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68 lines (54 loc) · 2.72 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (54 loc) · 2.72 KB


cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_4
cd CMSSW_9_4_4/src
git clone TauAnalysis/ClassicSVfit -b fastMTT_21_06_2018
git clone TauAnalysis/SVfitTF
git clone
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
scram b -j 4

To submit jobs via condor:

First, merge the skimmed files so that the merged files have about 15000 events. You need to edit with the name of the tree in the files, with the names of the input and output directories, and with the list of directories for which the merging should be applied.

cd SubmitSVFit/tools

Copy the directory with the merged files to /hdfs and enable your proxy.

Then submit the jobs. You need to edit test/ so that it uses the executable for the final state you want to run (SVFitStandAloneFSATauDM_emu_norecoil or SVFitStandAloneFSATauDM_etau_norecoil or SVFitStandAloneFSATauDM_mutau_norecoil). You also need to edit (for example) with the location of the input and output directories, and with the exact list of directories. You can also edit this file to change which systematic shifts are computed and which are not.:

cd SubmitSVFit/test

Old instructions below:

There are a number of current versions of the stand alone svFitter included here. You can find them in ROOT/bin/SVFitStandAlone... with the names of their executables defined ROOT/bin/BuildFile.xml.

To run in interactive mode for example:

SVFitStandAloneFSA inputFile=coolInputFile.root newOutputFile=1 newFile=tmpOut.root doES=1
  • inputFile = obvious
  • newOutputFile = 0/1
    • 0 = update input file with svFit vars
    • 1 = output new file with original TTree and new svFit vars
  • newFile = name of output file, default is newFile.root if none specified
  • doES = apply energy scale adjustments providing nominal, shift UP and shift DOWN values of svFit
    • 0 = default, no shift
    • 1 = apply shifts

To submit jobs to condor:

cd test
python -dr -sd /hdfs/store/user/truggles/svFitTestSept03 -es=1 --jobName svFitSept03Test
  • -dr = dryRun and outputs a command for you to run
  • -sd = select directory, the input directory, this will produce a list of all files in that directory to run over
    you must have your files in a /hdfs directory.
  • -es = apply energy scale, see above
  • --jobName = applys a job name to append to your file names and output directory structure

To get your files from elsewhere to /hdfs do something like this:

mkdir /hdfs/store/user/truggles/mySubmitDir
rsync -ahP /nfs_scratch/truggles/httSept04skimMerged/*.root /hdfs/store/user/truggles/httSept04skimMerge/