert + +pkiSecretBackendCert.PkiSecretBackendCert.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.typescript.md index 4f76ea55a..266738fea 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCert.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -152,6 +155,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +279,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -272,6 +309,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```typescript @@ -369,6 +430,7 @@ public resetUserIds(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -432,6 +494,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendCert.PkiSecretBackendCert.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendCert } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendCert.PkiSecretBackendCert.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.csharp.md index 4f5f1474e..a1650f0e6 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.go.md index d5f725469..b2cfd1f80 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ pkisecretbackendconfigca.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa_IsTerraformResource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendconfigca" + +pkisecretbackendconfigca.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.java.md index 279fe3b41..9ec224dc1 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_config_ca.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa; + +PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.python.md index 112b37aaf..26f045aae 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_config_ca + +pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.typescript.md index 436b9814f..4ae5b74c8 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendConfigCa } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendConfigCa.PkiSecretBackendConfigCa.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.csharp.md index ebefe39e3..9d5ed4636 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefault | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultFollowsLatestIssuer | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefault` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.go.md index f8efcc13b..9d13e8f16 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefault | *No description.* | | ResetDefaultFollowsLatestIssuer | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefault` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ pkisecretbackendconfigissuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers_IsTerraformResource( --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendconfigissuers" + +pkisecretbackendconfigissuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.java.md index dfc59d228..2709d4e45 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.java.md @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -185,7 +186,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefault | *No description.* | | resetDefaultFollowsLatestIssuer | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +260,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -365,6 +384,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -377,6 +415,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefault` ```java @@ -408,6 +471,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -471,6 +535,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_config_issuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers; + +PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.python.md index 2a02e39b9..cf3cf7489 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_default | *No description.* | | reset_default_follows_latest_issuer | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -259,6 +262,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +406,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +441,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_default` ```python @@ -430,6 +499,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -499,6 +569,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.is_terraform_resourc --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_config_issuers + +pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.typescript.md index daccc6d03..a0a12e5e5 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefault | *No description.* | | resetDefaultFollowsLatestIssuer | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefault` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.isTerraformResource( --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.csharp.md index 22ba28a87..13ffa7ae0 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetIssuingCertificates | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCrlDistributionPoints` ```csharp @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ private void ResetOcspServers() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_urls#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.go.md index 862d2e93c..59a8a1c35 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetIssuingCertificates | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCrlDistributionPoints` ```go @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ func ResetOcspServers() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ pkisecretbackendconfigurls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls_IsTerraformResource(x inte --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendconfigurls" + +pkisecretbackendconfigurls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_urls#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.java.md index 92016a2fc..885dec6bd 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetIssuingCertificates | *No description.* | @@ -269,6 +272,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -377,6 +396,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -389,6 +427,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCrlDistributionPoints` ```java @@ -426,6 +489,7 @@ public void resetOcspServers() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -489,6 +553,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_config_urls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls; + +PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_urls#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.python.md index 36d0af514..4c28f2ec9 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_crl_distribution_points | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_issuing_certificates | *No description.* | @@ -272,6 +275,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +419,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +454,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_crl_distribution_points` ```python @@ -449,6 +518,7 @@ def reset_ocsp_servers() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -518,6 +588,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_config_urls + +pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_urls#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.typescript.md index fbc474576..109560623 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetIssuingCertificates | *No description.* | @@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -250,6 +269,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -262,6 +299,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCrlDistributionPoints` ```typescript @@ -299,6 +360,7 @@ public resetOcspServers(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -362,6 +424,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.isTerraformResource(x: any --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_urls#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.csharp.md index 35562858b..a57f59afb 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAutoRebuild | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRebuildGracePeriod | *No description.* | | ResetCrossClusterRevocation | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAutoRebuild` ```csharp @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ private void ResetUnifiedCrlOnExistingPaths() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_crl_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.go.md index 6f2985d77..3e244a91a 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAutoRebuild | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRebuildGracePeriod | *No description.* | | ResetCrossClusterRevocation | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAutoRebuild` ```go @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ func ResetUnifiedCrlOnExistingPaths() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ pkisecretbackendcrlconfig.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig_IsTerraformResource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendcrlconfig" + +pkisecretbackendcrlconfig.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_crl_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.java.md index afbe91946..4235815ad 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.java.md @@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -299,7 +300,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAutoRebuild | *No description.* | | resetAutoRebuildGracePeriod | *No description.* | | resetCrossClusterRevocation | *No description.* | @@ -380,6 +383,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -488,6 +507,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -500,6 +538,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAutoRebuild` ```java @@ -585,6 +648,7 @@ public void resetUnifiedCrlOnExistingPaths() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -648,6 +712,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_crl_config.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig; + +PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_crl_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.python.md index 65214a67c..e4986b62c 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.python.md @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -290,7 +291,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_auto_rebuild | *No description.* | | reset_auto_rebuild_grace_period | *No description.* | | reset_cross_cluster_revocation | *No description.* | @@ -376,6 +379,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -502,6 +523,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -516,6 +558,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_auto_rebuild` ```python @@ -601,6 +670,7 @@ def reset_unified_crl_on_existing_paths() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -670,6 +740,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_crl_config + +pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_crl_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.typescript.md index d88c0a1a8..20bd691a1 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAutoRebuild | *No description.* | | resetAutoRebuildGracePeriod | *No description.* | | resetCrossClusterRevocation | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAutoRebuild` ```typescript @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ public resetUnifiedCrlOnExistingPaths(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_crl_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.csharp.md index a16a01c6d..545a099b2 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddBasicConstraints | *No description.* | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetCountry | *No description.* | @@ -160,6 +163,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -268,6 +287,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -280,6 +317,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddBasicConstraints` ```csharp @@ -425,6 +486,7 @@ private void ResetUriSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -488,6 +550,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.go.md index ce1002208..2ba7d74f0 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddBasicConstraints | *No description.* | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetCountry | *No description.* | @@ -160,6 +163,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -268,6 +287,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -280,6 +317,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddBasicConstraints` ```go @@ -425,6 +486,7 @@ func ResetUriSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -488,6 +550,50 @@ pkisecretbackendintermediatecertrequest.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest_ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendintermediatecertrequest" + +pkisecretbackendintermediatecertrequest.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.java.md index f7e41d241..2c07537a1 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.java.md @@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -441,7 +442,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddBasicConstraints | *No description.* | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetCountry | *No description.* | @@ -532,6 +535,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -640,6 +659,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -652,6 +690,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddBasicConstraints` ```java @@ -797,6 +860,7 @@ public void resetUriSans() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -860,6 +924,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest; + +PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.python.md index f07968453..277039fb2 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.python.md @@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -437,7 +438,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_add_basic_constraints | *No description.* | | reset_alt_names | *No description.* | | reset_country | *No description.* | @@ -533,6 +536,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -659,6 +680,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -673,6 +715,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_add_basic_constraints` ```python @@ -818,6 +887,7 @@ def reset_uri_sans() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -887,6 +957,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest. --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request + +pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.typescript.md index be348f919..d62d884b8 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddBasicConstraints | *No description.* | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetCountry | *No description.* | @@ -160,6 +163,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -268,6 +287,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -280,6 +317,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddBasicConstraints` ```typescript @@ -425,6 +486,7 @@ public resetUriSans(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -488,6 +550,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest. --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.csharp.md index 73dd932ce..52830be7a 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.go.md index bd4819c8b..95fa7ea89 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ pkisecretbackendintermediatesetsigned.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned_IsTe --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendintermediatesetsigned" + +pkisecretbackendintermediatesetsigned.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.java.md index b57464a05..02162e090 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned; + +PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.python.md index a281a3cbf..a9b365b99 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.is_t --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed + +pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.typescript.md index d55edd89c..0a81facd7 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.isTe --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md index 7e3e8e360..9fe74b470 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | ResetEnableAiaUrlTemplating | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCrlDistributionPoints` ```csharp @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ private void ResetUsage() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendIssuer.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendIssuer.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md index 2591116f1..cc10bbde4 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | ResetEnableAiaUrlTemplating | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCrlDistributionPoints` ```go @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ func ResetUsage() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ pkisecretbackendissuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendissuer" + +pkisecretbackendissuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md index bf43d2759..0737124cc 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.java.md @@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -281,7 +282,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | resetEnableAiaUrlTemplating | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -360,6 +363,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -468,6 +487,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -480,6 +518,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCrlDistributionPoints` ```java @@ -553,6 +616,7 @@ public void resetUsage() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -616,6 +680,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendIssuer.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_issuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer; + +PkiSecretBackendIssuer.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendIssuer.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md index 3a64a6b4c..0af4921a4 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.python.md @@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -278,7 +279,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_crl_distribution_points | *No description.* | | reset_enable_aia_url_templating | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -362,6 +365,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -488,6 +509,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -502,6 +544,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_crl_distribution_points` ```python @@ -575,6 +644,7 @@ def reset_usage() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -644,6 +714,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendIssuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_issuer + +pkiSecretBackendIssuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md index 4010e6436..43c9c9a35 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendIssuer.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCrlDistributionPoints | *No description.* | | resetEnableAiaUrlTemplating | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -148,6 +151,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -256,6 +275,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -268,6 +305,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCrlDistributionPoints` ```typescript @@ -341,6 +402,7 @@ public resetUsage(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -404,6 +466,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendIssuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendIssuer } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendIssuer.PkiSecretBackendIssuer.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md index 09f29f5c2..0fc4ae8ce 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetKeyBits | *No description.* | | ResetKeyName | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendKey.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendKey.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.go.md index f865312aa..457384399 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetKeyBits | *No description.* | | ResetKeyName | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ pkisecretbackendkey.PkiSecretBackendKey_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendkey" + +pkisecretbackendkey.PkiSecretBackendKey_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.java.md index eea65027a..0e9a42596 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.java.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -232,7 +233,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetKeyBits | *No description.* | | resetKeyName | *No description.* | @@ -307,6 +310,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -415,6 +434,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -427,6 +465,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -476,6 +539,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -539,6 +603,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendKey.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_key.PkiSecretBackendKey; + +PkiSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.python.md index e939e43f9..b3270fe95 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.python.md @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -230,7 +231,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_key_bits | *No description.* | | reset_key_name | *No description.* | @@ -310,6 +313,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -436,6 +457,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -450,6 +492,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -499,6 +568,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -568,6 +638,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendKey.PkiSecretBackendKey.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_key + +pkiSecretBackendKey.PkiSecretBackendKey.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md index df08fb0a5..0756bef14 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendKey.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetKeyBits | *No description.* | | resetKeyName | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendKey.PkiSecretBackendKey.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendKey } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendKey.PkiSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index ed92d5f80..18093889b 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutPolicyIdentifier | *No description.* | | ResetAllowAnyName | *No description.* | | ResetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -182,6 +185,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -290,6 +309,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -302,6 +339,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutPolicyIdentifier` ```csharp @@ -585,6 +646,7 @@ private void ResetUseCsrSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -648,6 +710,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.go.md index 7e56f241e..2bd091a57 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutPolicyIdentifier | *No description.* | | ResetAllowAnyName | *No description.* | | ResetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -182,6 +185,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -290,6 +309,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -302,6 +339,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutPolicyIdentifier` ```go @@ -585,6 +646,7 @@ func ResetUseCsrSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -648,6 +710,50 @@ pkisecretbackendrole.PkiSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendrole" + +pkisecretbackendrole.PkiSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.java.md index 3ee72d958..fca8e4bf4 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -688,6 +688,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -697,7 +698,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putPolicyIdentifier | *No description.* | | resetAllowAnyName | *No description.* | | resetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -810,6 +813,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -918,6 +937,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -930,6 +968,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putPolicyIdentifier` ```java @@ -1213,6 +1276,7 @@ public void resetUseCsrSans() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1276,6 +1340,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_role.PkiSecretBackendRole; + +PkiSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.python.md index 98358bfea..d37433b97 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -665,6 +665,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -674,7 +675,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_policy_identifier | *No description.* | | reset_allow_any_name | *No description.* | | reset_allow_bare_domains | *No description.* | @@ -792,6 +795,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -918,6 +939,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -932,6 +974,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_policy_identifier` ```python @@ -1217,6 +1286,7 @@ def reset_use_csr_sans() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -1286,6 +1356,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendRole.PkiSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_role + +pkiSecretBackendRole.PkiSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index 339d33068..237df3987 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putPolicyIdentifier | *No description.* | | resetAllowAnyName | *No description.* | | resetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -182,6 +185,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -290,6 +309,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -302,6 +339,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putPolicyIdentifier` ```typescript @@ -585,6 +646,7 @@ public resetUseCsrSans(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -648,6 +710,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendRole.PkiSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendRole.PkiSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.csharp.md index f2ec56cf8..1e87ab19f 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetCountry | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -163,6 +166,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +290,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -283,6 +320,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```csharp @@ -446,6 +507,7 @@ private void ResetUriSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -509,6 +571,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendRootCert.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendRootCert.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.go.md index b6db5144c..945decec8 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetCountry | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -163,6 +166,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +290,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -283,6 +320,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```go @@ -446,6 +507,7 @@ func ResetUriSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -509,6 +571,50 @@ pkisecretbackendrootcert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert_IsTerraformResource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendrootcert" + +pkisecretbackendrootcert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.java.md index 517d2dbd0..86111666a 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.java.md @@ -466,6 +466,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -475,7 +476,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetCountry | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -569,6 +572,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -677,6 +696,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -689,6 +727,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```java @@ -852,6 +915,7 @@ public void resetUriSans() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -915,6 +979,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendRootCert.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_root_cert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert; + +PkiSecretBackendRootCert.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendRootCert.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.python.md index aeff98b3d..86e4497a8 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.python.md @@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -472,7 +473,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alt_names | *No description.* | | reset_country | *No description.* | | reset_exclude_cn_from_sans | *No description.* | @@ -571,6 +574,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -697,6 +718,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -711,6 +753,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alt_names` ```python @@ -874,6 +943,7 @@ def reset_uri_sans() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -943,6 +1013,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendRootCert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_root_cert + +pkiSecretBackendRootCert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.typescript.md index 01ddc7520..223e2fa2e 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootCert.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetCountry | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -163,6 +166,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +290,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -283,6 +320,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```typescript @@ -446,6 +507,7 @@ public resetUriSans(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -509,6 +571,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendRootCert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendRootCert } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendRootCert.PkiSecretBackendRootCert.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootCert that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.csharp.md index 30372d669..052e3d934 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetCountry | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```csharp @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ private void ResetUseCsrValues() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.go.md index 94bad1991..eb1699714 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetCountry | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```go @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ func ResetUseCsrValues() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ pkisecretbackendrootsignintermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate_IsTerr --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendrootsignintermediate" + +pkisecretbackendrootsignintermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.java.md index edd5a1c3c..f42b8163d 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.java.md @@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -415,7 +416,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetCountry | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -504,6 +507,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -612,6 +631,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -624,6 +662,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```java @@ -757,6 +820,7 @@ public void resetUseCsrValues() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -820,6 +884,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate; + +PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.python.md index 6a4fb434d..40515f37f 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.python.md @@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -410,7 +411,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alt_names | *No description.* | | reset_country | *No description.* | | reset_exclude_cn_from_sans | *No description.* | @@ -504,6 +507,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -630,6 +651,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -644,6 +686,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alt_names` ```python @@ -777,6 +846,7 @@ def reset_use_csr_values() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -846,6 +916,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.is_ter --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate + +pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.typescript.md index c51229154..c3ccdb12a 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetCountry | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -158,6 +161,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +285,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +315,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```typescript @@ -411,6 +472,7 @@ public resetUseCsrValues(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -474,6 +536,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.isTerr --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.csharp.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.csharp.md index f899ca147..32ae96063 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.csharp.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```csharp @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ private void ResetUriSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendSign.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +PkiSecretBackendSign.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendSign to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendSign that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_sign#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendSign to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.go.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.go.md index bd46cfa2d..7bab40d7d 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.go.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAltNames | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | ResetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAltNames` ```go @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ func ResetUriSans() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ pkisecretbackendsign.PkiSecretBackendSign_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/pkisecretbackendsign" + +pkisecretbackendsign.PkiSecretBackendSign_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendSign to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendSign that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_sign#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendSign to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.java.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.java.md index c4eef4eee..a6a986b9d 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.java.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.java.md @@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -318,7 +319,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -398,6 +401,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -506,6 +525,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -518,6 +556,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```java @@ -597,6 +660,7 @@ public void resetUriSans() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -660,6 +724,50 @@ PkiSecretBackendSign.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.pki_secret_backend_sign.PkiSecretBackendSign; + +PkiSecretBackendSign.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),PkiSecretBackendSign.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendSign to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendSign that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_sign#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendSign to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.python.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.python.md index 3f39548b1..45ab4f651 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.python.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.python.md @@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -314,7 +315,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alt_names | *No description.* | | reset_auto_renew | *No description.* | | reset_exclude_cn_from_sans | *No description.* | @@ -399,6 +402,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -525,6 +546,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -539,6 +581,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alt_names` ```python @@ -618,6 +687,7 @@ def reset_uri_sans() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -687,6 +757,55 @@ pkiSecretBackendSign.PkiSecretBackendSign.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import pki_secret_backend_sign + +pkiSecretBackendSign.PkiSecretBackendSign.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendSign to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendSign that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_sign#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendSign to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.typescript.md b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.typescript.md index 869390514..2cd275725 100644 --- a/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.typescript.md +++ b/docs/pkiSecretBackendSign.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAltNames | *No description.* | | resetAutoRenew | *No description.* | | resetExcludeCnFromSans | *No description.* | @@ -149,6 +152,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -257,6 +276,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -269,6 +306,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAltNames` ```typescript @@ -348,6 +409,7 @@ public resetUriSans(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -411,6 +473,50 @@ pkiSecretBackendSign.PkiSecretBackendSign.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { pkiSecretBackendSign } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +pkiSecretBackendSign.PkiSecretBackendSign.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendSign to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendSign that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_sign#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendSign to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/policy.csharp.md b/docs/policy.csharp.md index fd039e0f3..56d761a3a 100644 --- a/docs/policy.csharp.md +++ b/docs/policy.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ Policy.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +Policy.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Policy to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Policy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Policy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/policy.go.md b/docs/policy.go.md index aba714338..0f835eacd 100644 --- a/docs/policy.go.md +++ b/docs/policy.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ policy.Policy_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/policy" + +policy.Policy_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Policy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing Policy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Policy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/policy.java.md b/docs/policy.java.md index 81858036a..edf5814ef 100644 --- a/docs/policy.java.md +++ b/docs/policy.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ Policy.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.policy.Policy; + +Policy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),Policy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Policy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing Policy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Policy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/policy.python.md b/docs/policy.python.md index 733844483..d391b9471 100644 --- a/docs/policy.python.md +++ b/docs/policy.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ policy.Policy.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import policy + +policy.Policy.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Policy to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing Policy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Policy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/policy.typescript.md b/docs/policy.typescript.md index ef46eedaf..f132f277d 100644 --- a/docs/policy.typescript.md +++ b/docs/policy.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ policy.Policy.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { policy } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +policy.Policy.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Policy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Policy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Policy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/provider.csharp.md b/docs/provider.csharp.md index 67e6dfa8b..ada03eb7e 100644 --- a/docs/provider.csharp.md +++ b/docs/provider.csharp.md @@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ private void ResetVaultVersionOverride() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -400,6 +401,50 @@ VaultProvider.IsTerraformProvider(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +VaultProvider.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the VaultProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing VaultProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the VaultProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/provider.go.md b/docs/provider.go.md index fd89fd5e0..642c50530 100644 --- a/docs/provider.go.md +++ b/docs/provider.go.md @@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ func ResetVaultVersionOverride() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -400,6 +401,50 @@ provider.VaultProvider_IsTerraformProvider(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/provider" + +provider.VaultProvider_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the VaultProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing VaultProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the VaultProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/provider.java.md b/docs/provider.java.md index cfa993d98..de1aaf1e5 100644 --- a/docs/provider.java.md +++ b/docs/provider.java.md @@ -695,6 +695,7 @@ public void resetVaultVersionOverride() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -758,6 +759,50 @@ VaultProvider.isTerraformProvider(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.provider.VaultProvider; + +VaultProvider.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),VaultProvider.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the VaultProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing VaultProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the VaultProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/provider.python.md b/docs/provider.python.md index 3683e4ce1..65c69d36e 100644 --- a/docs/provider.python.md +++ b/docs/provider.python.md @@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ def reset_vault_version_override() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_provider | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -767,6 +768,55 @@ provider.VaultProvider.is_terraform_provider( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import provider + +provider.VaultProvider.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the VaultProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing VaultProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the VaultProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/provider.typescript.md b/docs/provider.typescript.md index eb3ad964d..86d44a13d 100644 --- a/docs/provider.typescript.md +++ b/docs/provider.typescript.md @@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ public resetVaultVersionOverride(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformProvider | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -400,6 +401,50 @@ provider.VaultProvider.isTerraformProvider(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { provider } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +provider.VaultProvider.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the VaultProvider to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing VaultProvider that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the VaultProvider to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.csharp.md b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.csharp.md index 2afd43b3f..3d47d9257 100644 --- a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.csharp.md +++ b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPath | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ private void ResetRole() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ QuotaLeaseCount.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +QuotaLeaseCount.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaLeaseCount to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing QuotaLeaseCount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_lease_count#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaLeaseCount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.go.md b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.go.md index 02f3e7358..dfa5ad540 100644 --- a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.go.md +++ b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetPath | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ func ResetRole() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ quotaleasecount.QuotaLeaseCount_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/quotaleasecount" + +quotaleasecount.QuotaLeaseCount_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaLeaseCount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing QuotaLeaseCount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_lease_count#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaLeaseCount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.java.md b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.java.md index 5f3a01a82..8e897bd19 100644 --- a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.java.md +++ b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.java.md @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPath | *No description.* | @@ -268,6 +271,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -376,6 +395,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -388,6 +426,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -419,6 +482,7 @@ public void resetRole() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -482,6 +546,50 @@ QuotaLeaseCount.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.quota_lease_count.QuotaLeaseCount; + +QuotaLeaseCount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),QuotaLeaseCount.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaLeaseCount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing QuotaLeaseCount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_lease_count#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaLeaseCount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.python.md b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.python.md index 1a3af124f..5bead1614 100644 --- a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.python.md +++ b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_path | *No description.* | @@ -271,6 +274,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +418,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -411,6 +453,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -442,6 +511,7 @@ def reset_role() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -511,6 +581,55 @@ quotaLeaseCount.QuotaLeaseCount.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import quota_lease_count + +quotaLeaseCount.QuotaLeaseCount.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaLeaseCount to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing QuotaLeaseCount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_lease_count#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaLeaseCount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.typescript.md b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.typescript.md index f623d49ca..40f723b8e 100644 --- a/docs/quotaLeaseCount.typescript.md +++ b/docs/quotaLeaseCount.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetPath | *No description.* | @@ -141,6 +144,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -249,6 +268,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +298,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -292,6 +353,7 @@ public resetRole(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -355,6 +417,50 @@ quotaLeaseCount.QuotaLeaseCount.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { quotaLeaseCount } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +quotaLeaseCount.QuotaLeaseCount.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaLeaseCount to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing QuotaLeaseCount that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_lease_count#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaLeaseCount to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaRateLimit.csharp.md b/docs/quotaRateLimit.csharp.md index 61faf52f4..f3dd39b11 100644 --- a/docs/quotaRateLimit.csharp.md +++ b/docs/quotaRateLimit.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBlockInterval | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetInterval | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBlockInterval` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetRole() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ QuotaRateLimit.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +QuotaRateLimit.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaRateLimit to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing QuotaRateLimit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_rate_limit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaRateLimit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaRateLimit.go.md b/docs/quotaRateLimit.go.md index 13b35f890..a0efa926c 100644 --- a/docs/quotaRateLimit.go.md +++ b/docs/quotaRateLimit.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBlockInterval | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetInterval | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBlockInterval` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetRole() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ quotaratelimit.QuotaRateLimit_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/quotaratelimit" + +quotaratelimit.QuotaRateLimit_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaRateLimit to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing QuotaRateLimit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_rate_limit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaRateLimit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaRateLimit.java.md b/docs/quotaRateLimit.java.md index f0bba6160..114703274 100644 --- a/docs/quotaRateLimit.java.md +++ b/docs/quotaRateLimit.java.md @@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -222,7 +223,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBlockInterval | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetInterval | *No description.* | @@ -296,6 +299,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -404,6 +423,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -416,6 +454,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBlockInterval` ```java @@ -459,6 +522,7 @@ public void resetRole() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -522,6 +586,50 @@ QuotaRateLimit.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.quota_rate_limit.QuotaRateLimit; + +QuotaRateLimit.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),QuotaRateLimit.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaRateLimit to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing QuotaRateLimit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_rate_limit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaRateLimit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaRateLimit.python.md b/docs/quotaRateLimit.python.md index 2dc6bfb95..c05ae80a0 100644 --- a/docs/quotaRateLimit.python.md +++ b/docs/quotaRateLimit.python.md @@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -220,7 +221,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_block_interval | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_interval | *No description.* | @@ -299,6 +302,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -425,6 +446,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -439,6 +481,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_block_interval` ```python @@ -482,6 +551,7 @@ def reset_role() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -551,6 +621,55 @@ quotaRateLimit.QuotaRateLimit.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import quota_rate_limit + +quotaRateLimit.QuotaRateLimit.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaRateLimit to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing QuotaRateLimit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_rate_limit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaRateLimit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/quotaRateLimit.typescript.md b/docs/quotaRateLimit.typescript.md index 4e768ab92..bf49fc7ab 100644 --- a/docs/quotaRateLimit.typescript.md +++ b/docs/quotaRateLimit.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBlockInterval | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetInterval | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBlockInterval` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetRole(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ quotaRateLimit.QuotaRateLimit.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { quotaRateLimit } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +quotaRateLimit.QuotaRateLimit.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaRateLimit to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing QuotaRateLimit that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_rate_limit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaRateLimit to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.csharp.md index 846af22ec..9b93cbdf9 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds` ```csharp @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ private void ResetVerifyConnection() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ RabbitmqSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +RabbitmqSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.go.md index f1744de6a..796ba89d2 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | ResetDescription | *No description.* | | ResetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds` ```go @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ func ResetVerifyConnection() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ rabbitmqsecretbackend.RabbitmqSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) * --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/rabbitmqsecretbackend" + +rabbitmqsecretbackend.RabbitmqSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.java.md index 6665646af..773598615 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.java.md @@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -282,7 +283,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -360,6 +363,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -468,6 +487,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -480,6 +518,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds` ```java @@ -547,6 +610,7 @@ public void resetVerifyConnection() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -610,6 +674,50 @@ RabbitmqSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.rabbitmq_secret_backend.RabbitmqSecretBackend; + +RabbitmqSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),RabbitmqSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.python.md index 0842e465d..ec6b57d68 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.python.md @@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -278,7 +279,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_default_lease_ttl_seconds | *No description.* | | reset_description | *No description.* | | reset_disable_remount | *No description.* | @@ -361,6 +364,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -487,6 +508,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -501,6 +543,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_default_lease_ttl_seconds` ```python @@ -568,6 +637,7 @@ def reset_verify_connection() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -637,6 +707,55 @@ rabbitmqSecretBackend.RabbitmqSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import rabbitmq_secret_backend + +rabbitmqSecretBackend.RabbitmqSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.typescript.md index e8e44e21a..9df1149c7 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds | *No description.* | | resetDescription | *No description.* | | resetDisableRemount | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDefaultLeaseTtlSeconds` ```typescript @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ public resetVerifyConnection(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ rabbitmqSecretBackend.RabbitmqSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { rabbitmqSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +rabbitmqSecretBackend.RabbitmqSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index c30b8906d..f202c1115 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutVhost | *No description.* | | PutVhostTopic | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutVhost` ```csharp @@ -325,6 +386,7 @@ private void ResetVhostTopic() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -388,6 +450,50 @@ RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.go.md index f9e826188..a9be48c0c 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutVhost | *No description.* | | PutVhostTopic | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutVhost` ```go @@ -325,6 +386,7 @@ func ResetVhostTopic() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -388,6 +450,50 @@ rabbitmqsecretbackendrole.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/rabbitmqsecretbackendrole" + +rabbitmqsecretbackendrole.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.java.md index de21a9af2..f5184661a 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -210,7 +211,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putVhost | *No description.* | | putVhostTopic | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -285,6 +288,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -393,6 +412,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -405,6 +443,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putVhost` ```java @@ -466,6 +529,7 @@ public void resetVhostTopic() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -529,6 +593,50 @@ RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.rabbitmq_secret_backend_role.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole; + +RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.python.md index c1aff6e1b..2d74429e5 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_vhost | *No description.* | | put_vhost_topic | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -286,6 +289,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -412,6 +433,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -426,6 +468,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_vhost` ```python @@ -491,6 +560,7 @@ def reset_vhost_topic() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -560,6 +630,55 @@ rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import rabbitmq_secret_backend_role + +rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index 0474ef02c..3b0327121 100644 --- a/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putVhost | *No description.* | | putVhostTopic | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putVhost` ```typescript @@ -325,6 +386,7 @@ public resetVhostTopic(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -388,6 +450,50 @@ rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { rabbitmqSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +rabbitmqSecretBackendRole.RabbitmqSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftAutopilot.csharp.md b/docs/raftAutopilot.csharp.md index 9793e24f9..8cdac3792 100644 --- a/docs/raftAutopilot.csharp.md +++ b/docs/raftAutopilot.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCleanupDeadServers | *No description.* | | ResetDeadServerLastContactThreshold | *No description.* | | ResetDisableUpgradeMigration | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCleanupDeadServers` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetServerStabilizationTime() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ RaftAutopilot.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +RaftAutopilot.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftAutopilot to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RaftAutopilot that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_autopilot#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftAutopilot to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftAutopilot.go.md b/docs/raftAutopilot.go.md index c9229d616..ecee5ffec 100644 --- a/docs/raftAutopilot.go.md +++ b/docs/raftAutopilot.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetCleanupDeadServers | *No description.* | | ResetDeadServerLastContactThreshold | *No description.* | | ResetDisableUpgradeMigration | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetCleanupDeadServers` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetServerStabilizationTime() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ raftautopilot.RaftAutopilot_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/raftautopilot" + +raftautopilot.RaftAutopilot_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftAutopilot to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing RaftAutopilot that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_autopilot#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftAutopilot to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftAutopilot.java.md b/docs/raftAutopilot.java.md index ff70ab186..410923fce 100644 --- a/docs/raftAutopilot.java.md +++ b/docs/raftAutopilot.java.md @@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -240,7 +241,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCleanupDeadServers | *No description.* | | resetDeadServerLastContactThreshold | *No description.* | | resetDisableUpgradeMigration | *No description.* | @@ -317,6 +320,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -425,6 +444,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -437,6 +475,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCleanupDeadServers` ```java @@ -498,6 +561,7 @@ public void resetServerStabilizationTime() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -561,6 +625,50 @@ RaftAutopilot.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.raft_autopilot.RaftAutopilot; + +RaftAutopilot.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),RaftAutopilot.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftAutopilot to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing RaftAutopilot that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_autopilot#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftAutopilot to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftAutopilot.python.md b/docs/raftAutopilot.python.md index 1ce16cc7f..0bb28439b 100644 --- a/docs/raftAutopilot.python.md +++ b/docs/raftAutopilot.python.md @@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -236,7 +237,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_cleanup_dead_servers | *No description.* | | reset_dead_server_last_contact_threshold | *No description.* | | reset_disable_upgrade_migration | *No description.* | @@ -318,6 +321,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -444,6 +465,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -458,6 +500,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_cleanup_dead_servers` ```python @@ -519,6 +588,7 @@ def reset_server_stabilization_time() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -588,6 +658,55 @@ raftAutopilot.RaftAutopilot.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import raft_autopilot + +raftAutopilot.RaftAutopilot.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftAutopilot to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing RaftAutopilot that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_autopilot#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftAutopilot to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftAutopilot.typescript.md b/docs/raftAutopilot.typescript.md index 642d06e11..278cd91e4 100644 --- a/docs/raftAutopilot.typescript.md +++ b/docs/raftAutopilot.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetCleanupDeadServers | *No description.* | | resetDeadServerLastContactThreshold | *No description.* | | resetDisableUpgradeMigration | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetCleanupDeadServers` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetServerStabilizationTime(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ raftAutopilot.RaftAutopilot.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { raftAutopilot } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +raftAutopilot.RaftAutopilot.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftAutopilot to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RaftAutopilot that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_autopilot#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftAutopilot to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.csharp.md b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.csharp.md index 52346e50f..652c92da1 100644 --- a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAwsAccessKeyId | *No description.* | | ResetAwsS3Bucket | *No description.* | | ResetAwsS3DisableTls | *No description.* | @@ -162,6 +165,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -270,6 +289,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -282,6 +319,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAwsAccessKeyId` ```csharp @@ -439,6 +500,7 @@ private void ResetRetain() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -502,6 +564,50 @@ RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RaftSnapshotAgentConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_snapshot_agent_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.go.md b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.go.md index 872809112..96d4104c8 100644 --- a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAwsAccessKeyId | *No description.* | | ResetAwsS3Bucket | *No description.* | | ResetAwsS3DisableTls | *No description.* | @@ -162,6 +165,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -270,6 +289,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -282,6 +319,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAwsAccessKeyId` ```go @@ -439,6 +500,7 @@ func ResetRetain() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -502,6 +564,50 @@ raftsnapshotagentconfig.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/raftsnapshotagentconfig" + +raftsnapshotagentconfig.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing RaftSnapshotAgentConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_snapshot_agent_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.java.md b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.java.md index 400dcf672..1b08c3537 100644 --- a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.java.md @@ -468,6 +468,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -477,7 +478,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAwsAccessKeyId | *No description.* | | resetAwsS3Bucket | *No description.* | | resetAwsS3DisableTls | *No description.* | @@ -570,6 +573,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -678,6 +697,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -690,6 +728,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAwsAccessKeyId` ```java @@ -847,6 +910,7 @@ public void resetRetain() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -910,6 +974,50 @@ RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.raft_snapshot_agent_config.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig; + +RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing RaftSnapshotAgentConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_snapshot_agent_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.python.md b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.python.md index 886eb3efa..2cbf372bf 100644 --- a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.python.md @@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -470,7 +471,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_aws_access_key_id | *No description.* | | reset_aws_s3_bucket | *No description.* | | reset_aws_s3_disable_tls | *No description.* | @@ -568,6 +571,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -694,6 +715,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -708,6 +750,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_aws_access_key_id` ```python @@ -865,6 +934,7 @@ def reset_retain() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -934,6 +1004,55 @@ raftSnapshotAgentConfig.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import raft_snapshot_agent_config + +raftSnapshotAgentConfig.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing RaftSnapshotAgentConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_snapshot_agent_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.typescript.md b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.typescript.md index 86c1d2f8c..3413e994e 100644 --- a/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/raftSnapshotAgentConfig.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAwsAccessKeyId | *No description.* | | resetAwsS3Bucket | *No description.* | | resetAwsS3DisableTls | *No description.* | @@ -162,6 +165,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -270,6 +289,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -282,6 +319,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAwsAccessKeyId` ```typescript @@ -439,6 +500,7 @@ public resetRetain(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -502,6 +564,50 @@ raftSnapshotAgentConfig.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { raftSnapshotAgentConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +raftSnapshotAgentConfig.RaftSnapshotAgentConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RaftSnapshotAgentConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_snapshot_agent_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rgpPolicy.csharp.md b/docs/rgpPolicy.csharp.md index fb45cb2de..080602de6 100644 --- a/docs/rgpPolicy.csharp.md +++ b/docs/rgpPolicy.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ RgpPolicy.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +RgpPolicy.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rgp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rgpPolicy.go.md b/docs/rgpPolicy.go.md index da4e465db..5e9465729 100644 --- a/docs/rgpPolicy.go.md +++ b/docs/rgpPolicy.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ rgppolicy.RgpPolicy_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/rgppolicy" + +rgppolicy.RgpPolicy_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing RgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rgp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rgpPolicy.java.md b/docs/rgpPolicy.java.md index e4f01831c..9ce909e15 100644 --- a/docs/rgpPolicy.java.md +++ b/docs/rgpPolicy.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -254,6 +257,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +381,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -374,6 +412,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -393,6 +456,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -456,6 +520,50 @@ RgpPolicy.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.rgp_policy.RgpPolicy; + +RgpPolicy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),RgpPolicy.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing RgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rgp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rgpPolicy.python.md b/docs/rgpPolicy.python.md index 4a996f9e4..8bed450ce 100644 --- a/docs/rgpPolicy.python.md +++ b/docs/rgpPolicy.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -257,6 +260,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -383,6 +404,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -397,6 +439,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -416,6 +485,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -485,6 +555,55 @@ rgpPolicy.RgpPolicy.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import rgp_policy + +rgpPolicy.RgpPolicy.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing RgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rgp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/rgpPolicy.typescript.md b/docs/rgpPolicy.typescript.md index f11e6d0f4..54e9acaa5 100644 --- a/docs/rgpPolicy.typescript.md +++ b/docs/rgpPolicy.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ rgpPolicy.RgpPolicy.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { rgpPolicy } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +rgpPolicy.RgpPolicy.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the RgpPolicy to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing RgpPolicy that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rgp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the RgpPolicy to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.csharp.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.csharp.md index fa22ab8c8..b68828988 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.csharp.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetGenerateSigningKey | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ private void ResetPublicKey() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ SshSecretBackendCa.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +SshSecretBackendCa.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendCa to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.go.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.go.md index ea0d3ed5f..0abbb6920 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.go.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetGenerateSigningKey | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ func ResetPublicKey() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ sshsecretbackendca.SshSecretBackendCa_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/sshsecretbackendca" + +sshsecretbackendca.SshSecretBackendCa_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendCa to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.java.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.java.md index 35d4cae51..4f69d2a36 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.java.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.java.md @@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -197,7 +198,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetGenerateSigningKey | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -271,6 +274,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -379,6 +398,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -391,6 +429,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -434,6 +497,7 @@ public void resetPublicKey() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -497,6 +561,50 @@ SshSecretBackendCa.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ssh_secret_backend_ca.SshSecretBackendCa; + +SshSecretBackendCa.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),SshSecretBackendCa.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendCa to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.python.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.python.md index 375307cb6..187811a9a 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.python.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.python.md @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_generate_signing_key | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -273,6 +276,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -399,6 +420,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -413,6 +455,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -456,6 +525,7 @@ def reset_public_key() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -525,6 +595,55 @@ sshSecretBackendCa.SshSecretBackendCa.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ssh_secret_backend_ca + +sshSecretBackendCa.SshSecretBackendCa.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendCa to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.typescript.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.typescript.md index 67c49e4a0..8c57fbc06 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.typescript.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendCa.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetGenerateSigningKey | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -143,6 +146,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -251,6 +270,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -263,6 +300,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -306,6 +367,7 @@ public resetPublicKey(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -369,6 +431,50 @@ sshSecretBackendCa.SshSecretBackendCa.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { sshSecretBackendCa } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +sshSecretBackendCa.SshSecretBackendCa.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendCa to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendCa that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendCa to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.csharp.md index 3551bc3cf..a4be64ee5 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutAllowedUserKeyConfig | *No description.* | | ResetAlgorithmSigner | *No description.* | | ResetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -163,6 +166,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -271,6 +290,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -283,6 +320,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutAllowedUserKeyConfig` ```csharp @@ -452,6 +513,7 @@ private void ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -515,6 +577,50 @@ SshSecretBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +SshSecretBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.go.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.go.md index 1a1846e70..0c36a2793 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | PutAllowedUserKeyConfig | *No description.* | | ResetAlgorithmSigner | *No description.* | | ResetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -163,6 +166,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -271,6 +290,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -283,6 +320,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `PutAllowedUserKeyConfig` ```go @@ -452,6 +513,7 @@ func ResetTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -515,6 +577,50 @@ sshsecretbackendrole.SshSecretBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/sshsecretbackendrole" + +sshsecretbackendrole.SshSecretBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.java.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.java.md index 79021ca17..b8432961c 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.java.md @@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -423,7 +424,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putAllowedUserKeyConfig | *No description.* | | resetAlgorithmSigner | *No description.* | | resetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -517,6 +520,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -625,6 +644,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -637,6 +675,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putAllowedUserKeyConfig` ```java @@ -806,6 +869,7 @@ public void resetTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -869,6 +933,50 @@ SshSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.ssh_secret_backend_role.SshSecretBackendRole; + +SshSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),SshSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.python.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.python.md index d0ed23ba5..bde5df09c 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.python.md @@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -412,7 +413,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | put_allowed_user_key_config | *No description.* | | reset_algorithm_signer | *No description.* | | reset_allow_bare_domains | *No description.* | @@ -511,6 +514,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -637,6 +658,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -651,6 +693,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `put_allowed_user_key_config` ```python @@ -822,6 +891,7 @@ def reset_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -891,6 +961,55 @@ sshSecretBackendRole.SshSecretBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import ssh_secret_backend_role + +sshSecretBackendRole.SshSecretBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.typescript.md index a2eae2f53..c36213ef4 100644 --- a/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/sshSecretBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | putAllowedUserKeyConfig | *No description.* | | resetAlgorithmSigner | *No description.* | | resetAllowBareDomains | *No description.* | @@ -163,6 +166,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -271,6 +290,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -283,6 +320,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `putAllowedUserKeyConfig` ```typescript @@ -452,6 +513,7 @@ public resetTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -515,6 +577,50 @@ sshSecretBackendRole.SshSecretBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { sshSecretBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +sshSecretBackendRole.SshSecretBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing SshSecretBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.csharp.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.csharp.md index ded932966..505540aa7 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.csharp.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddress | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBasePath | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddress` ```csharp @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ private void ResetToken() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ TerraformCloudSecretBackend.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TerraformCloudSecretBackend.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.go.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.go.md index 794061ceb..ea058d153 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.go.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAddress | *No description.* | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetBasePath | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAddress` ```go @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ func ResetToken() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ terraformcloudsecretbackend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend_IsTerraformResource(x in --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/terraformcloudsecretbackend" + +terraformcloudsecretbackend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.java.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.java.md index 6aee1fb93..ed55c47ed 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.java.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.java.md @@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -245,7 +246,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddress | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBasePath | *No description.* | @@ -323,6 +326,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -431,6 +450,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -443,6 +481,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddress` ```java @@ -510,6 +573,7 @@ public void resetToken() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -573,6 +637,50 @@ TerraformCloudSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.terraform_cloud_secret_backend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend; + +TerraformCloudSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TerraformCloudSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.python.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.python.md index a00144088..9cf85c538 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.python.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.python.md @@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -242,7 +243,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_address | *No description.* | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_base_path | *No description.* | @@ -325,6 +328,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -451,6 +472,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -465,6 +507,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_address` ```python @@ -532,6 +601,7 @@ def reset_token() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -601,6 +671,55 @@ terraformCloudSecretBackend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import terraform_cloud_secret_backend + +terraformCloudSecretBackend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.typescript.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.typescript.md index e9942953b..a467a571e 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.typescript.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretBackend.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAddress | *No description.* | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetBasePath | *No description.* | @@ -147,6 +150,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -255,6 +274,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -267,6 +304,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAddress` ```typescript @@ -334,6 +395,7 @@ public resetToken(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -397,6 +459,50 @@ terraformCloudSecretBackend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend.isTerraformResource(x: a --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { terraformCloudSecretBackend } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +terraformCloudSecretBackend.TerraformCloudSecretBackend.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretBackend that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.csharp.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.csharp.md index 17ceda837..012ba79fb 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.csharp.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ TerraformCloudSecretCreds.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TerraformCloudSecretCreds.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.go.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.go.md index c01e049a3..3ad7f0f4c 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.go.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ terraformcloudsecretcreds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds_IsTerraformResource(x interf --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/terraformcloudsecretcreds" + +terraformcloudsecretcreds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.java.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.java.md index 54ce6e9d7..f34fc99e7 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.java.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ TerraformCloudSecretCreds.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.terraform_cloud_secret_creds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds; + +TerraformCloudSecretCreds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TerraformCloudSecretCreds.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.python.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.python.md index 08f9f4785..bc94250fe 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.python.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ terraformCloudSecretCreds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import terraform_cloud_secret_creds + +terraformCloudSecretCreds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.typescript.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.typescript.md index 21a9a7353..e3d24169d 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.typescript.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretCreds.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ terraformCloudSecretCreds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { terraformCloudSecretCreds } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +terraformCloudSecretCreds.TerraformCloudSecretCreds.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretCreds that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.csharp.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.csharp.md index 3d9877509..b39b37a7f 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```csharp @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ private void ResetUserId() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ TerraformCloudSecretRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TerraformCloudSecretRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.go.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.go.md index f468000c8..4e246eba0 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.go.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetBackend | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetBackend` ```go @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ func ResetUserId() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ terraformcloudsecretrole.TerraformCloudSecretRole_IsTerraformResource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/terraformcloudsecretrole" + +terraformcloudsecretrole.TerraformCloudSecretRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.java.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.java.md index 77ff47ce8..70ecba085 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.java.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.java.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -232,7 +233,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -308,6 +311,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -416,6 +435,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -428,6 +466,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```java @@ -483,6 +546,7 @@ public void resetUserId() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -546,6 +610,50 @@ TerraformCloudSecretRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.terraform_cloud_secret_role.TerraformCloudSecretRole; + +TerraformCloudSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TerraformCloudSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.python.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.python.md index cbaa38e5f..c11511b82 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.python.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.python.md @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -230,7 +231,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_backend | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_max_ttl | *No description.* | @@ -311,6 +314,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -437,6 +458,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -451,6 +493,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_backend` ```python @@ -506,6 +575,7 @@ def reset_user_id() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -575,6 +645,55 @@ terraformCloudSecretRole.TerraformCloudSecretRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import terraform_cloud_secret_role + +terraformCloudSecretRole.TerraformCloudSecretRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.typescript.md b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.typescript.md index bf85ad8a0..45088098e 100644 --- a/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/terraformCloudSecretRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetBackend | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetMaxTtl | *No description.* | @@ -145,6 +148,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -253,6 +272,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -265,6 +302,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetBackend` ```typescript @@ -320,6 +381,7 @@ public resetUserId(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -383,6 +445,50 @@ terraformCloudSecretRole.TerraformCloudSecretRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { terraformCloudSecretRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +terraformCloudSecretRole.TerraformCloudSecretRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/token.csharp.md b/docs/token.csharp.md index 71b7ebaaf..ed5beb569 100644 --- a/docs/token.csharp.md +++ b/docs/token.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisplayName | *No description.* | | ResetExplicitMaxTtl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisplayName` ```csharp @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ private void ResetWrappingTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ Token.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +Token.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Token to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Token that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Token to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/token.go.md b/docs/token.go.md index 6046da456..9085c95cd 100644 --- a/docs/token.go.md +++ b/docs/token.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetDisplayName | *No description.* | | ResetExplicitMaxTtl | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetDisplayName` ```go @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ func ResetWrappingTtl() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ token.Token_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/token" + +token.Token_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Token to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing Token that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Token to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/token.java.md b/docs/token.java.md index 09f14ac68..53bef131f 100644 --- a/docs/token.java.md +++ b/docs/token.java.md @@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -319,7 +320,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisplayName | *No description.* | | resetExplicitMaxTtl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -403,6 +406,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -511,6 +530,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -523,6 +561,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisplayName` ```java @@ -626,6 +689,7 @@ public void resetWrappingTtl() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -689,6 +753,50 @@ Token.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.token.Token; + +Token.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),Token.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Token to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing Token that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Token to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/token.python.md b/docs/token.python.md index 4b42d501a..faad93f99 100644 --- a/docs/token.python.md +++ b/docs/token.python.md @@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -314,7 +315,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_display_name | *No description.* | | reset_explicit_max_ttl | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -403,6 +406,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -529,6 +550,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -543,6 +585,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_display_name` ```python @@ -646,6 +715,7 @@ def reset_wrapping_ttl() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -715,6 +785,55 @@ token.Token.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import token + +token.Token.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Token to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing Token that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Token to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/token.typescript.md b/docs/token.typescript.md index 011ea4d95..9c1fdda23 100644 --- a/docs/token.typescript.md +++ b/docs/token.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetDisplayName | *No description.* | | resetExplicitMaxTtl | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -153,6 +156,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -261,6 +280,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -273,6 +310,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetDisplayName` ```typescript @@ -376,6 +437,7 @@ public resetWrappingTtl(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -439,6 +501,50 @@ token.Token.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { token } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +token.Token.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the Token to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing Token that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the Token to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.csharp.md b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.csharp.md index d4027a775..ee799298e 100644 --- a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedEntityAliases | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedPolicies | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedPoliciesGlob | *No description.* | @@ -156,6 +159,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +283,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -276,6 +313,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedEntityAliases` ```csharp @@ -397,6 +458,7 @@ private void ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -460,6 +522,50 @@ TokenAuthBackendRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TokenAuthBackendRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TokenAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TokenAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TokenAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.go.md b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.go.md index e801155c6..5edf8d510 100644 --- a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.go.md +++ b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedEntityAliases | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedPolicies | *No description.* | | ResetAllowedPoliciesGlob | *No description.* | @@ -156,6 +159,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +283,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -276,6 +313,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedEntityAliases` ```go @@ -397,6 +458,7 @@ func ResetTokenType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -460,6 +522,50 @@ tokenauthbackendrole.TokenAuthBackendRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bo --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/tokenauthbackendrole" + +tokenauthbackendrole.TokenAuthBackendRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TokenAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TokenAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TokenAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.java.md b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.java.md index c9cb43a8c..c017d709d 100644 --- a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.java.md +++ b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.java.md @@ -358,6 +358,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -367,7 +368,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedEntityAliases | *No description.* | | resetAllowedPolicies | *No description.* | | resetAllowedPoliciesGlob | *No description.* | @@ -454,6 +457,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -562,6 +581,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -574,6 +612,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedEntityAliases` ```java @@ -695,6 +758,7 @@ public void resetTokenType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -758,6 +822,50 @@ TokenAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.token_auth_backend_role.TokenAuthBackendRole; + +TokenAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TokenAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TokenAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TokenAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TokenAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.python.md b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.python.md index f20a7cda4..8dd82b450 100644 --- a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.python.md +++ b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.python.md @@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -362,7 +363,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_entity_aliases | *No description.* | | reset_allowed_policies | *No description.* | | reset_allowed_policies_glob | *No description.* | @@ -454,6 +457,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -580,6 +601,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -594,6 +636,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_entity_aliases` ```python @@ -715,6 +784,7 @@ def reset_token_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -784,6 +854,55 @@ tokenAuthBackendRole.TokenAuthBackendRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import token_auth_backend_role + +tokenAuthBackendRole.TokenAuthBackendRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TokenAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TokenAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TokenAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.typescript.md b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.typescript.md index f1baa43b5..06fb8cb21 100644 --- a/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/tokenAuthBackendRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedEntityAliases | *No description.* | | resetAllowedPolicies | *No description.* | | resetAllowedPoliciesGlob | *No description.* | @@ -156,6 +159,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +283,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -276,6 +313,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedEntityAliases` ```typescript @@ -397,6 +458,7 @@ public resetTokenType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -460,6 +522,50 @@ tokenAuthBackendRole.TokenAuthBackendRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { tokenAuthBackendRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +tokenAuthBackendRole.TokenAuthBackendRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TokenAuthBackendRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TokenAuthBackendRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TokenAuthBackendRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformAlphabet.csharp.md b/docs/transformAlphabet.csharp.md index 90a351b8d..af4c701db 100644 --- a/docs/transformAlphabet.csharp.md +++ b/docs/transformAlphabet.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlphabet | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlphabet` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ TransformAlphabet.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TransformAlphabet.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformAlphabet to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformAlphabet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_alphabet#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformAlphabet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformAlphabet.go.md b/docs/transformAlphabet.go.md index 9628b28e8..8ca8ae8a9 100644 --- a/docs/transformAlphabet.go.md +++ b/docs/transformAlphabet.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlphabet | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlphabet` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ transformalphabet.TransformAlphabet_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/transformalphabet" + +transformalphabet.TransformAlphabet_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformAlphabet to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TransformAlphabet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_alphabet#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformAlphabet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformAlphabet.java.md b/docs/transformAlphabet.java.md index ecdbcb0ff..b390030f0 100644 --- a/docs/transformAlphabet.java.md +++ b/docs/transformAlphabet.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlphabet | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -255,6 +258,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -363,6 +382,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +413,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlphabet` ```java @@ -400,6 +463,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -463,6 +527,50 @@ TransformAlphabet.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.transform_alphabet.TransformAlphabet; + +TransformAlphabet.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TransformAlphabet.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformAlphabet to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TransformAlphabet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_alphabet#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformAlphabet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformAlphabet.python.md b/docs/transformAlphabet.python.md index ece6f9e88..cac7a364c 100644 --- a/docs/transformAlphabet.python.md +++ b/docs/transformAlphabet.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alphabet | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alphabet` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ transformAlphabet.TransformAlphabet.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import transform_alphabet + +transformAlphabet.TransformAlphabet.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformAlphabet to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TransformAlphabet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_alphabet#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformAlphabet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformAlphabet.typescript.md b/docs/transformAlphabet.typescript.md index 15ee20a8a..e9ff9c401 100644 --- a/docs/transformAlphabet.typescript.md +++ b/docs/transformAlphabet.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlphabet | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlphabet` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ transformAlphabet.TransformAlphabet.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { transformAlphabet } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +transformAlphabet.TransformAlphabet.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformAlphabet to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformAlphabet that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_alphabet#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformAlphabet to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformRole.csharp.md b/docs/transformRole.csharp.md index 5bed58589..437cd22f6 100644 --- a/docs/transformRole.csharp.md +++ b/docs/transformRole.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetTransformations | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ private void ResetTransformations() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ TransformRole.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TransformRole.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformRole to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformRole.go.md b/docs/transformRole.go.md index 2decf1944..2f5779d61 100644 --- a/docs/transformRole.go.md +++ b/docs/transformRole.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | | ResetTransformations | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ func ResetTransformations() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ transformrole.TransformRole_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/transformrole" + +transformrole.TransformRole_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TransformRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformRole.java.md b/docs/transformRole.java.md index fd8c69173..490a985eb 100644 --- a/docs/transformRole.java.md +++ b/docs/transformRole.java.md @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -184,7 +185,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetTransformations | *No description.* | @@ -255,6 +258,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -363,6 +382,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -375,6 +413,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -400,6 +463,7 @@ public void resetTransformations() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -463,6 +527,50 @@ TransformRole.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.transform_role.TransformRole; + +TransformRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TransformRole.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TransformRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformRole.python.md b/docs/transformRole.python.md index a552a20a0..148300db1 100644 --- a/docs/transformRole.python.md +++ b/docs/transformRole.python.md @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | | reset_transformations | *No description.* | @@ -258,6 +261,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -384,6 +405,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -398,6 +440,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ def reset_transformations() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -492,6 +562,55 @@ transformRole.TransformRole.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import transform_role + +transformRole.TransformRole.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformRole to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TransformRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformRole.typescript.md b/docs/transformRole.typescript.md index ece4d37e9..fd4e43e8f 100644 --- a/docs/transformRole.typescript.md +++ b/docs/transformRole.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | | resetTransformations | *No description.* | @@ -140,6 +143,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -248,6 +267,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -260,6 +297,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -285,6 +346,7 @@ public resetTransformations(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -348,6 +410,50 @@ transformRole.TransformRole.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { transformRole } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +transformRole.TransformRole.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformRole to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformRole that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformRole to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTemplate.csharp.md b/docs/transformTemplate.csharp.md index debc8795f..3a4b05a2f 100644 --- a/docs/transformTemplate.csharp.md +++ b/docs/transformTemplate.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlphabet | *No description.* | | ResetDecodeFormats | *No description.* | | ResetEncodeFormat | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlphabet` ```csharp @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ TransformTemplate.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TransformTemplate.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTemplate to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformTemplate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_template#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTemplate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTemplate.go.md b/docs/transformTemplate.go.md index 00314dd12..6cb7b65de 100644 --- a/docs/transformTemplate.go.md +++ b/docs/transformTemplate.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAlphabet | *No description.* | | ResetDecodeFormats | *No description.* | | ResetEncodeFormat | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAlphabet` ```go @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ transformtemplate.TransformTemplate_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/transformtemplate" + +transformtemplate.TransformTemplate_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTemplate to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TransformTemplate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_template#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTemplate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTemplate.java.md b/docs/transformTemplate.java.md index 9fdf1920e..0f8640fa9 100644 --- a/docs/transformTemplate.java.md +++ b/docs/transformTemplate.java.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -232,7 +233,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlphabet | *No description.* | | resetDecodeFormats | *No description.* | | resetEncodeFormat | *No description.* | @@ -307,6 +310,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -415,6 +434,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -427,6 +465,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlphabet` ```java @@ -476,6 +539,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -539,6 +603,50 @@ TransformTemplate.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.transform_template.TransformTemplate; + +TransformTemplate.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TransformTemplate.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTemplate to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TransformTemplate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_template#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTemplate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTemplate.python.md b/docs/transformTemplate.python.md index 4005b791f..7b9c73152 100644 --- a/docs/transformTemplate.python.md +++ b/docs/transformTemplate.python.md @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -230,7 +231,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_alphabet | *No description.* | | reset_decode_formats | *No description.* | | reset_encode_format | *No description.* | @@ -310,6 +313,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -436,6 +457,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -450,6 +492,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_alphabet` ```python @@ -499,6 +568,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -568,6 +638,55 @@ transformTemplate.TransformTemplate.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import transform_template + +transformTemplate.TransformTemplate.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTemplate to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TransformTemplate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_template#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTemplate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTemplate.typescript.md b/docs/transformTemplate.typescript.md index 39d57bbb4..a17da378e 100644 --- a/docs/transformTemplate.typescript.md +++ b/docs/transformTemplate.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAlphabet | *No description.* | | resetDecodeFormats | *No description.* | | resetEncodeFormat | *No description.* | @@ -144,6 +147,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -252,6 +271,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -264,6 +301,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAlphabet` ```typescript @@ -313,6 +374,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -376,6 +438,50 @@ transformTemplate.TransformTemplate.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { transformTemplate } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +transformTemplate.TransformTemplate.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTemplate to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformTemplate that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_template#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTemplate to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTransformation.csharp.md b/docs/transformTransformation.csharp.md index 632bbd8f8..dc24d1e74 100644 --- a/docs/transformTransformation.csharp.md +++ b/docs/transformTransformation.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedRoles | *No description.* | | ResetDeletionAllowed | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedRoles` ```csharp @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ TransformTransformation.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TransformTransformation.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTransformation to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformTransformation that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_transformation#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTransformation to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTransformation.go.md b/docs/transformTransformation.go.md index 900012e2f..41f6d68d6 100644 --- a/docs/transformTransformation.go.md +++ b/docs/transformTransformation.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowedRoles | *No description.* | | ResetDeletionAllowed | *No description.* | | ResetId | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowedRoles` ```go @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ transformtransformation.TransformTransformation_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/transformtransformation" + +transformtransformation.TransformTransformation_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTransformation to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TransformTransformation that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_transformation#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTransformation to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTransformation.java.md b/docs/transformTransformation.java.md index e99ca085a..2abe30f1b 100644 --- a/docs/transformTransformation.java.md +++ b/docs/transformTransformation.java.md @@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -257,7 +258,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedRoles | *No description.* | | resetDeletionAllowed | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -334,6 +337,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -442,6 +461,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -454,6 +492,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedRoles` ```java @@ -515,6 +578,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -578,6 +642,50 @@ TransformTransformation.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.transform_transformation.TransformTransformation; + +TransformTransformation.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TransformTransformation.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTransformation to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TransformTransformation that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_transformation#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTransformation to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTransformation.python.md b/docs/transformTransformation.python.md index e0fa4010f..b129f1962 100644 --- a/docs/transformTransformation.python.md +++ b/docs/transformTransformation.python.md @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -254,7 +255,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allowed_roles | *No description.* | | reset_deletion_allowed | *No description.* | | reset_id | *No description.* | @@ -336,6 +339,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -462,6 +483,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -476,6 +518,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allowed_roles` ```python @@ -537,6 +606,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -606,6 +676,55 @@ transformTransformation.TransformTransformation.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import transform_transformation + +transformTransformation.TransformTransformation.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTransformation to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TransformTransformation that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_transformation#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTransformation to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transformTransformation.typescript.md b/docs/transformTransformation.typescript.md index 1eb9f4c17..e11b14f75 100644 --- a/docs/transformTransformation.typescript.md +++ b/docs/transformTransformation.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowedRoles | *No description.* | | resetDeletionAllowed | *No description.* | | resetId | *No description.* | @@ -146,6 +149,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -254,6 +273,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -266,6 +303,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowedRoles` ```typescript @@ -327,6 +388,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -390,6 +452,50 @@ transformTransformation.TransformTransformation.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { transformTransformation } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +transformTransformation.TransformTransformation.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTransformation to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransformTransformation that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_transformation#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTransformation to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.csharp.md b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.csharp.md index 7e7667354..abe247fe1 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.csharp.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowPlaintextBackup | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRotateInterval | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRotatePeriod | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowPlaintextBackup` ```csharp @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ private void ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ TransitSecretBackendKey.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TransitSecretBackendKey.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransitSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.go.md b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.go.md index 014c13300..a29df7465 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.go.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetAllowPlaintextBackup | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRotateInterval | *No description.* | | ResetAutoRotatePeriod | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetAllowPlaintextBackup` ```go @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ func ResetType() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ transitsecretbackendkey.TransitSecretBackendKey_IsTerraformResource(x interface{ --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/transitsecretbackendkey" + +transitsecretbackendkey.TransitSecretBackendKey_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TransitSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.java.md b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.java.md index 8e1062a1f..ed580fcba 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.java.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.java.md @@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -323,7 +324,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowPlaintextBackup | *No description.* | | resetAutoRotateInterval | *No description.* | | resetAutoRotatePeriod | *No description.* | @@ -404,6 +407,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -512,6 +531,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -524,6 +562,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowPlaintextBackup` ```java @@ -609,6 +672,7 @@ public void resetType() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -672,6 +736,50 @@ TransitSecretBackendKey.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.transit_secret_backend_key.TransitSecretBackendKey; + +TransitSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TransitSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TransitSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.python.md b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.python.md index 8ace9cca5..c7bc82f3b 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.python.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.python.md @@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -316,7 +317,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_allow_plaintext_backup | *No description.* | | reset_auto_rotate_interval | *No description.* | | reset_auto_rotate_period | *No description.* | @@ -402,6 +405,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -528,6 +549,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -542,6 +584,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_allow_plaintext_backup` ```python @@ -627,6 +696,7 @@ def reset_type() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -696,6 +766,55 @@ transitSecretBackendKey.TransitSecretBackendKey.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import transit_secret_backend_key + +transitSecretBackendKey.TransitSecretBackendKey.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TransitSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.typescript.md b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.typescript.md index 5bfb73a5a..c33a64489 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.typescript.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretBackendKey.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetAllowPlaintextBackup | *No description.* | | resetAutoRotateInterval | *No description.* | | resetAutoRotatePeriod | *No description.* | @@ -150,6 +153,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -258,6 +277,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -270,6 +307,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetAllowPlaintextBackup` ```typescript @@ -355,6 +416,7 @@ public resetType(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -418,6 +480,50 @@ transitSecretBackendKey.TransitSecretBackendKey.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { transitSecretBackendKey } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +transitSecretBackendKey.TransitSecretBackendKey.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretBackendKey to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransitSecretBackendKey that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretBackendKey to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.csharp.md b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.csharp.md index 0122ac9e5..3e6932632 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.csharp.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.csharp.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ private object ToTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```csharp +private void AddMoveTarget(string MoveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```csharp @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttri --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```csharp +private void ImportFrom(string Id, TerraformProvider Provider = null) +``` + +###### `Id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```csharp @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string TerraformAttribute) --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```csharp +private void MoveTo(string MoveTarget, object Index = null) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `MoveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `Index`Optional + +- *Type:* object + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```csharp @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ private void ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ TransitSecretCacheConfig.IsTerraformResource(object X); --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```csharp +using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Vault; + +TransitSecretCacheConfig.GenerateConfigForImport(Construct Scope, string ImportToId, string ImportFromId, TerraformProvider Provider = null); +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `Scope`Required + +- *Type:* Constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `ImportToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `ImportFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransitSecretCacheConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_cache_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `Provider`Optional + +- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.go.md b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.go.md index 282e8df7f..b639e50a4 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.go.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.go.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | ResetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | ToMetadata | *No description.* | | ToTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| AddMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | GetAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | GetBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | GetNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringAttribute | *No description.* | | GetStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| ImportFrom | *No description.* | | InterpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| MoveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | ResetId | *No description.* | | ResetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ func ToTerraform() interface{} Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `AddMoveTarget` + +```go +func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `GetAnyMapAttribute` ```go @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string --- +##### `ImportFrom` + +```go +func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `InterpolationForAttribute` ```go @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable --- +##### `MoveTo` + +```go +func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* interface{} + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `ResetId` ```go @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ func ResetNamespace() | IsConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | IsTerraformElement | *No description.* | | IsTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| GenerateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ transitsecretcacheconfig.TransitSecretCacheConfig_IsTerraformResource(x interfac --- +##### `GenerateConfigForImport` + +```go +import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-vault-go/vault/v11/transitsecretcacheconfig" + +transitsecretcacheconfig.TransitSecretCacheConfig_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* *string + +The id of the existing TransitSecretCacheConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_cache_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.java.md b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.java.md index 816680c00..4635f6fc5 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.java.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.java.md @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -172,7 +173,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -242,6 +245,22 @@ public java.lang.Object toTerraform() Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```java +public void addMoveTarget(java.lang.String moveTarget) +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```java @@ -350,6 +369,25 @@ public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(j --- +##### `importFrom` + +```java +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id) +public void importFrom(java.lang.String id, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```java @@ -362,6 +400,31 @@ public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute --- +##### `moveTo` + +```java +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget) +public void moveTo(java.lang.String moveTarget, java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number index) +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* java.lang.String OR java.lang.Number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```java @@ -381,6 +444,7 @@ public void resetNamespace() | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -444,6 +508,50 @@ TransitSecretCacheConfig.isTerraformResource(java.lang.Object x) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```java +import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.vault.transit_secret_cache_config.TransitSecretCacheConfig; + +TransitSecretCacheConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId),TransitSecretCacheConfig.generateConfigForImport(Construct scope, java.lang.String importToId, java.lang.String importFromId, TerraformProvider provider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* software.constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* java.lang.String + +The id of the existing TransitSecretCacheConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_cache_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.python.md b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.python.md index 0566a8b35..8067ad184 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.python.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.python.md @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | reset_override_logical_id | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | to_metadata | *No description.* | | to_terraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| add_move_target | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | get_any_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_attribute | *No description.* | | get_boolean_map_attribute | *No description.* | @@ -170,7 +171,9 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi | get_number_map_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_attribute | *No description.* | | get_string_map_attribute | *No description.* | +| import_from | *No description.* | | interpolation_for_attribute | *No description.* | +| move_to | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | reset_id | *No description.* | | reset_namespace | *No description.* | @@ -245,6 +248,24 @@ def to_terraform() -> typing.Any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `add_move_target` + +```python +def add_move_target( + move_target: str +) -> None +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `get_any_map_attribute` ```python @@ -371,6 +392,27 @@ def get_string_map_attribute( --- +##### `import_from` + +```python +def import_from( + id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) -> None +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolation_for_attribute` ```python @@ -385,6 +427,33 @@ def interpolation_for_attribute( --- +##### `move_to` + +```python +def move_to( + move_target: str, + index: typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = None +) -> None +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `move_target`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* typing.Union[str, typing.Union[int, float]] + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `reset_id` ```python @@ -404,6 +473,7 @@ def reset_namespace() -> None | is_construct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | is_terraform_element | *No description.* | | is_terraform_resource | *No description.* | +| generate_config_for_import | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -473,6 +543,55 @@ transitSecretCacheConfig.TransitSecretCacheConfig.is_terraform_resource( --- +##### `generate_config_for_import` + +```python +from cdktf_cdktf_provider_vault import transit_secret_cache_config + +transitSecretCacheConfig.TransitSecretCacheConfig.generate_config_for_import( + scope: Construct, + import_to_id: str, + import_from_id: str, + provider: TerraformProvider = None +) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `import_to_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `import_from_id`Required + +- *Type:* str + +The id of the existing TransitSecretCacheConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_cache_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.typescript.md b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.typescript.md index bab064fe1..d6b88dfb3 100644 --- a/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.typescript.md +++ b/docs/transitSecretCacheConfig.typescript.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | resetOverrideLogicalId | Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. | | toMetadata | *No description.* | | toTerraform | Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. | +| addMoveTarget | Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. | | getAnyMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanAttribute | *No description.* | | getBooleanMapAttribute | *No description.* | @@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope | getNumberMapAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringAttribute | *No description.* | | getStringMapAttribute | *No description.* | +| importFrom | *No description.* | | interpolationForAttribute | *No description.* | +| moveTo | Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. | | resetId | *No description.* | | resetNamespace | *No description.* | @@ -139,6 +142,22 @@ public toTerraform(): any Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. +##### `addMoveTarget` + +```typescript +public addMoveTarget(moveTarget: string): void +``` + +Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The string move target that will correspond to this resource. + +--- + ##### `getAnyMapAttribute` ```typescript @@ -247,6 +266,24 @@ public getStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): {[ key: string ]: stri --- +##### `importFrom` + +```typescript +public importFrom(id: string, provider?: TerraformProvider): void +``` + +###### `id`Required + +- *Type:* string + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +--- + ##### `interpolationForAttribute` ```typescript @@ -259,6 +296,30 @@ public interpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute: string): IResolvable --- +##### `moveTo` + +```typescript +public moveTo(moveTarget: string, index?: string | number): void +``` + +Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. + +###### `moveTarget`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to. + +--- + +###### `index`Optional + +- *Type:* string | number + +Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to. + +--- + ##### `resetId` ```typescript @@ -278,6 +339,7 @@ public resetNamespace(): void | isConstruct | Checks if `x` is a construct. | | isTerraformElement | *No description.* | | isTerraformResource | *No description.* | +| generateConfigForImport | Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". | --- @@ -341,6 +403,50 @@ transitSecretCacheConfig.TransitSecretCacheConfig.isTerraformResource(x: any) --- +##### `generateConfigForImport` + +```typescript +import { transitSecretCacheConfig } from '@cdktf/provider-vault' + +transitSecretCacheConfig.TransitSecretCacheConfig.generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: TerraformProvider) +``` + +Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan ". + +###### `scope`Required + +- *Type:* constructs.Construct + +The scope in which to define this construct. + +--- + +###### `importToId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import. + +--- + +###### `importFromId`Required + +- *Type:* string + +The id of the existing TransitSecretCacheConfig that should be imported. + +Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_cache_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + +--- + +###### `provider`Optional + +- *Type:* cdktf.TerraformProvider + +? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import is found. + +--- + #### Properties | **Name** | **Type** | **Description** | diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index a6f2d7f4e..3b2198f54 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ "@actions/core": "^1.1.0", "@cdktf/provider-project": "^0.2.95", "@types/node": "^18", - "cdktf": "^0.18.0", - "cdktf-cli": "^0.18.0", + "cdktf": "^0.19.0", + "cdktf-cli": "^0.19.0", "constructs": "^10.0.0", "dot-prop": "^5.2.0", "jsii": "^5.0.1", @@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ "jsii-rosetta": "~5.1.2", "node-fetch": "cjs", "npm-check-updates": "^16", - "projen": "^0.74.18", + "projen": "^0.75.1", "standard-version": "^9", "typescript": "^4.9.5" }, "peerDependencies": { - "cdktf": "^0.18.0", + "cdktf": "^0.19.0", "constructs": "^10.0.0" }, "resolutions": { diff --git a/src/ad-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/ad-secret-backend/index.ts index bab7d0f82..573cca2e6 100644 --- a/src/ad-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/ad-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -247,6 +247,20 @@ export class AdSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ad_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AdSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ad_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ad-secret-library/index.ts b/src/ad-secret-library/index.ts index 617e3f1df..4bc27edad 100644 --- a/src/ad-secret-library/index.ts +++ b/src/ad-secret-library/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class AdSecretLibrary extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ad_secret_library"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretLibrary resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretLibrary to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AdSecretLibrary that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_library#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretLibrary to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ad_secret_library", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ad-secret-role/index.ts b/src/ad-secret-role/index.ts index c570408e5..557372a05 100644 --- a/src/ad-secret-role/index.ts +++ b/src/ad-secret-role/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class AdSecretRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ad_secret_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AdSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AdSecretRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AdSecretRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AdSecretRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ad_secret_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/alicloud-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/alicloud-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 03818211b..3299bb3da 100644 --- a/src/alicloud-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/alicloud-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class AlicloudAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_alicloud_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AlicloudAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AlicloudAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/alicloud_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AlicloudAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_alicloud_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/approle-auth-backend-login/index.ts b/src/approle-auth-backend-login/index.ts index f0f95ad2c..c8c7935db 100644 --- a/src/approle-auth-backend-login/index.ts +++ b/src/approle-auth-backend-login/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class ApproleAuthBackendLogin extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_approle_auth_backend_login"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendLogin to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_approle_auth_backend_login", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/approle-auth-backend-role-secret-id/index.ts b/src/approle-auth-backend-role-secret-id/index.ts index b7a761bd0..9541009b0 100644 --- a/src/approle-auth-backend-role-secret-id/index.ts +++ b/src/approle-auth-backend-role-secret-id/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRoleSecretId to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/approle-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/approle-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 9365ef5fd..208b69a60 100644 --- a/src/approle-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/approle-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -133,6 +133,20 @@ export class ApproleAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_approle_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a ApproleAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing ApproleAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/approle_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the ApproleAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_approle_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/audit-request-header/index.ts b/src/audit-request-header/index.ts index 389201085..b973f941c 100644 --- a/src/audit-request-header/index.ts +++ b/src/audit-request-header/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class AuditRequestHeader extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_audit_request_header"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuditRequestHeader resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AuditRequestHeader to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AuditRequestHeader that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit_request_header#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AuditRequestHeader to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_audit_request_header", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/audit/index.ts b/src/audit/index.ts index 276dc3a13..5b558579e 100644 --- a/src/audit/index.ts +++ b/src/audit/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class Audit extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_audit"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a Audit resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the Audit to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing Audit that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/audit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the Audit to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_audit", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/auth-backend/index.ts b/src/auth-backend/index.ts index c57404a10..263f5bc57 100644 --- a/src/auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/auth-backend/index.ts @@ -357,6 +357,20 @@ export class AuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-cert/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-cert/index.ts index 0bbca8445..4c8ca5d6b 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-cert/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-cert/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendCert extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_cert"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendCert to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendCert that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendCert to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_cert", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-client/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-client/index.ts index 7987a48c7..86af2c689 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-client/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-client/index.ts @@ -91,6 +91,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendClient extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_client"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendClient resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendClient to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendClient that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendClient to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_client", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-config-identity/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-config-identity/index.ts index 7634fc679..c99254eff 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-config-identity/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-config-identity/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_config_identity"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_config_identity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendConfigIdentity to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_config_identity", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-identity-whitelist/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-identity-whitelist/index.ts index 143eb074d..ae5ee3d2a 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-identity-whitelist/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-identity-whitelist/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendIdentityWhitelist to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_identity_whitelist", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-login/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-login/index.ts index 0c8c9827a..c6bcfd61d 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-login/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-login/index.ts @@ -97,6 +97,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendLogin extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_login"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendLogin resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendLogin that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_login#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendLogin to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_login", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-role-tag/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-role-tag/index.ts index e5c2c5148..6aeebb15c 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-role-tag/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-role-tag/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendRoleTag extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_role_tag"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoleTag resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoleTag that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role_tag#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoleTag to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_role_tag", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 6a5645f4a..ab23fb2ed 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -199,6 +199,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-roletag-blacklist/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-roletag-blacklist/index.ts index c324e1123..26f3bab6c 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-roletag-blacklist/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-roletag-blacklist/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendRoletagBlacklist to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_roletag_blacklist", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-auth-backend-sts-role/index.ts b/src/aws-auth-backend-sts-role/index.ts index bae1d0d5c..5f49059f5 100644 --- a/src/aws-auth-backend-sts-role/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-auth-backend-sts-role/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class AwsAuthBackendStsRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_auth_backend_sts_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsAuthBackendStsRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsAuthBackendStsRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_auth_backend_sts_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsAuthBackendStsRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_auth_backend_sts_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/aws-secret-backend-role/index.ts index f6418db7b..80772d878 100644 --- a/src/aws-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ export class AwsSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts b/src/aws-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts index 7152b8a20..a62b708d5 100644 --- a/src/aws-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class AwsSecretBackendStaticRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_secret_backend_static_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_secret_backend_static_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/aws-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/aws-secret-backend/index.ts index d949e3d83..c582ef244 100644 --- a/src/aws-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/aws-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class AwsSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AwsSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AwsSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AwsSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/aws_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AwsSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/azure-auth-backend-config/index.ts b/src/azure-auth-backend-config/index.ts index 76f9b36a2..dec5521bb 100644 --- a/src/azure-auth-backend-config/index.ts +++ b/src/azure-auth-backend-config/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class AzureAuthBackendConfig extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_azure_auth_backend_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_azure_auth_backend_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/azure-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/azure-auth-backend-role/index.ts index ffa7c483a..012535c47 100644 --- a/src/azure-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/azure-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -139,6 +139,20 @@ export class AzureAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_azure_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AzureAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_azure_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/azure-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/azure-secret-backend-role/index.ts index 2f3d2f27c..8babcb2fd 100644 --- a/src/azure-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/azure-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -338,6 +338,20 @@ export class AzureSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_azure_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AzureSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_azure_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/azure-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/azure-secret-backend/index.ts index 740589a51..873e41b7b 100644 --- a/src/azure-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/azure-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -91,6 +91,20 @@ export class AzureSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_azure_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a AzureSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the AzureSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing AzureSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/azure_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the AzureSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_azure_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/cert-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/cert-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 40c4511ce..c5b20fe1d 100644 --- a/src/cert-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/cert-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -139,6 +139,20 @@ export class CertAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_cert_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a CertAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the CertAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing CertAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/cert_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the CertAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_cert_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/consul-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/consul-secret-backend-role/index.ts index 76c9728b2..84adbd6c6 100644 --- a/src/consul-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/consul-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -117,6 +117,20 @@ export class ConsulSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_consul_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_consul_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/consul-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/consul-secret-backend/index.ts index 9f09a3fbf..297dcf4ad 100644 --- a/src/consul-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/consul-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -115,6 +115,20 @@ export class ConsulSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_consul_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a ConsulSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the ConsulSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing ConsulSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/consul_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the ConsulSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_consul_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-ad-access-credentials/index.ts b/src/data-vault-ad-access-credentials/index.ts index 2df61aaab..308555bca 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-ad-access-credentials/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-ad-access-credentials/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultAdAccessCredentials extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ad_access_credentials"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAdAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultAdAccessCredentials that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ad_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAdAccessCredentials to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ad_access_credentials", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-approle-auth-backend-role-id/index.ts b/src/data-vault-approle-auth-backend-role-id/index.ts index d6ca83052..909a2e310 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-approle-auth-backend-role-id/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-approle-auth-backend-role-id/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_approle_auth_backend_role_id"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/approle_auth_backend_role_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultApproleAuthBackendRoleId to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_approle_auth_backend_role_id", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-auth-backend/index.ts b/src/data-vault-auth-backend/index.ts index 256e8582e..d5e19f6bf 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-auth-backend/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultAuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-auth-backends/index.ts b/src/data-vault-auth-backends/index.ts index 6920be1ad..07c51eed8 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-auth-backends/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-auth-backends/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultAuthBackends extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_auth_backends"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAuthBackends resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAuthBackends to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultAuthBackends that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/auth_backends#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAuthBackends to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_auth_backends", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-aws-access-credentials/index.ts b/src/data-vault-aws-access-credentials/index.ts index a64cda455..fb8cfbc2b 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-aws-access-credentials/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-aws-access-credentials/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_access_credentials"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsAccessCredentials to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_access_credentials", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-aws-static-access-credentials/index.ts b/src/data-vault-aws-static-access-credentials/index.ts index f2ca387f0..8f1b96b93 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-aws-static-access-credentials/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-aws-static-access-credentials/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials extends cdktf.TerraformDataSour // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_aws_static_access_credentials"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/aws_static_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAwsStaticAccessCredentials to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_aws_static_access_credentials", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-azure-access-credentials/index.ts b/src/data-vault-azure-access-credentials/index.ts index c2f40a7ba..b18ef3a80 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-azure-access-credentials/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-azure-access-credentials/index.ts @@ -93,6 +93,20 @@ export class DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_azure_access_credentials"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/azure_access_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultAzureAccessCredentials to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_azure_access_credentials", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/data-vault-gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 7fc51872f..4e2f81322 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ export class DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGcpAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-generic-secret/index.ts b/src/data-vault-generic-secret/index.ts index 722540566..481d5f03d 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-generic-secret/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-generic-secret/index.ts @@ -53,6 +53,20 @@ export class DataVaultGenericSecret extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_generic_secret"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultGenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultGenericSecret to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultGenericSecret that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultGenericSecret to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_generic_secret", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-identity-entity/index.ts b/src/data-vault-identity-entity/index.ts index bd232d026..cccfdc7da 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-identity-entity/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-identity-entity/index.ts @@ -177,6 +177,20 @@ export class DataVaultIdentityEntity extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_entity"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityEntity that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityEntity to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_entity", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-identity-group/index.ts b/src/data-vault-identity-group/index.ts index 992827da1..11a1ec9d7 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-identity-group/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-identity-group/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class DataVaultIdentityGroup extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_group"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityGroup that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityGroup to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_group", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-client-creds/index.ts b/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-client-creds/index.ts index 4daa93e31..b42d9fe37 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-client-creds/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-client-creds/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_client_creds"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_client_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcClientCreds to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_client_creds", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-openid-config/index.ts b/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-openid-config/index.ts index 7229f77d7..5f2a0c219 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-openid-config/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-openid-config/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_openid_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_openid_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcOpenidConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_openid_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-public-keys/index.ts b/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-public-keys/index.ts index 2a1c725cd..ceb2c8ea1 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-public-keys/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-identity-oidc-public-keys/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_public_keys"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/identity_oidc_public_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultIdentityOidcPublicKeys to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_public_keys", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts index e06dd5fd6..bb850c986 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig extends cdktf.TerraformDataSou // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 1fcc0c714..4128e3c57 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformDataSourc // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kubernetes-service-account-token/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kubernetes-service-account-token/index.ts index 1294fc031..4c8d2c2d3 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kubernetes-service-account-token/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kubernetes-service-account-token/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken extends cdktf.TerraformDataS // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_service_account_token"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kubernetes_service_account_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKubernetesServiceAccountToken to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_service_account_token", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kv-secret-subkeys-v2/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kv-secret-subkeys-v2/index.ts index 90bddb357..21bcdf5dd 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kv-secret-subkeys-v2/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kv-secret-subkeys-v2/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secret_subkeys_v2"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_subkeys_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretSubkeysV2 to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secret_subkeys_v2", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kv-secret-v2/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kv-secret-v2/index.ts index 6dbd6fdd1..d4fdf75e8 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kv-secret-v2/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kv-secret-v2/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class DataVaultKvSecretV2 extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secret_v2"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretV2 that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretV2 to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secret_v2", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kv-secret/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kv-secret/index.ts index c8fc35abc..52ee76160 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kv-secret/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kv-secret/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultKvSecret extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secret"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecret to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecret that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecret to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secret", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list-v2/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list-v2/index.ts index 1417c4005..fd6f6a626 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list-v2/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list-v2/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secrets_list_v2"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsListV2 to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secrets_list_v2", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list/index.ts b/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list/index.ts index 2c4483b0b..3ac78bf28 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-kv-secrets-list/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultKvSecretsList extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secrets_list"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultKvSecretsList resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultKvSecretsList that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/kv_secrets_list#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultKvSecretsList to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secrets_list", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-ldap-dynamic-credentials/index.ts b/src/data-vault-ldap-dynamic-credentials/index.ts index 8200b3f57..d112545d1 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-ldap-dynamic-credentials/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-ldap-dynamic-credentials/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_dynamic_credentials"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_dynamic_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapDynamicCredentials to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_dynamic_credentials", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-ldap-static-credentials/index.ts b/src/data-vault-ldap-static-credentials/index.ts index a2de65934..d4d5f4610 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-ldap-static-credentials/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-ldap-static-credentials/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_static_credentials"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/ldap_static_credentials#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultLdapStaticCredentials to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_static_credentials", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-nomad-access-token/index.ts b/src/data-vault-nomad-access-token/index.ts index e5a06171d..dea32d091 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-nomad-access-token/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-nomad-access-token/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultNomadAccessToken extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_nomad_access_token"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultNomadAccessToken resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultNomadAccessToken that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/nomad_access_token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultNomadAccessToken to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_nomad_access_token", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts index 1d7af9b60..9b4fa5a7b 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_issuer"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_issuer", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuers/index.ts b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuers/index.ts index cff4b105a..cd8e06490 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuers/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-issuers/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_issuers"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendIssuers to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_issuers", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts index 62416c829..f1e1b4de8 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_key"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKey to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_key", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-keys/index.ts b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-keys/index.ts index e725088b3..0453159de 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-keys/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-pki-secret-backend-keys/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_keys"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/pki_secret_backend_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPkiSecretBackendKeys to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_keys", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-policy-document/index.ts b/src/data-vault-policy-document/index.ts index 203c1be7a..9b4f838c3 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-policy-document/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-policy-document/index.ts @@ -563,6 +563,20 @@ export class DataVaultPolicyDocument extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_policy_document"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultPolicyDocument resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultPolicyDocument that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/policy_document#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultPolicyDocument to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_policy_document", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-raft-autopilot-state/index.ts b/src/data-vault-raft-autopilot-state/index.ts index 8cff2e432..5aab3b569 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-raft-autopilot-state/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-raft-autopilot-state/index.ts @@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ export class DataVaultRaftAutopilotState extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_raft_autopilot_state"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultRaftAutopilotState resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultRaftAutopilotState that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/raft_autopilot_state#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultRaftAutopilotState to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_raft_autopilot_state", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-transform-decode/index.ts b/src/data-vault-transform-decode/index.ts index cc62251ed..ae554aba6 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-transform-decode/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-transform-decode/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class DataVaultTransformDecode extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transform_decode"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformDecode resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformDecode to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultTransformDecode that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_decode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformDecode to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transform_decode", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-transform-encode/index.ts b/src/data-vault-transform-encode/index.ts index e446fc071..0fbe86b2d 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-transform-encode/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-transform-encode/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class DataVaultTransformEncode extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transform_encode"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransformEncode resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransformEncode to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultTransformEncode that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transform_encode#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransformEncode to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transform_encode", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-transit-decrypt/index.ts b/src/data-vault-transit-decrypt/index.ts index a6f6efd95..29d471ccf 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-transit-decrypt/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-transit-decrypt/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class DataVaultTransitDecrypt extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transit_decrypt"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitDecrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultTransitDecrypt that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_decrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitDecrypt to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transit_decrypt", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/data-vault-transit-encrypt/index.ts b/src/data-vault-transit-encrypt/index.ts index 478ed8700..547c0be1d 100644 --- a/src/data-vault-transit-encrypt/index.ts +++ b/src/data-vault-transit-encrypt/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class DataVaultTransitEncrypt extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transit_encrypt"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataVaultTransitEncrypt resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataVaultTransitEncrypt that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/data-sources/transit_encrypt#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataVaultTransitEncrypt to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transit_encrypt", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/database-secret-backend-connection/index.ts b/src/database-secret-backend-connection/index.ts index c4bc81387..ed667395f 100644 --- a/src/database-secret-backend-connection/index.ts +++ b/src/database-secret-backend-connection/index.ts @@ -4854,6 +4854,20 @@ export class DatabaseSecretBackendConnection extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_database_secret_backend_connection"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendConnection resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendConnection that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_connection#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendConnection to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_database_secret_backend_connection", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/database-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/database-secret-backend-role/index.ts index f89051f27..9b6629510 100644 --- a/src/database-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/database-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ export class DatabaseSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_database_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_database_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/database-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts b/src/database-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts index 9282dd391..f14b66d63 100644 --- a/src/database-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts +++ b/src/database-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_database_secret_backend_static_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_database_secret_backend_static_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/database-secrets-mount/index.ts b/src/database-secrets-mount/index.ts index d70cf148a..9c4767bff 100644 --- a/src/database-secrets-mount/index.ts +++ b/src/database-secrets-mount/index.ts @@ -8532,6 +8532,20 @@ export class DatabaseSecretsMount extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_database_secrets_mount"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DatabaseSecretsMount resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DatabaseSecretsMount to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DatabaseSecretsMount that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/database_secrets_mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DatabaseSecretsMount to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_database_secrets_mount", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/egp-policy/index.ts b/src/egp-policy/index.ts index a3493d47a..7f1c016c8 100644 --- a/src/egp-policy/index.ts +++ b/src/egp-policy/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class EgpPolicy extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_egp_policy"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a EgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the EgpPolicy to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing EgpPolicy that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/egp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the EgpPolicy to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_egp_policy", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 2d4f888b3..51afb22a1 100644 --- a/src/gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/gcp-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -139,6 +139,20 @@ export class GcpAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GcpAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/gcp-auth-backend/index.ts b/src/gcp-auth-backend/index.ts index f6898aae4..3b517d2ef 100644 --- a/src/gcp-auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/gcp-auth-backend/index.ts @@ -237,6 +237,20 @@ export class GcpAuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpAuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GcpAuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpAuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/gcp-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/gcp-secret-backend/index.ts index 15af4cb1e..2ce4eae96 100644 --- a/src/gcp-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/gcp-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class GcpSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GcpSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/gcp-secret-impersonated-account/index.ts b/src/gcp-secret-impersonated-account/index.ts index 76a3492df..0ed87024e 100644 --- a/src/gcp-secret-impersonated-account/index.ts +++ b/src/gcp-secret-impersonated-account/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_secret_impersonated_account"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_impersonated_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretImpersonatedAccount to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_secret_impersonated_account", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/gcp-secret-roleset/index.ts b/src/gcp-secret-roleset/index.ts index 033b7b517..427302ed2 100644 --- a/src/gcp-secret-roleset/index.ts +++ b/src/gcp-secret-roleset/index.ts @@ -195,6 +195,20 @@ export class GcpSecretRoleset extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_secret_roleset"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretRoleset resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretRoleset to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GcpSecretRoleset that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_roleset#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretRoleset to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_secret_roleset", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/gcp-secret-static-account/index.ts b/src/gcp-secret-static-account/index.ts index c653173f0..79fc44fe8 100644 --- a/src/gcp-secret-static-account/index.ts +++ b/src/gcp-secret-static-account/index.ts @@ -195,6 +195,20 @@ export class GcpSecretStaticAccount extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_gcp_secret_static_account"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GcpSecretStaticAccount resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GcpSecretStaticAccount that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/gcp_secret_static_account#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GcpSecretStaticAccount to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_gcp_secret_static_account", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/generic-endpoint/index.ts b/src/generic-endpoint/index.ts index 73acb0105..acf5be345 100644 --- a/src/generic-endpoint/index.ts +++ b/src/generic-endpoint/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class GenericEndpoint extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_generic_endpoint"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericEndpoint resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericEndpoint to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GenericEndpoint that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_endpoint#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericEndpoint to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_generic_endpoint", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/generic-secret/index.ts b/src/generic-secret/index.ts index f8f69a919..217c6f428 100644 --- a/src/generic-secret/index.ts +++ b/src/generic-secret/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class GenericSecret extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_generic_secret"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GenericSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GenericSecret to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GenericSecret that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/generic_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GenericSecret to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_generic_secret", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/github-auth-backend/index.ts b/src/github-auth-backend/index.ts index 9f978abe8..3c5bbc523 100644 --- a/src/github-auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/github-auth-backend/index.ts @@ -417,6 +417,20 @@ export class GithubAuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_github_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubAuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GithubAuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubAuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_github_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/github-team/index.ts b/src/github-team/index.ts index ff9c478ac..e39da2490 100644 --- a/src/github-team/index.ts +++ b/src/github-team/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class GithubTeam extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_github_team"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubTeam resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubTeam to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GithubTeam that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_team#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubTeam to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_github_team", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/github-user/index.ts b/src/github-user/index.ts index d7f13cc09..379513264 100644 --- a/src/github-user/index.ts +++ b/src/github-user/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class GithubUser extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_github_user"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a GithubUser resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the GithubUser to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing GithubUser that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/github_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the GithubUser to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_github_user", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-entity-alias/index.ts b/src/identity-entity-alias/index.ts index feb7cf90c..1f3c50339 100644 --- a/src/identity-entity-alias/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-entity-alias/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class IdentityEntityAlias extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_entity_alias"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityAlias to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityEntityAlias that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityAlias to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_entity_alias", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-entity-policies/index.ts b/src/identity-entity-policies/index.ts index f31299672..c94d26edf 100644 --- a/src/identity-entity-policies/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-entity-policies/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class IdentityEntityPolicies extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_entity_policies"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntityPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntityPolicies to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityEntityPolicies that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntityPolicies to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_entity_policies", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-entity/index.ts b/src/identity-entity/index.ts index a22448a86..4ae7d4f04 100644 --- a/src/identity-entity/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-entity/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class IdentityEntity extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_entity"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityEntity resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityEntity to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityEntity that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_entity#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityEntity to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_entity", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-group-alias/index.ts b/src/identity-group-alias/index.ts index c99846602..9b3221f83 100644 --- a/src/identity-group-alias/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-group-alias/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class IdentityGroupAlias extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_group_alias"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupAlias resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupAlias to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityGroupAlias that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_alias#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupAlias to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_group_alias", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-group-member-entity-ids/index.ts b/src/identity-group-member-entity-ids/index.ts index 830b923ed..058fba29f 100644 --- a/src/identity-group-member-entity-ids/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-group-member-entity-ids/index.ts @@ -56,6 +56,20 @@ export class IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_group_member_entity_ids"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_entity_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberEntityIds to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_group_member_entity_ids", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-group-member-group-ids/index.ts b/src/identity-group-member-group-ids/index.ts index d0b6ab27f..19df52c4b 100644 --- a/src/identity-group-member-group-ids/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-group-member-group-ids/index.ts @@ -56,6 +56,20 @@ export class IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_group_member_group_ids"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_member_group_ids#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupMemberGroupIds to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_group_member_group_ids", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-group-policies/index.ts b/src/identity-group-policies/index.ts index 89392245b..66dede407 100644 --- a/src/identity-group-policies/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-group-policies/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class IdentityGroupPolicies extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_group_policies"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroupPolicies resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroupPolicies to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityGroupPolicies that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group_policies#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroupPolicies to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_group_policies", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-group/index.ts b/src/identity-group/index.ts index 138dd04b3..db6e390ca 100644 --- a/src/identity-group/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-group/index.ts @@ -91,6 +91,20 @@ export class IdentityGroup extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_group"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityGroup to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityGroup that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityGroup to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_group", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-mfa-duo/index.ts b/src/identity-mfa-duo/index.ts index b19b99d9c..2507ae60c 100644 --- a/src/identity-mfa-duo/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-mfa-duo/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class IdentityMfaDuo extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_mfa_duo"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaDuo to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityMfaDuo that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaDuo to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_mfa_duo", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-mfa-login-enforcement/index.ts b/src/identity-mfa-login-enforcement/index.ts index 935a78ea4..db22b6bce 100644 --- a/src/identity-mfa-login-enforcement/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-mfa-login-enforcement/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_mfa_login_enforcement"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_login_enforcement#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaLoginEnforcement to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_mfa_login_enforcement", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-mfa-okta/index.ts b/src/identity-mfa-okta/index.ts index 5547f4733..dfb2d2f7f 100644 --- a/src/identity-mfa-okta/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-mfa-okta/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class IdentityMfaOkta extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_mfa_okta"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaOkta to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityMfaOkta that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaOkta to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_mfa_okta", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-mfa-pingid/index.ts b/src/identity-mfa-pingid/index.ts index ea5e9fc99..219a15953 100644 --- a/src/identity-mfa-pingid/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-mfa-pingid/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class IdentityMfaPingid extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_mfa_pingid"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaPingid to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityMfaPingid that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaPingid to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_mfa_pingid", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-mfa-totp/index.ts b/src/identity-mfa-totp/index.ts index 484cbb35e..30cef5392 100644 --- a/src/identity-mfa-totp/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-mfa-totp/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class IdentityMfaTotp extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_mfa_totp"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityMfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityMfaTotp to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityMfaTotp that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityMfaTotp to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_mfa_totp", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-assignment/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-assignment/index.ts index c118864a4..ef021445a 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-assignment/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-assignment/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcAssignment extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_assignment"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcAssignment resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcAssignment to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcAssignment that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_assignment#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcAssignment to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_assignment", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-client/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-client/index.ts index 92db8a4d2..d4ffbd10f 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-client/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-client/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcClient extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_client"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcClient resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcClient to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcClient that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_client#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcClient to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_client", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-key-allowed-client-id/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-key-allowed-client-id/index.ts index 7baa28b9b..95655c83f 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-key-allowed-client-id/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-key-allowed-client-id/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKeyAllowedClientId to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_key_allowed_client_id", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-key/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-key/index.ts index 4c0716c0d..30489bf34 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-key/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-key/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcKey extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_key"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcKey resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcKey to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcKey that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcKey to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_key", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-provider/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-provider/index.ts index 1b1909ac8..fd99d6c16 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-provider/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-provider/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcProvider extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_provider"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcProvider to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcProvider that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_provider#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcProvider to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_provider", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-role/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-role/index.ts index 5af90fbc3..08b807364 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-role/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-role/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc-scope/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc-scope/index.ts index 06e99dcce..52e8e5f57 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc-scope/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc-scope/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class IdentityOidcScope extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc_scope"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidcScope resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidcScope to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidcScope that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidcScope to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc_scope", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/identity-oidc/index.ts b/src/identity-oidc/index.ts index a24e2e2e5..b5ba929ef 100644 --- a/src/identity-oidc/index.ts +++ b/src/identity-oidc/index.ts @@ -43,6 +43,20 @@ export class IdentityOidc extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_identity_oidc"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a IdentityOidc resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the IdentityOidc to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing IdentityOidc that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/identity_oidc#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the IdentityOidc to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_identity_oidc", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/jwt-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/jwt-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 609a9c3a3..e18b06c73 100644 --- a/src/jwt-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/jwt-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -205,6 +205,20 @@ export class JwtAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_jwt_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing JwtAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_jwt_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/jwt-auth-backend/index.ts b/src/jwt-auth-backend/index.ts index 2a00f168a..5d463262e 100644 --- a/src/jwt-auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/jwt-auth-backend/index.ts @@ -441,6 +441,20 @@ export class JwtAuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_jwt_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a JwtAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the JwtAuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing JwtAuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/jwt_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the JwtAuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_jwt_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kmip-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/kmip-secret-backend/index.ts index 90e2d094c..612478a7d 100644 --- a/src/kmip-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/kmip-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class KmipSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kmip_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KmipSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kmip_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kmip-secret-role/index.ts b/src/kmip-secret-role/index.ts index 635748aae..6137b04ac 100644 --- a/src/kmip-secret-role/index.ts +++ b/src/kmip-secret-role/index.ts @@ -157,6 +157,20 @@ export class KmipSecretRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kmip_secret_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KmipSecretRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kmip_secret_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kmip-secret-scope/index.ts b/src/kmip-secret-scope/index.ts index e8cdbe1ac..dbba22107 100644 --- a/src/kmip-secret-scope/index.ts +++ b/src/kmip-secret-scope/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class KmipSecretScope extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kmip_secret_scope"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KmipSecretScope resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KmipSecretScope to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KmipSecretScope that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kmip_secret_scope#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KmipSecretScope to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kmip_secret_scope", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts b/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts index 78630b50f..f624305a6 100644 --- a/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts +++ b/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-config/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class KubernetesAuthBackendConfig extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts index ca37f5e86..0ac503241 100644 --- a/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/kubernetes-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -127,6 +127,20 @@ export class KubernetesAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KubernetesAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kubernetes-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/kubernetes-secret-backend-role/index.ts index 3e4259a9e..f52356fe5 100644 --- a/src/kubernetes-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/kubernetes-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class KubernetesSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kubernetes-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/kubernetes-secret-backend/index.ts index 5111df3de..429754d5f 100644 --- a/src/kubernetes-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/kubernetes-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -127,6 +127,20 @@ export class KubernetesSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kubernetes_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KubernetesSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KubernetesSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KubernetesSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kubernetes_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KubernetesSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kubernetes_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kv-secret-backend-v2/index.ts b/src/kv-secret-backend-v2/index.ts index 700a4911a..8e164e219 100644 --- a/src/kv-secret-backend-v2/index.ts +++ b/src/kv-secret-backend-v2/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class KvSecretBackendV2 extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secret_backend_v2"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretBackendV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretBackendV2 to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KvSecretBackendV2 that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_backend_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretBackendV2 to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secret_backend_v2", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kv-secret-v2/index.ts b/src/kv-secret-v2/index.ts index 83310aeb6..30c2ed1df 100644 --- a/src/kv-secret-v2/index.ts +++ b/src/kv-secret-v2/index.ts @@ -239,6 +239,20 @@ export class KvSecretV2 extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secret_v2"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecretV2 resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecretV2 to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KvSecretV2 that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret_v2#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecretV2 to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secret_v2", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/kv-secret/index.ts b/src/kv-secret/index.ts index f4051fc5d..7930f8a28 100644 --- a/src/kv-secret/index.ts +++ b/src/kv-secret/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class KvSecret extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_kv_secret"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a KvSecret resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the KvSecret to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing KvSecret that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/kv_secret#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the KvSecret to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_kv_secret", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-auth-backend-group/index.ts b/src/ldap-auth-backend-group/index.ts index bf929b64e..9641cf6d9 100644 --- a/src/ldap-auth-backend-group/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-auth-backend-group/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class LdapAuthBackendGroup extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_auth_backend_group"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendGroup resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendGroup that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendGroup to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_auth_backend_group", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-auth-backend-user/index.ts b/src/ldap-auth-backend-user/index.ts index 353d60e38..93f1ba2ce 100644 --- a/src/ldap-auth-backend-user/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-auth-backend-user/index.ts @@ -53,6 +53,20 @@ export class LdapAuthBackendUser extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_auth_backend_user"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackendUser resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackendUser to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapAuthBackendUser that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackendUser to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_auth_backend_user", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-auth-backend/index.ts b/src/ldap-auth-backend/index.ts index 8305624d6..4ccb806ab 100644 --- a/src/ldap-auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-auth-backend/index.ts @@ -205,6 +205,20 @@ export class LdapAuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapAuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapAuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapAuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-secret-backend-dynamic-role/index.ts b/src/ldap-secret-backend-dynamic-role/index.ts index aaecfa492..e1691b9d9 100644 --- a/src/ldap-secret-backend-dynamic-role/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-secret-backend-dynamic-role/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendDynamicRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_secret_backend_dynamic_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-secret-backend-library-set/index.ts b/src/ldap-secret-backend-library-set/index.ts index 0ee6fbc77..809d47c8c 100644 --- a/src/ldap-secret-backend-library-set/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-secret-backend-library-set/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_secret_backend_library_set"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_library_set#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendLibrarySet to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_secret_backend_library_set", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts b/src/ldap-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts index f95f44c07..1e32e92a9 100644 --- a/src/ldap-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-secret-backend-static-role/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class LdapSecretBackendStaticRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_secret_backend_static_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackendStaticRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapSecretBackendStaticRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend_static_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackendStaticRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_secret_backend_static_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ldap-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/ldap-secret-backend/index.ts index 15d9048fd..cba26fb83 100644 --- a/src/ldap-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/ldap-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -205,6 +205,20 @@ export class LdapSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ldap_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a LdapSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the LdapSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing LdapSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ldap_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the LdapSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ldap_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/managed-keys/index.ts b/src/managed-keys/index.ts index 37aae961b..532fd8094 100644 --- a/src/managed-keys/index.ts +++ b/src/managed-keys/index.ts @@ -1441,6 +1441,20 @@ export class ManagedKeys extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_managed_keys"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a ManagedKeys resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the ManagedKeys to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing ManagedKeys that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/managed_keys#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the ManagedKeys to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_managed_keys", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mfa-duo/index.ts b/src/mfa-duo/index.ts index 0934ca198..103f7ac58 100644 --- a/src/mfa-duo/index.ts +++ b/src/mfa-duo/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class MfaDuo extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mfa_duo"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaDuo resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaDuo to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing MfaDuo that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_duo#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaDuo to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mfa_duo", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mfa-okta/index.ts b/src/mfa-okta/index.ts index 8f4fd9258..df48c36c5 100644 --- a/src/mfa-okta/index.ts +++ b/src/mfa-okta/index.ts @@ -81,6 +81,20 @@ export class MfaOkta extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mfa_okta"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaOkta resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaOkta to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing MfaOkta that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_okta#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaOkta to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mfa_okta", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mfa-pingid/index.ts b/src/mfa-pingid/index.ts index ab7fd5776..474d8dea5 100644 --- a/src/mfa-pingid/index.ts +++ b/src/mfa-pingid/index.ts @@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ export class MfaPingid extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mfa_pingid"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaPingid resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaPingid to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing MfaPingid that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_pingid#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaPingid to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mfa_pingid", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mfa-totp/index.ts b/src/mfa-totp/index.ts index 4e9a969f2..80ee4bf3d 100644 --- a/src/mfa-totp/index.ts +++ b/src/mfa-totp/index.ts @@ -87,6 +87,20 @@ export class MfaTotp extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mfa_totp"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a MfaTotp resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the MfaTotp to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing MfaTotp that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mfa_totp#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the MfaTotp to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mfa_totp", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mongodbatlas-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/mongodbatlas-secret-backend/index.ts index fe2fdc9ef..c2d1ba741 100644 --- a/src/mongodbatlas-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/mongodbatlas-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class MongodbatlasSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mongodbatlas_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mongodbatlas_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mongodbatlas-secret-role/index.ts b/src/mongodbatlas-secret-role/index.ts index dde5b8c83..3a1b92302 100644 --- a/src/mongodbatlas-secret-role/index.ts +++ b/src/mongodbatlas-secret-role/index.ts @@ -97,6 +97,20 @@ export class MongodbatlasSecretRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mongodbatlas_secret_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a MongodbatlasSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing MongodbatlasSecretRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mongodbatlas_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the MongodbatlasSecretRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mongodbatlas_secret_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/mount/index.ts b/src/mount/index.ts index d76dc4819..1f7ef86c0 100644 --- a/src/mount/index.ts +++ b/src/mount/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class Mount extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_mount"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a Mount resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the Mount to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing Mount that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/mount#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the Mount to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_mount", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/namespace/index.ts b/src/namespace/index.ts index 3fa54c4da..9888da7ad 100644 --- a/src/namespace/index.ts +++ b/src/namespace/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class Namespace extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_namespace"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a Namespace resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the Namespace to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing Namespace that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/namespace#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the Namespace to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_namespace", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/nomad-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/nomad-secret-backend/index.ts index 8a8b0e67d..235900c53 100644 --- a/src/nomad-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/nomad-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -121,6 +121,20 @@ export class NomadSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_nomad_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing NomadSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_nomad_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/nomad-secret-role/index.ts b/src/nomad-secret-role/index.ts index 263e0458e..f027b088f 100644 --- a/src/nomad-secret-role/index.ts +++ b/src/nomad-secret-role/index.ts @@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ export class NomadSecretRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_nomad_secret_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a NomadSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the NomadSecretRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing NomadSecretRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/nomad_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the NomadSecretRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_nomad_secret_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/okta-auth-backend-group/index.ts b/src/okta-auth-backend-group/index.ts index d002654fc..7a1d1426f 100644 --- a/src/okta-auth-backend-group/index.ts +++ b/src/okta-auth-backend-group/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class OktaAuthBackendGroupA extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_okta_auth_backend_group"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendGroupA resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendGroupA that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_group#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendGroupA to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_okta_auth_backend_group", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/okta-auth-backend-user/index.ts b/src/okta-auth-backend-user/index.ts index 82f911d3b..fee5bae3e 100644 --- a/src/okta-auth-backend-user/index.ts +++ b/src/okta-auth-backend-user/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class OktaAuthBackendUserA extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_okta_auth_backend_user"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackendUserA resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing OktaAuthBackendUserA that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend_user#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackendUserA to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_okta_auth_backend_user", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/okta-auth-backend/index.ts b/src/okta-auth-backend/index.ts index 9d6333338..0282e29a0 100644 --- a/src/okta-auth-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/okta-auth-backend/index.ts @@ -374,6 +374,20 @@ export class OktaAuthBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_okta_auth_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a OktaAuthBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the OktaAuthBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing OktaAuthBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/okta_auth_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the OktaAuthBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_okta_auth_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/password-policy/index.ts b/src/password-policy/index.ts index d82bc205f..8052e7a36 100644 --- a/src/password-policy/index.ts +++ b/src/password-policy/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class PasswordPolicy extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_password_policy"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PasswordPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PasswordPolicy to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PasswordPolicy that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/password_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PasswordPolicy to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_password_policy", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-cert/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-cert/index.ts index b2ec7191b..bdc69df77 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-cert/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-cert/index.ts @@ -133,6 +133,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendCert extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_cert"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCert resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCert to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCert that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCert to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_cert", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-config-ca/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-config-ca/index.ts index b2cda7f36..bd9a8003f 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-config-ca/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-config-ca/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendConfigCa extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigCa resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigCa that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigCa to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-config-issuers/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-config-issuers/index.ts index 15ce1e248..19f446f49 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-config-issuers/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-config-issuers/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_issuers"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_issuers#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigIssuers to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_issuers", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-config-urls/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-config-urls/index.ts index 292cab8e7..5f55bc6e3 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-config-urls/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-config-urls/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_urls"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_config_urls#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendConfigUrls to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_urls", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-crl-config/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-crl-config/index.ts index 1dc185626..df4ad5710 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-crl-config/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-crl-config/index.ts @@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_crl_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_crl_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendCrlConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_crl_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-cert-request/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-cert-request/index.ts index a9186cc95..2940eeebb 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-cert-request/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-cert-request/index.ts @@ -182,6 +182,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest extends cdktf.TerraformReso // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateCertRequest to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-set-signed/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-set-signed/index.ts index 7d3a6c16b..51c769a19 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-set-signed/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-intermediate-set-signed/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned extends cdktf.TerraformResour // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIntermediateSetSigned to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts index e0c7410d7..2e74652fb 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-issuer/index.ts @@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendIssuer extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_issuer"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendIssuer resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendIssuer that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_issuer#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendIssuer to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_issuer", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts index 71d7359d9..abd84572d 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-key/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendKey extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_key"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendKey to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendKey that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendKey to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_key", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-role/index.ts index 2c671a713..ed51b2a71 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -455,6 +455,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-root-cert/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-root-cert/index.ts index dec029a9f..9d9828140 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-root-cert/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-root-cert/index.ts @@ -199,6 +199,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendRootCert extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_root_cert"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootCert resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootCert that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_cert#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootCert to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_root_cert", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-root-sign-intermediate/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-root-sign-intermediate/index.ts index 06f45dca5..7d4a72453 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-root-sign-intermediate/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-root-sign-intermediate/index.ts @@ -169,6 +169,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate extends cdktf.TerraformResourc // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendRootSignIntermediate to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/pki-secret-backend-sign/index.ts b/src/pki-secret-backend-sign/index.ts index 7b2db20e9..ab871da88 100644 --- a/src/pki-secret-backend-sign/index.ts +++ b/src/pki-secret-backend-sign/index.ts @@ -121,6 +121,20 @@ export class PkiSecretBackendSign extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_pki_secret_backend_sign"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a PkiSecretBackendSign resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the PkiSecretBackendSign to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing PkiSecretBackendSign that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_sign#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the PkiSecretBackendSign to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_pki_secret_backend_sign", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/policy/index.ts b/src/policy/index.ts index b8597e879..80b6503a9 100644 --- a/src/policy/index.ts +++ b/src/policy/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class Policy extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_policy"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a Policy resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the Policy to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing Policy that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the Policy to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_policy", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/provider/index.ts b/src/provider/index.ts index e22e85dfd..8fad33491 100644 --- a/src/provider/index.ts +++ b/src/provider/index.ts @@ -917,6 +917,20 @@ export class VaultProvider extends cdktf.TerraformProvider { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a VaultProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the VaultProvider to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing VaultProvider that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the VaultProvider to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/quota-lease-count/index.ts b/src/quota-lease-count/index.ts index c11d25da8..dc42015a9 100644 --- a/src/quota-lease-count/index.ts +++ b/src/quota-lease-count/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class QuotaLeaseCount extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_quota_lease_count"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaLeaseCount resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaLeaseCount to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing QuotaLeaseCount that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_lease_count#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaLeaseCount to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_quota_lease_count", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/quota-rate-limit/index.ts b/src/quota-rate-limit/index.ts index 22da9c77c..98cba4410 100644 --- a/src/quota-rate-limit/index.ts +++ b/src/quota-rate-limit/index.ts @@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ export class QuotaRateLimit extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_quota_rate_limit"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a QuotaRateLimit resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the QuotaRateLimit to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing QuotaRateLimit that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/quota_rate_limit#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the QuotaRateLimit to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_quota_rate_limit", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend-role/index.ts index ea37d7627..59b8a520f 100644 --- a/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -514,6 +514,20 @@ export class RabbitmqSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_rabbitmq_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_rabbitmq_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend/index.ts index 75a692b83..daf0ea2ac 100644 --- a/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/rabbitmq-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ export class RabbitmqSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_rabbitmq_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a RabbitmqSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing RabbitmqSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rabbitmq_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the RabbitmqSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_rabbitmq_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/raft-autopilot/index.ts b/src/raft-autopilot/index.ts index 5a7699cb8..71ef41b50 100644 --- a/src/raft-autopilot/index.ts +++ b/src/raft-autopilot/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class RaftAutopilot extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_raft_autopilot"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftAutopilot resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftAutopilot to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing RaftAutopilot that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_autopilot#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftAutopilot to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_raft_autopilot", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/raft-snapshot-agent-config/index.ts b/src/raft-snapshot-agent-config/index.ts index f689b84f1..172d58831 100644 --- a/src/raft-snapshot-agent-config/index.ts +++ b/src/raft-snapshot-agent-config/index.ts @@ -199,6 +199,20 @@ export class RaftSnapshotAgentConfig extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_raft_snapshot_agent_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a RaftSnapshotAgentConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing RaftSnapshotAgentConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/raft_snapshot_agent_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the RaftSnapshotAgentConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_raft_snapshot_agent_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/rgp-policy/index.ts b/src/rgp-policy/index.ts index 2a142b85a..4435270fe 100644 --- a/src/rgp-policy/index.ts +++ b/src/rgp-policy/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class RgpPolicy extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_rgp_policy"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a RgpPolicy resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the RgpPolicy to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing RgpPolicy that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/rgp_policy#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the RgpPolicy to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_rgp_policy", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ssh-secret-backend-ca/index.ts b/src/ssh-secret-backend-ca/index.ts index 7b0c1e3f9..92439d07a 100644 --- a/src/ssh-secret-backend-ca/index.ts +++ b/src/ssh-secret-backend-ca/index.ts @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ export class SshSecretBackendCa extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ssh_secret_backend_ca"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendCa resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendCa to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing SshSecretBackendCa that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_ca#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendCa to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ssh_secret_backend_ca", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/ssh-secret-backend-role/index.ts b/src/ssh-secret-backend-role/index.ts index 8709d12cc..a15610293 100644 --- a/src/ssh-secret-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/ssh-secret-backend-role/index.ts @@ -270,6 +270,20 @@ export class SshSecretBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_ssh_secret_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a SshSecretBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the SshSecretBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing SshSecretBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/ssh_secret_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the SshSecretBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_ssh_secret_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/terraform-cloud-secret-backend/index.ts b/src/terraform-cloud-secret-backend/index.ts index 151f3316e..d06344a96 100644 --- a/src/terraform-cloud-secret-backend/index.ts +++ b/src/terraform-cloud-secret-backend/index.ts @@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ export class TerraformCloudSecretBackend extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_terraform_cloud_secret_backend"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretBackend resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretBackend that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_backend#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretBackend to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_terraform_cloud_secret_backend", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/terraform-cloud-secret-creds/index.ts b/src/terraform-cloud-secret-creds/index.ts index 6e882981e..ad7c26f1f 100644 --- a/src/terraform-cloud-secret-creds/index.ts +++ b/src/terraform-cloud-secret-creds/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class TerraformCloudSecretCreds extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_terraform_cloud_secret_creds"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretCreds resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretCreds that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_creds#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretCreds to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_terraform_cloud_secret_creds", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/terraform-cloud-secret-role/index.ts b/src/terraform-cloud-secret-role/index.ts index 2c4b72845..cc58b3059 100644 --- a/src/terraform-cloud-secret-role/index.ts +++ b/src/terraform-cloud-secret-role/index.ts @@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ export class TerraformCloudSecretRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_terraform_cloud_secret_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TerraformCloudSecretRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TerraformCloudSecretRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/terraform_cloud_secret_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TerraformCloudSecretRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_terraform_cloud_secret_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/token-auth-backend-role/index.ts b/src/token-auth-backend-role/index.ts index 7c4432045..66502a554 100644 --- a/src/token-auth-backend-role/index.ts +++ b/src/token-auth-backend-role/index.ts @@ -145,6 +145,20 @@ export class TokenAuthBackendRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_token_auth_backend_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TokenAuthBackendRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TokenAuthBackendRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TokenAuthBackendRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token_auth_backend_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TokenAuthBackendRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_token_auth_backend_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/token/index.ts b/src/token/index.ts index d27e334d2..a6f2c2ab8 100644 --- a/src/token/index.ts +++ b/src/token/index.ts @@ -121,6 +121,20 @@ export class Token extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_token"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a Token resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the Token to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing Token that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/token#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the Token to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_token", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/transform-alphabet/index.ts b/src/transform-alphabet/index.ts index b9a801615..ee59e4bbc 100644 --- a/src/transform-alphabet/index.ts +++ b/src/transform-alphabet/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class TransformAlphabet extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transform_alphabet"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformAlphabet resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformAlphabet to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TransformAlphabet that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_alphabet#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformAlphabet to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transform_alphabet", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/transform-role/index.ts b/src/transform-role/index.ts index 3bdff1b3c..c763b4677 100644 --- a/src/transform-role/index.ts +++ b/src/transform-role/index.ts @@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ export class TransformRole extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transform_role"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformRole resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformRole to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TransformRole that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_role#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformRole to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transform_role", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/transform-template/index.ts b/src/transform-template/index.ts index 386d52437..865e0fff8 100644 --- a/src/transform-template/index.ts +++ b/src/transform-template/index.ts @@ -81,6 +81,20 @@ export class TransformTemplate extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transform_template"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTemplate resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTemplate to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TransformTemplate that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_template#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTemplate to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transform_template", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/transform-transformation/index.ts b/src/transform-transformation/index.ts index 6d90ab008..86002d6a4 100644 --- a/src/transform-transformation/index.ts +++ b/src/transform-transformation/index.ts @@ -91,6 +91,20 @@ export class TransformTransformation extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transform_transformation"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransformTransformation resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TransformTransformation to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TransformTransformation that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transform_transformation#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TransformTransformation to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transform_transformation", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/transit-secret-backend-key/index.ts b/src/transit-secret-backend-key/index.ts index 65260a73c..558267255 100644 --- a/src/transit-secret-backend-key/index.ts +++ b/src/transit-secret-backend-key/index.ts @@ -115,6 +115,20 @@ export class TransitSecretBackendKey extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transit_secret_backend_key"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretBackendKey resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretBackendKey to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TransitSecretBackendKey that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_backend_key#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretBackendKey to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transit_secret_backend_key", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/src/transit-secret-cache-config/index.ts b/src/transit-secret-cache-config/index.ts index 33224e700..df42d51df 100644 --- a/src/transit-secret-cache-config/index.ts +++ b/src/transit-secret-cache-config/index.ts @@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ export class TransitSecretCacheConfig extends cdktf.TerraformResource { // ================= public static readonly tfResourceType = "vault_transit_secret_cache_config"; + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a TransitSecretCacheConfig resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing TransitSecretCacheConfig that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/3.21.0/docs/resources/transit_secret_cache_config#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the TransitSecretCacheConfig to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "vault_transit_secret_cache_config", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + // =========== // INITIALIZER // =========== diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index c69c7c111..121c51643 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -78,19 +78,19 @@ "@babel/helper-validator-identifier" "^7.22.20" to-fast-properties "^2.0.0" -"@cdktf/cli-core@0.18.2": - version "0.18.2" - resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@cdktf/cli-core/-/cli-core-0.18.2.tgz#32ebaca2c79ed3b2341bf46e3bdf4db6991b0f5e" - integrity sha512-deJzuZIJ829tzx0X1t1E1n6jeSCal2SoR1v9r9F6EFTlfAhU3uccj6z6e8RalnLKh4SMJWRtN8PsWzuGaBEN2Q== - dependencies: - "@cdktf/commons" "0.18.2" - "@cdktf/hcl2cdk" "0.18.2" - "@cdktf/hcl2json" "0.18.2" - "@cdktf/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch" "0.10.1-pre.10" - "@cdktf/provider-schema" "0.18.2" +"@cdktf/cli-core@0.19.0": + version "0.19.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@cdktf/cli-core/-/cli-core-0.19.0.tgz#ed2bccb413332f8cfb685662d60bcbb17c4d5fdb" + integrity sha512-iSkhxuSHEPkPCPwvcM81ytniS3v/3YT+zY/MzeKWVkaMj1hZDF3e2C5gnjOdrb0ZCFIH1+znF+aJK9LiqBoV+Q== + dependencies: + "@cdktf/commons" "0.19.0" + "@cdktf/hcl2cdk" "0.19.0" + "@cdktf/hcl2json" "0.19.0" + "@cdktf/node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch" "0.10.1-pre.11" + "@cdktf/provider-schema" "0.19.0" "@sentry/node" "^7.64.0" archiver "^5.3.1" - cdktf "0.18.2" + cdktf "0.19.0" chalk "^4.1.2" chokidar "^3.5.3" cli-spinners "2.7.0" @@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ yoga-layout-prebuilt "^1.10.0" zod "^1.11.17" -"@cdktf/commons@0.18.2": - version "0.18.2" - resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@cdktf/commons/-/commons-0.18.2.tgz#3c14a69681510e4b3a4a989cc0fd31a523232cd0" - integrity sha512-9jLT7K6bkGWdy8wRbpZfmAnzDPczV9NBpGIS3vsKJCZwoipccmG2LD12DlbM3610IHISksya2AQLlLmJMsTnmA== +"@cdktf/commons@0.19.0": + version "0.19.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@cdktf/commons/-/commons-0.19.0.tgz#e0bc7e428b4689550ac9c652e366116114d09875" + integrity sha512-zhqGhx7PWa1lCa1B7RUH1qoln2emrGbGJ3kjRKMOxJxbTKdQBwFUbsaEOiOAVBm0ukTt2DX+VWQc8YPpMgSbgA== dependencies: "@sentry/node" "^7.64.0" - 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