- Install java and python
- Install python dependencies
pip install --user py4j
- Download corese-library-python-4.5.0.jar
- Place in the same directory
and your codemyCode.py
- Run with
python myCode.py
Python script template:
import atexit
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
# Start java gateway
java_process = subprocess.Popen(
['java', '-jar', '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8', 'corese-library-python-4.5.0.jar'])
gateway = JavaGateway()
# Stop java gateway at the enf od script
def exit_handler():
print('\n' * 2)
print('Gateway Server Stop!')
# Type your code here #
Here is an example of a python script that shows how to :
- Build a graph by program (Corese API);
- Execute a SPARQL query;
- Load a graph from a file;
- Export a graph to a file.
import atexit
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
# Start java gateway
java_process = subprocess.Popen(
['java', '-jar', '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8', 'corese-library-python-4.5.0.jar'])
gateway = JavaGateway()
def exit_handler():
# Stop java gateway at the enf od script
print('\n' * 2)
print('Gateway Server Stop!')
# Import of class
Graph = gateway.jvm.fr.inria.corese.core.Graph
Load = gateway.jvm.fr.inria.corese.core.load.Load
Transformer = gateway.jvm.fr.inria.corese.core.transform.Transformer
QueryProcess = gateway.jvm.fr.inria.corese.core.query.QueryProcess
RDF = gateway.jvm.fr.inria.corese.core.logic.RDF
# Build Graph #
def BuildGraphCoreseApi():
"""Build a graph with a single statement (Edith Piaf is a singer) with the Corese API
:returns: graph with a single statement (Edith Piaf is a singer)
corese_graph = Graph()
# NameSpace
ex = "http://example.org/"
# Create and add statement: Edith Piaf is an Singer
edith_Piaf_IRI = corese_graph.addResource(ex + "EdithPiaf")
rdf_Type_Property = corese_graph.addProperty(RDF.TYPE)
singer_IRI = corese_graph.addResource(ex + "Singer")
corese_graph.addEdge(edith_Piaf_IRI, rdf_Type_Property, singer_IRI)
return corese_graph
# Sparql #
def sparqlQuery(graph, query):
"""Run a query on a graph
:param graph: the graph on which the query is executed
:param query: query to run
:returns: query result
exec = QueryProcess.create(graph)
return exec.query(query)
# Load / Export #
def exportToFile(graph, format, path):
"""Export a graph to a file
:param graph: graph to export
:param format: format of export
:param path: path of the exported file
transformer = Transformer.create(graph, format)
def load(path):
"""Load a graph from a local file or a URL
:param path: local path or a URL
:returns: the graph load
graph = Graph()
ld = Load.create(graph)
return graph
# Main #
def printTitle(title):
title = "== " + title + " =="
border = "=" * len(title)
print("\n" * 2)
# Build a graph with the Corese API
printTitle("Build a graph with the Corese API")
graph = BuildGraphCoreseApi()
print("Graph build ! (" + str(graph.size()) + " triplets)")
print("\nPrint Graph:")
# SPARQL Query
printTitle("SPARQL Query")
graph = load(
print("Graph load ! (" + str(graph.size()) + " triplets)")
# List of U2 albums
query = """
prefix : <http://stardog.com/tutorial/>
SELECT ?member
?The_Beatles :member ?member
map = sparqlQuery(graph, query)
print("\nQuery result ! (List of members of bands \"The Beatles\"): ")
# Load / Export
printTitle("Load / Export")
graph = load(
print("Graph load ! (" + str(graph.size()) + " triplets)")
path_export_file = "export.rdf"
exportToFile(graph, Transformer.RDFXML, path_export_file)
print("Graph Export in file (" + path_export_file + ")")
Results :
Gateway Server Started
== Build a graph with the Corese API ==
Graph build ! (1 triplets)
Print Graph:
predicate rdf:type [1]
00 kg:default <http://example.org/EdithPiaf> rdf:type <http://example.org/Singer>
== SPARQL Query ==
Graph load ! (28 triplets)
Query result ! (List of members of bands "The Beatles"):
01 ?member = <http://stardog.com/tutorial/John_Lennon>;
02 ?member = <http://stardog.com/tutorial/Paul_McCartney>;
03 ?member = <http://stardog.com/tutorial/Ringo_Starr>;
04 ?member = <http://stardog.com/tutorial/George_Harrison>;
== Load / Export ==
Graph load ! (28 triplets)
Graph Export in file (export.rdf)
Gateway Server Stop!
: port of the java gateway server (default: 25333).-c
: path of the Corese config file, (See a example on GitHub).