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Notify Slack

This module creates a Lambda function posts messages to a Slack channel when a CloudWatch alarm changes state.


  1. Create a Slack App with an incoming webhook for the channel you'd like to post in.
  2. Create one or more SNS Topics and subscribe them to this module's Lambda ARN output.
  3. Setup CloudWatch Alarms that send their state changes to the SNS Topics.

The above is shown in the full setup example.


The Python code that posts the message to Slack was adopted from the terraform-aws-notify-slack module under the Apache 2.0 license.


No requirements.


Name Version
archive n/a
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.notify_slack_lambda resource
aws_iam_policy.notify_slack_lambda resource
aws_iam_role.notify_slack_lambda resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.notify_slack_lambda resource
aws_lambda_function.notify_slack resource
aws_lambda_permission.notify_slack resource
archive_file.notify_slack data source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_assume_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.notify_slack_lambda data source


Name Description Type Default Required
billing_tag_key (Optional, default 'CostCentre') Name of the billing tag. string "CostCentre" no
billing_tag_value (Required) Value of the billing tag. string n/a yes
function_name (Required) Name of the Lambda function. string n/a yes
project_name (Required) Name of the project. This is added to the Slack message's title. string n/a yes
slack_webhook_url (Required) Slack incoming webhook URL. This determines where the Slack message is posted. string n/a yes
sns_topic_arns (Required) SNS topic ARNs that will invoke the Lambda function and cause a Slack message to be posted. list(string) n/a yes


Name Description
lambda_arn ARN of the Lambda function that creates the Slack message