- remove WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback was replaced by await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
- fix flutter 3.0 warning of WidgetsBinding
- Add the isError method implementation to LogPoolManager so that request messages defined as errors are displayed in red font
- fix copy Clipboard error
- Response header values can be copied
- response add headers
- overlay_draggable_button can set the color
- stable version
- Happy April Fools' Day
- Dio 4.0.0 support.
- Migrated to Flutter 2 and Better Theme support.
- Migrated to null safety.
- to public API add doc comments
- use ElevatedButton instead of RaisedButton
- ShowDebugBtn on WidgetsBinding.Instance.AddPostFrameCallback callback
- Adds a body of type FormData According to
- Adds a body of type string According to
- add replication request information
- Support dio > 3.0.0
- Support Flutter Web
- Support dio >2.2.1
- if you dio version < 2.2.1, please use dio_log:1.3.1
- fix shrink and expand bug
- Optimize the request display UI
- HttpLogInterceptor Deprecated and change it to DioLogInterceptor
- add example project
- Fix the response parsing bug
- add overlay_draggable_button(Global float window is easier to open HttpLogListWidget)
- add clear log function at requestList
- add display requestTime at requestList
- add Screenshot
- support jsonView look at json
- fix some code
- Lower the version needed by dio
- Add description information and example
- Add a display of the body content to the request
- Logs with failed requests are shown in red in the list
- initial version