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Experiments on Real-World Datasets

This folder contains the code implementation of the experiments presented in Section 5 of the paper On Investigating the Conservative Property of Score-Based Generative Models.



Training Process

Use the command with the following format to train a QC-NCSN++:

python3 --config {$(1)} --balancing_fac {$(2)} --slices {$(3)} --bs {$(4)} --workdir {$(5)} --restore {$(6)}
  • (1) config: training configuration specified in the configs/training folder.
  • (2) balancing_fac: the balancing factor for the quasi-conservative regulerizer.
  • (3) slices: the number of random vectors used in Hutchinson's trace estimator.
  • (4) bs: the batch size.
  • (5) workdir: the directory created for saving the experimental results such as visualized examples and checkpoints.
  • (6) restore: the path to a checkpoint form which the training process resumes.


  • (Results in Table 2) Train a QC-NCSN++ on CIFAR-10 with its balancing factor, number of random vectors, and batch size set to 0.0001, 16, and 8. The training resumes from a pretrained U-NCSN++ at the 600,000-th iteration.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/training/ --balancing_fac 0.0001 --slices 16 --bs 8 --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=8_slice=16 --restore checkpoint.pth
  • (Results in Tables 3 and 4) Train a QC-NCSN++ on CIFAR-10 with its balancing factor, number of random vectors, and batch size set to 0.0001, 1, and 128. The training resumes from a pretrained U-NCSN++ at the 600,000-th iteration.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/training/ --balancing_fac 0.0001 --slices 1 --bs 128 --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=128_slice=1 --restore checkpoint.pth

Please note that the pretrained weights of U-NCSN++ are provided here.

Evaluate the Modeling Ability

  • Evaluate NLL and save the results in workdir.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=8_slice=16 --checkpoint_idx 70 --bs 2500 --calculate 
  • Read the results of NLL from workdir.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=8_slice=16 --read 
  • Evaluate Asym / NAsym and save the results in workdir.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=8_slice=16  --checkpoint_idx 70 --bs 2500 --calculate 
  • Read the results of Asym / NAsym from workdir.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=8_slice=16 --read

Evaluate the Sampling Performance

Use the command with the following format to perform sampling processes:

python3 --config {$(1)} --bs {$(2)} --num_divisions {$(3)} --division_idx {$(4)} --workdir {$(5)}--checkpoint_idx {$(6)}
  • (1) config: evaluation configuration specified in the configs/evaluation folder.
  • (2) bs: the sampling batch size.
  • (3) num_divisions: the number of threads for simultaneously perform the sampling process.
  • (4) division_idx: set to a number between [0, num_divisions-1].
  • (5) workdir: the directory created for saving the sampled data.
  • (6) checkpoint_idx: the index of the checkpoint adopted for sampling.


  • Perform the sampling process using a QC-NCSN++ trained with 700,000 iterations. The sampling process is divided into 10 sub-processes with each of them using a batch size 2,500. The flag division_idx is set to 0 for performing the first sub-process. Make sure that the remaining 1~9 is completed before evaluation.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --bs 2500 --num_divisions 10 --division_idx 0 --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=128_slice=1 --checkpoint_idx 70
  • Perform the sampling process using an ODE sampler by adding the flag --ode.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --bs 2500 --num_divisions 10 --division_idx 0 --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=128_slice=1 --checkpoint_idx 70 --ode

Calculate the Sampling Performance Metrics

  • Encode the sampled data points using an Inception model for evaluating the sampling performance.
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=128_slice=1 --bs 2500 --encode
  • Calculate FID and IS using the following command:
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=128_slice=1 --fidis
  • Calculate Precision and Recall using the following command:
python3 --config configs/qc_ncsn/evaluation/ --workdir qc_fac=1e-4_bs=128_slice=1 --prdc

Please note that the pre-encoded features of the data samples are provided here. Add a flag --encode_dataset when performing the encoding command to save the features of the data samples drawn from the datasets.


  • CIFAR-10

Download CIFAR-10 automatically through the tfds library in Tensorflow.

  • CIFAR-100

Download CIFAR-100 automatically through the tfds library in Tensorflow.

  • SVHN

Download SVHN automatically through the tfds library in Tensorflow.

  • ImageNet-32x32

Download ImageNet-32x32 following the instructions in here.


Dataset Pre-encoded Features Pre-trained Weights
CIFAR-10 dataset_stat.npz u-ncsn++/checkpoint.pth
CIFAR-100 dataset_stat.npz u-ncsn++/checkpoint.pth
ImageNet dataset_stat.npz u-ncsn++/checkpoint.pth
SVHN dataset_stat.npz u-ncsn++/checkpoint.pth