In order to modify flags, you must access chrome://flags
- #block-insecure-private-network-requests
- #clear-cross-site-cross-browsing-context-group-window-name
- #disable-process-reuse
- When enabled, out-of-process iframes will not try to reuse compatible processes from unrelated tabs, which might decrease performance.
- The flag is force-enabled in command-line flags, due to it is hidden in MS Edge(://flags)
- #disallow-doc-written-script-loads
- Enabling it breaks
- If you use Brave Browser with Fingerprinting blocking Strict, just enable the flag
- Enabling it breaks
- #dns-https-svcb
- #enable-browsing-data-lifetime-manager
- #enable-isolated-sandboxed-iframes
- #enable-web-bluetooth-new-permissions-backend
- Go to
and disable the permission - On Android, Go to Settings → Site Settings → Bluetooth → disable the permission
- Go to
- #enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns
- #enable-webview-tag-site-isolation
- #encrypted-client-hello
- #isolate-origins
- #partitioned-cookies
- #reduce-user-agent
- #reduce-user-agent-minor-version
- #reduce-user-agent-platform-oscpu
- #strict-origin-isolation
- #third-party-storage-partitioning
- #use-dns-https-svcb-alpn
- #clipboard-unsanitized-content
- #enable-async-dns
- #enable-fenced-frames
- #enable-first-party-sets
- #enable-generic-sensor-extra-classes
- #enable-prerender2
- #enable-webrtc-remote-event-log
- #enable-webusb-device-detection
- #enable-winrt-geolocation-implementation
- You might need to enable it for Maps
- #fedcm
- #file-handling-api
- #font-access
- #full-user-agent
- #media-router-cast-allow-all-ips
- #sameparty-cookies-considered-first-party
- #show-autofill-type-predictions
- #system-keyboard-lock
- #trust-tokens
- #use-first-party-set
- #web-bundles
- #web-share
- #web-sql-access
- #download-bubble, #download-bubble-v2
- If you prefer MS Edge's download bubble style, then enable it, yet it might not be stable
- #enable-force-dark
- Personal preference
- #enable-tab-audio-muting
- #extensions-menu-access-control
- #global-media-controls-modern-ui
- #scrollable-tabstrip
- #sharing-desktop-screenshots
- #sharing-desktop-screenshots-edit
- #side-panel-improved-clobbering
- #unified-side-panel
- #in-product-help-demo-mode-choice
- #smooth-scrolling
- #username-first-flow
- #username-first-flow-fallback-crowdsourcing
- #username-first-flow-filling
- #align-wakeups
- #back-forward-cache - Enabled force caching all pages (experimntal)
- Make sure you are using command line flags
- #calculate-native-win-occlusion
- #enable-drdc
- #enable-parallel-downloading
- #enable-quic
- #enable-throttle-display-none-and-visibility-hidden-cross-origin-iframes
- #enable-vulkan - Disabled, due to causing completely black web pages and making browsers laggy
- This flag is enabled by default on some/most devices
- If you don't experience the same problem, keep this flag default
- #enable-webassembly-lazy-compilation
- This flag is placebo when JITLess mode and/or Strict Security mode in MS Edge are activated
- #overlay-strategies - Occluded and unoccluded buffers (single-fullscreen,single-on-top,underlay)
- Use this flag for Skylake or newer
- #quick-intensive-throttling-after-loading
- #subframe-shutdown-delay
- #unthrottled-nested-timeout
These flags are not intented for every device, but worth testing.
Forcing them might be a bad idea. Therefore, before using them, please check out the Problems section by typing chrome://gpu
into the address bar (ignore WebGL errors)
- #enable-gpu-rasterization
- #enable-waitable-swap-chain
- Enabled Max 1 Frame has the lowest delay but is most likely to drop frames, while 3 has the highest delay but is least likely to drop frames.
- #enable-zero-copy
- #ignore-gpu-blocklist
- #use-angle
- According to the flag's description, using the OpenGL driver as the graphics backend may result in higher performance
- D3D11 is used by default; D3D12 may improve performance if you are using Windows 10 1709 or newer.
Note: These are "special flags" for Android. of course, above mentioned flags work too.
- #enable-instant-start - Enabled
- #enable-site-isolation-for-password-sites - Enabled
- #enable-site-per-process - Enabled
- #omnibox-most-visited-tiles - Enabled
- #contextual-search-longpress-resolve - Disabled
- #related-searches - Disabled
Brave Browser
These flags are from Nightly builds, some of them might not be available in other builds.
- #brave-adblock-cname-uncloaking - Enabled
- If you notice DNS leak, disable it
- #brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering - Enabled
- #brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-child-frames - Enabled
- #brave-adblock-csp-rules - Enabled
- #brave-adblock-default-1p-blocking - Enabled
- #brave-block-screen-fingerprinting - Enabled
- #brave-dark-mode-block - Enabled
- #brave-de-amp - Enabled
- #brave-debounce - Enabled
- #brave-domain-block - Enabled
- #brave-domain-block-1pes - Enabled
- #brave-ephemeral-storage - Enabled
- #brave-ephemeral-storage-keep-alive - Enabled
- #brave-extension-network-blocking - Enabled
- #brave-federated - Disabled
- #brave-first-party-ephemeral-storage - Enabled
- #brave-reduce-language - Enabled
- #brave-speedreader - Enabled
- #brave-vertical-tabs - Enabled
- Personal preference; Useful when working with huge amount of tabs
- #restrict-websockets-pool - Enabled
Disable these flags incase you don't use them:
- #brave-ipfs - Disabled
- #brave-news - Disabled
- #native-brave-wallet - Disabled
- #skus-sdk - Disabled
- Brave VPN
Ungoogled Chromium
- #extension-mime-request-handling - Always prompt for install
- #fingerprinting-canvas-image-data-noise - Enabled
- #fingerprinting-canvas-measuretext-noise - Enabled
- #fingerprinting-client-rects-noise - Enabled
- #cleartext-permitted - Disabled
- Disables accessing
- Disables accessing
- #dns-request-partitioning - Enabled
- #num-raster-threads - 4
Edge Chromium
- #edge-automatic-https - Enabled
- Go to
, enableAutomatically switch to more secure connections with Automatic HTTPS
and chooseAlways switch from HTTP to HTTPS (connection errors might occur more often)
- Go to
- #edge-autoplay-user-setting-block-option - Enabled
- Go to
and setControl if audio and video play automatically on sites
- Go to
- #edge-enable-bfcache-features - Enabled
- #edge-global-media-controls - Enabled
- #edge-haptics-api - Disabled
- #edge-launch-timings - Disabled
- #edge-log-textfield-lag - Disabled
- #edge-msb-all-dse - Disabled
- #edge-msb-keyword-mode - Disabled
- #edge-playready-drm-win10 - Disabled
- Needed for Netflix, Spotify, etc.
- #edge-reduce-user-agent-minor-version - Enabled
- #edge-robin - Enabled
- #edge-sdsm-emulate-acg - Enabled
- #edge-show-feature-recommendations - Disabled
- #edge-toast-winrt - Disabled
- #edge-widevine-drm - Disabled
- Needed for Netflix, Spotify, etc.