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shortname: [21/UPSERT-VALIDATORS]
name: Dynamically add/update/remove validators at runtime
type: standard
Status: raw
editor: Vanshdeep Singh <[email protected]>


The current BEP-3 spec for adding new validators requires that the node administrators coordinate when dynamically adding a new validator i.e. all the node operators have to simultaneously execute upsert-validator in order to ensure that the validator is added on all the nodes. A lack of coordination can result in a situation wherein only a part of the network updates their validator set which could eventually lead to a network hangup. Furthermore, for a sufficiently large network the coordination itself can become a tedious task. Another major issue with the current implementation is that a new dynamically added validator (V_i) cannot be propagated to any new dynamically added validators added after V_i i.e. consider the following scenario,

  • Given a 4 node network wherein the genesis.json file contains each of the four nodes {N1,N2,N3,N4} a validator.
  • When a new node N5 is to be dynamically added, each node executes upsert-validator on their respective nodes (including N5) and adds N5.
  • When another new node N6 needs to be added then each of the nodes in the network {N1,N2,N3,N4,N5} execute upsert-validator to add the new node N6.
  • At this point the node N6 won't see N5 as a validator because the genesis.json would only contain {N1,N2,N3,N4} as validators.
  • Since N5 was added dynamically and upsert-validator only mutates the local validator set of a given node it implies that in order for the N6 to see N5 as a validator it would have to execute upsert-validator N5_PUB_KEY N5_POWER on its own node at the exact block height (when syncing with the network) when N5 was previously added by the network.

From the above description it is evident that propagating dynamically added validators is a major hassle with huge possibility of errors.

Technical details

To solve the aforementioned issue, following change to the behaviour of upsert-validator is being proposed. We use the transaction election process (TEP) proposed in BEP 18 to automate and synchronize the operation on the validator set.

Consider a network of 4 nodes {A,B,C,D}. If a node A wishes to add a new node E to the network then following steps should be followed,

  1. Node A executes
$ bigchaindb upsert-validator new E_PUBKEY E_POWER E_NODE_ID --private-key /home/user/.tendermint/config/priv_validator.json

The above command POSTs a VALIDATOR_ELECTION transaction and returns the election_id.


  • The VALIDATOR_ELECTION transaction is signed with the private key of the validator proposing the election. The private key is generated by Tendermint, and stored in the priv_validator.json in the Tendermint's $TMHOME directory (usually located at ~/.tendermint/).
  • E_POWER should be such that 0 < E_POWER < TOTAL_POWER/3 where TOTAL_POWER denotes the total voting power of the current network.
  1. The election_id is then manually sent (via email or message) to all members of the network.

  2. The node operator can list the contents of election_id request using,

$ bigchaindb upsert-validator show <election_id>

The above command list the details about the node which is being added/updated/deleted from the network.

  1. If the node operator aggrees to the operation being proposed by the election_id then they can vote on the same using the following,
$ bigchaindb upsert-validator approve <election_id> --private-key /home/user/.tendermint/config/priv_validator.json

The above command POSTs a VALIDATOR_ELECTION_VOTE transaction casting the vote of the node for given election_id. NOTE: The VALIDATOR_ELECTION_VOTE transaction is signed using the private key generated and stored by Tendermint in priv_validator.json.

  1. Node operators can check the status of the election as follows,
$ bigchaindb upsert-validator status <election_id>

Validating transaction schemas

Two new transaction specs namely, VALIDATOR_ELECTION and VALIDATOR_ELECTION_VOTE have been proposed for implementing this BEP. It is worth mentioning that VALIDATOR_ELECTION is an extension of CREATE transaction and VALIDATOR_ELECTION_VOTE is an extension of TRANSFER transaction. Consequentially the validation of each of these new transaction specs must be evaluated by re-using the validation for the base spec after which the schema can be validated against its extended spec.

Election process

Valid election

A valid VALIDATOR_ELECTION is one where change to validator set is < 1/3 CURRENT_POWER.

Valid vote

A validator can choose to vote/delegate/burn their vote. It is purely up to a voter to decide how to spend their vote.

Election conclusion

Election conclusion is inherited from TEP definition. Note that this BEP is aimed at implementing only constrained approach.

Backwards Compatibility

The approach suggested in this specification is entirely different. The previous approach involved storing upsert-validator request in a seperate collection, which will not be required anymore. So migrating to the implementation of this new approach would involve to optionally drop collection holding the upsert-validator request.



Primary assignee(s): @kansi

Targeted Release

BigchainDB 2.0


Copyright Waiver

To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.