diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego b/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
index 2f069611..0496c0f4 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
+++ b/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
@@ -1223,7 +1223,14 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:
- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders are kept in the inbox
+ concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "",
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders",
+ "
+ ""])])
test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V2 if {
@@ -1281,7 +1288,14 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V2 if {
not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Emails with encrypted attachments from untrusted senders are kept in the inbox
+ concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "",
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ "Encrypted attachments from untrusted senders",
+ "
+ ""])])
test_AttachmentSafety_Inorrect_V3 if {
@@ -1334,7 +1348,7 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_Inorrect_V3 if {
-test_AttachmentSafety_Inorrect_V4 if {
+test_AttachmentSafety_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when all settings have no events
PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
Output := tests with input as {
@@ -1355,4 +1369,72 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_Inorrect_V4 if {
"While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
"is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
+test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V5 if {
+ # Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events
+ PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "gmail_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:24.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Attachment safety Encrypted attachment protection setting action"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "Show warning"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Secondary OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:25.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Attachment safety Attachment with scripts protection action"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "Show warning"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Secondary OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:26.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Attachment safety Anomalous attachment protection setting action"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "Move to spam"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Secondary OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
+ concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ "Encrypted attachments from untrusted senders",
+ "
+ "- ",
+ "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders",
+ "
+ "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego b/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
index 19ff1de7..1ac06fac 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
+++ b/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
@@ -2102,7 +2102,17 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Inbound emails spoofing domain names are kept in the inbox
+ concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "",
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ "Inbound emails spoofing similar domain names",
+ "
+ "- ",
+ "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups",
+ "
+ ""])])
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V2 if {
@@ -2197,7 +2207,17 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V2 if {
not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Inbound emails spoofing domain names are kept in the inbox
+ concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "",
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ "Inbound emails spoofing similar domain names",
+ "
+ "- ",
+ "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups",
+ "
+ ""])])
diff --git a/rego/Gmail.rego b/rego/Gmail.rego
index 8fd4ad6c..8c95fe5a 100644
--- a/rego/Gmail.rego
+++ b/rego/Gmail.rego
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
concat("", ["Attachment safety Enable: ",
"protect against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders"]), OU)
count(Events) > 0
@@ -516,44 +516,85 @@ NoSuchEvent5_5 := true if {
count(Events) == 0
-GetFriendlyValue5_5(NewValueA, NewValueB, NewValueC) :=
- "Emails with encrypted attachments from untrusted senders are kept in the inbox"
- if {
- NewValueA == "Show warning"
- } else := "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueB == "Show warning" }
- else := "Emails with anamolous attachements are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueC == "Show warning" }
- else := "Emails flagged by the attachment protection controls are not kept in the inbox"
+ := "Encrypted attachments from untrusted senders"
+ if { NewValueEncryptedAttachment == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+ := "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders"
+ if { NewValueAttachmentWithScripts == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+ := "Emails with anamolous attachements"
+ if { NewValueAnomalousAttachment == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+ NewValueEncryptedAttachment,
+ NewValueAttachmentWithScripts, NewValueAnomalousAttachment
+) := [
+ EncryptedAttachmentMessage(NewValueEncryptedAttachment),
+ AttachmentWithScriptsMessage(NewValueAttachmentWithScripts),
+ AnomalousAttachmentMessage(NewValueAnomalousAttachment)
+ NewValueAttachmentWithScripts, NewValueAnomalousAttachment) := [
+ s | some s in AllDetailedMessageListEmailAttachments(
+ NewValueEncryptedAttachment, NewValueAttachmentWithScripts,
+ NewValueAnomalousAttachment
+ ); s != ""
+ ]
+GetFriendlyValue5_5(NewValueEventEncryptedAttachment, NewValueAttachmentWithScripts,
+ NewValueAnomalousAttachment) := concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "",
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ Value,
+ "
+ ]) | some Value in DetailedMessageListEmailAttachments(NewValueEventEncryptedAttachment,
+ NewValueAttachmentWithScripts,
+ NewValueAnomalousAttachment)]),
+ "
NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue5_5(LastEvent_A.NewValue, LastEvent_B.NewValue, LastEvent_C.NewValue)
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue5_5(LastEventEncryptedAttachment.NewValue,
+ LastEventAttachmentWithScripts.NewValue,
+ LastEventAnomalousAttachment.NewValue)
} if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Attachment safety Encrypted attachment protection setting action", OU)
- count(Events_A) > 0
- LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
+ EncryptedAttachmentEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
+ "Attachment safety Encrypted attachment protection setting action", OU)
+ count(EncryptedAttachmentEvents) > 0
+ LastEventEncryptedAttachment := utils.GetLastEvent(EncryptedAttachmentEvents)
- Events_B := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Attachment safety Attachment with scripts protection action", OU)
- count(Events_B) > 0
- LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
+ AttachmentWithScriptsEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
+ "Attachment safety Attachment with scripts protection action", OU)
+ count(AttachmentWithScriptsEvents) > 0
+ LastEventAttachmentWithScripts := utils.GetLastEvent(AttachmentWithScriptsEvents)
- Events_C := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Attachment safety Anomalous attachment protection setting action", OU)
- count(Events_C) > 0
- LastEvent_C := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_C)
+ AnomalousAttachmentEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
+ "Attachment safety Anomalous attachment protection setting action", OU)
+ count(AnomalousAttachmentEvents) > 0
+ LastEventAnomalousAttachment := utils.GetLastEvent(AnomalousAttachmentEvents)
# OU is non-compliant if any of the following are true
true in [
- LastEvent_A.NewValue == "Show warning",
- LastEvent_B.NewValue == "Show warning",
- LastEvent_C.NewValue == "Show warning"
+ LastEventEncryptedAttachment.NewValue == "Show warning",
+ LastEventAttachmentWithScripts.NewValue == "Show warning",
+ LastEventAnomalousAttachment.NewValue == "Show warning"
tests contains {
"PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
"RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
@@ -566,7 +607,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
"PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_5, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_5},
"RequirementMet": Status,
@@ -1191,15 +1232,18 @@ NoSuchEvent7_6 := true if {
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
} else := true if {
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against spoofing of employee names action"
+ SettingName :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against spoofing of employee names action"
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
} else := true if {
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain action"
+ SettingName :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain action"
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
} else := true if {
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against any unauthenticated emails action"
+ SettingName :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against any unauthenticated emails action"
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
} else := true if {
@@ -1209,63 +1253,98 @@ NoSuchEvent7_6 := true if {
count(Events) == 0
-GetFriendlyValue7_6(NewValueA, NewValueB, NewValueC, NewValueD, NewValueE) :=
- "Inbound emails spoofing domain names are kept in the inbox"
- if {
- NewValueA == "Show warning"
- } else := "Inbound emails spoofing employee names are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueB == "Show warning" }
- else := "Inbound spoofing emails are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueC == "Show warning" }
- else := "Unauthenticated emails are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueD == "Show warning" }
- else := "Unauthenticated emails are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueD == "No action" }
- else := "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups are kept in the inbox"
- if { NewValueE == "Show warning" }
- else := "Emails flagged by the spoofing and authentication controls are not kept in the inbox"
+DomainNamesMessage(NewValueDomainNames) := "Inbound emails spoofing similar domain names"
+ if { NewValueDomainNames == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+EmployeeNamesMessage(NewValueEmployeeNames) := "Inbound emails spoofing employee names"
+ if { NewValueEmployeeNames == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+InboundEmailsMessage(NewValueInboundEmail) := "Inbound emails spoofing your domain name"
+ if { NewValueInboundEmail == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+UnauthenticatedEmailsMessage(NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails) := "Unauthenticated emails"
+ if { NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails in ["Show warning", "No action"] }
+ else := ""
+GroupEmailsMessage(NewValueGroupEmails) := "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups"
+ if { NewValueGroupEmails == "Show warning" }
+ else := ""
+AllDetailedMessages(NewValueDomainNames, NewValueEmployeeNames, NewValueInboundEmails,
+ NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails, NewValueGroupEmails) := [
+ DomainNamesMessage(NewValueDomainNames), EmployeeNamesMessage(NewValueEmployeeNames),
+ InboundEmailsMessage(NewValueInboundEmails), UnauthenticatedEmailsMessage(NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails),
+ GroupEmailsMessage(NewValueGroupEmails)
+ ]
+DetailedMessageList(NewValueDomainNames, NewValueEmployeeNames, NewValueInboundEmails,
+ NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails, NewValueGroupEmails) := [s | some s in
+ AllDetailedMessages(
+ NewValueDomainNames, NewValueEmployeeNames, NewValueInboundEmails,
+ NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails, NewValueGroupEmails
+ ); s != ""]
+GetFriendlyValue7_6(NewValueDomainNames, NewValueEmployeeNames, NewValueInboundEmails,
+ NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails, NewValueGroupEmails) := concat("", [
+ "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
+ "",
+ concat("", [concat("", [
+ "- ",
+ Value,
+ "
+ ]) | some Value in DetailedMessageList(NewValueDomainNames, NewValueEmployeeNames,
+ NewValueInboundEmails, NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails, NewValueGroupEmails)]),
+ "
NonCompliantOUs7_6 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue7_6(LastEventA.NewValue, LastEventB.NewValue, LastEventC.NewValue,
- LastEventD.NewValue, LastEventE.NewValue)
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue7_6(LastEventDomainNames.NewValue, LastEventEmployeeNames.NewValue,
+ LastEventInboundEmails.NewValue, LastEventUnauthenticatedEmails.NewValue,
+ LastEventGroupEmails.NewValue)
} if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- SettingA := concat("", [
+ DomainNamesSetting := concat("", [
"Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against domain spoofing based on ",
"similar domain names action"
- EventsA := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingA, OU)
- LastEventA := utils.GetLastEvent(EventsA)
+ DomainNamesEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, DomainNamesSetting, OU)
+ LastEventDomainNames := utils.GetLastEvent(DomainNamesEvents)
- SettingB := "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against spoofing of employee names action"
- EventsB := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingB, OU)
- LastEventB := utils.GetLastEvent(EventsB)
+ EmployeeNamesSetting :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against spoofing of employee names action"
+ EmployeeNamesEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, EmployeeNamesSetting, OU)
+ LastEventEmployeeNames := utils.GetLastEvent(EmployeeNamesEvents)
- SettingC := "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain action"
- EventsC := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingC, OU)
- LastEventC := utils.GetLastEvent(EventsC)
+ InboundEmailsSetting :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain action"
+ InboundEmailsEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, InboundEmailsSetting, OU)
+ LastEventInboundEmails := utils.GetLastEvent(InboundEmailsEvents)
- SettingD := "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against any unauthenticated emails action"
- EventsD := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingD, OU)
- LastEventD := utils.GetLastEvent(EventsD)
+ UnauthenticatedEmailsSetting :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against any unauthenticated emails action"
+ UnauthenticatedEmailsEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, UnauthenticatedEmailsSetting, OU)
+ LastEventUnauthenticatedEmails := utils.GetLastEvent(UnauthenticatedEmailsEvents)
- SettingE := concat("", [
+ GroupEmailsSetting := concat("", [
"Spoofing and authentication safety Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing ",
"your domain action"
- EventsE := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingE, OU)
- LastEventE := utils.GetLastEvent(EventsE)
+ GroupEmailsEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, GroupEmailsSetting, OU)
+ LastEventGroupEmails := utils.GetLastEvent(GroupEmailsEvents)
# OU is non-compliant if any of the following are true
true in [
- LastEventA.NewValue == "Show warning",
- LastEventB.NewValue == "Show warning",
- LastEventC.NewValue == "Show warning",
- LastEventD.NewValue == "Show warning",
- LastEventD.NewValue == "No action",
- LastEventE.NewValue == "Show warning"
+ LastEventDomainNames.NewValue == "Show warning",
+ LastEventEmployeeNames.NewValue == "Show warning",
+ LastEventInboundEmails.NewValue == "Show warning",
+ LastEventUnauthenticatedEmails.NewValue == "Show warning",
+ LastEventUnauthenticatedEmails.NewValue == "No action",
+ LastEventGroupEmails.NewValue == "Show warning"
@@ -1284,7 +1363,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
"PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_6, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_6},
"RequirementMet": Status,
@@ -1334,7 +1413,8 @@ tests contains {
if {
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
+ SettingName :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, SettingName)
count(Events) == 0
@@ -1348,7 +1428,8 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
+ SettingName :=
+ "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, SettingName)
count(Events) > 0
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_7) == 0