layout | title | chapter | meta-description |
default |
Databases |
4 |
Discover models, resources models and collections. |
Exam proportion: 13%.
A Model is used to store and manipulate data about a particular object. Typically contain the business logic of the application.
A Resource Model is used to interact with the database on behalf of the Model. The Resource Model actually performs the CRUD operations.
A Collection Model handles working with groups of models and performing (CRUD) operations on groups of models.
There are two types of Magento Model: simple and EAV. Simple Models correspond to a single table, whereas EAV correspond to multiple tables using the EAV schema design pattern.
Database connections are configured in config.xml
<initStatements>{init commands}</initStatements>
<type>{adapter type}</type>
The core Magento connections (default_setup
, default_read
, default_write
, core_setup
, core_read
, core_write
) are configured in app/etc/config.xml
with the database credentials stored in app/etc/local.xml
Magento used the Resource Models to interact with the database tables. When a Model is loaded or saved, it calls its resource model to perform thee operation (executing the database queries). Database table names are configured in config.xml
and resource models retrieve them using look-up methods, which allows for the table names to be customised, e.g. adding a prefix to all table names.
Tables are called entities and are configured like so:
This allows us to load the table via getTable('meanbee/table_one')
The following methods exist to create joins between tables on collections and on select instances.
Use Mage::getModel('core/resource')->getTableName($modelEntity)
to retrieve the defined table for any model. Table names in Magento are configurable to allow customising and overriding the database schema e.g. using a custom table.
Accessing resource models can be done using the class Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
and the methods getMainTable()
and getTable($entityName)
The loading of a model form the database is done using the load($id, $field = null)
method. The field argument allows the developer to load the records from a different key. If no field is specified then the resource model identifies the primary key based on the parameters provided to the _init($table, $key)
method call when the resource model was constructed.
Magento uses the Zend database abstraction classes like Zend_Db_Select
to perform database operations. These classes allow building and executing database queries without having to use the syntax of the specific database engine being used.
When a record is fetched with Zend_Db_Select
it is added to the Varien_Object
using setData($data)
. Some fields may be serialised in the database, so they are un-serialised before adding to the Varien_Object
Saving is not as trivial as loading. The first step is to check to see if the model has any changes. Both setData($data)
or unsetData($key, $value)
set the _hasDataChanges
flag on the model. This flag can then be used to determine whether it needs to be written out to the database.
A transaction is then begun so that any changes can be rolled back in the event that something goes wrong during the saving we process.
Firstly a check for uniqueness is performed. This queries the database to check whether each of the fields marked as unique are actually unique. If a duplicate key is found, then it is bubbled up using an exception.
The data then needs to be prepared for insertion or update. This is performed in the prepareDataForSave()
method. This calls DESCRIBE
on the table to identify the column types and sanitise the input accordingly. This description is, of course, cached. This is the reason that cache needs to be cleared if schema changes are made.
The next problem is identifying whether an INSERT
or an UPDATE
statement is required. This is useful performed by checking for the existence of the primary key by called $model->getId() == null
, and here is no exception. f there is no ID set, then it is auto-incremented in the database and needs to be fetched from there. After performing the INSERT
, getLastInsertId()
is called on the write adapter to add it to the model.
If there was an ID specified on the model when save was called, it's either because an update to a model is being saved or because the ID of the model is not controlled by the database with an auto-increment. If the flag _isPkAutoIncrement
is set then an UPDATE
can be used. Otherwise the database needs to be checked for an existing record with this key. An UPDATE
occurs if there is, otherwise an INSERT
is used.
The _isPkAutoIncrement
flag is set to true
as a default and can be overwritten by a subclass.
Collection Models provide a consistent interface for performing and filtering and sorting of models, e.g. addFieldToFlter()
, addOrder()
and setOrder()
When several save operations have to be performed for an entity, Magento uses database transactions to ensure that the data stays in a consistent state in the database.
Through the use of:
Through the use of:
The first method goes through the collection interface, which could perform additional logic, while the second method operates directly on the underlying database select statement.
Resource models request a specific type of database connection they require. The different types are defined to allow for different permissions over the database. For example read for read-only connection, write for changing data and setup for resource intensive setup processes. However, in practice, all of Magento's connection resources inherit from the default_setup
resource, so they all use the same connection.
Magento uses Setup Resource Models to perform install and upgrade operations for modules. These are executed during the application initialisation where each Setup Resource is allowed to apply any updates it requires. This is usually done by inspecting the installed version of the module from the core_resource
table and executing any setup scripts defined.
Setup resources are defined in config.xml
Then the install and upgrade scripts, which are simply PHP scripts executed by including them within the setup resource, are placed in {module_root}/sql/{resource_name}/
for system install/upgrade scripts or {module_root}/data/{resource_name}/
for data install/upgrade scripts.
The scripts use the following naming scheme:
In older version of Magento the install/upgrade script name would be prefixed by resource type, e.g. mysql4.
If the module is not present in the database, the Setup Model will install the module by first running the latest install script and then the upgrade scripts since the install script version.
If the module version in config.xml
is higher than the version in the database, the Setup Model performs an upgrade by running all upgrade scripts which have a from-version
higher or equal to the database verison and to-version
lower or equal to the new config version.
Different Setup classes have additional methods to aid the install or upgrade procedures of their particular entities, e.g. the EAV setup resource has methods for creating entity attributes.
The base setup classes for flat tables and EAV entities are Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup
and Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup
, respectively.
Methods that are generally available in setup scripts are
- Handles attribute creation, including creating attribute data, adding it to groups and sets and setting attribute options.
- Simply updates the attribute data. It is also called by
if the attribute being added already exists
- Simply updates the attribute data. It is also called by
Magento defines a module rollback procedure when the config.xml
module version is lower than the database version. However, the rollback script execution is not actually implemented.
Magento abstracts database engine logic by using the Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface
. Database engine classes implement this interface, which makes it easy to replace one engine class with another without having to rewrite all models that use the database. The actual RDBMS used is defined in the connection configuration using the <type>
field, e.g. <type>pdo_mysql</type>