All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- introduces VariantTypeDataModelFactory and VariantTypeValueDataModelFactory which will add variant datamodels to the product detail page views
- The UpdateProductStockListener allows stock based manipulation like enabling/disabling products. The functionality moved from the TableEditor, TShopArticle, TShopOrder and TShopOrderItem to this event
- ProductInventoryService::addStock, setStock and updateVariantParentStock got the return type bool. The ProductInventoryServiceCacheProxy was changed accordingly
- Introduced new events: chameleon_system_shop.order_saved_in_database, chameleon_system_shop.order_send_to_inventory_management, chameleon_system_shop.order_post_insert, chameleon_system_shop.order_pre_executed_payment, chameleon_system_shop.order_executed_payment, chameleon_system_shop.order_pre_delete (see ChameleonSystem\ShopBundle\ShopEvents for full event list)