Dependency Container for universal Services using the Functional Factory Pattern.
- Dependency container helps to maintain the interoperability in your system.
- Service's creation is lazy by default.
- You need to import the service creator in order to use, so is easy to find it's source / code / file, it's explicit.
npm install --save cartola
yarn add cartola
// @file: /services/cmsApi.js
import superagentUse from 'superagent-use'
import superagent from 'superagent'
// Universal Service.
const cmsApi = ({ host, key }) => {
const request = superagentUse(superagent)
// Superagent middleware.
request.use(req => {
// Presets the Authorization Barer for all requests.
req.set('Authorization', 'Barer ' + key)
return req
return request
export default cmsApi
// @file: /index.js
import createContainer from 'cartola'
import cmsApi from './services/cmsApi'
// Create the container.
const container = createContainer()
// Lazy service creation of your REST client.
container.define(cmsApi, {
host: '',
key: '89asfudf7g5g75hg6h454ghj64ghj54'
function appOne({ container }) {
// Api client is created for the first time.
const api = container.get(cmsApi)
// Get the content through the service.
const content = api.getContent(1231)
function appTwo({ container }) {
// Api client is already created.
const api = container.get(cmsApi)
// Get the content through the service.
const content = api.getContent(1232)
// Here's where you inject the container.
appOne({ container })
setTimeOut(() => {
// Here's where you inject the container.
appTwo({ container })
}, 1000)
git clone
yarn build
Build and Run the tests
yarn test