A native line graph using D3 based on standard design patterns.
You will not need all the properties in the example below. Check out optional/required properties explained in the JSON Properties section.
var root = {
bindTo: "#root",
axis: {
x: {
type: Carbon.helpers.AXIS_TYPE.TIME_SERIES,
label: "Some X Label",
lowerLimit: "2016-01-01T12:00:00Z",
upperLimit: "2017-01-01T12:00:00Z"
y: {
label: "Some Y Label",
lowerLimit: 0,
upperLimit: 20
y2: {
show: false,
label: "Some Y2 Label",
lowerLimit: 0,
upperLimit: 250
dateline: [
showDatelineIndicator: true,
label: {
display: "Release A"
color: Carbon.helpers.COLORS.GREEN,
shape: Carbon.helpers.SHAPES.DARK.TRIANGLE,
onClick: (onCloseCB, payload) => {
// onCloseCB needs to called by the consumer after popup is closed;
// Payload is the dateline input object
value: new Date(2016, 5, 1).toISOString()
clickPassThrough: {
datelines: false
showLabel: true,
showLegend: true,
showShapes: true,
showVGrid: true,
showHGrid: true
var data = {
key: "uid_1",
label: {
display: "Data Label 1"
regions: [
axis: "y",
start: 2,
end: 10,
color: "#f4f4f4"
shape: Carbon.helpers.SHAPES.DARK.CIRCLE,
color: Carbon.helpers.COLORS.BLUE,
onClick: (onCloseCB, key, index, value) => {
//onCloseCB needs to called by the consumer after popup is closed;
//This is so that graphing api can remove the selected indicator from data point
values: [
x: "2016-02-03T12:00:00Z",
y: 4
x: "2016-05-01T12:00:00Z",
y: 15,
isCritical: true
x: "2016-10-01T12:00:00Z",
y: 10
var lineDefault = Carbon.api.graph(root);
Adding a single Data set can be done by creating a line with a Data set.
var lineDefault = Carbon.api.graph(/* Input JSON */);
lineDefault.loadContent(Carbon.api.line(/* Data array A */));
For loading multiple data-sets, you can load additional content as an array:
var lineDefault = Carbon.api.graph(/* Input JSON */);
var lineA = Carbon.api.line(/* Data array A */);
var lineB = Carbon.api.line(/* Data array B */);
var lineC = Carbon.api.line(/* Data array C */);
var lineD = Carbon.api.line(/* Data array D */);
lineDefault.loadContent([lineA, lineB, lineC, lineD ]);
For a Spline Line Graph, load the following content:
var splineData = {
key: "uid_2",
label: {
display: "Data Label 2"
type: Carbon.helpers.LINE_TYPE.SPLINE,
values: [
x: "2016-03-01T12:00:00Z",
y: 14
x: "2016-04-10T12:00:00Z",
y: 1
x: "2016-11-01T12:00:00Z",
y: 18
Refer Graph Root
for more details.
Property Name | Expected | Description |
key | string | Unique id which represents the data-set |
values | Array | Values |
Property Name | Expected | Default | Description |
color | string | COLORS.BLACK | Color for the data point and line |
label | object | {} | Display value for the data-set which the data points belong to |
legendOptions | object | undefined | Toggle to show shape, line and legend. Refer LegendOptions |
onClick | Function | undefined | Any action that can be performed when clicking on the data point |
regions | array | [] | Refer Regions |
shape | string | SHAPES.DARK.CIRCLE | Shape for representing the data points |
style | object | {} | Any style that can be applied. Refer Styles |
showShapes | boolean | undefined | Option to show/hide shapes per data set. This option overrides the graph's showShapes property |
type | string | LINE_TYPE.LINEAR | Nature of line that needs to be drawn (Linear or Cardinal) |
yAxis | string | "y" | Setting for using different Y based axis. For now: its either Y or Y2 |
Each line can have a style object in Values level.
Property Name | Expected | Default | Description |
strokeDashArray | string | "0" | Applies stroke-dasharray CSS property to the SVG line. |
Each line can have a legendOptions object in Values level.
Property Name | Expected | Default | Description |
showLine | boolean | false | Display Line in the legend. |
showShape | boolean | true | Display Shape in the legend. |
style | object | {} | Any style that can be applied. Refer Styles |
showElement | boolean | true | Toggle to hide legend when legend item has no data. |
Property Name | Expected | Description |
x | string | Co-ordinate x, for plotting the data point |
y | string | Co-ordinate y, for plotting the data point |
Property Name | Expected | Default | Description |
isCritical | boolean | false |
Shows an indicator surrounding the data point when enabled |
region | object | {} | Refer Regions |
- Each data-set can have 1 or more regions.
- Each value can have a region object.
is necessary for rendering an area.- If at least one region is defined for a value in the element, it will take precedence over the element's region and the element's region will not be displayed.
Property Name | Expected | Description |
start | number | Start of the region |
end | number | End of the region |
Property Name | Expected | Default | Description |
axis | string | "y" | Defines which axis if represents from |
color | string | #f4f4f4 |
Default color of the region area |
- If data-set
display is not provided then the legend item will not be shown as well