Version 0.8 - 2023-05-15 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Added ability to automatically advance through seasons.
- Added an easily readable date element for use in generating movies, but which can be hidden.
Version 0.7 - 2020-03-05 - Josh Wiggs [email protected] and Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Configuration data for each of the planets has been changed from a Javascript file dumping data into the global space into a JSON file from which each planet is setup dynamically.
- Meta data added to each planet including notes about origins of definitions.
- Added 'Show Information' button in the GUI to show meta data for each planet.
- CSS Fixes.
- Updated Uranus magnetic field definition to reflect that Uranus is rendered using the IAU pole definition. This was incorrectly applied in the previous version.
- Fixed bug where the NumberControllerBox in DAT.gui could not be adjusted using the text boxes. Added work-around by removing .listen() and adding an explicit update when each planet changes (e.g., dataarts/dat.gui#179).
Version 0.6b - 2019-09-19 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Fixed moon orbit bug where moons would continue to orbit the planet when auto rotate was turned off. Also fixed bug where moons would not respond to changes in speedup factor.
- Added GNU General Public Licence v3 to and to each source file.
- Added favicon file.
- Moved library (e.g., THREE.js) javascript files into /js/lib folder from main javascript folder.
- Updated documentation in space physics NAIF frame kernel.
- Removed textures from distribution and adjusted build script accordingly.
- Removed ring optical depth to opacity functions from build script (not needed anymore).
- Added default planet rotation functions to build script.
- Extended meta tags in HTML.
- Updated source code documentation.
- Added modal about box and associated artwork.
- Added GPL v3 licence information.
Version 0.5b - 2019-09-12 - Josh Wiggs [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Fixed field lines visibility switch
- Fixed moon orbit traces and field lines colour selectors
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 0.5a - 2019-08-23 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Refactored code.
- Added moon rendering.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Fixed orthographic camera bug.
- Modified how orbital and equatorial planes are rendered.
- Fixed ring rendering double-sided bug.
- Added dipole equatorial plane rendering.
- Removed optical depth->opacity ring rendering - just solid with a settable opacity.
- Changed discrete ring rendering to use lines rather than meshes.
Version 0.4 - 2019-08-20 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Fixed scroll bar error.
- Added options to modify colours of different items.
- Added planetary ring rendering.
- Added orthographic camera and option to switch between orthographic and perspective views.
- Added build step which constructs a function for translating between ring optical depth and rendering opacity.
Version 0.31 - 2019-08-16 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Fixed labelling error in Uranus solstices.
- Fixed GUI update error.
Version 0.3 - 2019-08-16 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Added code to capture SVG version of onscreen image. Opens a new browser window with a textarea containing the SVG code that can be cut and pasted into a text file and then loaded into Illustrator or Inkscape.
- Clarified distinction between the north and south pole (according to the IAU definition; NB the north pole is the pole that lies in the same hemisphere off the ecliptic as Earth's north pole) and the rotational pole of the planet. Added functionality to reverse the rotation rate (e.g., Uranus counter-rotates relative to the pole).
- Added sprites to highlight the north and south planetographic poles.
Version 0.2 - 2019-08-12 - Chris Arridge [email protected]/Lancaster University
- Added code to visualise specific planets and specific times, with texture mapping and accurate orientations and rotation rates.
- Changed planetary rotation to a real-time model with a speedup factor.
- Added oblique viewing geometry option.
- Added event timings.
- Changed orbital plane rendering to a wireframe, rather than a shaded surface.
- Fixed equatorial plane flickering bug for zero obliquities.
- Added dipole offset as well as dipole orientation.