Subauth lets you check JWT tokens signed with RS256, in nginx sub request auth flow.
I built it as an alternative to the native JWT support in Nginx Plus and other API gateways.
Nginx can perform a sub request to check JWT authentication. Subauth supports this by parsing the Authorization: Bearer <token>
http header, decrypting it as a JWT signed with RS256, and checking the signature.
A Docker image is published for this service (Linux amd64|arm64, size 15MB):
docker pull
You must specify a PUBLIC_KEY
environment variable with the base64 encrypted RSA public key but without the -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
and -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
header and footer.
Subauth will listen on port 8080.
Run it with:
docker run -d -p -e PUBLIC_KEY="MIICnTCCAYUCB...I43gXA7Fg=="
Once subauth is up and running, you can use it from within your nginx configuration:
server {
# this location defines the entry point for our sub request
location /subauth {
proxy_pass; # or use whatever hostname:port points to subauth
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
# let's protect /private and check the JWT token
location /private {
auth_request /subauth; # the auth request will run first
proxy_pass http://host:port; # then the proxy pass if no 401 occurs