RFC | Title | Author | Status | Type |
89 |
Server Enforced Recipe |
Daniel DeLeo <[email protected]> |
Accepted |
Standards Track |
Chef Server will provide an endpoint that MAY serve a Chef recipe file. Chef Client will attempt to fetch the recipe during run context setup. If no user action is taken to configure the feature, the endpoint returns 404 and Client behavior will be unaffected. When the feature is enabled, the endpoint returns the configured recipe file. Chef Client will evaluate and converge the recipe.
The motivation for this feature is to allow the operator of the Chef Server to enforce limited desired client-side configuration using Chef. Intended use cases include:
- Allow cloud-based vendors to install an agent necessary for correct operation of the service
- Allow Chef Customer Development Partners to efficiently install experimental client-side software during feature development
- Allow organizations that operate as internal service providers to enforce standard configurations
This feature is targeted at expert level practitioners who are delivering isolated configuration changes to the target systems, such as self-contained agent software. Users who wish to deliver more comprehensive configuration changes should not use this mechanism to deliver those changes directly, but could configure an additional Chef Client identity (i.e., node name, client key, organization/server url) to deliver those changes via this feature.
As this feature is intended to be used in a manner that is as unobtrusive as possible, and in cases where the Chef Server is administrated by a vendor on behalf of the user, existing approaches to enforcing client-side configuration are not sufficient.
The enforced policy is limited to a single recipe instead of a full cookbook or secondary run list for several reasons:
- Cookbooks are Chef Server objects that are organization-scoped and subject to authorization restrictions. Allowing some cookbooks to be global requires additional complexity which is not needed for the intended uses.
- Cookbooks have versions and dependencies, which have to be solved. There are several ways this could be addressed, but all options introduce unneeded complexity into the solution.
- Attributes are not usable for the intended use case, since the author(s) of the enforced recipe code may have no control over the node data, roles, JSON files, or policyfiles used by the nodes being managed.
- Other cookbook features, such as libraries and the various flavors of resources and providers set ruby constants which could interfere with the correct operation of the end user's cookbooks.
- Templates and cookbook files would be useful, but expert practitioners will be able to be effective without them.
As a Chef Server Service Provider,
I want to enforce a recipe to run on client systems,
so that I can ensure client systems are correctly configured.
Chef Server shall expose an organization-scoped endpoint for the enforced recipe. If the feature has not been configured by the Chef Server administrator, the endpoint shall return a 404 response. If the feature is enabled by the Chef Server administrator, the endpoint shall return a 200 response with the recipe content as the response body.
The endpoint shall authenticate the request via Chef Server's usual authentication mechanism.
No authorization mechanism is provided. Any user or client with API access to any organization on the Chef Server will have read-only access to the enforced recipe.
The URL path of the endpoint relative to the organization base path will be determined at a future time.
The interface for configuring the feature is to be determined.
Though the initial implementation will likely only support a standalone Chef Server deployment, the configuration interface will be written such that it can be extended to support tiered and HA configurations.
During the setup phase of the Chef Client run, Chef Client shall make a HTTP GET request to the enforced recipe endpoint. If the Chef Server returns a 404 response, Chef Client will continue the Chef Client run normally. If the Chef Server returns a 200 response, Chef Client will store the recipe file in its cache directory. Chef Client will then evaluate and converge the recipe using a mechanism to be decided.
One possible implementation is to add the recipe to the list of
which is currently populated only via CLI arguments to
chef-client --local-mode
. In this case, enforced recipes would be evaluated
and converged after the primary run list.
Documentation shall include the caveat that this feature is intended for expert users to address a narrow range of use cases and suggest alternatives for use cases that are not addressed by this feature.
No downstream impacts are expected.
This work is in the public domain. In jurisdictions that do not allow for this, this work is available under CC0. To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.