RFC | Title | Author | Status | Type |
59 |
Add Ohai cookbook segment |
Lamont Granquist <[email protected]> |
Accepted |
Standards Track |
Support Ohai plugins under an ohai
top level directory in cookbooks. Load all
Ohai plugins in all synchronized cookbooks after cookbook synchronization.
As a Chef User,
I want to have my custom Ohai plugins loaded on first bootstrap,
So I don't have to run chef twice.
As a Chef User,
I want my Ohai plugins loaded before attributes and compile/converge mode,
So I can use them without worrying about cookbook execution ordering.
As a Chef User,
I want my Ohai plugins synchronized with my cookbooks,
So that I don't incure more unavoidable round-trips to the Chef Server.
As a Chef Developer,
I want Ohai plugins as a first-class object,
So that I don't have to compile recipes to discover templates that drop plugins.
The "segments" of a cookbook will be extended to include an "ohai" segment. In this segment there will be plugins which are intended to be copied to the Ohai plugin_path
. All files in this segment will be copied, recursively, maintaining directory structure.
In the Chef::RunContext::CookbookCompiler#compile
method a phase will be added after compile_libraries
and before compile_attributes
which will copy the Ohai plugins from the cookbook segment and will load all of the discovered plugins.
The plugins will be copied from <cookbookname>/ohai
into /etc/chef/ohai/cookbook-plugins/<cookbookname>
as their top level directory (recursively). The state of the entire
subdirectory tree under /etc/chef/ohai/cookbook-plugins
will be managed fully by chef-client so that any files which are not synchronized by chef-client will be removed, so
that removal of a plugin from a cookbook or removal of the cookbook from run_list
will result in the plugin being removed on the target host.
The plugins directory will work similarly to libraries and other directions in that there will be no control over the inclusion of plugins below the level of the inclusion of the cookbook itself in the run_list
When plugins override other plugins on loading, and in particular when cookbook plugins override core plugins, they should WARN the user. This will address the case where a user has included a custom plugin and Ohai is later extended with similar functionality in the same namespace. The custom plugin should take precedence for backwards compatibility. There should be a way to silence the warning with a DSL method added to the custom plugin.
This work is in the public domain. In jurisdictions that do not allow for this, this work is available under CC0. To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.