Releases: chiflix/splayerx
Releases · chiflix/splayerx
- Substantially improved the speech recognition and translation quality of English and Chinese
- Fixed the issue where the application would stay maximized after moving the window
- Fixed the issue where the maximized window would be unresponsive after being moved
- Fixed the issue where local subtitles cannot be loaded manually
- Fixed the compatibility issue of some SRT format subtitles
- More bug fixes and performance improvements
- 改善了英语和汉语(普通话)语音识别断句和标点准确度
- 修复Windows版本窗口最大化时拖动窗口的问题
- 修复Mac版本窗口最大化拖动后无法响应操作问题
- 修复部分无法手动载入本地字幕文件的问题
- 修复对部分SRT文件的兼容性问题
- 修复和优化其他细节问题
- The all new video browser mode, including the support for online streaming videos, picture-in-picture mode and etc.
- 全新浏览器模式包含了在线视频播放以及画中画等功能
- Added shortcuts (Enter) for entering or exiting full-screen
- Optimized the compatibility of some TS format videos
- Improved translations for the Japanese interface
- Fixed some issues that might cause rare crashes
- 增加进入/退出全屏快捷键 (Enter)
- 优化了对部分TS格式视频的兼容性
- 优化了日语的本地化翻译
- 修复了部分导致应用闪退的问题
- Added support for checking for updates automatically or manually (Mac & Windows Installer)
- Added channel sidebar on the launching page
- Further enhancement of the support for Touch Bar in different scenarios
- Optimized the trigger area of replay and play next button at the start and end of the progress bar
- Optimized the capacity of server when handling a lot of AI Translation requests simultaneously
- Optimized the font style of the subtitle to make it more legible
- Optimized the style and content of the notification bubble
- Optimized the calculation rule of the window size when switching videos
- Improved the efficiency and fluency of the thumbnail preview
- Streamlined the user experience of the Smart Translation
- Fixed where Simplified Chinese were improperly translated into Traditional Chinese
- Fixed some compatibility issues with DAT format files
- Fixed some issues that might lead to wrong Japanese Translations
- Fixed where videos with special characters in the file name cannot be played properly
- Fixed where some subtitles cannot be displayed properly
- Fixed where improperly loading thumbnails and snapshots of previous videos
- Fixed the stutter issue that could occur when recovering AVI format videos from pausing
- Fixed where progressing bar might be unintendly trigged while adjusting the volume bar by touchpad
- 新增自动和手动检查版本更新的功能 (Mac & Windows Installer)
- 新增着陆页的频道侧边栏
- 进一步优化 Touch Bar 在不同场景下的功能和体验
- 优化进度条左右两侧重播和下一集按钮触发区域
- 优化较多用户同时使用智能翻译效率的效率
- 优化字体显示使字幕更清晰易读
- 优化应用内通知系统使之更清晰准确
- 优化视频切换时调整播放窗口大小的规则
- 优化智能翻译功能的交互流程
- 优化视频缩略图预览的效率和流畅度
- 修复部分简体中文错误地翻译为繁体的问题
- 修复部分DAT格式视频的兼容性问题
- 修复部分导致日语翻译失败的问题
- 修复带有特殊字符文件名的视频无法播放的问题
- 修复部分字幕时间轴解析错误的问题
- 修复错误加载上一个视频截图和缩略图的问题
- 修复部分AVI视频从暂停恢复时会卡住的问题
- 修复触摸板调节音量时容易同时误触进度调节的问题
- Improved the efficiency and fluency of the thumbnail preview
- Streamlined the user experience of the Smart Translation
- 提高视频缩略图预览的效率和流畅度
- 优化智能翻译功能的交互流程
- Optimized the font style of the subtitle to make it more legible
- Optimized the style and content of the notification bubble
- Optimized the calculation rule of the window size when switching videos
- Fixed where improperly loading thumbnails and snapshots of previous videos
- Fixed the stutter issue that could occur when recovering AVI format videos from pausing
- Fixed where progressing bar might be unintendly trigged while adjusting the volume bar by touchpad
- 优化字体显示使字幕更清晰易读
- 优化应用内通知系统使之更清晰准确
- 优化视频切换时调整播放窗口大小的规则
- 修复错误加载上一个视频截图和缩略图的问题
- 修复部分AVI视频从暂停恢复时会卡住的问题
- 修复触摸板调节音量时容易同时误触进度调节的问题
- Optimized the trigger area of replay and play next button at the start and end of the progress bar
- Optimized the capacity of server when handling a lot of AI Translation requests simultaneously
- Fixed where videos with special characters in the file name cannot be played properly
- Fixed where some subtitles cannot be displayed properly
- 优化进度条左右两侧重播和下一集按钮触发区域
- 优化较多用户同时使用智能翻译效率的效率
- 修复带有特殊字符文件名的视频无法播放的问题
- 修复部分字幕时间轴解析错误的问题
- Support for checking for updates automatically or manually (Mac & Windows Installer)
- Added channel sidebar on the launching page
- Further enhancement of the support for Touch Bar in different scenarios
- Fixed where Simplified Chinese were improperly translated into Traditional Chinese
- Fixed some compatibility issues with DAT format files
- Fixed some issues that might lead to wrong Japanese Translations
- 新增自动和手动检查版本更新的功能 (Mac & Windows Installer)
- 新增着陆页的频道侧边栏
- 进一步优化Touch Bar在不同场景下的功能和体验
- 修复部分简体中文错误地翻译为繁体的问题
- 修复部分DAT格式视频的兼容性问题
- 修复部分导致日语翻译失败的问题
- Added the display of multiple embedded subtitle language names
- Optimized the icon size of Play/Pause button and the trigger area
- Optimized the calculation logic of adjusting to 50% of the window size (CMD/Ctrl + 0)
- Fixed where welcome page would be loaded each time when opening the application
- Fixed where the second subtitle would automatically switch to
- Fixed rare not responding issues while opening the application
- Fixed where progress bar would be triggered while sliding pages with Left/Right Arrow in the playlist
- 新增多种内嵌字幕语言名称的显示
- 优化播放暂停按钮的大小和触发区域
- 优化调节50%窗口大小的功能逻辑 (CMD/Ctrl + 0)
- 修复每次打开应用都会加载欢迎界面的问题
- 修复第二字幕会自动勾选"关闭"的问题
- 修复极少数打开应用无响应的问题
- 修复在播放列表中用左右键翻页时会触发视频进度条的问题
- Added the display of multiple embedded subtitle language names
- Optimized the icon size of Play/Pause button and the trigger area
- Optimized the calculation logic of adjusting to 50% of the window size (CMD/Ctrl + 0)
- Fixed where improperly loading thumbnails and snapshots of the previous video
- Fixed where welcome page would be loaded each time when opening the application
- Fixed where the second subtitle would automatically switch to
- Fixed rare not responding issues while opening the application
- Fixed where progress bar would be triggered while sliding pages with Left/Right Arrow in the playlist