- Ruby 2.3.3 downloaded from https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/ or using operating system package manager
- Latest version of bundler installed via
gem install bundler
inside of your Ruby 2.3 install - sqlite3 for a development database (https://sqlite.org/download.html)
- Version of pry for a good REPL experience (via
gem install pry
) rails new sample_app
to confirm basic gem setup succeeds.- RubyInstaller DevKit if Windows users run into trouble with a Rails setup: http://rubyinstaller.org/add-ons/devkit/
- A programmer's text editor: Atom, VSCode, Sublime, TextMate, Vim, Emacs, etc. Did you want the hour by hour schedule for the website as well?
- Codenvy.io workspaces to be configured and distributed by instructors before the start of course.
gem install pry
gem install rb-readline