My personal website, created using github pages.
To run my website locally you need to install the following software:
After you finished the installation you can do the setup of the local environment by launching the following commands from the root folder of this repo:
npm run setup
Then you can build and launch my website locally with the following commands from the root folder of this repo:
npm run build
npm run start
My website is hosted using Github Pages. It contains a bunch of jekyll templates used for home, posts, archive and
tags pages. All blog posts are created using markdown files (thanks Jekyll 😁). For JS, CSS and assets build I
used gulp as build automation tool. I use rvm and the pages-gem to setup the github pages environment locally.
On the homepage you can find also a three.js integration with a physically based scene, to highlight my computer graphics passion.
Soooo what are you waiting for???!! Go and checkout my homepage and my
blog 😜!!.