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Tedd DCS stack

Stack configuration:

  • docker-compose.yml : production stack with the core services:
    • mosquitto : mqtt broker
    • web_server : for labview data ingestion
    • influxdb : time-series database
    • telegraf : ingests data from the mqtt broker into the database
    • dashboard : Grafana monitoring dashboard
    • low_voltage : Control of the Rhode and Schwartz low-voltage power supply
    • dummy modules for testing:
      • a dummy high-voltage power supply,
      • a dummy low-voltage power supply,
      • a dummy environmental sensor.


Initial setup

Start the InfluxDB service:

docker compose up -d influxdb

Extract the generated token to later connect to influxdb from telegraf and from grafana:

docker exec stack-influxdb-1 influx auth list --user dbuser 

Create a file named my.env with this content (make sure to use your own token):


WARNING: do not commit this file to git, for security reasons.

Start the stack together with the dummy services

docker compose up -d 

To check the running services:

docker compose ps 
NAME                  COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
stack-grafana-1       "/"                grafana             running   >3000/tcp
stack-hv-1            "python dummy/ …"   hv                  running             
stack-influxdb-1      "/ infl…"   influxdb            running   >8086/tcp
stack-low_voltage-1   "python3 lw_v…"   low_voltage         exited (1)          
stack-lv-1            "python dummy/ …"   lv                  running             
stack-mosquitto-1     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   mosquitto           running   >1883/tcp
stack-sensor_1-1      "python dummy/sensor…"   sensor_1            running             
stack-telegraf-1      "/ tele…"   telegraf            running             8125/udp
stack-web_server-1    "uvicorn tracker_dcs…"   web_server          running   >8000/tcp

In the case above, I'm running the stack on my mac, which has no access to the low voltage power supply. As a consequence, the low voltage container exits with an error. This is perfectly fine.

On the DAQ PC however, the container must be running.

Using the services

  • SSH tunnel: Establish an SSH tunnel to access services from outside the lab
  • Mosquitto: The stack message broker
  • Grafana: The dashboard system
  • Nodered: To be written...