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Releases: clauderic/dnd-kit

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

08 Jun 17:03
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Minor Changes

  • d39ab11 #316 Thanks @lsit! - Added ability to optionally return screen reader announcements onDragMove.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

01 Jun 15:34
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Minor Changes

  • 68960c4 #295 Thanks @akhmadullin! - @dnd-kit/core is now a peerDependency rather than a dependency for other @dnd-kit packages that depend on it, such as @dnd-kit/sortable and @dnd-kit/modifiers. This is done to avoid issues with multiple versions of @dnd-kit/core being installed by some package managers such as Yarn 2.

Patch Changes

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

01 Jun 15:34
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Minor Changes

  • 68960c4 #295 Thanks @akhmadullin! - @dnd-kit/core is now a peerDependency rather than a dependency for other @dnd-kit packages that depend on it, such as @dnd-kit/sortable and @dnd-kit/modifiers. This is done to avoid issues with multiple versions of @dnd-kit/core being installed by some package managers such as Yarn 2.

Patch Changes

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

01 Jun 15:34
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Patch Changes

  • ae398de Thanks @clauderic! - Allow setting an optional id prop on DndContext to fix a warning during server-side rendering (especially in Next.js). By default, this id is autogenerated and can lead to a mismatch between the server- and client-side rendered HTML. We also avoid this mismatch by rendering the Accessibility component only after everything else was initially mounted on the client.

  • 8b938ce Thanks @clauderic! - Hide the node in the overlay after the drop animation is finished. This prevents some flickering with React concurrent mode.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

12 May 02:08
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Patch Changes

  • 0ff788e #246 Thanks @inokawa! - DragOverlay component now passes down style prop to the wrapper element it renders.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

02 May 00:38
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Patch Changes

  • 54c8778 #225 Thanks @clauderic! - Updated the active rects type to ViewRect (was previously incorrectly typed as LayoutRect)

  • 2ee96a5 #243 Thanks @py-wai! - Update regex used in isScrollable, to consider element with overflow: overlay as a scrollable element.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

21 Apr 03:15
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Patch Changes

  • f9ec28f #217 Thanks @clauderic! - Fixes a regression introduced with @dnd-kit/[email protected] that was causeing sensors to stop working after a drag operation where activation constraints were not met.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

20 Apr 02:23
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Major Changes

  • a9d92cf #174 Thanks @clauderic! - Distributed assets now only target modern browsers. Browserlist config:

    last 2 version
    not IE 11
    not dead

    If you need to support older browsers, include the appropriate polyfills in your project's build process.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

20 Apr 20:06
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Patch Changes

  • a178857 #214 Thanks @clauderic! - Ensure that consumer defined data passed to useSortable is passed down to both useDraggable and useDroppable.

    The data object that is passed to useDraggable and useDroppable within useSortable also contains the sortable property, which holds a reference to the index of the item, along with the containerId and the items of its parent SortableContext.

@dnd-kit/[email protected]

20 Apr 02:23
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Major Changes

  • a9d92cf #174 Thanks @clauderic! - Distributed assets now only target modern browsers. Browserlist config:

    last 2 version
    not IE 11
    not dead

    If you need to support older browsers, include the appropriate polyfills in your project's build process.

Minor Changes

  • b7355d1 #207 Thanks @clauderic! - The data argument for useDraggable and useDroppable is now exposed in event handlers and on the active and over objects.

    Example usage:

    import {DndContext, useDraggable, useDroppable} from '@dnd-kit/core';
    function Draggable() {
      const {attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform} = useDraggable({
        id: 'draggable',
        data: {
          type: 'type1',
      /* ... */
    function Droppable() {
      const {setNodeRef} = useDroppable({
        id: 'droppable',
        data: {
          accepts: ['type1', 'type2'],
      /* ... */
    function App() {
      return (
          onDragEnd={({active, over}) => {
            if (over?.data.current.accepts.includes( {
              // do stuff

Patch Changes