This is vite+reactjs which provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, the project is using React ^18.2.0, Vite ^5.0.0, and Tailwind CSS ^3.3.6. The project require Node.js version to be above 20.0.0
Every Commit You should have the eslint and prettier check passed, if not, please fix it before commit.
Run ESLint Separately for Debugging: If the commit error happens, you might want to run ESLint separately to debug any configuration issues. Use the command npx eslint
in project's root directory to check for any ESLint-specific errors.
git clone
- if you have already downloaded the repository, please run
git pull
to get the latest version
- go to project directory
cd laps-react
- install dependencies
npm install
npm run dev
folder App.jsx is the main entry point for the applicationsrc/components/
folder contains all the React pages.
For every page, please contain your React component within <Layout><Layout/>
to have Header in every possible Page
- Here is a guide for how to use React Context API in our project.
- Since it is the front end part, we will also have to run the back end part to test the whole project. Please refer to LAPS Back-End Project for more information.
Email: [email protected]
Password: yYjHDp)d~+]Pb