[2022-05-20 00:00] Add Material-dashboard-react-main (React dashboard library)
- Source: https://github.com/creativetimofficial/material-dashboard-react
- There's a chance of having intrinsic problems (Be cautious of using it)
- To activate it, Go to your file project (material-dashboard-react-main)
- and npm install
- then npm start
[2022-05-29 01:10] Add Metro Map
- Source #1: https://github.com/bumbu/svg-pan-zoom
- Source #2: https://github.com/gogahyun/seoulMetroMiddle
- Now supports zooming & get station name by clicking!
- JQuery used
[2022-05-29 21:43] Fix a Bug
- Clicked element(text) didn't get backed to its original scale after another element is clicked
[2022-06-02 23:43] Clean up & Synchronization
- ✨✨✨✨✨
[2022-06-03 12:21] Update Line 1
[2022-06-16] distribute