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File metadata and controls

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Anytime you need to display a piece of content—like an image with an optional caption, consider using a figure.


Here is the related HTML

<figure class="figure">
  <img src="..." class="figure-img img-fluid rounded" alt="...">
  <figcaption class="figure-caption">A caption for the above image.</figcaption>

Figure properties

A figure is made of an image, a caption. On the advanced properties, you can change the alignment of the caption.

Label Name Description
Caption jcr:title This optional caption will be display after the image
Image image The image to display
Caption alignment captionAlignment This advanced properties can change the alignment of the caption. Value can be Start (default), Center or End

Figure definition

Here is the definition of a figure

[bootstrap5mix:figureAdvancedSettings] mixin
 extends = bootstrap5nt:figure
 itemtype = content
 - captionAlignment (string, choicelist[resourceBundle]) = 'text-start' autocreated indexed=no < 'text-start', 'text-center', 'text-end'

[bootstrap5nt:figure] > jnt:content, bootstrap5mix:component, bootstrap5mix:imageAdvanced, mix:title

Image advanced properties

There are a few advanced settings for the image

Label Name Description Default value
Class(es) to set on this image imageClass A custom CSS class can be set on the IMG tag
Style(s) to set on this image imageStyle Custom inline styles can be set on the image, in to the style attribute. For instance, if you set “width:100px” then it will add style=”width:100px” in the IMG tag.
ID to set on this image imageID Allow to add an id attribute to the IMG tag with this value
Responsive image responsive Checked by default, this will add the img-fluid class. This applies max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image so that it scales with the parent element true
Alignment align Choose to align the image on Start (default), Center or End Default
alternate text alt If not set a default alternate text with the name of the image will be used.
Border-radius borderRadius Add classes to an element to easily round its corners. Variants are Rounded, Only on top, Only on end, Only on bottom, Only on start, Circle, Pill, No radius
No radius
Border-radius size borderRadiusSize Use the scaling classes for larger or smaller rounded corners. Variants are Small, Medium or Large
No radius
Thumbnails thumbnails In addition to the border-radius, you can use img-thumbnail to give an image a rounded 1px border appearance.

Image definition

Here is the definition of the image

[bootstrap5mix:imageAdvancedSettings]  mixin
 extends = bootstrap5mix:imageAdvanced
 itemtype = content
 - imageClass (string) indexed=no
 - imageStyle (string) indexed=no
 - imageID (string) indexed=no
 - responsive (boolean) = 'true' indexed=no
 - thumbnails (boolean) = 'false' indexed=no
 - align (string, choicelist[resourceBundle]) = 'default' autocreated indexed=no < 'default', 'start', 'end', 'center'
 - alt (string) i18n
 - borderRadius (string, choicelist[resourceBundle]) = 'rounded-0' autocreated indexed=no < 'rounded','rounded-top', 'rounded-end', 'rounded-bottom','rounded-start','rounded-circle','rounded-pill','rounded-0'
 - borderRadiusSize (string, choicelist[resourceBundle]) = 'default' < 'default','rounded-0','rounded-1','rounded-2','rounded-3'

[bootstrap5mix:imageAdvanced] > bootstrap5mix:image mixin

[bootstrap5mix:image] mixin
 - image (weakreference, picker[type='image']) < 'jmix:image'

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