- 100% Kotlin.
- App architecture - (MVVM).
- Asynchronous programming - (Corountines).
- Dependency injection - (Koin).
- Observable data holder class - (Livedata).
- HTTP client - (OkHttp).
- Type-safe HTTP client - (Retrofit).
- A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back - (Gson).
- Android logging - (Timber).
- Android SharedPreferences delegation library for Kotlin - (Kotpref).
- A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android - (material-dialogs).
- Useful extensions to eliminate boilerplate code in Android SDK and focus on productivity - (KAndroid).
- Android utilities - (AndroidUtilCode).
- Code Formatting - (ktlint) & (ktlint-gradle).