C2 is a 2-pin protocol. Any arduino should work to implement the protocol via GPIO. Just need to make sure that the correct pins are mapped for your Arduino. Check the firmware file Arduino Mega or firmware file Arduino Uno and change the pins to map to your device if needed. Currently, it is:
- for Arduino Mega and maps C2D and C2CK to digital pins 2 and 3, respectively.
- for Arduino Uno and maps C2D and C2CK to digital pins 5 and 6, respectively.
Program the firmware to the arduino and connect C2D, C2CK, and GND to your target device.
For RF Bridge RF_Bridge For Test blinking blue Led Blinky Led
You need to have Python installed. Then, install some required python modules.
Use Python 2.7 and Pyserial for flash27.py Version Select a serial speed SeepdFlash27.py
Use Python 3.6 and Pyserial for flash36.py Version Select a serial speed SeepdFlash36.py
Version executable Windows standalone flash27_EXE.zip)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Programming one target.
python flash.py <serial-port> <firmware.hex>
Example for Linux:
flash27.py /dev/ttyACM0 RF_Brige.hex
sudo flash27.py /dev/ttyACM0 RF_Brige.hex
Example for Windows: python flash27.py COM8 RF_Bridge.hex
python SeepdFlash27.py Com8 1000000 RF_Bridge.hex
Unzip the ZIP archive flash27_EXE.zip.
flash27.exe com8 f:\test\RF_Bridge.hex
- Some modules need sudo on some systems
Edit the following lines: In the Python program modify the following line to switch to a speed of 115200baud / sec:
self.ser = serial.Serial (com, 115200, timeout = 1)
In the program of your Arduino:
Serial.begin (115200);