Author: Katrina Clokie
- set of practices
- collaboration & communication
- automating software delivery
- culture & environment
- rapid/ frequent/ reliable
→ not mentioning tools at all
- CD != DevOps
- CD: software is always production ready
- CD focusses on technical practices
Testing can be done everywhere in the DevOps cycle
Test Strategy Retrospective
Agile Testing Assessment
Skipped. Might be relevant in big orgs, but not where I am right now
build environments on demand
test the pipeline
Bug Bash
Testing in production: Decisions can be deferred, but it needs preparation
- Monitoring info to drive future testing
- monitors and alerts need to be tested
- Test logging: bugs should be determinable from the logs
- production logs can show hidden issues
- "Why and how to test logging" by Matthew Skelton
skipped (AB testing, beta testing)
"Sufficiently advanced monitoring is indistinguishable from Testing"
- Don´t wait for user to interact with a feature, run automated tests to generate events in production.
- Passive and active validation
skipped (Exposure control)
skipped (Installing Apache)
- reduce number of test environments in the development process
- code should pass straight from development environment to the production environment
- Infrastructure Testing
- Tools: Test Kitchen, ServerSpec
- Destructive Testing
- Tools: Netflix Simian Army
Risk workshop → Mitigating risk