This repository uses Hugo for static HTML generation. See for a brief intro.
The website uses the hugo-book theme; it is included in this repo as a git submodule.
After cloning this repo please run git submodule init; git submodule update
If you check out a branch or tag, make sure the submodule is up to date by running git submodule update
Content resides in the content folder. Top-level intro pages and menu entries should be put there. The repository's specs folder is soft-linked there (as content/docs). New specs are automatically added to the navigation menu on the left. Optionally, the (index page may be updated to reference / feature important specs.
You'll need hugo installed for rendering changes.
First, make your edits.
Then, start hugo locally (in the repo's website
directory)to review your changes:
$ hugo server --minify --disableFastRender
Review your changes at http://localhost:1313/specifications/ .