This is a sample application of a bank. It uses the following features available in Azure Confidential Ledger to showcase a widely used banking scenario.
- Custom roles
- Custom actions and RBAC.
- Multiple Authentication schemes.
A bank system that can be run by multiple users with different roles.
This application provides a REST API with the following endpoints:
- Create account for a bank account holder.
- It can be called by users with manager role.
- Status code for successful calls: 204
- Deposit money.
- It can be called by users with manager and teller role.
- Example request body:
{ "value" : 100 }
- Status code for successful calls: 204
- Check balance.
- It can be called by users with manager and teller role.
- Example response: Status code 200 with body
{ "balance" : 100 }
- Transfer money from an account to another account.
- It can be called by users with manager and teller role.
- Example request body:
{ value : 100, account_name_to: 'accountA' }
- Status code for successful calls: 204
In this scenario, the bank has 2 employees with different roles. They are 'manager' and 'teller'. Scenario is the following:
- Manager adds 2 accounts, namely account1 and account2.
- Manager deposits 100 into account1.
- Teller transfers 40 into account2.
- Manager (or teller) checks the balance in account1. It should be 60.
- Teller (or manager) checks the balance in account2. It should be 40.
title Diagram of adding user in the demo
participant Manager
participant Teller
participant CCF Network
Manager->>+CCF Network: Create account1
Manager->>+CCF Network: Create account2
Teller->>+CCF Network: Deposit 100 into account1
Note over CCF Network: account1: 100
Note over CCF Network: account2: 0
Teller->>+CCF Network: Transfer 40 from account1 to account2
Note over CCF Network: account1: 60
Note over CCF Network: account2: 40
Manager->>+CCF Network: Check balance
CCF Network-->>account1: Balance: 60
Teller->>+CCF Network: Check balance
CCF Network-->>account2: Balance: 40
The banking application also has a suite of tests that run in an Azure Confidential Ledger(ACL) instance; please ensure you are logged into the Azure subscription where the ACL instance will be deployed.
cd banking-app
make test